<div dir="ltr">As was decided during the August ALT Conference, we will be issuing open calls for volunteers and nominations for several ALT committees and officers. In November we will hold an election to fill three positions on the Executive Committee and four positions on the Linguistic Typology Editorial Board. We encourage members to volunteer for positions they are interested in, and/or nominate others. <br>
<br>The slate for the ballot is drawn up by the Nominating Committee, so nominations and self-nominations that result from this call will be considered by the Nominating Committee together with their existing pool of candidates, and the nominees that come from considering both sets will be on the ballot.<br>
<br>For both the Executive Committee and the Editorial Board, candidates should be beyond the junior stage in their careers and should have some relevant experience or background. E.g. for Executive Committee these might be service on other ALT committees, service in other professional societies, university or other institute service, other forms of leadership, good sense of ongoing developments in typology and in linguistics more generally, wide circle of contacts and collaborators. For the Editorial Board, a fair amount of experience as reviewer for journals, expert grasp of their own field, high standards, diplomacy. For both, a strong scholarly record is a plus. Good organization, ability to handle email well and promptly, etc. are important for both and essential for the Editorial Board.<br>
<br>Both Executive Committee and Editorial Board members serve staggered four-year terms.<br><br>Here are quick descriptions of the duties of both:<br><br>Executive Committee: Runs the Association. Discusses and decides on all matters of governance (examples: bids to host an upcoming ALT meeting are submitted to the EC, which debates the pros and cons and makes a decision; the poll of members that you responded to last winter was discussed, edited, and approved by the EC; incorporating the poll results into the running of ALT is part of the current agenda). The EC does most of its work by email; we meet at the ALT Conference. There is, alas, no pay for EC members and no funding for them to attend the EC meeting at the conference. Serving on this committee gives you a chance to determine the future direction taken by ALT and influence the development of typology more generally. <br>
The EC has six elected members plus, ex officio, the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Editor.<br><br>Editorial Board: The members are associate editors. For every paper submitted to LT, one board member has primary responsibility: choosing reviewers, contacting them, maintaining contact with them, sending reminders as necessary, etc. When the reviews are all in, the responsible board member summarizes the reviews and makes a recommendation. The entire Editorial Board then discusses the paper and the reviews and decides whether or not to accept the paper. Editorial Board members also referee papers (generally one board member reviews each submitted paper). The Board also discusses and decides on all questions of editorial policy and journal management policy. (This is all done by email.) Serving on the Board takes time but is very rewarding: it gives you a unique opportunity to keep abreast of current developments across the whole of typology, get a sense of where the field is going, and have impact on the development of typology and publication standards in the field. It generally enhances your skills as author and grant proposal writer.<br>
<br>How to nominate or volunteer: Send an email to <<a href="mailto:altnominations@gmail.com">altnominations@gmail.com</a>>. There's no format for this email, except that of course the nominee's name and your name (both in full) are essential and a few words about why you suggest this individual would be very helpful. More than one person can go together to nominate someone; and one email can nominate more than one person. If you just want to volunteer generically for either position, or if you want to bring someone good to the attention of the Nominating Committee without specifying which position to nominate them for, that's also welcome. <br>
<br>DEADLINE for nominations and volunteers: Friday, Nov. 1.<br><br>A word about procedures: The Nominating Committee consists of Denis Creissels, chair, and Rachel Nordlinger, Heriberto Avelino, Balthasar Bickel. In the interest of checks and balances and preventing cliques and cabals, the Nominating Committee works entirely independently, drawing up the list of candidates without consultation with the officers or Executive Committee. Your nominations will be read by them and not by the EC or officers.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>Johanna Nichols<br>President, ALT<br></div>