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<div style="direction:ltr; font-family:Tahoma; color:#000000; font-size:10pt"><b>Call for abstracts
</b>(Apologies for cross-posting)<br>
<b>Affectedness Workshop 2015</b><br>
Short Title: AW2015 <br>
Date: 13-Aug-2015 - 14-Aug-2015 <br>
Location: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore<br>
Contact: Joanna Sio <br>
Contact Email: ussio at ntu.edu.sg <br>
Meeting URL: http://affectednessworkshop2015.yolasite.com/ <br>
Linguistic Field(s): Language Documentation; Semantics; Syntax <br>
Meeting Description: <br>
“Affectedness” is concerned with the way and the degree in which an object changes as a result of the action described by the verb. Sensitivity to affectedness is detected in many typologically distinct languages (e.g. Sino-Tibetan, Austronesian, Japanese,
Papuan, and Indo-European, Sign languages, etc.) and manifested in different ways including but not limited to lexical differentiation, case marking, verbal inflection, voice system as well as various grammatical constructions.
Affectedness Workshop 2015 invites abstracts on the following themes: (i) The manifestation of affectedness in natural languages (ii) The nature of the scale in the measurement of affectedness (a universal scale? Multiple scales?) (iii) Classification of verbs
with respect to affectedness effects, rigidity of such classification and the possibility of shifting between classes (e.g., by morpho-syntactic marking).<br>
Affectedness Workshop 2015 is part of the program of the 22nd International Conference on HPSG. The HPSG conference is the major conference for research on unification-based grammars, and brings in a wide range of linguistics working on not just syntax, but
also semantics, pragmatics and typology. This collaboration aims to bring a wider audience to the issue of affectedness and gain insight of the phenomenon across various sub-fields.
For more information, please check: <br>
http://affectednessworkshop2015.yolasite.com/ <br>
František Kratochvíl<br>
Linguistics and Multilingual Studies<br>
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore<br>
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