Apologies for cross-posting<br><br>
We would like to announce the release of <br><br>
<b>HoDeL - </b>The <i>Homeric Dependency Lexicon, </i>a free-access
resource that allows searching for Homeric verbal entries and their
dependents. <br><br>
HoDel as been produced at the Department of Humanities (Linguistics
section) of the University of Pavia, and can be accessed at<br>
<a href="http://studiumanistici.unipv.it/hodel/" eudora="autourl">
</a>We will appreciate any comments from users!<br><br>
Silvia Luraghi<br>
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Sezione di Linguistica <br>
Università di Pavia<br>
Strada Nuova 65<br>
I-27100 Pavia<br>
telef.: +39-0382-984685<br>
fax: +39-0382-984487<br>
<a href="http://lettere.unipv.it/diplinguistica/docenti.php?&id=68" eudora="autourl">