<div dir="ltr">Applications are invited for
positions of <span class="gmail-il">postdoctoral</span> researcher at the Department of Languages and
Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa (<span class="gmail-il">LLACAN</span>), CNRS. Successful applicants
will work in a team on a project “Discourse reporting in African
storytelling†(PI: Tatiana Nikitina). They will be expected to conduct
fieldwork collecting traditional narratives, develop an annotated corpus
of narrative texts, analyze selected aspects of these texts, and
collaborate with other members of the team on theoretical issues related
to the encoding of reported discourse. Each researcher will focus on
data from one particular African language or a Turkic language spoken in
Russia. A more detailed description of the project <span class="gmail-il">can</span> be found at <a href="https://sites.google.com/view/speechreporting/home" target="_blank">https://sites.google.com/view/<wbr>speechreporting/home</a>.<br><br>The
positions are for two years, and the start date is negotiable.
Applicants should hold a PhD in Linguistics or Anthropology (or expect
to have successfully defended prior to the position start date). They
should be willing to conduct extensive fieldwork and do collaborative
research in a team setting. All theoretical backgrounds are welcome.
Prior fieldwork experience and/or expertise in corpus building will be
an advantage. Knowledge of French is not required (unless you are
planning to work on a language spoken in francophone Africa).<br><br>The
positions are funded by a grant from the European Research Council
(ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme (grant agreement No 758232). The researchers will be
affiliated with CNRS, a leading research institution in France. They
will be integrated into <span class="gmail-il">LLACAN</span>, a vibrant community of scholars
committed to world class research. <span class="gmail-il">LLACAN</span> is conveniently located in the
southern suburbs of Paris (reachable by metro and other public
transport). Further information about the department <span class="gmail-il">can</span> be found at <a href="http://llacan.vjf.cnrs.fr/index_en.php" target="_blank">http://<span class="gmail-il">llacan</span>.vjf.cnrs.fr/inde<wbr>x_en.php</a>.<br><br>Applicants should submit a single .pdf file containing the following items:<br>- a cover letter;<br>- a curriculum vitae;<br>- a brief statement of research plans (up to 2 pages);<br>- up to two publication samples or recent drafts;<br>-
the names of three referees who are familiar with the applicant’s
research and willing to provide a confidential reference letter upon
request;<br>- for applicants without previous <span class="gmail-il">postdoctoral</span> experience: a
graduate transcript or a brief statement on courses taken during
graduate studies.<br> <br>The review of applications will begin on February 5, 2018.<br><br>Email address for applications:<br><a href="mailto:tatiana.nikitina@cnrs.fr" target="_blank">tatiana.nikitina@cnrs.fr</a><br>(please include “<span class="gmail-m_-1472445521951370gmail-m_-2530060390211604579m_-9145603435181646888gmail-il"><span class="gmail-il">postdoc</span></span> search†in the subject line)<br><br>Contact information:<br>Tatiana Nikitina<br><a href="mailto:tavnik@gmail.com" target="_blank">tavnik@gmail.com</a></div>