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<p>Dear Iker,<br>
<p>Hebrew is a source for numerous examples of this, many of which
are familiar around the world, though their etymologies may not
be. If you can think of a name that ends with "-el" or "-iah",
chances are it's a SN in which the "-el" or "-iah" bit refers to
God. For example<br>
<p>Daniel < dan-i-el [judge.PAST.3SGM-1SG.OBJ-God] 'God judged
<p>I suspect that you may wish to broaden the definition of SN to
include also clause-like cases involving a "zero" copula, such as</p>
<p>Michael < mi-xa-el [who-like-God] 'Who is like God'</p>
<p>Also, since Hebrew has pronominal marking on the verb, you might
wish also to include forms such as <br>
<p>Isaac < yiṣħak [3SGM.FUT.laugh] 'He will laugh'.<br>
<p>I'll stop here, as I assume that there is a large literature on
this subject.<br>
(Note: for convenience sake, I've provided the transcriptions and
glosses as per Modern Hebrew, though since these names are
Biblical, they should really be represented in Biblical Hebrew.)</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 20/06/2019 19:52, Iker Salaberri
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<div>Dear colleagues, dear fellow typologists,</div>
<div>I'm currently looking for cross-linguistic data on a
specific kind of name: sentential names (SNs), a.k.a. clausal
names, phrasal names and (in their widespread German use) <i>Satznamen</i>.
van Langendonck (2007: 277-278) defines SNs as names
consisting (minimally) of a verbal stem and a noun phrase (NP)
or an adverb, where the NP is either the direct object or the
subject of the verb stem. Here are some examples of SNs I have
found so far:</div>
<div>(1) Shona (East Bantu): <i>Chaitamwarihachirambwi </i>'What
God has done cannot be rejected', from <i>mwari </i>'God'
and the verb root -<i>it </i>'to do' (Mapara 2013: 103)<br>
<div>(2) Basque (Language isolate): <i>Euridakargaina </i>'The
summit which brings rain', from <i>euri </i>'rain' and the
verb root -<i>kar </i>'to bring' (Salaberri 2008: 733)<br>
<div>(3) Warrongo (Pama-Nyungan): <i>Galonggo balban banggarra</i>
'(The place where) mice rolled blue tongue lizard', from <i>galo
</i>'mouse' and <i>balba </i>'to roll' (Tsunoda 2011: 22)<br>
<div>(4) Northwest Sahaptin (Sahaptian): <i>Xátkapsha </i>'Leans
unexpectedly', from <i>tkap</i> 'to lean' and <i>xa</i>-
'unexpectedly' (Hunn 1996: 14)</div>
<div>(5) Mandarin (Sino-Tibetan): <i>Chuán-wén</i> '(The one
who) transmits culture', from <i>chuán </i>'to transmit' and
<i>wén </i>'culture' (Wiedenhof 2015: 92) (sorry if the tone
markers are inaccurate)</div>
<div>(6) Eastern ApurÃmac Quechua (Quechuan): <i>Waqcha kuyaq</i>
'(The one who) esteems the poor', from <i>waqcha </i>'poor'
and <i>kuya</i>- 'to esteem' (Fonseca 2012: 98)</div>
<div>(7) German (Indo-European): <i>Hassdenpflug </i>'Hate the
plow', from <i>hassen </i>'to hate' and <i>Pflug </i>'plow/plough'
(Heintze 1908: 160)<br>
<div>I'm writing to ask for your help in tracking down more
instances of this kind of name: I have found so far that SNs
are common in (subsaharan) Africa, North America and Europe,
in decreasing order, and far less common in Asia, Oceania and
South America. That is why I would be extremely grateful for
any information on SNs in languages from Asia, Oceania and
South America. <span>I would be very grateful for any
pointers to grammars, language descriptions or other
mentions of</span> SNs in the literature.<br>
<div>Fonseca, Gustavo S. 2012.<i> Introducción a un tesoro de
nombres quechuas en ApuriÌmac</i>. Lima: Terra Nuova.</div>
<div>Heintze, Albert. 1908. <i>Die deutschen Familiennamen:
Geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlich</i> (3rd edition).
Halle an der Saale: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses.</div>
<div>Hunn, Eugene. 1996. Columbia Plateau Indian place names:
What can they teach us? <i>Journal of Linguistic Anthropology</i>
6(1). 3-26.</div>
<div>Mapara, Jacob. 2013.<i> Shona sentential names: A brief
overview</i>. Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing.<br>
<div>van Langendonck, Willy. 2007. <i>Theory and typology of
proper names</i>. Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter.</div>
<div>Salaberri, Patxi. 2008. Satznamen direlakoen inguruan:
Erlatibozko perpausetan jatorri duten toponimoak aztergai [On
so-called Satznamen: Investigating toponyms which originate in
relative clauses]. In Xabier Artiagoitia & Joseba A.
Lakarra (eds.), <i>Gramatika jaietan: Patxi Goenagaren omenez</i>,
725-741. Bilbao/Bilbo: University of the Basque Country.</div>
<div>Tsunoda, Tasaku. 2011. <i>A grammar of Warrongo</i>.
Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter.</div>
<div>Wiedenhof, Jeroen. 2015. <i>A grammar of Mandarin</i>.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.</div>
<div>Iker Salaberri</div>
<div>Public University of Navarre<br>
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David Gil
Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
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