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<strong>BOOK SERIES</strong>
<strong>Routledge World Languages</strong>
<strong>About the Series</strong>
<em>Routledge World Languages</em> provides modern and up-to-date basic grammatical descriptions of understudied languages around the world with a particular attention to the minority, the endangered, and the extinct languages. Each volume (25,000-50,000 words) contains a grammar sketch describing particular aspects of the structure (phonology, morphology, and syntax) of a single language as well as sociolinguistic and historical information to complement the overview of that language.
Scholars interested in proposing a book should contact the series editor, Raoul Zamponi, at zamponi_raoul@libero.it and/or Andrea Harthill, senior publisher (Language & Linguistics) at Routledge, at
<a href="https://mail1.libero.it/appsuite/">andrea.hartill@tandf.co.uk</a>. For information on book proposals and publishing with Routledge, please see https://www.routledge.com/our-customers/authors/why-publish-with-us.
Best regards,
Raoul Zamponi