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<p>Dear all,<br>
A friend has asked me if there is any way of determining <span
class="tojvnm2t a6sixzi8 abs2jz4q a8s20v7p t1p8iaqh k5wvi7nf
q3lfd5jv pk4s997a bipmatt0 cebpdrjk qowsmv63 owwhemhu dp1hu0rb
dhp61c6y iyyx5f41">how many languages in the world are
<p><span class="tojvnm2t a6sixzi8 abs2jz4q a8s20v7p t1p8iaqh
k5wvi7nf q3lfd5jv pk4s997a bipmatt0 cebpdrjk qowsmv63 owwhemhu
dp1hu0rb dhp61c6y iyyx5f41">Is there a database with this
information? Has anybody looked into this question?<br>
<p><span class="tojvnm2t a6sixzi8 abs2jz4q a8s20v7p t1p8iaqh
k5wvi7nf q3lfd5jv pk4s997a bipmatt0 cebpdrjk qowsmv63 owwhemhu
dp1hu0rb dhp61c6y iyyx5f41">Best,<br>