8.1819, Books: Language Typology

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Sun Dec 21 15:56:56 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-1819. Sun Dec 21 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.1819, Books: Language Typology

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Anita Huang <anita at linguistlist.org>

Links to the websites of all LINGUIST's supporting publishers are
available at the end of this issue.


Date:  Thu, 18 Dec 1997 14:28:34 +0100 (MET)
From:  Christoph Eyrich <eyrich at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Subject:  New Books: Language Typology

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 18 Dec 1997 14:28:34 +0100 (MET)
From:  Christoph Eyrich <eyrich at zedat.fu-berlin.de>
Subject:  New Books: Language Typology

			   Anna Siewierska


                 1997. 23 x 15,5 cm. XVI, 829 pages
		  Cloth DM 348,- / 288,-* / 118,-**
		Approx. US$ 218.00 / 180.00* / 74.00**
			  ISBN 3-11-015152-9
       Empirical Approaches to Language Typology/EUROTYP 20--1

                Mouton de Gruyter * Berlin * New York

The present volume is the product of five years of collaborative
research carried out by the members of the Constituent Order group of
the European Science Foundation Programme in Language Typology
(EUROTYP). Thanks to the diversity of theoretical backgrounds of the
members of the group, the volume is unique in offering not only a rich
array of language data, but also a variety of perspectives on the
issue of constituent order variation and of the role and nature of
language typology.

Part one of the volume fills an evident gap in the linguistic
literature by presenting descriptive word order surveys of eight
groups of European languages (Celtic, Romance, Germanic, Slavic,
Modern Greek, Uralic, Kartvelian, and Daghestanian) which should
provide a convenient point of departure for any subsequent word order
investigations of the languages of Europe.  The papers comprising part
two of the volume feature analyses of the word order properties of the
languages of Europe from the point of view of the well known
Greenbergian word order variables, the principles and parameters of
Chomskyan generative grammar and processing ease. The volume concludes
with an appendix listing the values of twelve word order variables in
all the languages of Europe.


Contributors * Abbreviations * Anna Siewierska, Introduction * PART I
- WORD ORDER SURVEYS * Maggie Tallerman, Word order in Celtic *
Alfredo R. Arnaiz, An overview of the main word order characteristics
of Romance * Anders Holmberg and Jan Rijkhoff, Word order in the
Germanic languages * Anna Siewierska and Ludmila Uhlirova, An overview
of word order in Slavic languages * Chryssoula Lascaratou, Basic
characteristics of Modern Greek word order * Maria Vilkuna, Word order
in European Uralic * Yakov G. Testelec, Word order in Kartvelian
languages * Yakov G. Testelec, Word order in Daghestanian languages *
Aspects of word order in the languages of Europe * Jan Rijkhoff, Order
in the noun phrase of the languages of Europe * Dik Bakker,
Flexibility and consistency in word order patterns in the languages of
Europe * Beatrice Primus, The relative order of recipient and patient
in the languages of Europe * Anna Siewierska, Variation in major
constituent order; a global and a European perspective * Anders
Holmberg, Word order variation in some European SVO languages: a
parametric approach * Maggie Tallerman, Celtic word order: some
theoretical issues * Yakov G. Testelec, Word order variation in some
SOV languages of Europe * Katalin E. Kiss, Discourse-configuration-
ality in the languages of Europe * John A. Hawkins, Some issues in a
performance theory of word order * Anna Siewierska, Jan Rijkhoff and
Dik Bakker, Appendix - 12 word order variables in the languages of
Europe * Index of authors * Index of languages * Index of subjects

*  When ordering complete EUROTYP series
** Concession for members of ALT
   (for information on ALT see http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/alt)

   US$ prices vary with exchange rate

                            Jack Feuillet


                  1997. 23 x 15,5 cm. XIV, 975 pages
                   Cloth DM 398,- / 338,-* / 138,-**
                Approx. US$ 249.00 / 211.00* / 86.00**
                          ISBN 3-11-015749-7
      Empirical Approaches to Language Typology / EUROTYP 20--2

                 Mouton de Gruyter * Berlin * New York

This volume presents a detailed analysis of problems in the definition
of direct and indirect subjects and objects in European languages.

Ce livre traite de la valence et etudie les actants dans les langues
europeennes. C'est le premier ouvrage de typologie linguistique qui
soit consacre a ces questions dans une aire geographique aussi vaste.

Les notions de sujet, d'objets direct et indirect ou d'attribut sont
familieres a tous ceux qui ont suivi des cours de grammaire a l'ecole.
Mais si on les examine de plus pres, on s'apercoit qu'elles ne sont
pas si faciles a definir, surtout dans les langues peripheriques.
C'est pourquoi cet ouvrage se caracterise a la fois par une reflexion
theorique (approfondissement de l'analyse des fonctions syntaxiques
centrales) et par une description minutieuse des tous les phenomenes
lies a l'actance dans les langues de l'Europe : definition des
actants, etude des divers marquages, constructions impersonelles,
oppositions de diathese, expression de la possession externe, visee
communicative, structures attributive. Le livre comprend egalement des
esquisses typologiques des groupes de langues representes en Europe.

De cette maniere sont definies avec precision des AIRES a l'interieur
de l'espace europeen : a cote d'un noyau central, il y a des zones
peripheriques ou s'estompent les caracteristiques qui ont ete degagees
pour definir un type ``moyen''. En ce sens, ce livre peut servir de
modele methodologique a des etudes ulterieures qui s'appliqueraient a
d'autres aires geographiques.


Preface generale * Liste des contributeurs * Liste des abreviations *
Jack Feuillet, Introduction * Gilbert Lazard, Definition des actants
dans les langues europeennes * Jan Terje Faarlund, Symetrie et
dissymetrie des actants centraux * Georg Bossong, Le marquage
differentiel de l'objet dans les langues d'Europe * Georg Bossong, Le
marquage de l'experient dans les langues d'Europe * Pierre-Yves
Lambert, L'impersonnel * Francesca Fici Giusti, Diathese et voix
marquee dans les langues d'Europe * Karmele Rotaetxe, Constructions
triactancielles et datif * Alain Christol, Marquage oblique des
actants * Ekkehard Koenig et Martin Haspelmath, Les constructions a
possesseur externe dans les langues de'Europe * Jean Perrot, Visee
communicative * Jack Feuillet, Typologie de etre et phrases essives *
Alain Christol, Typologie des langues classiques (latin, grec) * Georg
Bossong, Elements d'une typologie actancielle des langues romanes *
Jan Terje Faarlund, L'actance dans les langues germaniques *
Pierre-Yves Lambert, L'actance dans les langues celtique * Karmele
Rotaetxe, L'actance en basque * Francesca Fici Giusti, Structures
d'actance dans les langues slaves * Jack Feuillet, Typologie des
langues balkanique * Louis Bazin, L'actance en turc * Gilbert Lazard,
Esquisse de typologie actancielle des langues du Caucase * Index des
notions * Index des langues et des dialects

*  When ordering complete EUROTYP series
** Concession for members of ALT
   (for information on ALT see http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/alt)

   US$ prices vary with exchange rate

Mouton de Gruyter                         Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
Postfach 30 34 21                         200 Saw Mill River Road
D-10728 Berlin                            Hawthorne, NY 10532
Germany                                   USA
Fax:   +49 (0)30 26005-351                Fax: +1 914 747-1326
email: mouton at degruyter.de

This and further publications can also be ordered via World Wide Web:


            Publisher's backlists

The following contributing LINGUIST publishers have made their
backlists available on the World Wide Web:

Cascadilla Press:
Cornell University Linguistics Dept:
CSLI Publications:
Holland Academic Graphics (HAG)
Irvine Linguistics Students Association:
John Benjamins:
Kluwer Academic Publishers:
Lawrence Erlbaum:
MIT Working papers in Linguistics:
Mouton de Gruyter
U. of Massachusetts Graduate Linguistics Association:
Oxford UP
Pacific Linguistics:
Summer Institute of Linguistics:

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