8.190, FYI: Fellowship/award/grant deadlines,Slavic

linguist at linguistlist.org linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Feb 7 19:42:09 UTC 1997

LINGUIST List:  Vol-8-190. Fri Feb 7 1997. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 8.190, FYI: Fellowship/award/grant deadlines,Slavic

Moderators: Anthony Rodrigues Aristar: Texas A&M U. <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry: Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>
            T. Daniel Seely: Eastern Michigan U. <seely at linguistlist.org>

Review Editor:     Andrew Carnie <carnie at linguistlist.org>

Associate Editors: Ljuba Veselinova <ljuba at linguistlist.org>
                   Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>
Assistant Editor:  Sue Robinson <sue at linguistlist.org>
Technical Editor:  Ron Reck <ron at linguistlist.org>

Software development: John H. Remmers <remmers at emunix.emich.edu>
                      Zhiping Zheng <zzheng at online.emich.edu>

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

Editor for this issue: Ann Dizdar <ann at linguistlist.org>


Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:00:50 -0500
From:  lsa at lsadc.org (LSA)
Subject:  deadlines

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:41:59 +0200
From:  Uwe Junghanns <uwe at rz.uni-leipzig.de>
Subject:  Slavic Linguistics / New Web Site

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:00:50 -0500
From:  lsa at lsadc.org (LSA)
Subject:  deadlines

Applications (and all supporting materials) for fellowships to the
1997 Linguistic Institute at Cornell are due 11 February 1997.  The
Fellowships Committee relies heavily on the letters of recommendation
in making their decisions.  Please encourage your colleagues to send
their letters in a timely fashion.  Applications can be downloaded
from the LSA Web Page (http://www.lsadc.org) or may be requested from
the Secretariat or the Institute Office at Cornell (http://www.
sce.cornell.edu/CUSS/LSA.html or linginst97 at cornell.edu).  NO
materials will be accepted by fax.

The deadline for nominations for the 1998 Leonard Bloomfield Book
Award is approaching.  Books eligible for the award must be authored
by members of the LSA and must have been published between 1 March
1995 and 28 February 1997.  In general, anthologies will not be
considered, but jointly authored works may be nominated.  Send four
copies of the book to: Leonard Bloomfield Book Award Committee, LSA
Secretariat, 1325 18th St, NW, Suite 211, Washington, DC 20036-6501.
Entries must be received by 1 March 1997.

The National Science Foundation has awarded the LSA a grant to support
travel to the XVI International Congress of Linguists, 20-25 July 1997,
in Paris.  Applications for the grant competition may be requested from
the Secretariat by e-mail (lsa at lsadc.org), telephone, or snail mail.
The deadline for receipt of all materials including letters of
recommendation is 1 April 1997.  NO materials will be accepted by fax.

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  Fri, 7 Feb 1997 11:41:59 +0200
From:  Uwe Junghanns <uwe at rz.uni-leipzig.de>
Subject:  Slavic Linguistics / New Web Site

Sorry if you receive this message more than once.

We are pleased to announce that a new web site has been created,
informing about the meetings and publications of young Slavists,
JungslavistInnen, in the German-speaking countries. Those interested
are invited to visit the site at the following URL:


This is the English version of the homepage as well as a link to the
German version which can be accessed separately as follows:


Please spread the word. We encourage you to create links between our
homepage and any other related ones.

Elisabeth Seitz (Universitaet Tuebingen) & Uwe Junghanns (Universitaet

LINGUIST List: Vol-8-190

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