13.1270, Sum: French Textbooks in General Ling

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Tue May 7 18:25:50 UTC 2002

LINGUIST List:  Vol-13-1270. Tue May 7 2002. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 13.1270, Sum: French Textbooks in General Ling

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            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

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	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

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Date:  Mon, 6 May 2002 17:29:38 +0100
From:  "GBidoric" <gbidoric at postman.dk>
Subject:  Textbooks

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 6 May 2002 17:29:38 +0100
From:  "GBidoric" <gbidoric at postman.dk>
Subject:  Textbooks

Here is a summary of the answers I received following the following posting
on the linguist list : I am looking for French textbooks in general
linguistics and morphosyntax.
The courses I have to teach are aimed at undergraduate students.

a) Could anyone recommend textbooks in French for these two subjects ?
b) What other reading material (French or English) would you recommend
to complement the textbooks ?

Thank you for your help.

Battye Adrian, Hintze Marie-Anne, Rowell Paul (2000) : "The French Language
Today : a linguistic introduction", Routledge.
Brousseau, Anne-Marie et Yves Roberge (2000) Syntaxe et sémantique du
Les Éditions Fides, Montréal. [ISBN 2-7621-2094-2]

Essono : "Précis de linguistique générale"
Glanville Price, The French Language present and past.
Khalifa Jean-Charles (1999) : La Syntaxe anglais aux concours- théorie et
pratique de l'énoncé complexe, Paris, Armand Colin [ISBN 2-200-01849-5]
Léon Pierre , Parth Bhatt and René Baligand "Structure du francais moderne.
Introduction a l'analyse linguistique", (2nd revised edition, 1992),
Canadian Scholars' Press, Toronto [ISBN: 0-921627-95-5]
(first ed. was 1988).

Lodge R. Anthony : French: from dialect to standard.
Rickard Peter : A History of the French Language.
Walter Henriette : L'aventure des langues en occident.
Walter Henriette (1988) : Le francais dans tous les sens. Laffont
Yaguello Maria : "Alice au pays du langage".

Thank you very much.

LINGUIST List: Vol-13-1270

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