14.831, All: FUNd Drive FUN Friday: Percival da Cat and More

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Fri Mar 21 06:12:18 UTC 2003

LINGUIST List:  Vol-14-831. Fri Mar 21 2003. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 14.831, All: FUNd Drive FUN Friday: Percival da Cat and More

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U.<aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Dry, Eastern Michigan U. <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org):
	Simin Karimi, U. of Arizona
	Terence Langendoen, U. of Arizona

Home Page:  http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Richard John Harvey <richard at linguistlist.org>
To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at


Date:  21 Mar 2003 05:34:13 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  Roll up, roll up, step right this way...

Date:  21 Mar 2003 04:20:25 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  No Cat is an Island...

Date:  21 Mar 2003 05:43:47 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  The LINGUIST List Cookbook

Date:  Thu, 20 Mar 2003 22:20:07 +0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  How to Donate to LINGUIST and Contributors So Far

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  21 Mar 2003 05:34:13 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  Roll up, roll up, step right this way...

Welcome Dear Linguists,

Yes, it's the day you've all been waiting for, yes ladies and
gentlemen, boys and girls, without further ado it gives me great
pleasure to present the one, the only...........(drum roll)

*** FUNd Drive FUN Friday ***

(trumpets sounding, people clapping and cheering...)

And what FUN do we have in store for you today! As we reach the end of
week three of the LINGUIST List Fund Drive, today is the day that we
get to cheer you up and make you smile - or at least do our very best
to try ;-)

Happy hearts make generous donations as we like to say here at FUNd Drive HQ.

So sit back, put your slippers on and enjoy the show....


- Excuse me, garson, do yo have frog legs?
- Of course.
- Would you please jump to the kitchen and bring me some hummus.

- A termite walks into to a bar and asks: "Where's the bar tender?"

- A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop.

Keep those jokes (and donations) rolling in - Send jokes, particularly
related to food or linguistics, to:

richard at linguistlist.org

If these jokes made you laugh, even a little, please help us with a
small donation. If every one of our 17,000+ subscribers gave us $5,
that would be $85,000 - we only need to raise $50,000.


You can make a donation now at:


For more detailed information about how to donate, see the last
message in this issue or visit:


Have a happy and wonderful Friday and thank you for your support.

-------------------------------- Message 2 -------------------------------

Date:  21 Mar 2003 04:20:25 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  No Cat is an Island...

Percy, that naughty LINGUIST List cat and superbrain behind all that
we do, has sent us another postcard from his travels. If you would
prefer to read this online, and see the photos he has sent us, visit:


We desperatly need Percival back! Without him we do not know how we
are going to reach our fund drive total of $50,000. If he were here,
we know that his shrewd and cunning wit would come up with lots of
ways to inspire you to make a donation. Please tell your friends to
keep a look out for him - he may be in your area as we speak. Print
this poster and put it up where everyone can see it:


And now, for the next installment of this epic tale, read on...


The Continuing Saga of Percival - The LINGUIST List Cat

Postcard 3: No Cat is an Island

Hey peeps,

Percy here, checking in with you guys; I hope all is well on the List
and Fund Drive is doing good.

As you can see from the photo, I decided to head for the sandy beaches
of Cat Island in the Bahamas - and man is life sweet or what! I have
been here for two days already, and I think I could live here for the
rest of my life. The sun, the sea, palm trees, a cold saucer of milk
on the beach at sunset... this is heaven. I tell you after the party I
had in Barcelona I needed some relaxation time. Also, that pesky
detective of yours must have gotten his brain into gear because he
almost caught me - better luck next time guys!

Of course, you know me, I'm never far from the action. Last night me
and a group of laid back island cats decided to spilligate and we sure
did show sef to dem ladies. The fishing here is great, and I'm told
that the diving is second to none. The island also has an amazing
history: did you know that the pirate Arthur Catt was a frequent
visitor here, so I'm not the first delinquent kitty to hide out in
this neck of the woods.

Anyway, must dash now, I'm meeting a very friendly feline who wants to
cook me cuckoo soup, whatever that is. I'd like to tell you that I'll
be home terreckly, but me no tink so.

Percy da Cat.


Help us get Percival back - without him LINGUIST cannot operate! We
have so much work for him to do. Make a donation now to the 'Get Percy
Back Fund' at:


For detailed information about how to make a donation, read the last
message in this issue, or visit:


Percy - come back all is forgiven! You can have the delux kitty
blanket and the grade A catnip no problems!

-------------------------------- Message 3 -------------------------------

Date:  21 Mar 2003 05:43:47 -0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  The LINGUIST List Cookbook

Here's another tasty dish from our new LINGUIST List Cookbook Volume
1. Remember that by making a donation to linguist you get to choose
one of our wonderful gifts, including this cookbook.

Check it out at: http://linguistlist.org/premiums.html

Quick California Rice and Beans - Suzanne Kemmer


- 2-3 tbsp. olive oil
- 1/2 large onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 large poblano pepper, seeded, cut in narrow strips
  and then cross-wise at 1/4 inch intervals
- 16 oz. can peeled Italian tomatoes with juice
- 16 oz. can pinto beans, drained and well rinsed
- 1/3 - 1/2 cup chopped cilantro (one small bunch)
- 1/2 cup grated mild cheddar cheese for garnish
- 1 cup long-grained brown rice
- ca. 1 2/3 cups water
- Salt to taste


Boil water for rice. Add rice and salt, stir, bring to a boil, then
lower heat and cook ca. 40 minutes covered over low heat until water

While rice is cooking, prepare the sauce in a large covered skillet or

1. Sautee onion in olive oil over medium heat until golden.

2. Add garlic and poblano pepper shards, sautee another minute or so
over medium high heat until seared but not too brown. Dribble in more
oil if necessary to keep from sticking to pan.

3. Add tomatoes with juice. Break up and bring almost to boil; let
cook several minutes uncovered over medium high heat, stirring.

4. Add beans. Mix gently and thoroughly and heat through, partially
covered, until piping hot.

5. Fold in chopped cilantro just before serving, reserving a little
for garnish.

6. Serve piled over hot rice with grated cheddar cheese and a bit of
cilantro on top. Serves 2-3 hungry people.

If you would like to get the cookbook, our snazzy new apron or one of
our other gifts, please make a donation at:


Thank you for your support.

-------------------------------- Message 4 -------------------------------

Date:  Thu, 20 Mar 2003 22:20:07 +0000
From:  linguist at linguistlist.org
Subject:  How to Donate to LINGUIST and Contributors So Far

This year we hope to raise $50,000 to support the students who work on
LINGUIST List and keep the list running. Thank you from all the crew
for your support.

The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University
and as such can receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is
a registered 501(c) Non Profit organization.  Our Federal Tax number
is 38-6005986.  These donations can be offset against your federal and
sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers only).  For more
information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your financial advisor.

Many companies also offer a gift matching scheme, such that they will
match any gift you make to a non-profit organization.  Normally this
entails your contacting your human resources department and sending us
a form that the EMU Foundation fills in and returns to your employer.
This is generally a simple administrative procedure that doubles the
value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra
penny. Please take a moment to check if your company operates such a


You can make a contribution by selecting one of three convenient
payment methods: secure credit card form, check, or wire transfer.
You can also PLEDGE your support to LINGUIST and pay later, i.e.  send
in a check. Also, if you do not want to use a credit card, but wish to
pay in a currency other than US Dollars, you can donate via our
European bank account held in Switzerland.  See below for details:


Please make checks payable to 'The LINGUIST List Editorial Support
Fund'.  The address is:

The LINGUIST Editorial Support Fund
Department of English Language and Literature
612 Pray Harrold
Eastern Michigan University
MI, 48197

For details on how to transfer funds by wire, please contact LINGUIST
at the address donate at linguistlist.org. Both an American and a
European bank account are available.

If you would like to make a pledge of support, please go to:


If you have already pledged to LINGUIST and would now like to pay by
credit card, please go to:


and select 'PAY PREVIOUS PLEDGE' as the Type of Payment from the
dropdown list provided.


LINGUIST Contributors

ANGELS ($1000 and over)

  Blackwell Linguist List Plus
  John Benjamins

MAINSTAYS ($100 to $1000)
  Adam Werle
  Akira Yamamoto
  Andrea Schalley
  Arienne M. Dwyer
  Barbara H. Partee
  Benny Lee
  Bernard Spolsky
  Bernd S. Mueller
  Billy Clark
  Brent de Chene
  Carolyn Hartnett
  Catherine Walter
  Dan Slobin
  Donna Christian
  Dr. MJ Hardman
  E. Wayles Browne
  Earl M Herrick
  Elizabeth D. Liddy
  Elizabeth Riddle
  Elliott Moreton
  elly van gelderen
  Ernest N. McCarus
  Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino
  James J.Jenkins
  Jean Ann and Bruce Peng
  jeanette gundel
  John Kingston
  Julie Auger
  Keren Rice
  Laura Wagner
  Linda Rashidi
  Linguistic Society of Hawai'i
  Linguistics Department - Cornell University
  Ljiljana Progovac
  Margaret Winters and Geoff Nathan
  Marianna Pool
  Michael Silverstein
  Michael Swan
  Monica Macaulay, Joe Salmons
  Natasha Warner
  Pam and Allen Munro
  Paul Chapin
  Pauline Jacobson
  Rebecca Larche Moreton
  Robin Thelwall
  Rudolph Troike
  Sally McConnell-Ginet
  Sarah Ross
  Shanley Allen
  Terry Langendoen
  Theo Vennemann
  Tokyo University of Foreign Studies - English Department
  University of Edinburgh- Department of Linguistics
  - Plus 4 anonymous donors

SUPPORTERS ($50 to $100)

  Akira Ishikawa
  Alice Faber
  Anja Wanner
  Anthony Davis
  Astra Ozols
  Ayako Yamagata
  Betty Phillips
  Bonnie D. Schwartz
  Boyd Davis
  Carol A. Klee
  Carolyn Sobel
  Catherine Rudin
  Charles Gribble
  Charles Scott
  Chauncey C. Chu
  Christopher Johnson
  Claus D. Pusch
  Cornelia Tschichold
  Cory R C Sheedy
  Diane Brentari
  Diane Massam, Yves Roberge
  Donna L. Lillian
  Doug Whalen
  Douglas Dee
  Ed McDonald
  Elizabeth Cowper
  Elizabeth T. Blount
  Eugenia Casielles
  F. Dubert
  Gail Stygall
  geoffrey nunberg
  George Aubin
  Gerald McMenamin
  Giancarlo Buoiano
  Henrik Jørgensen
  Humphrey P. van Polanen Petel
  Igor Z. Zagar
  James L. Fidelholtz, Rosa Graciela Montes
  Jeff Kaplan
  Jeff Siegel
  Joana Rosselló
  Josep M. Fontana and Louise McNally
  Joseph F. Eska
  Judy Fuller
  Kate Kearns
  Kathleen M. Ward
  Katy Carlson
  Kurt Gjevnoe
  Languages, Literatures, Linguistics at Syracuse University
  Larry LaFond
  Laura Callahan
  Laura J. Downing
  Laurie Zaring
  Maite Taboada
  Mariko Kondo
  Martha Ratliff
  Mary Bucholtz
  Matt Goldrick
  Meredith Doran
  Meyer, Wolfgang J.
  Mike Cahill
  Neil Olsen
  Northeastern University Linguistics Program
  Pius ten Hacken
  Raffaella Folli
  Ray Hudson
  Richard Hudson
  Robert Englebretson
  Ross Clark
  Sanford Steever
  Scott McGinnis
  Seizi Iwata
  Sharon L. Shelly
  Sharon M. Klein
  Stan Dubinsky
  Stefan Th. Gries
  Stefano Bertolo
  Susan Burt
  Susan Fischer
  Suzanne Pauline Aalberse
  Tadashi Nomoto
  Thor Sigurd Nilsen
  Tim Stowell
  Tom Wasow
  Tomoko Yasutake
  Trudi A. Patterson
  Trudy Smoke
  Veronika Koller
  Virginia LoCastro
  Wannie Carstens (on behalf of School of Languages, Potchefstroom
                   University, South Africa)
  Yi-ching Su
  Zenzi M Griffin
  Zouhair Maalej
  - Plus 8 anonymous donors
DONORS (Up to $50)

  Adrienne Bruyn
  Aimee Johansen Alnet
  Alexander Brock
  Alexis Dimitriadis
  Alice S. Horning
  Amanda LaFleur
  Amanda Seidl
  Andrea G. Osburne
  Anna-Maria De Cesare
  Anne Reboul
  Baden Hughes
  Barbara Need
  Benedetta Bassetti
  Bill Rockenbach
  Brook Danielle Lillehaugen
  Caren Brinckmann
  Carlos Benavides
  Carol Myers Scotton
  Caroline Heycock
  Catherine Kawahata
  Claudia Bubel
  Cynthia Edmiston
  Dafna Graf
  Dan Everett
  Dave Schneider
  David Gaatone
  Deborah Chen Pichler
  Dee Allen-Kirkhouse
  Dirk Noél
  Domahs, Frank
  Don Rubin
  Douglas Lightfoot
  Dr. Melanie Malzahn
  e. van der linden
  Elena Bashir
  Eva Lavric
  Eva Monros
  Gary Holton
  George A. Senf
  Hortensia Cuerll
  Hugo Quene
  Irene Barberia
  Irene Checa-García
  Istvan Kecskes
  Ivano Caponigro
  Jacques Lamarche
  James Lavine
  James M. McCarthy
  Jason Conklin
  Jean Waldman
  Jean-Marc Dewaele
  Jeff Good
  Jila Ghomeshi
  Joan C. Beal
  Job M. van Zuijlen
  Johanna Laakso
  John Halligan
  John Justeson
  John R. te Velde
  Jorge Porras
  Jose Camacho
  Jose-Luis Mendivil
  Joyce McDonough
  Katharine Beals
  Keira Gebbie Ballantyne
  Kent Johnson
  Kristen N. Asplin
  Lan-Hsin Chang
  LECARME Jacqueline
  Line Mikkelsen
  Lisa Davidson
  Lista 'Etnolinguistica'
  Louisa Chiang
  Luis Gonzalez
  Mary Grantham O'Brien
  María, Paula, Santalla, del Río
  Matthew H. Ciscel
  Max W. Wheeler
  Mayrene Bentley
  Meltem Kelepir
  Mengistu Amberber
  Michael Horlick
  Michael L. Mazzola
  Michael Newman
  Michael Parrish Key
  Mikael Parkvall
  Mira Kawaletz
  Morris Salkoff
  Nancy Hall
  Nancy J. Stenson
  Ora Matushansky
  Paul Fallon, Christina Kakava
  Rachael Allbritten
  Rene J. Valdes
  Robert L., Clara B. Trammell
  Robin Shoaps
  Ron Artstein
  Sara Meilijson
  Sarah Cummins
  Sarah Harmon
  Sebastian Ross Hagebaum
  Simone Mueller
  SNEDDON, James
  Stefan Rijnhart
  Steven Donahue Miami-Dade Community COllege
  Susan Fiksdal
  Susanne Bartke
  Suying Hsiao
  Suzette Haden Elgin
  Tania Ionin
  Test Test
  Tomislav Stojanov, Zagreb, Croatia
  Ute Smit
  Viktor Tron
  Vincent De Rooij
  Will Fitzgerald
  Xose L. Regueira
  Z. Bond
  Zaida A. Cintron
  - Plus 21 anonymous donors



  Blackwell Publishing
  Cambridge University Press
  Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd
  John Benjamins
  Kluwer Academic Publishers
  Lincom GmbH
  MIT Press
  Mouton de Gruyter
  Oxford University Press
  Routledge (Taylor and Francis)


  CSLI Publications
  Cascadilla Press
  Evolution Publishing
  Graduate Linguistic Students' Assoc., Umass
  International Pragmatics Assoc.
  Linguistic Assoc. of Finland
  MIT Working Papers in Linguistics
  Multilingual Matters
  Palgrave Macmillan
  SIL International
  St. Jerome Publishing Ltd.
  Utrecht Institute of Linguistics



Bowne Global Solutions
Brigham Young University
Butler Hill Group
California State University, Dominguez Hills
City University of Hong Kong
Computer Science Innovations
Disetronic Medical Systems AG
Idilia Inc.
Indiana University
McGill University
National Tsing Hua University
Rhetorical Systems
Rutgers University
Scansoft Belgium
School of Oriental and African Studies
Seoul National University
The University of Texas at Arlington
University of Alberta
University of Amsterdam
University of Antwerp
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Essex
University of Helsinki
University of Kansas
University of Macau
University of Muenster, Germany
University of Ottawa
University of Rostock
University of South Florida
University of Tilburg
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Université du Québec à  Montréal
Uppsala University
Voice Futures

LINGUIST List: Vol-14-831

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