15.2261, Sum: Revised Sum: IPA Fonts for Mac

LINGUIST List linguist at linguistlist.org
Mon Aug 9 18:12:35 UTC 2004

LINGUIST List:  Vol-15-2261. Mon Aug 9 2004. ISSN: 1068-4875.

Subject: 15.2261, Sum: Revised Sum: IPA Fonts for Mac

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Date:  Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:21:31 +1200
From:  Fay Wouk <f.wouk at auckland.ac.nz>
Subject:  revised summary: IPA fonts for MAC

-------------------------------- Message 1 -------------------------------

Date:  Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:21:31 +1200
From:  Fay Wouk <f.wouk at auckland.ac.nz>
Subject:  revised summary: IPA fonts for MAC

Re: Query (Linguist 15.2196)
    Summary (Linguist 15.2231)

I sent a preliminary summary, but have received so many more replies,
and now have so much information, I thought I should send a revised,
and more complete one.

At this point thanks go to Marc Picard, Francous Lareau, John
McChesney-Young, Megan Mamalis, Malcolm Ross, Gianluca Storto, Richard
Kaminsky, Charles Bigelow, Mike Matloff, Greville G. Corbett, Gabi
Dannon, Nora Wiedenmann, Elizabth J. Pyatt, Christine Villafana, Jurg
Strassler, Matt Goldrick, Peter Constable, Donald Z. Osborn, Kathleen
M. Ward, Susan Lloyd McBurney, Wim Vandenbussche, John Brownie, Peter
T. Daniels, Phaedra Royle, Alain Theriault, Andrew Carnie, Aaron Lee,
Jeffrey Steele, Tom Gewecke, Erik Rasmussen, Susanne Dopke, Sonja
Haffner, Carsten Otto, Graham Shorrocks, Thomas Klein, Barbara Need,
and Douglas Wharram.

There are a number of urls from which free fonts can be downloaded.
One can also, of course, pay for them, but free is better, so I'm only
listing the free ones.

the Linguistlist has a page that connects to a number of fonts,
including the SIL ones and many others, at:

IPA-sam can be found at http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/fonts.htm

SIL's unicode font can  apparently be found at all of the following:

SIL's most recent truetype font (Encore IPA93) can be found at

SIL's older truetype font (Encore IPA) can be found at

IPAPhon can be found at

Not all applications can currently use unicode fonts, and if you want
to use them it appears that you have to master the use of the
character pallet, and font book, in order to find where particular
characters are. It looks complicated, but is apparently the wave of
the future.

In OS X, fonts can be put in two different places, three if you are
also still running classic.

1. If you have administrator privileges, you can install them so that
they are available to all users, by putting them in the fonts folder
in the library folder on your hard drive. This, I think, would be the
preferred option for most people.

2. If you don't have administrator privileges, you can install them
for your own use in the fonts folder in the library folder in your own
home user area.

3. If you are still running classic, you can put them in fonts folder
in the system folder (that is the classic system folder).

There is also, in OS X, another fonts folder, inside the folder
labelled system, but that, I think, is for system uses, not
application uses, and anyway, when I tried to either put something in
or take something out (I forget which), the computer told me I
couldn't do that. So I think it's best to leave that alone unless you
actually know what you are doing.

And if you have a situation like mine, where an OS X application can't
seem to see the newer truetype fonts, for whatever mysterious reason,
it turns out that the solution is to get the older SIL font (Encore
IPA), and put it in the classic system folder.

Again, thanks to all who replied to me.


Dr. Fay Wouk
Senior Lecturer in Linguistics
Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
f.wouk at auckland.ac.nz

LINGUIST List: Vol-15-2261

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