16.843, Review: Socioling: Finegan & Rickford (2004)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-16-843. Sat Mar 19 2005. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 16.843, Review: Socioling: Finegan & Rickford (2004)

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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        Sheila Collberg, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

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Date: 17-Mar-2005
From: Rachel Shuttlesworth < rshuttle at bama.ua.edu >
Subject: Language in the USA 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 15:29:09
From: Rachel Shuttlesworth < rshuttle at bama.ua.edu >
Subject: Language in the USA 

EDITORS: Finegan, Edward; Rickford, John R.
TITLE: Language in the USA
SUBTITLE: Themes for the Twenty-first Century
PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press
YEAR: 2004
Announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/15/15-1807.html

Rachel E. Shuttlesworth, University Libraries, University of Alabama


"Language in the USA: Themes for the Twenty-first Century," edited by 
Edward Finegan and John Rickford, is a collection of short scholarly 
essays that offers an expansive overview of linguistic topics in the USA. 
This volume is an appropriate textbook for upper-level undergraduate and 
graduate courses that address language issues in the USA, but can also 
serve as an approachable introduction for a general audience, as well as a 
concise, current summary and update for linguistics scholars. While one's 
understanding of the text would likely be enriched by some previous 
knowledge of linguistics, "Language in the USA" is written so that little 
or no prior experience is necessary. The chapters maintain a social 
perspective on the subject matter addressed, continuously reminding the 
reader that language cannot be isolated from its societal situations. As 
Geoffrey Nunberg states in his Foreword (xiii-xvi): "the chapters in this 
Language in the USA make clear [that] there is virtually no important 
social issue or cultural development in American life that isn't somehow 
signaled in language" (xv). The creation of this volume was motivated by 
the need to return to issues addressed in the first "Language in the USA" 
(Ferguson and Heath, 1981) as well as developments of the past two 
decades. It is intended to complement, not replace, the seminal 1981 

The book comprises three parts: "American English," "Other Language 
Varieties," and "The Sociolinguistic Situation." Each of its twenty-six 
chapters is introduced by the editors and includes recommended further 


The first section includes six chapters that discuss American English 
varieties, including their histories, features, social variation, and 
methods of their study. 

The first chapter (3-17), "American English: its origins and history," by 
Richard W. Bailey, examines the genesis of American English varieties 
through the lens of settlement history. Bailey demonstrates that the 
American English lexicon comes from a complex social situation, where 
Amerindian, European, and African languages and peoples coexisted. He also 
offers a brief account of early nineteenth century debates regarding the 
value of American English as a marker of national identity. 

In Chapter 2 (18- 38), "American English and its distinctiveness," Edward 
Finegan addresses the actual and perceived differences between American 
and British English varieties. Finegan examines variations in American and 
British pronunciations (represented with the International Phonetic 
Alphabet and pronunciation-based respellings), lexical items, grammar, 
semantics, discourse, and orthography. 

Chapter 3 (39-57), "Regional Dialects," by William A. Kretzschmar, Jr., 
points out the problems with broad generalizations regarding regional 
speech, yet acknowledges that Americans are justified in thinking that 
persons from distinct areas speak English differently. Kretzschmar 
presents historical origins of and linguistic examples from U.S. regional 
dialects using maps and tables, including an explanation of the creation 
and use of these scholarly tools. 

In the fourth chapter (58-75), "Social varieties of American English," 
Walt Wolfram discusses group-based linguistic differences and the value 
judgments that accompany them. Wolfram explains the consensus and conflict 
models of class interaction, as well as the systematic variability of 
dialect features and the distinctions between the sociolinguistic 
terms 'stereotype', 'social marker', and 'social indicator.' 

Chapter 5 (76-91), "African American English" by Lisa Green, discusses 
aspects of African American English (AAE) historical and linguistic 
issues. Green addresses complex issues, beginning with the debates 
regarding the names and origins ascribed to African American English 
(AAE), then moving to the linguistic system of AAE. 

The last essay in Part 1 is Chapter 6 (92- 112) Joan Houston Hall's "The 
Dictionary of American Regional English," (DARE), which offers readers an 
introduction to collecting and classifying instances of linguistic 
variation. Hall describes the DARE methodology, history, and maps, as well 
as the social, age, gender, racial and other patterns made perceptible by 
the DARE findings.

Part 2: "Other Language Varieties" covers issues related to non-English 
languages in the USA. As may be necessary considering the convolution of 
political and linguistic issues in the topics addressed, several of these 
chapters include more of a tone of advocacy than is present in Part 1. 

In Chapter 7 (115-132), "Multilingualism and non-English mother tongues," 
Joshua Fishman dispels popular myths about multilingualism and addresses 
the cultural need for its promotion. Fishman offers numeric data to 
demonstrate how in the USA sidestream (his term for 'non-mainstream') 
cultures and non-English languages are quickly assimilated and he argues 
for national efforts towards proactive multilingualism awareness and 
education, as well as the creation of cultural democracy. 

In Chapter 8 (133-152), "Creole languages: forging new identities," 
Patricia Nichols examines the linguistic situations of the creoles found 
in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Hawai'i and gives general information 
regarding creole formation. The chapter includes sections on Gullah, 
Hawaiian Creole, and Louisiana Creole. For each, its history, features, 
and current circumstances are discussed. 

In Chapter 9 (153-181), "Native American languages," Akira Y. Yamamoto and 
Ofelia Zepeda offer linguistic examples that illustrate the vast diversity 
among Native American languages with regard to concepts such as gender, 
number, animacy, possession, and substance. The authors describe the 
geographical and numeric scope of each language, emphasizing that many of 
these languages face extinction. Also discussed are the history of and 
reasoning behind the USA's discouraging record of oppression of Native 
American cultures and languages, as well as current linguistic 
preservation and rejuvenation efforts by Native American and scholarly 

Ana Celia Zentella writes Chapter 10 (182- 204), "Spanish in the 
Northeast" focusing on the diversity of national origin amongst Spanish 
speakers in the Northeast and their differing receptions, experiences, and 
success levels in USA society. Zentella covers pronunciation and lexical 
variation in Spanish dialects of the Northeast, as well as ongoing changes 
caused by their contact with each other and English. 

In Chapter 11 (205- 229), "Spanish in the Southwest," Carmen Silva-
Corvalán, explores the long history of Spanish in the Southwest. The 
chapter includes discussion of Southwest population figures, the history 
and features of Southwest Spanish, and its relationship to English. The 
author also examines the apparent growth and vitality of Southwest 
Spanish, as well as its dependency on a constant influx of Spanish 
speakers, not on the intergenerational transmission of Spanish 

In Chapter 12 (230-244), "American Sign Language," Ceil Lucas and Clayton 
Valli offer information about signed language in the USA, including the 
challenges faced in the development of ASL and Deaf culture. Lucas and 
Valli also explore ASL features, including vocabulary formation and sign 
structure, as well as other modes of communication used by and with deaf 

In Chapter 13 (245-267), "Asian American voices: language in the Asian 
American community," Thom Huebner and Linda Uyechi give historical 
information and statements from speakers regarding Asian languages in the 
USA and explore the multiplicity of national and linguistic identities 
each group of speakers has brought to the USA. Huebner and Uyechi discuss 
immigration laws, the role of English varieties in building Asian American 
communities and identities, as well as the language-based discrimination 
encountered by Asian Americans, and the differences between Asian and USA 
discourse styles. 

Robert Bayley's Chapter 14 (268-288), "Linguistic diversity and English 
language acquisition," examines the USA's varied linguistic situation, 
debunking many common preconceptions about language in the USA. Bayley 
discusses census data trends, as well as myths and realities regarding the 
cognitive effects of bilingualism. The shift to English by immigrants is 
also examined, as are the classroom and untutored means immigrants use to 
learn English and the social, economic, and personal barriers to their 

Part 3: "The sociolinguistic situation" contains twelve chapters, more 
than the first two parts, and offers glimpses into many areas of language 
in the USA. 

In Chapter 15 (289-304): "Language ideology and language prejudice," 
Rosina Lippi-Green shares examples of the damaging consequences of 
language prejudices and the linguistic myths that function as their 
justification. To do so, she discusses the concept of "standard language 
ideology," and describes her language subordination model, through which 
speakers of stigmatized language varieties are indoctrinated into standard 
language ideology. 

In Chapter 16 (305-318), entitled "Ebonics and its controversy," John 
Baugh examines the history of and topics raised by the 1996 resolution of 
the Oakland, California, School Board regarding Ebonics. Baugh offers 
information regarding the oft-ignored complexity of Ebonics history, 
definitions, and debates, as well as presenting the original and amended 
Oakland declarations, the Linguistic Society of America Resolution 
(largely authored by John Rickford), and other public and scholarly 
reactions to Ebonics. 

Terrence G. Wiley, in Chapter 17 (319-338): "Language planning, language 
policy, and the English-Only Movement," offers an in-depth look at USA 
language policies. He gives an explanatory history of language planning 
and policy decisions and the principles on which they are based, focusing 
on the USA and its monolingual English ideologies. Discussion is also 
given of the current English-Only Movement, including Propositions 227 and 
203 in California and Arizona, as well as of the English-Plus Movement, 
which has arisen in response to monolingual English ideologies.

In Chapter 18 (339-361), "Language in education," Lily Wong Fillmore 
continues to address issues covered by Wiley but with a focus on bilingual 
education. The author addresses the linguistic conflicts that exist in 
American schools and communities, including legal decisions that have 
affected school language use. Particular attention is paid to the changes 
in the status of bilingual education, common arguments against it, and 
substantiated refutations to them. 

Chapter 19 (361-374), "Adolescent language," by Penelope Eckert, examines 
the adolescent life stage, including its origins in industrialized 
societies, its characteristics, and its effects on language use. The 
author notes that adolescent language is often thought of as homogeneously 
careless and casual although it does have systematicity and variation. 

Chapter 20 (375-386), "Slang," by Connie Eble details the ways in which 
slang is formed, often through the appropriation of existing linguistic 
forms, and demonstrates how slang differs from regionalisms, jargon, 
profanity, and colloquialisms. Common characteristics of slang are 
discussed, such as a short life span, informality, association with 
particular social groups, and connections to contemporary cultural trends, 
and its use as a means to project attitudes and identity.

 In Chapter 21 (387-409), "Hip Hop Nation Language," H. Samy Alim 
addresses the linguistic and cultural features of the Hip Hop Nation 
Language (HHNL), including its roots in and relationship to African 
American English and its inherent connection to speakers' social and 
political contexts. Its discursive, musical, and literary characteristics 
are discussed, as are its internal diversity and geographic spread. 

In Chapter 22 (410-429), Mary Bucholtz examines, "Language, gender, and 
sexuality," focusing on the historical trends in their study and the 
conceptual revolution reflected therein. Bucholtz discusses debates over 
sexism in English, the 'difference' versus 'dominance' theories of 
gendered cultures, the growth of studies regarding multicultural speech 
communities, and the trends of study examining the relationship between 
language and sexuality. Bucholtz also addresses new research efforts in 
language, gender, and sexuality studies which focus on agency. 

In Chapter 23 (430-444), "Linguistic identity and community in American 
literature," James Peterson asks how readers determine the characteristics 
of literary characters and addresses the role of the author's personal 
experiences in successful character creation. The chapter examines the 
analysis of literary character creation in various texts by Native 
American, Latino/Latina, and African American authors. 

Chapter 24 (445-462), by Cynthia Hagstrom, entitled "The language of 
doctors and patients," discusses various approaches to medical 
communication study and the linguistic characteristics of the medical 
encounter. Hagstrom explains a methodological focus on linguistic details 
through examples of open-ended and closed-ended questions, turn-taking, 
and patient-centered and doctor-centered speech. 

In Chapter 25 (463-479), "The language of cyberspace," Denise E. Murray 
explores the advent of computer-mediated communication (CMC), examining 
CMC as new language use, metaphors for new technology, and English's role 
in CMC. The chapter offers discussion of technology access issues, CMC 
word formation, and issues related to categorizing CMC within established 
paradigms for discussing language use. 

"Language in the USA" closes with Chapter 26 (481-492), "Language 
attitudes to speech," by Dennis Preston, which discusses the systematic 
study of linguistic value judgments and the methodological questions that 
face language attitude researchers. The author demonstrates how 
geographical dialect boundary judgments and attitudinal characteristics 
(personality traits) of speakers can be collected and studied and offers 
selected findings related to USA English (particularly that the South and 
New York City are perceived as least correct). Preston concludes with 
several speakers' overt statements regarding language varieties in the 
USA, noting their value in the study of language attitudes.


"Language in the USA: Themes for the Twenty-first Century" is an excellent 
resource for persons interested in linguistic issues in the USA. My 
immediate reaction to its announcement was excitement over the editors, 
the list of contributors, and the vast range of topics covered. Whereas 
more discussion could not be offered for economy of publishing reasons, 
the brevity of the chapters does make them more accessible to college 
students. While if longer the text could include greater depth of 
discussion from these and other scholars, the recommended readings given 
at the end of each chapter offer this opportunity to readers.

Some features could have been added to make this text more easily usable 
in the classroom and more accessible to linguistics novices. A glossary of 
linguistic terminology would be useful; while many authors (e.g. Wiley, 
Hagstrom) offer definitions to important terms, the inclusion of 
definitions for all linguistic terminology used would facilitate ease of 
readability. Readers could also benefit from an explanation of the 
International Phonetic Alphabet and other means used by scholars for 
conveying pronunciation, perhaps through an appendix. In some chapters 
(Yamamoto and Zepeda, for one), pronunciation guidance is offered in 
footnotes. In others, the International Phonetic Alphabet is used in 
conjunction with pronunciation-based respellings (Kretzschmar, Wolfram) 
with varying degrees of explanation. A consistent method of conveying 
pronunciation could aid in reader comprehension. Another useful tool would 
have been discussion questions at each chapter's end. Although one could 
certainly create some, their inclusion would have given each author the 
opportunity to reinforce the ideas presented in each chapter and to 
emphasize particularly important concepts.

This volume is well-edited with few (if any) typographical errors. The 
articles are articulately written and, while each author's individual 
style is maintained, the editors' introductions and the chapters' 
arrangement give the volume continuity. In many cases, the authors are 
faced with presenting complicated subject matter and intensely debated 
topics with extreme length limitations and no presumed reader background 
knowledge. In every case, this is done well; in many, spectacularly. 
Collectively, the book leaves one with the impression that there is much 
more to be studied and discussed regarding language use in the USA. It 
also serves to make readers aware of the many linguistic issues that have 
ramifications in their daily lives and may serve as an impetus for them to 
appreciate linguistic diversity and, through it, cultural democracy.


Ferguson, Charles A. and Shirley Brice Heath, eds. 1981. "Language in the 
USA." New York: Cambridge University Press. 


Rachel E. Shuttlesworth is a Council on Library and Information Resources 
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Scholarly Information Resources for Humanists at 
the University of Alabama Libraries. She holds a doctorate in English 
Applied Linguistics and received her Masters in Spanish Applied 
Linguistics. Dr. Shuttlesworth's research interests include language 
ideology, Southern American English, Papiamentu, and others. She has 
taught introductory linguistics, TESOL and applied linguistics, and 
Spanish and is now working on a project to make Southern English resources 
available through an online data repository and collaborative analysis 

LINGUIST List: Vol-16-843	


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