17.3701, Confs: Language Acquisition/UK

Thu Dec 14 20:56:06 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3701. Thu Dec 14 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.3701, Confs: Language Acquisition/UK

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project / Long Now Foundation  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

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Editor for this issue: Jeremy Taylor <jeremy at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 11-Dec-2006
From: Diane Blakemore < d.blakemore at salford.ac.uk >
Subject: Sources of Knowledge in Second Language Acquisition 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 15:53:54
From: Diane Blakemore < d.blakemore at salford.ac.uk >
Subject: Sources of Knowledge in Second Language Acquisition 

Sources of knowledge in second language acquisition 

Date: 28-Feb-2007 - 28-Feb-2007 
Location: Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom 
Contact: Diane Blakemore 
Contact Email: d.blakemore at salford.ac.uk 
Meeting URL: http://www.esri.salford.ac.uk 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition 

Meeting Description: 

This workshop is being held to celebrate the launch of the Centre for Linguistics at the University of Salford and to mark Richard Towell's particular contribution to linguistics research at the University. The workshop, which will conclude with a roundtable discussion, will address questions about the nature of L2 grammars and methodology in second language acquisition research.
http://www.esri.salford.ac.uk  (click events) 

Roger Hawkins (Essex) 'Emergent and innate sources of knowledge in L2 grammars'

Sarah Liszka (ULIP) 'Ivestigating the interaction of L2 grammars and pragmatic processes'

Florence Myles (Newcastle) 'The status of formulaic knowledge in early L2 grammars'

Rosamund Mitchell (Southampton) 'The language of play as evidence in SLA research'

Richard Towell (Salford) 'What we can learn about sources of SLA knowledge from individual case studies'

Anyone interested in SLA research is welcome to attend. There will be no registration fee. Please contact Diane Blakemore <d.blakemore at salford.ac.uk> if you wish to attend.

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 15:53:43
From: Magdalena Wrembel < magdala at amu.edu.pl >
Subject: Transfer in 3rd Language Phonological Acquisition 


Full Title: Transfer in 3rd Language Phonological Acquisition 

Date: 03-Aug-2007 - 04-Aug-2007
Location: Freiburg, Germany 
Contact Person: Ulrike Gut
Meeting Email: ulrike.gut at anglistik.uni-freiburg.de
Web Site: http://www.phonetik.uni-freiburg.de/L3phonology/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Phonology 

Call Deadline: 15-Mar-2007 

Meeting Description:

Transfer in Third Language Acquisition: positive influence in phonetics and phonology? A satellite workshop of ICPhS 2007 organised by Ulrike Gut, Freiburg; Grit Mehlhorn, Berlin; Magdalena Wrembel, Poznan. 

The aim of this exploratory workshop is to find new methods and fresh theoretical input for researching and modelling third language phonological acquisition and to bring together researchers in the areas of phonetics and phonology and experts in multilingual language acquisition.
The proposed workshop will explore possible ways of transferring L3 models to phonological acquisition and will promote the search for cross-linguistic phonetic-phonological similarities in languages and the development of acquisition strategies for typologically related languages. 

Transfer in Third Language Acquisition: positive influence in phonetics and phonology? 

A satellite workshop of ICPhS 2007 organised by Ulrike Gut, Freiburg; Grit Mehlhorn, Berlin; Magdalena Wrembel, Poznan. 

The aim of the exploratory workshop is to find new methods and fresh theoretical input for researching and modelling phonological acquisition in third language acquisition and to bring together researchers in the areas of phonetics and phonology and experts in language acquisition, especially multilingual language acquisition. Current theories and empirical investigations of the acquisition of the phonology of a foreign language focus on the influence of the native language on the acquisition of a second language or a third language and typically conceptualize this influence as a limiting and restricting factor based on negative transfer and interference. Yet, positive effects of phonological knowledge gained in L2 acquisition on L3 learning remain as yet unexplored such as the usage of already created meta-linguistic competence and the application of specific learner strategies are proposed by researchers in multilingual language acquisition in other areas than phonology. It was shown that the acquisition of a third language is facilitated by the knowledge of a second language, especially when the two languages are typologically related. The proposed workshop will explore possible ways of transferring these L3 models to phonological acquisition and will promote the search for cross-linguistic phonetic-phonological similarities in languages and the development of acquisition strategies for typologically related languages. Workshop languages are German and English.

Extended abstracts (2 pages plus references) in English or German are invited reporting on original research and/or on theoretical and methodological questions such as:

- the relevance of typological phonology for possible positive and negative transfer in L3 acquisition 
- L1-, L2- and L3-specific rules and interrules in phonological third language acquisition
- integration of typological knowledge and L3-models into a model of phonological L3 acquisition
- empirical evidence (case studies, corpus studies, experimental) for positive transfer from L2 to L3 or even for an L2-accent in the L3?
- new research methods

The International Journal of Multilingualism has expressed interest in publishing selected papers in a special issue.
Deadline for extended abstract submission (2 pages): 15th March, 2007 
Notification of acceptance: 15th April, 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-3701	


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