17.1483, Calls: Computational Ling/Bulgaria;General Ling/USA

Mon May 15 00:40:38 UTC 2006

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1483. Sun May 14 2006. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 17.1483, Calls: Computational Ling/Bulgaria;General Ling/USA

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Wayne State U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews (reviews at linguistlist.org) 
        Laura Buszard-Welcher, U of California, Berkeley  
        Sheila Dooley, U of Arizona  
        Terry Langendoen, U of Arizona  

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, Wayne
State University, and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kevin Burrows <kevin at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.

To post to LINGUIST, use our convenient web form at 


Date: 13-May-2006
From: Kiril Simov < kivs at bultreebank.org >
Subject: One-day Workshop on Contexualism 

Date: 12-May-2006
From: Boston University < langconf at bu.edu >
Subject: Boston University Conference on Language Development 31 

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 20:39:19
From: Kiril Simov < kivs at bultreebank.org >
Subject: One-day Workshop on Contexualism 

Full Title: Natural Language Processing for Metadata Extraction 
Short Title: NLP4ME 2006 

Date: 12-Sep-2006 - 12-Sep-2006
Location: Varna, Bulgaria 
Contact Person: Petya Osenova
Meeting Email: petya at bultreebank.org
Web Site: http://www.bultreebank.org/NLP4ME2006/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 12-Sep-2006 

Meeting Description:

Natural Language Processing for Metadata Extraction
                          (NLP4ME 2006)
      Workshop to be held on September 12th as part of the
                      AIMSA 2006 Conference
                  Varna, September 13-15, 2006

Workshop Motivation and Aims

In spite of the massive amount of work in the last years in the  area of Semantic Web, the problem of the creation of semantically  annotated electronic content is still one of the main bottlenecks  for the Semantic Web technology. A key technology, which is  employed to overcome this problem is Natural Language Processing,  because most of the content of the web is still textual. Any  support for automatic and semi-automatic extraction, elicitation  of metadata to such content will be of great assistance to the  authors and users of the web content.

The workshop aims at being a forum for researchers to present  their work in the area of semantic annotation, key word  extraction, practical compositional semantics etc. It will  provide an opportunity to present and discuss original methods  for identification of metadata in text, semantic annotation of  text, dealing with multilingual content, interconnecting metadata with ontologies, etc.

Topics of interest are connected with, but not limited to the  following suggestions:

- standards for metadata
- extraction of metadata from texts
- metadata and ontologies
- extraction of concepts and keyphrases from text
- metadata in a multilingual environment

Important dates

Deadline for workshop abstract submission: 20th May 2006
Notification of acceptance: 24th June 2006
Final version of paper: 30th July 2006
Workshop: 12th September 2006

Invited Speaker

Paul Buitelaar, DFKI 


Papers should describe existing research connected to the topics
of the workshop. The presentation at the workshop will be 30
minutes long (25 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for
questions and discussion). Each submission should show: title;
author(s); affiliation(s); and contact author's e-mail address,
postal address, telephone and fax numbers. Extended abstracts
(maximum 1500 words, plain-text format) should be sent to:

                 Petya Osenova
                 Email: petya at bultreebank.org

We encourage also demonstration of tools. Please, specify in
the abstract if you would like to present your system.

Program Committee:

António Branco (Lisbon)
Gosse Bouma (Groningen)
Dan Cristea (Iasi)
Peter Dolog (Hannover)
Walter von Hahn (Hamburg)
Hamish Cunningham (Sheffield)
Erhard Hinrichs (Tübingen)
Susanne Jekat (Zürich)
Alexander Killing (Zürich)
Atanas Kiryakov (Sofia)
Vladislav Kubon (Prague)
Matthias Kunkel (Koeln)
Lothar Lemnitzer (Tübingen)
Paola Monachesi (Utrecht)
Petya Osenova (Sofia)
Adam Przepiórkowski (Warsaw)
Anne de Roeck (London)
Mike Rosner (Msida, Malta)
Kiril Simov (Sofia)
Tamás Váradi (Budapest)
Cristina Vertan (Hamburg)

Organizing Committee:

Kiril Simov
Linguistic  Modelling  Laboratory, IPP,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Emial: kivs at bultreebank.org

Paola Monachesi
Utrecht Institute of Linguistics - OTS
Utrecht University
The Netherlands
Emial: Paola.Monachesi at phil.uu.nl

Lothar Lemnitzer
Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft
Emial: lothar at sfs.uni-tuebingen.de

Local Organizing Committee:

Kiril Simov
Linguistic  Modelling  Laboratory, IPP,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Petya Osenova
Linguistic  Modelling  Laboratory, IPP,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


The workshop is organized within the EU project LT4eL.

Workshop Web Page

Conference Web Page

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sun, 14 May 2006 20:39:23
From: Boston University < langconf at bu.edu >
Subject: Boston University Conference on Language Development 31 


Full Title: Boston University Conference on Language Development 31 
Short Title: BUCLD 31 

Date: 03-Nov-2006 - 05-Nov-2006
Location: Boston, MA, USA 
Contact Person: Boston University BUCLD
Meeting Email: langconf at bu.edu
Web Site: http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-May-2006 

Meeting Description:

BUCLD 31 - November 3-5, 2006 - Boston University

web: www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/
e-mail: langconf at bu.edu 

Final Reminder - Abstracts Due May 15th

NOVEMBER 3-5, 2006

Keynote Speakers:
Roberta Golinkoff, University of Delaware
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, Temple University
''Breaking the Language Barrier: The View from the Radical Middle''

Plenary Speaker:
Jurgen M. Meisel, University of Hamburg & University of Calgary
''Multiple First Language Acquisition:
A Case for Autonomous Syntactic Development in the Simultaneous Acquisition of
More Than One Language''

Lunch Symposium:
''Future Directions in Search of Genes that Influence Language:
Phenotypes, Molecules, Brains, and Growth''
Mabel Rice, University of Kansas
Helen Tager-Flusberg, Boston University
Simon Fisher, University of Oxford
Discussant: Gary Marcus, New York University

All topics in the fields of first and second language acquisition from all
theoretical perspectives will be fully considered, including:

* Bilingualism
* Cognition & Language
* Creoles & Pidgins
* Dialects
* Discourse
* Exceptional Language
* Gesture
* Hearing Impairment and Deafness
* Input & Interaction
* Language Disorders
* Linguistic Theory (Syntax, Semantics, Phonology, Morphology, Lexicon)
* Literacy & Narrative
* Neurolinguistics
* Pragmatics
* Pre-linguistic Development
* Signed Languages
* Sociolinguistics
* Speech Perception & Production
Presentations will be 20 minutes long followed by a 10 minute question period.
Posters will be on display for a full day with two attended sessions during
the day.


Abstracts submitted must represent original, unpublished research. Abstracts should be anonymous, clearly titled and no more than 450 words in length. They should also fit on one page, with an optional second page for references or figures if required. Abstracts longer than 450 words will be rejected without being evaluated. Please note the word count at the bottom of the abstract. Note that words counts need not include the abstract title or the list of references.

A suggested format and style for abstracts is available at:

An excellent example of how to formulate the content of the abstract can be found on the LSA website at:

The criteria used by the reviewers to evaluate abstracts can be found at:

All abstracts must be submitted as PDF documents. Specific instructions for how to create PDF documents are available at:
If you encounter a problem creating a PDF file, please contact us for further assistance. Please use the first author's last name as the file name (eg. Smith.pdf). No author information should appear anywhere in the contents of the PDF file itself.


Electronic submission: To facilitate the abstract submission process, abstracts will be submitted using the form available at the conference website at http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/abstract.htm. Specific instructions for abstract submission are available on this website. Abstracts will be accepted between March 15 and May 15. Contact information for each author must be submitted via webform. No author information should appear anywhere in the abstract PDF. At the time of submission you will be asked whether you would like your abstract to be considered for a poster, a paper, or both. Although each author may submit as many abstracts as desired, we will accept for presentation by each author: (a) a maximum of 1 first authored paper/poster, and (b) a maximum of 2 papers/posters in any authorship status. Note that no changes in authorship (including deleting an author or changing author order) will be possible after the review process is completed or for publication in the conference proceedings.


All submissions must be received by 8:00 PM EST, May 15, 2006. Late abstracts will not be considered, whatever the reason for the delay. We regret that we cannot accept abstract submissions by fax or email. Submissions via surface mail will only be accepted in special circumstances, on a case by case basis. Please contact us well in advance of the submission deadline (May 15, 2006) to make these arrangements.


Each abstract is blind reviewed by 5 reviewers from a panel of approximately 100 international scholars. Further information about the review process is available  at http://www.bu.edu/linguistics/APPLIED/BUCLD/reviewprocess.html. Acknowledgment of receipt of the abstract will be sent by email as soon as possible after receipt. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to first authors only, in early August, by email. Pre-registration materials and preliminary schedule will be available in late August, 2006. If your abstract is accepted, you will need to submit a 150-word abstract including title, author(s) and affiliation(s) for inclusion in the conference handbook. Guidelines will be provided along with notification of acceptance. Abstracts accepted as papers will be invited for publication in the BUCLD Proceedings. Abstracts accepted as posters will be invited for publication online only, but not in the printed version. All conference papers will be selected on the basis of abstracts submitted. Although each abstract will be evaluated individually, we will attempt to honor requests to schedule accepted papers together in group sessions. No schedule changes will be possible once the schedule is set. Scheduling requests for religious reasons only must be made before the review process is complete (i.e. at the time of submission). A space is provided on the abstract submission webform to specify such requests.


Information regarding the conference may be accessed on the BUCLD website:
Boston University Conference on Language Development
96 Cummington Street, Room 244
Boston, MA 02215
Telephone: (617) 353-3085
e-mail: langconf at bu.edu

BUCLD is partially funded by grants from the National Science Foundation (BCS- 0130353) and the National Institutes for Health (R13 HD042130).

LINGUIST List: Vol-17-1483	


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