18.1062, Support: Japanese & General Linguistics: MA / MSc Student, Syracuse U

Mon Apr 9 15:37:33 UTC 2007

LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1062. Mon Apr 09 2007. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 18.1062, Support: Japanese & General Linguistics: MA / MSc Student, Syracuse U

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Laura Welcher, Rosetta Project  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Svetlana Aksenova <svetlana at linguistlist.org>

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Date: 07-Apr-2007
From: Karen Ames < koames at syr.edu >
Subject: Japanese & General Linguistics: MA / MSc Student, Syracuse University, USA

          Fund Drive FLASH: We still need $16,010 to end Fund Drive.
   If you have not donated, please visit http://linguistlist.org/donate.html
Current Top 5 Schools in LL Grad School Challenge:
1. Stanford University   	                $1710
2. University of Massachusetts at Amherst 	$1547
3. University of Washington 	                $1434
4. University of Toronto  	                 $815
5. Indiana University   	                 $810
To see the full list, go to: http://linguistlist.org/donation/fund-drive2007/allschools.cfm


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2007 11:34:09
From: Karen Ames < koames at syr.edu >
Subject: Japanese & General Linguistics: MA / MSc Student, Syracuse University, USA 

Institution/Organization: Syracuse University 
Department: Languages, Literatures and Linguistics 
Web Address: http://lang.syr.edu/ 

Level: MA / MSc 

Duties: Teaching
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics 
Required Language(s): Japanese (jpn)


Teaching Assistantships in Japanese are available for the support of students 
beginning study in Fall 2007 in the Master of Arts Program in Linguistic 
Studies at Syracuse University.  The Program offers a U.S. master's level 
degree in any one of six different Concentrations: TESOL; Linguistic Theory; 
Logic and Language; Information Representation and Retrieval; Language, 
Culture, and Society; and Language Acquisition.  The time of study is one and 
a half to two years.  Language Teaching Assistants must have at least native-
like command of the languages they teach.  Applicants will be considered 
until all Teaching Assistantships are filled.  Admission to the Program is 

Consult the department Web site at http://lang.syr.edu/ for further details 
(click on 'Graduate MA Programs' and then on 'Linguistics'). An application 
for admission to study in the MA Program is available at the Program Web site 
under "Graduate MA Programs."  If, after reading the Web site thoroughly, you 
still have questions, contact the Program's Graduate Admissions Coordinator, 
Ms. Karen O. Ames, at koames at mailbox.syr.edu or the Syracuse University 
Graduate School at gradschl at suadmin.syr.edu.  Repeat:  These are +not+ 
free-standing teaching positions but are, rather, awards to support students 
in a graduate program of study. 

Application Deadline: 30-Apr-2007 

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Mr. Peter Englot 
	Graduate Enrollment Management Center 
	Syracuse University 
	Syracuse US 13244 
Web Address for Applications: http://lang.syr.edu/ 

Contact Information: 
	Ms. Karen Ames 
	koames at syr.edu 
	Phone:(315) 443-3022 
	Fax:(315) 443-5376


This Year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $55,000. This money will go to help keep the 
List running by supporting all of our Student Editors for the coming year.

See below for donation instructions, and don't forget to check out our Fund Drive 2007 
LINGUIST List Superhero Adventure for some Fund Drive fun!


There are many ways to donate to LINGUIST!

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The LINGUIST List is under the umbrella of Eastern Michigan University and as such can 
receive donations through the EMU Foundation, which is a registered 501(c) Non Profit 
organization. Our Federal Tax number is 38-6005986. These donations can be offset against 
your federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers only). For more 
information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact your financial advisor.

Many companies also offer a gift matching program, such that they will match any gift 
you make to a non-profit organization. Normally this entails your contacting your human 
resources department and sending us a form that the EMU Foundation fills in and returns 
to your employer. This is generally a simple administrative procedure that doubles the 
value of your gift to LINGUIST, without costing you an extra penny. Please take a moment 
to check if your company operates such a program.

Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!


LINGUIST List: Vol-18-1062	


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