19.1169, Calls: Lang Acq,Psycholing/USA; Historical Ling,Syntax/Belgium

Mon Apr 7 19:58:16 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1169. Mon Apr 07 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1169, Calls: Lang Acq,Psycholing/USA; Historical Ling,Syntax/Belgium

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 07-Apr-2008
From: Bill VanPatten < bill.vanpatten at ttu.edu >
Subject: L2 Processing and Parsing: State of the Science 

Date: 07-Apr-2008
From: Gunther De Vogelaer < gunther.devogelaer at ugent.be >
Subject: Perspectives on Gender in Dutch

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2. University of Arizona                       $1810
3. University of California, Santa Barbara     $1636
4. University of Washington 	               $1419
5. University of Toronto                       $1125

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-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 15:56:18
From: Bill VanPatten [bill.vanpatten at ttu.edu]
Subject: L2 Processing and Parsing: State of the Science
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Full Title: L2 Processing and Parsing: State of the Science 
Short Title: L2 Processing and Parsing 

Date: 21-May-2009 - 24-May-2009
Location: Lubbock, TX, USA 
Contact Person: Bill VanPatten
Meeting Email: L2processing at ttu.edu
Web Site: http://www.languages.ttu.edu/L2processing 

Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics 

Call Deadline: 01-Nov-2008 

Meeting Description:

Texas Tech University is pleased to host a special conference on 'Second Language Processing and Parsing: State of the Science'. 

Call for Papers

Abstracts will be considered in any area of L2 research related to processing and parsing including syntactic issues, lexical issues, neurocognitive issues, methodological issues, language comparisons, bilingual issues, relationships between processing and acquisition, ultimate attainment, L1 influence, universals, instructional issues, and others. Abstracts due: November 1, 2008.

Plenary Speakers:
David Birdsong
Harald Clahsen
Alan Juffs
Michael Sharwood Smith
Bill VanPatten

Invited Colloquia:
Paola E. Dussias
Gretchen Sunderman
Andrew P. Farley

For details on the conference and how to submit abstracts, please see our website. http://www.languages.ttu.edu/L2processing

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2008 15:56:27
From: Gunther De Vogelaer [gunther.devogelaer at ugent.be]
Subject: Perspectives on Gender in Dutch
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Full Title: Perspectives on Gender in Dutch 

Date: 21-Nov-2008 - 21-Nov-2008
Location: Ghent, Belgium 
Contact Person: Gunther De Vogelaer
Meeting Email: gunther.devogelaer at ugent.be
Web Site: http://users.ugent.be/~gdvogela/T&T-call_Eng 

Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Sociolinguistics; Syntax 

Subject Language(s): Dutch (nld)

Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2008 

Meeting Description:

Grammatical gender in Dutch has been a topic of continuous research for decades. The present workshop 'Perspectives on gender in Dutch' aims at taking stock of the recent developments on the topic. The workshop takes place on November 21, 2008, in Ghent (Belgium). 

Call for Papers

Dutch grammatical gender displays a massive amount of variation, including 1. variation between the national varieties of Dutch (see, e.g., the ANS-grammar, Geeraerts 1992, Audring 2006); 2. dialectal variation (Taeldeman 1980, Hoppenbrouwers 1983, the Morphological Atlas of Dutch Dialects); 3. alternative gender systems found in L2 varieties of Dutch (Blom, Poli?enská & Weerman 2006); 4. alternative gender systems found in child Dutch and adult learner Dutch (De Vogelaer 2006, Cornips & Hulk 2006, Hulk & Cornips 2006); and 5. diachronic variation (Geerts 1966). The present workshop aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the attested variation. This overview should serve as a starting point from which more fundamental questions can be addressed, including the quest for triggers in gender change (deflection, language contact), the function of grammatical gender, or the structure of gender systems. 

In addition, the Dutch gender data may shed some light over the ongoing debate on different types of language change. Indeed there is no agreement as to which speakers are the principal agents of language change. Labov (2007), for instance, distinguishes two types of language change, viz. change as a result of a non-identical transmission of language between generations, and change as a result of the diffusion of patterns over adults as a result of contact. Other models (e.g., Meisel 2001; Weerman, Bisschop & Punt 2006), however, have emphasized factors that do not figure prominently in Labov's account, most notably imperfect language learning by bilinguals and the age at which large groups of bilinguals start acquiring the relevant language.

Suggested topics:
- One or more aspects of grammatical gender in (a variety of) Dutch or a related language. 
- The function of grammatical gender.
- The relationship between adnominal gender and pronominal reference.
- Causes and triggers of gender change in Dutch. 
- The implications of Dutch gender change for present models of language change. 

To participate, send your one-page abstract (including references) to gunther.devogelaer at ugent.be, to arrive no later than June, 30. Talks are 20 min. (+ 10 min. discussion). We encourage abstracts in Dutch, but non-native speakers of Dutch may submit in English. Decisions on the acceptance of the abstract can be expected before September, 1.

- Leonie Cornips (Meertens Institute)
- Gunther De Vogelaer (FWO Flanders / Ghent University)

The following invited speakers have confirmed their participation:
- Jenny Audring (VU Amsterdam) & Geert Booij (Leiden)
- Aafke Hulk (UvAmsterdam) & Jasper Roodenburg (Stuttgart)
- Georges De Schutter (UAntwerp) & Johan Taeldeman (UGent)

A selection of papers will be published as a theme issue of 'Taal & Tongval' (http://www.meertens.knaw.nl/taalentongval/).


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LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1169	


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