19.3872, Calls: Anthropological Ling,Lang Documentation/USA; General Ling/Germany

Wed Dec 17 12:47:55 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3872. Wed Dec 17 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.3872, Calls: Anthropological Ling,Lang Documentation/USA; General Ling/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: Kate Wu <kate at linguistlist.org>

LINGUIST is pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new feature:  Easy Abstracts! Easy Abs is a free abstract submission and review facility designed to help conference organizers and reviewers accept and process abstracts online.  Just go to: http://www.linguistlist.org/confcustom, and begin your conference customization process today! With Easy Abstracts, submission and review will be as easy as 1-2-3!


Date: 16-Dec-2008
From: Brad Montgomery-Anderson < montgomb at nsuok.edu >
Subject: Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages 

Date: 16-Dec-2008
From: Dany Adone < d.adone at uni-koeln.de >
Subject: SPCL 2009 Summer Conference Cologne


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 07:45:04
From: Brad Montgomery-Anderson [montgomb at nsuok.edu]
Subject: Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages

E-mail this message to a friend:

Full Title: Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages 
Short Title: OWNAL 

Date: 18-Apr-2009 - 19-Apr-2009
Location: Tahlequah, USA 
Contact Person: Brad Montgomery-Anderson
Meeting Email: montgomb at nsuok.edu

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics; Language Documentation;
Morphology; Syntax; Typology 

Language Family(ies): Na-Dene; Uto-Aztecan 

Call Deadline: 30-Jan-2009 

Meeting Description:

OWNAL focuses on descriptive studies of indigenous languages of the Americas 

Call for Papers

OWNAL: Saturday and Sunday, April 18-19 2009, Northeastern State University,
Tahlequah, OK
The Center for Tribal Studies at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, OK,
announces its 2nd annual Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages. OWNAL
focuses on descriptive studies of indigenous languages of the Americas. This
weekend workshop takes place at the end of the 37th Annual Symposium of the
American Indian (April 15-18, 2009) and is located in the historic Bacone house,
site of the first Indian university west of the Mississippi. 
After the Saturday workshop, participants may attend the Saturday Powwow that
brings together well-known fancy dancers and local Oklahoma tribes. 

The deadline for abstracts is January 30. Talks are 20 minutes in length,
followed by 10 minutes for questions. Dr. Marianne Mithun will deliver a keynote
address on Saturday. Abstracts should be less than 500 words and may be
submitted by email.  

Contact details, institutional affiliation, and title (professor, student, or
independent scholar) must be included. 
The program committee will announce the presentation schedule no later than
February 20. 
Abstracts and questions may be submitted to Brad Montgomery-Anderson
(montgomb at nsuok.edu). 

Registration: $40, $20 for students. (This fee is primarily a fundraiser for the
symposium; it also pays for refreshments and a catered lunch. Make checks
payable to NSU with 'Center for Tribal Studies-OWNAL' in the memo). 
Registration should be sent to:
Northeastern State University
Center for Tribal Studies-OWNAL
600 N. Grand Ave. 
Tahlequah, OK 74464

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 07:45:16
From: Dany Adone [d.adone at uni-koeln.de]
Subject: SPCL 2009 Summer Conference Cologne

E-mail this message to a friend:

Full Title: SPCL 2009 Summer Conference Cologne 
Short Title: SPCL 2009 

Date: 11-Aug-2009 - 15-Aug-2009
Location: Cologne, Germany 
Contact Person: Dany Adone
Meeting Email: spcl-2009 at uni-koeln.de
Web Site:

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Language Family(ies): Creole 

Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2009 

Meeting Description:

The Society of Pidgin and Creole Linguistics will meet at the University of
Cologne, Germany, August 11-15, 2009, in conjunction with the Associação de
Crioulos de Base Lexical Portuguesa e Espanhola (ACBLPE). 

Call for Papers

For more information on abstract issues, please consult the conference website.


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-3872	


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