19.464, Calls: Comp Ling,Lexicography/Germany; General Ling/Belgium

Fri Feb 8 20:38:52 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-464. Fri Feb 08 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.464, Calls: Comp Ling,Lexicography/Germany; General Ling/Belgium

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

Homepage: http://linguistlist.org/

The LINGUIST List is funded by Eastern Michigan University, 
and donations from subscribers and publishers.

Editor for this issue: F. Okki Kurniawan <okki at linguistlist.org>

As a matter of policy, LINGUIST discourages the use of abbreviations
or acronyms in conference announcements unless they are explained in
the text.

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Date: 06-Feb-2008
From: Kay-Michael Würzner < wuerzner at bbaw.de >
Subject: 9. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache 

Date: 06-Feb-2008
From: giot jean < jean.giot at fundp.ac.be >
Subject: Linguistique Des Valeurs: Saussure


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:34:18
From: Kay-Michael Würzner [wuerzner at bbaw.de]
Subject: 9. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache
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Full Title: 9. Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache 
Short Title: Konvens 2008 

Date: 30-Sep-2008 - 02-Oct-2008
Location: Berlin, Germany 
Contact Person: Alexander Geyken
Meeting Email: konvens at dwds.de
Web Site: http://konvens.dwds.de 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Lexicography; Text/Corpus

Call Deadline: 26-Apr-2008 

Meeting Description:

The Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache ('conference on natural
language processing', KONVENS) is held in a two year rotation since 1992
organized by the scientific societies DEGA, DGfS, GI, GLDV, ITG and ÖGÄI.
Konvens 2008 ist hosted by the Society for Computational Linguistics & Language
Technology (Gesellschaft für linguistische Datenverarbeitung, GLDV) in
corporation with the Center of Language (Zentrum Sprache) of the
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften, BBAW).

Die Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (KONVENS) wird seit 1992 im
zweijährigen Turnus von den wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften DEGA, DGfS,
GI, GLDV, ITG und ÖGÄI augerichtet.

Call for Papers

Die 9. Konvens 2008 wird von der Gesellschaft für linguistische
Datenverarbeitung (GLDV) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum Sprache der
Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften veranstaltet. 

The 9th Konferenz zur Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache (''conference on natural
language processing'', KONVENS) will take place at the Berlin-Brandenburg
Academy of Sciences (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, BBAW)
from September 30th through October 2nd, 2008. 

The central theme of the Konvens 2008 will be text resources and lexical
knowledge. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Techniques, tools, and models from the field of computational linguistics
dealing with digitization, linguistic annotation (based on standard annotation
schemas) and computer-based processing of digital speech data.
- Methods for the acquisition of lexical knowledge from digitized and 
linguistically annotated text resources of various text genres and period of
origin (for example statistical and rule-based approaches, machine learning
approaches, computer-aided lexicography).
- Approaches to modeling of lexical knowledge in digital media for various
purposes (for example in the context of lexicography, the use of digital lexical
resources for research and teaching, design of ontologies for automatic
information retrieval, or the development of computer-readable lexicons for
automated natural language processing). 

Submissions of completed and previously unpublished work in research,
development, application, and evaluation relevant to the aforementioned topics
are welcome. Also welcome are submissions to the poster and demonstration
session, in which resources, tools, and ongoing projects may be presented.

Talks, posters, and demonstrations should explore the potential and perspectives
of speech and text technology for the development of lexical knowledge. Also of
interest are works focusing on the comparative evaluation of diverse resources,
techniques, and tools.

The official conference languages are German and English. All accepted
submissions (full papers and short paper versions of posters and software
demonstrations) will be published in the conference proceedings available at the

Organization Committee:
- Alexander Geyken (BBAW - Chair)
- Alexander Siebert (BBAW)
- Kay-Michael Würzner (BBAW, Potsdam University) 

Program Committee:
- Ernst Buchberger (ÖGAI)
- Stefan Busemann (GI)
- Alexander Geyken (BBAW)
- Jost Gippert (BBAW)
- Karin Harbusch (GI)
- Rüdiger Hoffmann (ITG)
- Bernd Kröger (DEGA)
- Lothar Lemnitzer (GLDV)
- Sabine Schulte im Walde (DGFS-CL)
- Manfred Stede (GLDV)
- Angelika Storrer (GLDV, BBAW) 


Two kinds of contributions are accepted:

1. Talk (corresponding papers will be published in the official conference
2. Poster / Software demonstration (corresponding abstracts will be published in
a special volume of the conference proceedings) 

Please use the web-based submission form on EasyChair. We are planning to
publish the conference proceedings with Mouton de Gruyter.

1. Format of the contributions for the conference proceedings

Contributions itself must be blind. That is, omit information concerning the
authors and avoid any self-references.

Page Limit:
- Full Paper: Up to 8 pages including title and headlines, excluding
bibliographical references
- Short Paper: Up to 4 pages including title and headlines, excluding
bibliographical references

File Format:
PDF based on LaTeX or MS-Word according to the submission guidelines (see below)

Publication in the Conference Proceedings:
A camera-ready version of accepted contributions of this category according to
the submission guidelines (see below) has to be available until the 5th of July
2008. It has to be composed in English (preferable in LaTeX) and may not exceed
8 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, respectively.

Accepted contributions written in German will be published together with poster
and software demonstration abstracts in a separate volume (see below).

2. Format of the contributions for the special volume of the conference proceedings

Contributions itself must be blind. That is, omit information concerning the
authors and avoid any self-references. For software demonstrations, please add
details concerning the technical requirements.

Page Limit:
Up to 4 pages including title and headlines, excluding bibliographical references

File Format:
PDF based on LaTeX or MS-Word according to the submission guidelines (see below)

Publication in the Conference Proceedings:
A camera-ready version of accepted contributions of this category according to
the submission guidelines (see below) has to be available until the 5th of July
2008. It may not 4 pages.

Submission Guidelines:
Please use either LaTeX or MS Word/OOWriter with the corresponding templates for
the composing of the underlying text source. In case of .tex, there is a .cls
file available which implements a special document class
(\documentclass{mouton}). This class file includes a bunch of .sty files
(Download Mouton LaTeX Package). For .doc is a .dot file available (dot Style

Please note the following additional details:
- Paper Size: soon
- Citing Style: use an author-year style for your citations, e.g. ''Aho and
Corasick (1975) present an algorithm...'' oder ''Semirings (cf. Kuich and
Salomaa 1986) are an algebraic structure...''. For BibTeX, please use the
chicago package (Chicago Package).

-------------------------Message 2 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 15:34:24
From: giot jean [jean.giot at fundp.ac.be]
Subject: Linguistique Des Valeurs: Saussure
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Full Title: Linguistique Des Valeurs: Saussure 

Date: 16-Jun-2008 - 17-Jun-2008
Location: namur, Belgium 
Contact Person: giot jean
Meeting Email: jean.giot at fundp.ac.be

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 02-Apr-2008 

Meeting Description:

Un livre retrouvé de F. de Saussure, De l'essence double du langage (dans Ecrits
de linguistique générale, P., Gallimard, 2002) confirme que la pensée du
linguiste genevois a été depuis un siècle l'objet de profonds malentendus. En
particulier, le programme saussurien d'une linguistique des valeurs pures  - 
conçue comme une écriture algébrique  -  est resté peu documenté jusqu'à la
publication des manuscrits nouvellement découverts.  
Faire le point sur ce programme énoncé avec netteté dans ces textes, et sur sa
portée, tel est le propos du colloque.
Organisé par l'université de Namur, où se tient depuis plusieurs années un
séminaire de recherches néo-saussuriennes, et par l'Institut Ferdinand de
Saussure, le colloque, première rencontre internationale consacrée à cette
question, comprendra trois volets: le programme des valeurs pures, des valeurs
en général, développements d'une linguistique néo-saussurienne. 

Communications : de 30 à 40 minutes. Les résumés seront disponibles en .doc et
PDF pour les figures. On peut se référer à la feuille de style du site Texto !
(Espace éditorial). 

Titres et résumés à adresser pour le 2 avril 2008 à Jacques Coursil
jacques at coursil.com,   à François Rastier lpe2 at ext.jussieu.fr, à Simon Bouquet
bouquet at ext.jussieu.fr, à Jean Giot jean.giot at fundp.ac.be . 

Posters : A adresser aux mêmes pour le 2 avril 2008.

Les communications seront suivies d'un débat et les posters seront discutés. 

L'évaluation des propositions sera close le 2 mai. Le programme sera diffusé
immédiatement avec les bulletins d'inscription et avec les informations pratiques.


LINGUIST List: Vol-19-464	


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