19.1604, Confs: Linguistic Theories, Phonology, Syntax/Germany

Tue May 20 14:56:06 UTC 2008

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1604. Tue May 20 2008. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 19.1604, Confs: Linguistic Theories, Phonology, Syntax/Germany

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Randall Eggert, U of Utah  
         <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 16-May-2008
From: Shinichiro Ishihara < s_i at alum.mit.edu >
Subject: Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Tue, 20 May 2008 10:54:29
From: Shinichiro Ishihara [s_i at alum.mit.edu]
Subject: Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop 
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Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop 
Short Title: PSI 2 

Date: 13-Jun-2008 - 14-Jun-2008 
Location: Berlin, Germany 
Contact: Laura Downing 
Contact Email: downing at zas.gwz-berlin.de 
Meeting URL: http://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/events/psi2/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Phonology; Syntax 

Meeting Description: 

This workshop on the Prosody-Syntax Interface, organized by the ZAS and the
University of Potsdam, will be held at the ZAS in Berlin on 13-14 June 2008. It
is intended as an informal follow-up to a workshop on the same theme held at UCL
in October 2006. The goal of the workshop is to present cutting edge research by
international scholars who investigate the interface from a variety of
theoretical perspectives in a diverse range of languages and language families
(Germanic, Romance, Farsi, Bantu, Japanese, Sign Language) in a forum that
allows ample opportunity for exchange and discussion.  While the workshop
presenters are all invited speakers, the workshop is open to the public. There
is no registration fee, but interested participants are requested to register
online to help us with our planning. 

2nd Prosody-Syntax Interface Workshop (PSI 2)
13-14 June, 2008


Day 1:  13 June, 2008

8:45 -- 

9:15 -- 

9:30 -- 10:30
Vieri Samek-Lodovici (UCL)
''N-raising in DPs, Evidence from Prosodic Phrasing''

10:30 -- 11:15
Caroline Féry (University of Potsdam)
''Empirical and Theoretical Aspects of Sentence Accent Assignment in German''

11:15 -- 11:45 
Coffee Break

11:45 -- 12:30
Hubert Truckenbrodt (ZAS)
''On Cyclic Effects in Phrasal Phonology''

12:30 -- 14:00  
Lunch Break

14:00 -- 15:00
Wendy Sandler (Haifa University)
''The Emergence of Prosody and Syntax in a New Sign Language''

15:00 -- 15:45
Nicole Dehé (Universität Konstanz / FU Berlin)
''Clausal Parentheticals, Intonational Phrasing, and Prosodic Theory''

15:45 -- 16:15  
Coffee Break

16:15 -- 17:00
Ingo Feldhausen (University of Hamburg)
''The Prosodic Phrasing of Catalan Object Clauses''

17:00 -- 18:00
Pilar Prieto (UAB)
''Prosodic and Rhythmic Constraints on P-phrase Formation in Catalan and Spanish''

Day 2:  
14 June, 2008

9:30 -- 10:30
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour (Syracuse University)
''Phases as Domains of Llinguistic Computation''

10:30 -- 11:15
Shin Ishihara (University of Potsdam)
''Freeing Focus from Prosodic Hierarchy: Phase-based Prosody and Relative

11:15 -- 11:45 
Coffee Break

11:45 -- 12:45
Elisabeth Selkirk (U-Mass Amherst)
''The Nature of Contrastive Focus Spell-Out in English and Japanese''

12:45 -- 14:15  
Lunch Break

14:15 -- 15:00
Laura J. Downing & Al Mtenje (ZAS & University of Malawi)
''What Relative Clauses Tell Us About Prosodic Phrasing in Chichewa''

15:00 -- 16:00
Charles W. Kisseberth (Tel Aviv University)
''Chimwiini Phrasal Phonology Revisited''

LINGUIST List: Vol-19-1604	


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