20.468, Diss: Lang Acq/Phonology/Psycholing: Harakchiyska: 'Phonemic ...'

Sat Feb 14 15:52:37 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-468. Sat Feb 14 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.468, Diss: Lang Acq/Phonology/Psycholing: Harakchiyska: 'Phonemic ...'

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Date: 13-Feb-2009
From: Tsvetelina Harakchiyska < tsvetelina_ilieva at yahoo.com >
Subject: Phonemic Awareness Development in 9-10-Year-Old Children Who Study English in the Primary


-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 10:50:18
From: Tsvetelina Harakchiyska [tsvetelina_ilieva at yahoo.com]
Subject: Phonemic Awareness Development in 9-10-Year-Old Children Who Study English in the Primary

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Institution: University of Rousse 
Program: 05.04.11 General and Comparative Linguistics 
Dissertation Status: Completed 
Degree Date: 2008 

Author: Tsvetelina Harakchiyska

Dissertation Title: Phonemic Awareness Development in 9-10-Year-Old Children
Who Study English in the Primary 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
                     Language Acquisition

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Dissertation Director(s):
Assoc. Prof. Dimitrina Tsoneva

Dissertation Abstract:

Phonemic awareness is a key factor in the formation and development of the
four skills of speech perception and production - listening, reading,
speaking and writing and therefore it is the focus of analysis and study in
contemporary linguistic theories and disciplines such as: neurophysiology,
psycholinguistics, speech disorders, language teaching and learning
methodology, medicine, speech perception computer programmes. 

Phonemic awareness is also analysed in the context of the Bulgarian
education system where its implications in the teaching and learning
process are examined in the light of the school curricula for first and
second language learning (grades one to four), English language textbooks
for third grade used in Bulgarian schools and teacher development programmes. 

The fundamental role of phonemic awareness in the acquisition of foreign
languages is confirmed by phonemic awareness tests applied to 9-10-year-old
Bulgarian children who study English in the primary school. The test
results are compared with the results from the contrastive analysis of
contemporary Bulgarian and English language, the prognosticated target
language problem phonemes for Bulgarian learners of English and the
excerpted mistakes (in the written and spoken language) of the tested pupils. 

The end results inevitably prove that the level of phonemic awareness of
9-10-year-old Bulgarian learners of English to the target language is low
and therefore they experience problems both in phoneme discrimination and
in written and spoken production of those English language sounds that have
no equivalent in Bulgarian. 

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-468	


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