20.2996, Jobs: Danish & Socioling: Asst/Assoc Prof, University of Copenhagen

Mon Sep 7 14:23:18 UTC 2009

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2996. Mon Sep 07 2009. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 20.2996, Jobs: Danish & Socioling: Asst/Assoc Prof, University of Copenhagen

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            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
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       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 04-Sep-2009
From: Jane Bøll < janeb at hum.ku.dk >
Subject: Danish & Sociolinguistics: Asst/Assoc Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2009 10:18:11
From: Jane Bøll [janeb at hum.ku.dk]
Subject: Danish & Sociolinguistics: Asst/Assoc Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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University or Organization: University of Copenhagen 
Department: Language Change in Real Time
Job Location: Copenhagen, Denmark 
Web Address: http://lanchart.hum.ku.dk/

Job Rank: Asst/Assoc Professor  

Specialty Areas: Sociolinguistics 

Required Language(s): Danish (dan)


Associate professor (temporary position) - The LANCHART Centre

A temporary position as associate professor within the field of the
sociolinguistics of spoken Danish is open at LANCHART (www.lanchart.dk),
University of Copenhagen. The position will be filled for the period
February 2010 till 30th of April 2013.
The LANCHART Centre is a research centre of excellence specializing in the
study of language change in real time based on recordings of spoken Danish.

Qualification requirements
The applicant is expected to have research and teaching qualifications
corresponding to a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree within a discipline, and
with a profile, which reflects the above- mentioned academic subject areas.
The applicant is also expected to have satisfactorily fulfilled a position
as Assistant Professor or acquired similar qualifications from research
positions and teaching in relation to the above-mentioned subject areas.
Please refer to Memorandum on the Job Structure for Academic Staff at
Universities 2007,

The associate professor will be expected to participate in the centre's
work as a whole. The position involves teaching. The applicant must commit
to exploit the corpus of spoken Danish (1970-2009) for analyses of language
variation and change with a view to publishing in peer reviewed,
international journals. Some prior knowledge of Danish is required for
research purposes. The applicant will be expected to have or acquire
comprehension competence in Danish sufficient to perform his or her duties
in both Danish and English for university purposes within one year of the

The documentation enclosed with the application must include a CV and a
research plan (no more than 2 pages) for the period 2010-2013. The plan
must be compatible with the Research plan 2010-2015 for the centre,
available from the centre's web site (www.dgcss.dk). In addition: An
explication of the applicant's research qualifications relevant for the
position at LANCHART, including an account of experiences and efforts
regarding organisation of research activities, details of academic,
teaching, administrative and any other relevant qualifications, as well as
previous employment. 

A complete and numbered list of publications must also be enclosed,
stipulating which works the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration
- marked with an asterisk (*). Applicants must choose a maximum of 5
publications for assessment, of which minimum 3 have been published within
the last five years prior to the expiry of the deadline for applications.
The publication date must be clearly marked on the list of publications.
These works must be submitted in triplicate. 

The application and enclosures must be submitted in 4 copies, of which 1
must be in loose leaf. 
Details of the requisite information and material are obtainable on the
website www.humanities.ku.dk/vacancies/
Please refer to ministerial order no. 284 of 25 April 2008 on the
appointment of academic staff at universities:

Estimated annual payment is currently DKK 430,000 p.a. plus 17.1 % of the
salary paid to a pension scheme. A special tax scheme is offered to
researchers recruited abroad, www.ku.dk/pers

Applications must quote ref. number 211-0335/09-4550
For further details, please refer to the full ad at:

Application Deadline: 30-Sep-2009 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Dean Kirsten Refsing 
	Faculty of Humanities 
	Njalsgade 80 
	Copenhagen 2300 
Web Address for Applications: http://lanchart.hum.ku.dk/jobs/ 
Contact Information:
	Personnel Officer Mette Christensen 
	Email: mec at hum.ku.dk 
	Phone: 4535328087 

LINGUIST List: Vol-20-2996	


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