21.1960, Jobs: Text and Document Analysis: Assistant Professor, U of Basel

Sat Apr 24 13:27:37 UTC 2010

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-1960. Sat Apr 24 2010. ISSN: 1068 - 4875.

Subject: 21.1960, Jobs: Text and Document Analysis: Assistant Professor, U of Basel

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Reviews: Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Eric Raimy, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin-Madison  
       <reviews at linguistlist.org> 

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Date: 23-Apr-2010
From: Christian Tschudin < christian.tschudin at unibas.ch >
Subject: Text and Document Analysis: Assistant Professor, University of Basel, Switzerland

-------------------------Message 1 ---------------------------------- 
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2010 09:25:49
From: Christian Tschudin [christian.tschudin at unibas.ch]
Subject: Text and Document Analysis: Assistant Professor, University of Basel, Switzerland

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University or Organization: University of Basel 
Department: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Job Location: Basel, Switzerland 
Web Address: http://informatik.unibas.ch/

Job Rank: Assistant Professor  

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Text and Document Analysis


The Faculty of Science of the University of Basel, Switzerland, invites
outstanding scientists to apply for an Assistant Professorship
(Tenure-Track) in Computational Intelligence in the Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, beginning in Spring 2011 or earlier.

The University of Basel is promoting the growing area of computational
science. The faculty of science started in 2002 to offer a full Bachelor
and Master program in Computer Science with an application-oriented profile.

Job Specifications:
The person to be appointed will have an excellent track record in the field
of Computational Intelligence, a field that is defined at the intersection
of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithmics, Computational
Science and Applied Mathematics. Possible research areas include, but are
not limited to, text and document analysis, planning and scheduling
problems or discrete optimization. The position includes teaching duties in
research related fields as well as core computer science at the Master and
PhD level (in English) and at the Bachelor level (German preferred).

The successful candidate is expected to establish close cooperation within
the university. Experience with industrial and academic cooperation is

The University of Basel seeks to increase the proportion of women among
faculty members and therefore specifically encourages female candidates to

Applications must include a detailed CV, a list of publications together
with selected publications, a research and teaching statement, as well as a
cover letter with names of referees. Applications must be sent by May 26th,
2010 in paper and electronic form (pdf) to the address below or via email
to Dekanat-Philnat at unibas.ch

For further information on the announced professorship please contact the
head of the Computer Science Department, Prof. Dr. Ch. Tschudin at
christian.tschudin at unibas.ch

URL of the Computer Science Department: http://informatik.unibas.ch/

Application Deadline: 26-May-2010 
Mailing Address for Applications:
	Dean Prof Dr Eberhard Parlow 
	Faculty of Science 
	Klingelbergstrasse 50 
	Basel 4056 
Email Address for Applications: Dekanat-Philnat at unibas.ch 
Contact Information:
	Prof Christian Tschudin 
	Email: christian.tschudin at unibas.ch 

LINGUIST List: Vol-21-1960	


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