23.3146, Jobs: English; Applied Ling; Computer Assisted Language Learning: Associate Prof, Otaru Uni of Commerce

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Mon Jul 23 14:19:28 UTC 2012

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3146. Mon Jul 23 2012. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 23.3146, Jobs: English; Applied Ling; Computer Assisted Language Learning: Associate Prof, Otaru Uni of Commerce

Moderators: Anthony Aristar, Eastern Michigan U <aristar at linguistlist.org>
            Helen Aristar-Dry, Eastern Michigan U <hdry at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
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       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Editor for this issue: Svetlana Tchistiakova <svetlana at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 10:14:40
From:  Personnel Unit [jinji at office.otaru-uc.ac.jp]
Subject: English; Applied Linguistics; Computer Assisted Language Learning: Associate Professor, Otaru University of Commerce, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan

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University or Organization: Otaru University of Commerce 
Job Location: Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan 
Web Address: http://www.otaru-uc.ac.jp/info/koubo/post-13.html
Job Rank: Associate Professor  

Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Computer Assisted Language Learning

Required Language(s): English (eng)
                      Japanese (jpn) 


The Otaru University of Commerce in Hokkaido, Japan is hiring a
full-time tenured Associate Professor for the Department of Applied 
Linguistics in the Center for Language Studies.

Specializing in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), e-Learning, or 
closely-related fields.

Job Description:
1. Administration of e-Learning systems including Moodle, our in-house Test 
of English for International Communication (TOEIC) training program, and 
2. Development, editing, recording and proofreading of e-Learning contents.
3. Research, development, operation and improvement of e-Learning 
4. Operation and improvement of e-Learning classes.
5. Faculty support for developing blended education course.
6. Teaching general English classes.

1. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in hand, preferably in CALL, e-Learning, 
computer science, or a closely related field. They should otherwise have 
equivalent qualifications.
2. Applicants should have a clear understanding of English proficiency tests 
such as TOEIC and TOEFL.
3. Sufficient command of Japanese to pursue administration duties, such as 
producing documents, participating in faculty meetings, and coordinating the 
teaching practicum.
4. Teaching experience in college preferable.
5. Applicants should be actively engaged in research.
6. A demonstrated commitment to professional and program development.

Teaching Responsibilities:
The appointee will be expected to teach English classes in the undergraduate 
program as well as e-learning/CALL courses in our undergraduate English 
teacher training program and on our graduate program.

Period of Appointment:
The successful applicant will be required to take up duties on April 1, 2013. 

Application Materials:
1. One Curriculum Vitae in Japanese.  Additionally, applicants may submit an 
English CV.
2. Copies of undergraduate and graduate school degree certificates and 
official transcripts.
3. A  list of papers and publications.
4. A copy of the candidate's three most important research publications and 
their summaries. 5. Summaries should be written in Japanese for English 
papers and in English for Japanese papers respectively on one side of an A4 
sheet of paper.
6. A CD or DVD-ROM with the candidate's three most important research 
publications and their summaries as indicated in "(4)" in PDF or MS WORD 

After document screening, one or two candidates will be invited to have an 
interview and to demonstrate their teaching ability in a mock class.

In preparing the Japanese CV and list of papers and publications, please use 
the prescribed, downloadable form (available from our Website URL listed 

Please write (in red) "Application for English Department (Associate Professor 
of CALL Education)" on the envelope in which you send your materials.  Send 
the documents by recorded delivery or by registered mail to the address 
listed below.

Additional contact details:
Tel: (81) 134-27-5208; Fax: (81) 134-27-5213
E-mail: jinji at office.otaru-uc.ac.jp
(Priority given to fax or e-mail for inquiries)

Please note that an applicant may be requested to submit an essay 
concerning English education, a letter of recommendation, his or her medical 
certificate, and other additional documents as we proceed in our selection 

Salary and Benefits:
The successful candidate will be paid in line with the pay scale of Otaru 
University of Commerce with pension and insurance benefits equal to those 
afforded all members of the faculty.

Application Deadline: 28-Sep-2012 
Mailing Address for Applications: 
	President Makio Yamamoto, Personnel Unit 
	Otaru University of Commerce 
	3-5-21 Midori 
	Otaru, Hokkaido 047-8501 
Web Address for Applications: http://www.otaru-uc.ac.jp/info/koubo/post-13.html 
Contact Information
	Personnel Unit 
	Email: jinji at office.otaru-uc.ac.jp 

LINGUIST List: Vol-23-3146	

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