24.2962, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Translation, Typology/ Journal of Modern Languages (Jrnl)

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Mon Jul 22 13:58:48 UTC 2013

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-2962. Mon Jul 22 2013. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 24.2962, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Translation, Typology/ Journal of Modern Languages (Jrnl)

Moderator: Damir Cavar, Eastern Michigan U <damir at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: Veronika Drake, U of Wisconsin Madison
Monica Macaulay, U of Wisconsin Madison
Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
Joseph Salmons, U of Wisconsin Madison
Mateja Schuck, U of Wisconsin Madison
Anja Wanner, U of Wisconsin Madison
       <reviews at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 09:58:16
From: Sheena Kaur [sheena at um.edu.my]
Subject: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Translation, Typology/ Journal of Modern Languages (Jrnl)

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Full Title: Journal of Modern Languages 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Sociolinguistics; Translation; Typology 

Call Deadline: 01-Sep-2013 

Founded in 1985 at the University of Malaya, the Journal of Modern Languages is an annual journal that is dedicated to the exploration of issues concerning modern languages, especially in the Asia Pacific region. 

The JML welcomes papers addressing critical analyses of modern languages from various fields of discipline, including and not limited to: 

Applied linguistics
Language maintenance and death
Translation and interpretation
Discourse and conversational analyses

>From 2010 onwards, we aim to publish this journal online alongside to the paperback issues and relaunch this Journal as an important new direction in producing exceptionally high quality research. 

In addition, each year the journal will feature special issues and themes. 

A free off-print and a PDF of their papers will be given to the primary authors of selected papers. 

Deadline for this issue 1 September 2013 

Author's guide

Due to the high rejection rates and stringent selection, it is advisable for authors to familiarise themselves with the listed conventions and guidelines of this journal. In order to stand a higher chance of getting published, save us a lot of time and work, and avoid possible disappointment of rejection, authors should: 

1. ensure their papers are not published elsewhere and that they have ownership of the paper.

2. ensure the paper abides by the style sheet.

3. conduct interesting analyses, use interesting data and avoid cliches.

4. avoid obscure language as reviewers of this journal are from disciplinary-diversed background. 

5. conduct analysis using scientific, systematic, detailed and theoretical approaches. 

6. ensure their work make an original contribution. 

7. revise their own papers and get someone to evaluate their work prior to submitting their papers.

Authors should send their pre-reviewed papers to davidyoong at um.edu.my or tyamag at um.edu.my, with a subject heading that reads, 'Journal of Modern Languages submission: [title of paper]'. 

Style Sheet

There are two Word document files that must be prepared and submitted for review: Supplementary document and main document.

Supplementary document

The supplementary document must have these details: 

Title of paper
Biography (maximum of 200 words)

Main document

1. Papers must be typed with a 1.5 spacing throughout.

2. The paper's font must be SIL Doulos (downloadable from SIL website) throughout, font size 12, justified. Footnotes must be font size 10, justified. The title must be in bold, font size 16, indented right. Table contents must be size 10. 

3. IPA symbols must be done using SIL Doulos. 

4. The maximum number of words are 5000-6000 words, inclusive of footnotes, references and an abstract. 

4. Titles should not be obscure and lengthy (not more than 15 words).

5. The abstract should be between 200-500 words long, and 6 keywords must be provided.

6. Sections and subsections must be numbered. 

7. There should be a break for lengthy quotations over 25 words. They should also be indented with quotation markers. 

8. Only papers in English (American or UK) are accepted. 

9. Tables and figures should have short descriptive titles (above the tables and figures)

10. Artwork or figures should be at least 300 dpi.

11. Essential notes should be placed as footnotes, as indicated by the superscript numbers in the text. 

12. Referencing method should follow the APA style. 

The template provided can be used to help ease the formatting process.

LINGUIST List: Vol-24-2962	
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