25.582, Jobs: Comp Ling; Text/Corpus Ling: Researcher, DFKI GmbH

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Tue Feb 4 18:44:13 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-582. Tue Feb 04 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.582, Jobs: Comp Ling; Text/Corpus Ling: Researcher, DFKI GmbH

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Rajiv Rao, U of Wisconsin Madison
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Editor for this issue: Andrew Lamont <alamont at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 13:44:03
From: Feiyu Xu [feiyu at dfki.de]
Subject: Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics: Researcher, DFKI GmbH, Berlin, Germany

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University or Organization: DFKI GmbH 
Department: Language Technology Lab
Job Location: Berlin, Germany 
Web Address: http://www.dfki.de/lt
Job Rank: Researcher

Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics 


The Language Technology Lab of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) offers a position at its Berlin site as Full-Time Researcher in Language Technology in the area of information extraction with a strong focus on the detection of relation, events and opinions. 

We are looking for people who enjoy working in an innovative and enthusiastic team, love challenges, and are passionate about research and development.  We offer excellent research and working environment with interesting research and development topics in a multi-discipline and international team in an internationally renowned center of AI research. 

Applicants should have a masters in computational linguistics or computer science or an equivalent degree. Candidates with a doctoral degree are also encouraged to apply. 

Candidates should bring experience and qualification in the following areas:
- Application of NLP tools to large-scale textual corpora 
- Information extraction
- Machine learning techniques
- Programming experience of complex systems in Java
- Experience of development under Linux, Unix and Windows 

Experience in Web-based IE and in the application of machine learning techniques to relation or event extraction would be a plus.

General Skills
- Good communication skills
- Excellent problem-solving skills
- Team work capabilities 
- High level of motivation and initiative
- Ability to manage own workload and meet deadlines
- Good organizational skills.
- Good standard of written and spoken English
- Preferably also a good standard of written and spoken German

Application and Conditions

Successful candidates will be offered a competitive salary based on their qualifications and experience. They will also get opportunities for further qualification and professional development. 

DFKI is an equal opportunities employer. Applications of women are thus especially encouraged; applications of disabled persons will be given preferential treatment to those of other candidates with equal qualifications.

To apply for this vacancy, please send a cover letter and copy of a recent CV to Prof. Hans Uszkoreit (uszkoreit at dfki.de) and Dr. Feiyu Xu (feiyu at dfki.de).

Application Deadline:  (Open until filled)
Email Address for Applications: uszkoreit at dfki.de 
Contact Information:
	Dr. Feiyu Xu 
	Email: feiyu at dfki.de 

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-582	

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