25.4232, Confs: Romance, General Ling, Historical Ling, Morphology, Syntax, Typology/Switzerland

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Sun Oct 26 02:31:37 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4232. Sat Oct 25 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.4232, Confs: Romance, General Ling, Historical Ling, Morphology, Syntax, Typology/Switzerland

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 22:31:07
From: Giorgio Lemmolo [giorgio.iemmolo at uzh.ch]
Subject: Partitivity in Romance and Beyond

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Partitivity in Romance and Beyond 
Short Title: PiRAB 

Date: 11-Dec-2014 - 13-Dec-2014 
Location: Zurich, Switzerland 
Contact: Giorgio Lemmolo 
Contact Email: giorgio.iemmolo at uzh.ch 
Meeting URL: http://www.rose.uzh.ch/seminar/personen/stark/workshop.html 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Syntax; Typology 

Language Family(ies): Romance 
Meeting Description: 

International Exploratory Workshop
''Partitivity in Romance and Beyond''
Zurich, 11-13 December 2014

This workshop on partitive elements in Romance and beyond, has a twofold aim. The first aim is to identify where these elements are present in Romance and Germanic varieties of Switzerland, as well as adjacent ones in France, Germany, and Italy, and to fill up the lacunae about their geographical distribution, lacunae to be further explored in collaborative research projects based on available databases, especially inside the Edisyn Network (e.g., ALAVAL for Francoprovençal, DADDIPRO for Occitan, ASiT for Northern Italian dialects, SADS for Swiss German dialects). Crucially, many of the researchers leading these projects will take part in the workshop. The second aim is to establish sound hypotheses about the geographical distribution of partitive elements with regard to their development: Did these elements develop (at least initially) independently for language-internal reasons? Did contact play a role (and which one) in the rise and spread of such elements? One crucial idea will be that explicit hypotheses about i) the internal motivation (correlations) of a given morphosyntactic element will permit to formulate predictions about its actual presence or absence in a given variety and ii) that its existence -despite it being unexpected- will give a sound reason to look for language contact as an explanation for it to appear nevertheless. 


Thursday 11 December
Distribution and morpho-syntax of partitive elements in Romance
Room HIM-E-1

Welcome and coffee 

Elisabeth Stark & Giorgio Iemmolo (Zurich)
Opening remarks

Johannes Kabatek (Zurich)
Some remarks on partitivity in Ibero-Romance

Núria Martí Girbau (Barcelona)
The Syntax of Partitives: Evidence from Catalan

Guido Mensching (Göttingen)
On de-dislocation (pseudo-partitive) in Romance: Catalan and beyond

12.15-13.45 Lunch (Sento)

13.45 -14.30
Georg Kaiser (Konstanz)
Looking for partitives in Alpine Romance

Anna Cardinaletti & Giuliana Giusti (Venice)
The internal syntax of indefinite dei/delle in Italo-Romance, a micro-parametric approach

Cecilia Poletto (Frankfurt a. M.) & Jacopo Garzonio (Venice)
Partitive phenomena in the Northern Italian varieties in synchrony and diachrony

16.00-16.30 Coffee break

Federica Diémoz & Andres Kristol (Neuchâtel)
L'expression de la partitivité dans les parlers francoprovençaux valaisans de l'ALAVAL

Tabea Ihsane (Geneva)
Partitive article and partitive pronoun in French: focus on the intersection

Patrick Sauzet (Toulouse)
Partitives (zero, light and full) and number marking in Occitan

Friday 12 December
Typology, dialectology, diachrony and language contact
Room SOE-E-8

Michèle Oliviéri (Nice)
The 'THESAURUS OCCITAN' Morpho-Syntactic Module

10.30-11.15 Massimo Cerruti & Riccardo Regis (Turin). Between contact-induced and language-internal changes: the case of partitives in Piedmontese

11.15-11.45 Coffee break

Yaron Matras (Manchester)

12.30-14.00 Lunch (Kunsthaus)

Paul Widmer (Zurich)
The expression of part-whole relationships in Indo-European

Silvia Luraghi (Pavia)
The diachrony of partitives

Thomas Strobel (Frankfurt a. M.)
Structural features of pronominal partitives in Germanic and Romance languages

16.15-16.30 Coffee break

Elvira Glaser (Zurich)
Partitivity in German dialects

Sjef Barbiers (Utrecht & Meertens Instituut)
(Un)grammatical and (Un)realized

19.30 Conference dinner

Saturday, 13 December
Room HIM-E-1


Looking for a strategy: What do we need to find out, which research projects could be conceived of, which funding instruments?

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4232	
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