25.4335, Calls: Afroasiatic, General Ling, Applied Ling, Lang Documentation, Ling & Lit, Socioling/Botswana

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Oct 31 21:32:19 UTC 2014

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4335. Fri Oct 31 2014. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 25.4335, Calls: Afroasiatic, General Ling, Applied Ling, Lang Documentation, Ling & Lit, Socioling/Botswana

Moderators: Damir Cavar, Indiana U <damir at linguistlist.org>
            Malgorzata E. Cavar, Indiana U <gosia at linguistlist.org>

Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org
Anthony Aristar <aristar at linguistlist.org>
Helen Aristar-Dry <hdry at linguistlist.org>
Sara Couture, Indiana U <sara at linguistlist.org>

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Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 17:32:10
From: Rose Letsholo [letsholor at mopipi.ub.bw]
Subject: XIII Conference of the Linguistics Association of SADC Universities

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Full Title: XIII Conference of the Linguistics Association of SADC Universities 
Short Title: LASU 

Date: 25-Jun-2015 - 27-Jun-2015
Location: Gaborone, Botswana 
Contact Person: Rose Letsholo
Meeting Email: letsholor at mopipi.ub.bw

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Documentation; Ling & Literature; Sociolinguistics 

Language Family(ies): Afroasiatic 

Call Deadline: 22-May-2015 

Meeting Description:

XIII Conference of the Linguistics Association of SADC Universities (LASU)
25-27 June 2015
University of Botswana
Conference theme: African languages in an ICT-driven age: Prospects and challenges

Registration Fees:

International participants: P1800.00 (USD200)
University of Botswana staff:	 P800.00 
Students: P500.00

Travel, Board and Lodging:

Participants will be responsible for their own travel and lodging. For information on hotels and lodges in Botswana, visit: http://www.botswanatourism.co.bw/accommodation

Accommodation/Lodging: Information on accommodation and transport will be provided upon inquiry. 

Meals: The Organising Committee (OC) will provide lunch only.

Visas: Participants should contact the nearest Botswana embassy /consulate in their country or region to enquire if they need a visa or not.

Transport Arrangements:

The OC is negotiating for reduced transport fees with local transport providers. Participants should provide us with travel details on time. Adequate directions will be given to assist those who may want to travel to the conference venue on their own.

Call for Papers:

Abstracts are invited on a wide range of fields within linguistics on topics linked to the conference theme, which is 'African languages in an ICT-driven age: Prospects and challenges'. Papers on other topics within the fields of general linguistics, applied linguistics, sociolinguistics and literature are welcome.


- Formal theoretical linguistics
- Documentary linguistics and responses to language endangerment
- Historical and comparative linguistics
- Language and gender
- Language acquisition and learning
- Sign languages and cultures
- Language pedagogy
- Language description and codification
- Discourse analysis and text linguistics
- Stylistics
- Translation, terminology and lexicography
- Language standardization and harmonization
- Sociolinguistics
- African languages in a globalised world
- African languages for literacy and national development
- African languages for science and technology
- Language, identity, culture and communication in the turn of the millennium
- Reconceptualizing linguistic diversity in the global village
- Interface between European and African Language use in Language & 
- Rites of passage in African Literature & Theatre
- Afro-centric Theories of Language & Literature
- Interface between traditional media and African Drama & Literature
- The occult in African Literature
- Images of the intellectual in African Drama & Literature 
- Appropriation of indigenous performance for political ends
- Aesthetics in African theatre and drama

Proposals for Papers:

Presentations: 20 minutes long plus 10 minutes for discussion.

Submission of Abstracts:

Abstracts should be submitted by email as an MSWord file attachment in accordance with the following guidelines:

Full first name(s) 
Institutional affiliation
Email address
Telephone and/or fax number(s)
Title of proposed presentation
An abstract of between 150 to 300 words of the paper

Key Dates:

The deadline for the submission of abstracts: 22 May 2015
Notification about acceptance of abstracts is progressive.
Conference duration: 25-27 June 2015


Professor S.T.M. Lukusa
Email: LUKUSAST at mopipi.ub.bw
Telephone: +267 355 2652

Dr. R. Letsholo
Email: Letsholor at mopipi.ub.bw
Telephone: +267 355 4124

Dr. E.E. Kari
Email: ethelbert.kari at mopipi.ub.bw
Telephone: +267 355 4113

Dr. D. Kasule
Email: KASULED at mopipi.ub.bw
Telephone: +267 355 5143

Or post to:

The Chairperson
LASU 2015 Conference Secretariat
Department of African Languages and Literature 
University of Botswana
Private Bag 0073

LINGUIST List: Vol-25-4335	
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