26.2099, Calls: Applied Linguistics, General Linguistics, Language Acquisition/Spain

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Apr 20 20:13:45 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-2099. Mon Apr 20 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.2099, Calls: Applied Linguistics, General Linguistics, Language Acquisition/Spain

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2015 16:13:28
From: Betlem Soler-Pardo [Betlem.Soler at uv.es]
Subject: II International Conference on Teaching Grammar

Full Title: II International Conference on Teaching Grammar 
Short Title: Congram2016 

Date: 27-Jan-2016 - 29-Jan-2016
Location: Valencia, Spain 
Contact Person: Betlem Soler-Pardo
Meeting Email: congram2016 at gmail.com
Web Site: https://congram2016.wordpress.com/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics; Language Acquisition 

Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2015 

Meeting Description:

The Research Group “GIEL” (Research in Language Teaching) in collaboration with the Department of Language and Literature issues an open invitation to participate in the II International Conference on Teaching Grammar to be held in Valencia from the 27-29 January, 2016 at the University of Valencia.

The conference is focused on the role of grammar in  teaching (first, second or foreign languages) at various educational stages, from different approaches (linguistic reflection,  attention to form, metalinguistic activity and writing, linguistic theories and grammar teaching, teachers and students’ beliefs, diachronic perspective on the role of grammar in language teaching, pedagogical grammar and school curriculum ...). It is anticipated that papers will consider both epistemological and methodological issues alongside practical considerations.

Following the positive results of the First Conference, we have decided to maintain the overall theme and the free communications section; however, in this edition, symposia organized by research groups that revolve around the theme of the conference will also be accepted. Also, there will be a workshop organized by Ignacio Bosque (Real Academia Española), and a roundtable on cognitive grammar and teaching, coordinated by Llorenç Comajoan (Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya).

Call for Papers:

Conference Streams:

- Teaching grammar and linguistic usage
- Grammar reflection in language teaching
- Teaching grammar and linguistic theories
- Historical aspects of teaching grammar
- New directions in grammar teaching

Guidelines for submitting oral presentations, symposia, and posters:

Oral Presentations:

Participants must present research results or reflections on any specific aspect of the conference streams. Each participant may submit a maximum of two presentations or an oral presentation and a poster. In the case of proposals submitted by two or more authors, all must register for the conference. The time allocated for each paper is 20 minutes.


They will be eminently practical (teaching experiences, teaching grammar projects, development of educational activities, etc.). There will be a poster session on the 28-29, during which the authors will present and explain their work.


Symposia presentations will gather research groups around issues related to the teaching of grammar. Individual research groups will be responsible for nominating a moderator from their group, who will need to liaise with the conference organizers. The symposium will have a maximum duration of 120 minutes and a maximum of four presenters. Each participant will have a maximum of 20 minutes to present their work. 

Participants must submit their proposals via our online system: 

https://congram2016.wordpress.com/envio-de-propuestas/ before September 15, 2015.

The selection of proposals, seminars and posters is subject peer-review. 
Please, bear in mind that both papers and posters must be presented by at least one of the authors. Papers or posters presented by a person other than the authors are not allowed.

Conference languages: English, Catalan-Valencian-Balear, Spanish, Portuguese

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