27.5133, FYI: SemEval-2017 Task 3 Challenge: Community Question

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Wed Dec 14 19:20:21 UTC 2016

LINGUIST List: Vol-27-5133. Wed Dec 14 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 27.5133, FYI: SemEval-2017 Task 3 Challenge: Community Question

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Yue Chen <yue at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2016 14:19:50
From: Alessandro Moschitti [amoschitti at gmail.com]
Subject: SemEval-2017 Task 3 Challenge: Community Question

 The challenge concerns the development of systems for the automatic selection
of questions and answers in cQA ecosystems. It involves the development of
ranking models: given (i) a new question and (ii) a large collection of
previously-asked questions and comment threads, created by a user community,
the goal is to rank questions and comments from these threads in order of
usefulness for answering the new question.

Call for Participation:

SemEval-2017 Task 3 challenge:
Community Question Answering (cQA) 

Website: http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2017/task3 

Essential dates:
- Evaluation period: January 09-28, 2017
- Paper submission: February 27, 2017

Registration link: https://goo.gl/jGS9cr 

Email: semeval-cqa at googlegroups.com
Google Group: semeval-cqagooglegroups.com 

Preslav Nakov, Lluís Màrquez, Alessandro Moschitti (Qatar Computing Research
Institute, HBKU) 
Timothy Baldwin, Doris Hoogeveen, Karin Verspoor (University of Melbourne)

The challenge concerns the development of systems for the automatic selection
of questions and answers in cQA ecosystems. It involves the development of
ranking models: given (i) a new question and (ii) a large collection of
previously-asked questions and comment threads, created by a user community,
the goal is to rank questions and comments from these threads in order of
usefulness for answering the new question.
More Information: 

- For a longer introduction, please refer to: 

- For a precise definition of all subtasks and evaluation see the Task
Description page: 

- The corpora and the tools can be downloaded from the Data and Tools page: 

- Register to participate here:  https://goo.gl/jGS9cr

Finally, do not miss the important dates (the evaluation period is January
09-28, 2017): 

- Mon 05 Sep 2016: Training data ready for all tasks
- Mon 09 Jan 2017: Release of the test data of tasks A-D
- Mon 21 Jan 2017: Release of the test data of task E
- Sat 28 Jan 2017:   Final submission day on CodaLab
- Mon 30 Jan 2017: Evaluation end
- Mon 06 Feb 2017: Results posted
- Mon 27 Feb 2017: Paper submissions due
- Mon 03 Apr 2017: Author notifications
- Mon 17 Apr 2017: Camera ready submissions due
- SemEval workshop: Summer 2017

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics


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                       Fund Drive 2016
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-5133	

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