31.420, Calls: French;English; French based; Gen Ling/Belgium

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Wed Jan 29 17:40:00 UTC 2020

LINGUIST List: Vol-31-420. Wed Jan 29 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 31.420, Calls: French;English; French based; Gen Ling/Belgium

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
Managing Editor: Becca Morris
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Everett Green, Sarah Robinson, Peace Han, Nils Hjortnaes, Yiwen Zhang, Julian Dietrich
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 12:39:07
From: Martin Howard [m.howard at ucc.ie]
Subject: Association for French Language Studies Annual Conference

Full Title: Association for French Language Studies Annual Conference 
Short Title: AFLS 

Date: 17-Jun-2020 - 19-Jun-2020
Location: Brussels, Belgium 
Contact Person: Anne Dister
Meeting Email: anne.dister at usaintlouis.be
Web Site: https://www.sesla.be/français/colloque-afls/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics 

Subject Language(s): English (eng)
                     French (fra)

Language Family(ies): French based 

Call Deadline: 15-Feb-2020 

Meeting Description:

The annual conference of the Association of French Language Studies (AFLS)
will take at the Université Saint-Louis – Brussels (Belgium) on 15-17 June

The theme of the AFLS 2020 Conference is « Le français aujourd’hui, entre
discours et usages ». 
The conference will be an opportunity to explore the language in relation to
all aspects of its variation(s), and also to consider discourses around the
language, whether by specialists or other. 

Invited speakers: 
Dalila Ayoun (University of Arizona)
Carole Etienne (Laboratoire ICAR, CNRS)
Jean-Marie Klinkenberg (Université de Liège)
Marie-Louise Moreau (Université de Mons)

Second Call for Papers: 

Please note that the deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended
until 15 February 2020! 

Abstracts for presentation of papers are invited in the following areas, among
- variation in French (geographical, diaphasic, diastratic, diamesic);
- relations between language, discourse and society;
- representations of language and linguistic practices;
- discourses on the norm;
- French as a first language, second language, language of instruction, etc.;
- French in social networks; 
- French in language contact situations;
- French in the francophone space; 
- language policy surrounding French;
- etc.

A special panel will be devoted to the theme of variation in the expression of
the future in French. Proposals are welcome for other panels. 

The languages of the conference are both French and English, with proposals to
be written in the language intended for the presentation. Presentations will
be 30 minutes (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes for questions).

Abstracts (400 words maximum, title and references included) should be
submitted by the deadline of 15 February 2020 at
https://afls2020.sciencesconf.org/. Abstracts should be anonymous, and should
indicate the subject area(s) (e.g. from the above list above). 

Organising committee
Anne Dister, Martine Willems, Aline Andrianne, Fanny Caspi (Université
Saint-Louis – Bruxelles), Philippe Hambye (UClouvain)

Scientific committee
Virginie André , Dalila Ayoun, Mireille Bilger, Mylène Blasco, Hélène
Blondeau, Cristelle Cavalla, Aidan Coveney, Juliette Delahaie, Anne Dister,
Amanda Edmonds, Julien Eychenne, Damien Gaucher, Yan Greub, Marie-Noëlle
Guillot, Emmanuelle Guerin, Damien Hall, Philippe Hambye, David Hornsby,
Martin Howard, Mari Jones, Jonathan Kasstan, Emmanuelle Labeau, Pierre
Larrivée, Jean-Marc Mangiante, Daniel McAuley, Kevin McManus, Dominique
Lagorgette, Damien Mooney, Francoise Mougeon, Grace Obaigbona, Sabrea Oughton,
Elissa Pustka, Isabelle Racine, Inès Saddour, Javier Suso Lopez Jeffrey
Steele, Jeff Tennant, Olga Théophanous, Henry Tyne, Olivia Walsh

Conference website: https://www.sesla.be/français/colloque-afls/

Contact: anne.dister at usaintlouis.be


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LINGUIST List: Vol-31-420	

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