31.2383, Calls: Disc Analys, Pragmatics, Socioling/Switzerland

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Sat Jul 25 18:50:55 UTC 2020

LINGUIST List: Vol-31-2383. Sat Jul 25 2020. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 31.2383, Calls: Disc Analys, Pragmatics, Socioling/Switzerland

Moderator: Malgorzata E. Cavar (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Student Moderator: Jeremy Coburn
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Editor for this issue: Lauren Perkins <lauren at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2020 14:50:19
From: Argiris Archakis [archakis at upatras.gr]
Subject: Tracing Racism in Anti-Racism

Full Title: Tracing Racism in Anti-Racism 
Short Title: TRACE 

Date: 27-Jun-2021 - 02-Jul-2021
Location: Winterthur, Switzerland 
Contact Person: Argiris Archakis
Meeting Email: archakis at upatras.gr

Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Oct-2020 

Meeting Description:

Argiris Archakis, University of Patras, Greece; Villy Tsakona, National and
Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

The ongoing migrant and refugee crisis in European countries (2015 – to date)
has led to the rise of different stances and practices on behalf of European
states, ranging from solidarity to xenophobia. In this context, the main goal
of the proposed panel is to bring together studies investigating various
linguistic and, more broadly, semiotic strategies through which racist views
infiltrate discourse intended as anti-racist. Our focus is on the anti-racist
discourse of the European public sphere, which refers to the current migration
and refugee crisis. We intend to explore how racist views are not cultivated
only through hate speech (see e.g. Assimakopoulos et al 2017), which overtly
stigmatizes and demonizes migrant and refugee populations. Racist views can
also circulate through seemingly anti-racist discourse, which aims at
denouncing racist practices, but ends up disguising, reproducing, and
sedimenting inequalities.

We are interested in sociopragmatic analyses of data coming from various
genres including advertising campaigns, news articles, TV shows, cartoons,
educational material, parliamentary proceedings, and other political and legal
texts. Our research aim is to detect anti-racist texts indirectly and
implicitly perpetuating social and/or sociolinguistic inequalities and
eventually racism (see e.g. Archakis et al 2018, Archakis & Tsakona 2019).
Such texts could be perceived and scrutinized as instances of liquid racism.
According to Weaver (2016: 63-64), liquid racism “does not produce a
monolithic reading as racism but is experienced as racism in particular
circumstances […]. It has a structure that is constructed with far more
potential for ambivalence. […] [L]iquid racism should not be seen as a
weakened or challenged residue of racism but rather as an ambiguous form that
is encouraged nowadays and one that weakens various defenses against claims of

In order to identify instances of liquid racism in ‘racist’ anti-racist texts,
we draw on the broader framework of Critical Discourse Analysis. Given that
one of the most important principles of CDA pertains to the relation between
the macro-level (involving hegemonic discourses) and the micro-level
(involving texts produced by individuals) (see van Dijk 2008), we invite
papers that explore: 
 - the multiple linguistic and multimodal strategies used by text producers at
the micro-level to convey latent racist meanings despite their declared
anti-racist stance; and
 - the macro-level hegemonic racist discourses which are thus reproduced.

In this panel, we welcome papers employing an array of methodological tools
used to investigate racist discourse and useful for tracing liquid racism,
including but not limited to the following:
 - The analytical tools of Reisigl & Wodak’s (2001) discourse-historical
approach for media and institutional texts 
 - Critical Metaphor Analysis (Charteris-Black 2004) for news articles, TV
shows, advertising campaigns, parliamentary proceedings and other political
texts, etc.
 - van Leeuwen’s (2008) model of representation and viewer network for the
analysis of multimedia texts such as advertising campaigns, advertisements,
cartoons, newspaper images, etc.
 - Bamberg’s (1997) model of narrative positioning for the analysis of news
articles, advertising campaigns, TV shows, interviews, TV series,
documentaries, parliamentary proceedings, etc. 
 - Attardo’s (2001) General Theory of Verbal Humor (GTVH) for cartoons,
comics, satirical shows, advertisements, sitcoms, educational material,
movies, etc.

Call for Papers: 

If you are interested in presenting a paper in this panel, please send your
abstract (min. 350 and max. 500 words) by 15 October 2020 to:
archakis at upatras.gr & villytsa at otenet.gr 

All abstracts will have to be submitted individually through the IPrA website
(https://ipra2021.exordo.com/) by 25 October 2020. Please prepare your
abstracts for submission with a reference to the IPrA Call for papers &
Submission guidelines https://pragmatics.international/page/CfP and make sure
to select “Tracing racism in anti-racism: Critical approaches to the European
public discourse on the migrant and refugee crisis” as the panel for your


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