34.3115, Books: Light Verb Constructions as Complex Verbs: Pompei, Mereu, Piunno (eds.) (2023)

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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3115. Thu Oct 19 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 34.3115, Books: Light Verb Constructions as Complex Verbs: Pompei, Mereu, Piunno (eds.) (2023)

Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
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Editor for this issue: Maria Lucero Guillen Puon <luceroguillen at linguistlist.org>

Date: 10-Oct-2023
From: Katrin Stein [katrin.stein at degruyter.com]
Subject: Light Verb Constructions as Complex Verbs: Pompei, Mereu, Piunno (eds.) (2023) 

Title: Light Verb Constructions as Complex Verbs
Subtitle: Features, Typology and Function
Series Title: Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs
Publication Year: 2023
Publisher: De Gruyter Mouton
Book URL: https://www.degruyter.com/document/isbn/9783110747997/html

editor: Anna Pompei
editor: Lunella  Mereu
editor: Valentina  Piunno
Hardback: ISBN:  9783110747850 Pages: 372 Price: Europe EURO 114.95
Electronic: ISBN:  9783110747997 Pages: 372 Price: Europe EURO 114.95

The notion of light verb constructions has been traditionally related
to the ‘insignificance’ of the verb, which is described as a
grammatical item only codifying TAM system and ϕ-features, whereas the
whole predicative content is thought to be conveyed by the noun. This
book deals with the light verb constructions as instances of complex
verbs, intended as multi-predicational but monoclausal structures.
This allows to deepen the actual verb lightness, the effective noun
predicativity, as well as their effect on the cohesion of the
construction. The papers in this volume reflect on the concrete
contribution of noun and verb to the event and argument structure, and
on the relevance of semantically different noun classes for the verb
selection. From different theoretical approaches, data of a great
variety of languages are investigated, such as Indo-European languages
– both modern (Germanic, Slavic, Romance and Iranian languages) and
ancient (Latin and Ancient Greek) – but also Mandarin Chinese, and
different polysynthetic languages (e.g. Ket, Nivkh, Murrinh-Patha,
Kiowa, Bininj Gun-wok, Ainu). The range of topics, languages and
perspectives presented in this book make it of great interest to both
theoretical and applied linguists.

Linguistic Field(s): Syntax

Subject Language(s): English (eng)

Written In: English (eng)

See this book announcement on our website:


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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-3115

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