34.2752, Jobs: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics: Tenure Track Faculty of Psychology - Cognitive

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Wed Sep 20 01:05:02 UTC 2023

LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2752. Wed Sep 20 2023. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 34.2752, Jobs: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics: Tenure Track Faculty of Psychology - Cognitive

Moderators: Malgorzata E. Cavar, Francis Tyers (linguist at linguistlist.org)
Managing Editor: Justin Fuller
Team: Helen Aristar-Dry, Steven Franks, Everett Green, Daniel Swanson, Maria Lucero Guillen Puon, Zackary Leech, Lynzie Coburn, Natasha Singh, Erin Steitz
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Editor for this issue: Erin Steitz <ensteitz at linguistlist.org>

Date: 15-Sep-2023
From: Tony Ngo [tony at jobelephant.com]
Subject: Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics: Tenure Track Faculty of Psychology - Cognitive, Rochester Institute of Technology

University or Organization: Rochester Institute of Technology
Job Location: New York, USA
Job Title: Tenure Track Faculty of Psychology - Cognitive
Job Rank: Assistant Professor

Specialty Areas: Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics


The Department of Psychology at the Rochester Institute of Technology
(RIT; www.rit.edu/psychology) invites candidates to apply for a
tenure-track Assistant Professor position starting in August 2024. We
are seeking an energetic and enthusiastic psychologist who will serve
as an instructor, researcher, and mentor to students in our
undergraduate (Psychology, Neuroscience) and graduate programs
(Masters in Experimental Psychology, Ph.D. in Cognitive Science). We
are particularly looking to build a cohort of faculty who can
contribute to the interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Cognitive Science
and contribute to research, mentoring, and teaching using
computational and laboratory methods. Candidates should have expertise
in an area of Cognitive Science such as cognitive or behavioral
neuroscience, AI, computational/psycho-linguistics, cognitive
psychology, comparative psychology, or related areas. We are
particularly interested in individuals whose area of research
expertise expands the current expertise of the faculty. Candidates who
can teach courses in natural language processing or computational
modeling courses are especially encouraged to apply. The Department of
Psychology at RIT serves a rapidly expanding student population at a
technical university. The position requires a strong commitment to
teaching and mentoring, active research and publication, and a strong
potential to attract external funding. Teaching and research are
priorities for faculty at RIT, and all faculty are expected to mentor
students through advising, research and in-class experiences. The
successful candidate will be able to teach courses in our
undergraduate cognitive psychology track (Memory & Attention, Language
& Thought, Decision Making, Judgement & Problem Solving), will be
expected to teach research methods/statistics courses at the
undergraduate and graduate level, and teach and mentor students in our
graduate programs. In addition, candidates must be able to do research
and work effectively within the department's existing lab space. RIT
provides many opportunities for collaborative research across the
institute in many diverse disciplines such as AI, Digital Humanities,
Human-Centered Computing, and Cybersecurity.

We are seeking an individual who has the ability and interest in
contributing to RIT's core values, honor code, and statement of

Apply online at https://apptrkr.com/4597511; search openings, then
Keyword Search 8262BR. Please submit your application, curriculum
vitae, cover letter addressing the listed qualifications and upload
the following attachments:

 - A brief teaching philosophy
 - A research statement that includes information about previous grant
work, the potential for future grants, and information about
one-on-one supervision of student research
 - The names, addresses and phone numbers for three references
 - Contribution to Diversity Statement (https://www.rit.edu/academicaf

You can contact the chair of the search committee, Caroline DeLong,
Ph.D. with questions on the position at: cmdgsh at rit.edu.

RIT does not discriminate. RIT is an equal opportunity employer that
promotes and values diversity, pluralism, and inclusion. For more
information or inquiries, please visit RIT/TitleIX or the U.S.
Department of Education at ED.Gov

Mailing Address for Applications:
Web Address for Applications: https://apptrkr.com/4597511
Contact Information:
        Dr. Caroline DeLong
        Email: cmdgsh at rit.edu


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LINGUIST List: Vol-34-2752

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