Appel: Treebanks (ATALA Workshop, Paris; 2d call)

Pierre Zweigenbaum pz at
Thu Apr 1 11:54:12 UTC 1999

Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 09:55:18 +0100
From: abeille at (Anne Abeille)
Message-Id: <v01540b06b328e408177d@[]>

ATALA Workshop
Call for papers

Paris, Jussieu, June 18-19th 1999

For the ATALA workshop on Treebanks (syntactically annotated corpora),
we solicit 40 min talks (including questions) on building and using such
corpora. Relevant topics include :

Building syntactically annotated corpora (SAC):
 - methodology
 - cost
 - selection of material
 - annotation tools
 - annotation standards
 - annotation formats
 - validation of annotations

Using syntactically annotated corpora (SAC):
 - interrogation tools
 - knowledge extraction (lexicons, grammars, others)
 - evaluation of NLP tools

Both written and speech corpora can be considered. Comparison with results
obtained with tagged corpora (annotated for
morpho-syntax only) are also welcome.

Program committee
Anne Abeille, U. Paris 7 (chair)
Susan Armstrong (ISSCO, Geneve)
Roberto Basili (U. Tor Vergata, Roma)
Philippe Blache (LPL, Aix en Provence)
John Carroll (U. Sussex)
Benoit Habert (ENS Fontenay)
Eva Hajicova (U. Charles, Prague)
Hans Uszkoreit (U Sarrebrucken)
Eric Wehrli (LATL, Geneve)
Annie Zaenen (Xerox RC)

Invited Speaker :
Geoffrey Sampson (U. Sussex)

Submission :
Send, preferably by email, an abstract of 5 pages maximum before April
15th 1999 to :
Anne Abeille,
Universite Paris 7
UFRL, Case 7003
2 place Jussieu
75005 Paris France
abeille at

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