Appel. LREC Workshop

Philippe Blache pb at
Thu Feb 3 15:14:59 UTC 2000

From: Effie Ananiadou <effie at>

Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
                          (LREC 2000)

                         Athens, Greece

   Conference Workshop Announcement and Call for Participation

   Integration of domain specific knowledge sources in NLP applications

                  Saturday 3rd June 2000, 09.00-13.30


Workshop Description (summary)

Access to good quality domain specific knowledge is
indispensable to improve various types of NLP applications such
as information extraction, information retrieval, automatic
summarisation etc.

The aims of the workshop are:
 -  to discuss general methodologies to integrate existing
   resources developed for non-NLP purposes into general
   linguistic resources;
 -  to provide an inter-disciplinary forum in which researchers
   from the areas of ontology, terminology, data bases, lexical
   linguistic resources, exchange their views and experience of
   using, re-using and converting existing resources as linguistic
   resources for NLP applications.

   Key Topics (indicative list)

-How much lexical tuning is required when we use domain specific thesauri
and ontologies?
-  Differences between domain specific resources (conceptual) and
linguistic (semantic)  resources.
- Is there a difference except for specificity and limitation?
- The role of a common top level ontology which can be used to integrate
domain specific knowledge sources into general linguistic resources.
-Organisation of ontological structures. Are semantic relations such as
hyponymy, meronymy etc. sufficient for domain specific ontologies and
- The impact of NLP and terminology gathering  on the building of
scientific databases. How we can convert knowledge in existing databases
into linguistic resources.

Important dates

Extended abstract submission deadline: March 1, 2000
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2000
Camera ready papers due: May 1, 2000
Workshop date: 3rd June 2000

Sophia Ananiadou
Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences
University of Salford
Newton Building, Salford M5 4WT
United Kingdom


Junichi Tsujii
Department of Information Science
University of Tokyo,
Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo 113

Programme committee

   Sophia Ananiadou, University of Salford, UK
   Eduard Hovy,Information Sciences Institute, USC, US
   Nicola Guarino, National Research Council, Italy
   Piek Vossen, Sail-Labs, Belgium
   Antonio Sanfilippo, European Commission, DG XIII
   Jun-ichi Tsujii, University of Tokyo, Japan

Paper submissions should consist of an extended abstract (1500
words). Each submission should include a separate title page
providing the following information: the title, a short abstract,
names and affiliations of all the authors, the full address of the
primary author, including email, phone and fax. The authors are
requested to submit one electronic version of their papers (ps or
rtf). Send your electronic submission to Sophia Ananiadou
(S.Ananiadou at


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