Jobs: 3 Offers

Philippe Blache pb at
Mon Mar 27 08:23:23 UTC 2000


1/ From: "Vanessa Combet" <combet at>
   Subject: SINEQUA

2/ From:  Jian Su <sujian at>
   Subject:  NLP:Researcher at Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore Singapore

3/ From:  Larry Pasquale <jobs at>
   Subject:  Comp Linguist (Bio-Medical) at InGenuity Systems, California

1/ From: "Vanessa Combet" <combet at>
   Subject: SINEQUA

SINEQUA (anciennement CORA-SA), start-up dynamique developpant des
logiciels, en
particulier pour le e-commerce et Internet, qui integrent des techniques
linguistiques, recherche :
 un(e) linguiste informaticien(ne) specialiste de l'allemand et
 un(e) linguiste informaticien(ne) specialiste de l'espagnol.
Description du poste :
Vous serez en charge de la creation, l'enrichissement et la maintenance des
lexico-semantiques necessaires au traitement de l'espagnol et de l'allemand
par notre moteur
de recherche d'informations Intuition. Par ailleurs, vous serez egalement
amene(e) a adapter
notre etiqueteur morpho-syntaxique pour le traitement de ces langues, ce qui
implique, entre
autres, d'ecrire des grammaires de desambiguïsation ou encore de preparer
des corpus pour
entrainer notre analyseur. Enfin, vous serez directement implique(e) dans
les divers projets de
recherche menes par nos equipes de linguistes et d'informaticiens.

Competences requises :
* parfaite maitrise de l'espagnol ou de l'allemand (langue maternelle) et
connaissance du francais ;
* formation universitaire superieure en linguistique informatique ou
(DESS, DEA, doctorat) ;
* autonomie en matiere de programmation, c'est-a-dire que vous etes capable
d'elaborer vos propres outils pour constituer, traiter et exploiter des
linguistiques (dictionnaires, corpus, grammaires) ;
* une bonne connaissance et/ou experience dans les domaines suivants seront
particulierement appreciees : lexicographie, terminologie, recherche
d'informations, extraction d'informations, multilinguisme dans les systemes
recherche d'informations, autres langues...

Aspects pratiques :
La remuneration sera fonction de l'experience et des competences des
Le lieu de travail est a Ivry sur Seine, en proche banlieue parisienne.
Les candidats doivent avoir le droit de travailler en France.

Merci d'envoyer votre candidature par courrier electronique ou postal a :
Vanessa Combet-Meunier
51, rue Ledru Rollin
94 200 Ivry sur Seine
combet at

SINEQUA (formerly CORA-SA), a dynamic software company developing Natural
Language products for e-commerce and the Web in particular, has the
following openings for:
  a German computational linguist;
  a Spanish computational linguist.
Position description:
The successful candidates will be required to create, enhance and maintain
the lexical and
semantic Spanish and German databases used by our search engine Intuition.
The candidates
will also be responsible for training our part-of-speech tagger for these
languages, which
means being able to write disambiguation grammars, to edit corpora to ensure
the successful
training of out tagger, etc. The candidates will directly be involved in the
different research
projects our linguists and computer scientists carry out.

Skills required:
* (near) native speaker of Spanish or German and a good command of French;
* relevant university degree in (computational) linguistics;
* sufficient programming abilities to be able to build your own tools for
constitution and processing of linguistic resources;
* good knowledge of and/or experience in the following areas are considered
asset: lexicography, terminology, information retrieval and extraction,
information retrieval, other languages...

Practical aspects:
Salary according to experience and qualifications.
The post is based in Ivry sur Seine (near Paris).
The candidates must have a work permit for France.

Please send your application letter and detailed resume by email or snail
mail to:
Vanessa Combet-Meunier
51, rue Ledru Rollin
94 200 Ivry sur Seine
combet at


2/ From:  Jian Su <sujian at>
   Subject:  NLP:Researcher at Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore Singapore

Rank of Job: researcher
Areas Required: NLP on English and Chinese
Other Desired Areas: Text Mining
University or Organization: Kent Ridge Digital Labs
Department: Knowledge Lab
State or Province: Singapore
Country: Singapore
Final Date of Application: Open
Contact: Jian Su sujian at

Address for Applications:
Kent Ridge Digital Labs, 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace,
Singapore 119613

NLP(English & Chinese) researchers are needed:

Kent Ridge Digital Labs (KRDL)(
is the premier national R&D organisation spearheading the
research and development of information and networking

With an international team of 400 research scientists and
engineers, KRDL offers industry partners the technology and
technical leadership to become global players in the IT market:
life sciences, information, education, transportation & logistics,
and electronic commerce.

At KRDL, we are committed to creating new breakthrough
technologies that make a significant difference in the quality of life
in the information age.  At KRDL, you will find a community
of unique individuals who know how to work hard, and play hard.

We have the world -- in our hands.

KRDL - the cradle for new technologies for the digital age.

Position: Researcher

Your responsibility will include research into
English & Chinese entity recognition, coreference and
other technologies;


Master/PhD Degree in Computer Science, preferably in NLP related area;
Experience in Chinese/English NLP, especially entity
Good C/C++ programming skill
Good communication skill and initiative

Su Jian
Tel:(65) 874 2533
Email: sujian at


3/ From:  Larry Pasquale <jobs at>
   Subject:  Comp Linguist (Bio-Medical) at InGenuity Systems, California

Rank of Job: Mid to Senior Level
Areas Required: Bio-medical
Other Desired Areas: Science, Chemistry, Internet, NLP
University or Organization: InGenuity Systems
Department: Knowledge Engineering/Acquisition
State or Province: California
Country: United States
Final Date of Application: April 30, 2000
Contact: Larry Pasquale jobs at

Address for Applications:
500 Ellis Street
Mt. View
California 94043
United States

Computational Linguist

Join a leading-edge team that is developing NLP systems to facilitate
automatic information extraction from the biomedical literature. As a
Computational Linguist.

Your responsibilities will include:

Design and implementation of an information extraction system for
biomedical literature.
Formulation, editing, and evaluation grammar rules for text-based
biological data mining.
Projects involving search, retrieval, and presentation of information
from the InGenuity knowledge base


Master or Ph.D. in Computer Science or Linguistics with a focus on
Natural Language Processing


At least two years of experience in developing applications for
text-processing, information retrieval, or other related products.
Knowledge of and experience with tagging, parsing, semantic processing,
language generation, NL querying, and information extraction.
Good analytic and problem-solving skills
Working knowledge of PERL, C/C++, or Java


Familiarity with biomedical literature and vocabulary a plus
Knowledge of and experience with existing NLP tools

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