Appel: International Contrastive Linguistics Conference

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Wed Mar 21 18:00:54 UTC 2001

    The Second International Contrastive Linguistics Conference
                                (ICLC  II)

                         25th to 27th October 2001

                      Santiago de Compostela, Spain

                             CALL FOR PAPERS

We are pleased to announce that the Second International Contrastive
Linguistics Conference (ICLC) will be held from 25th to 27th October
2001, in the Philology Faculty of Santiago University, Spain. Papers
of a contrastive nature are welcome, particularly in the following
subject areas: Linguistic Description (grammar, lexico-semantics,
phonetics, phonology, etc), Pragmatics, Rhetoric, Translation Studies,
Discourse Analysis, Languages for Specific Purposes, and Second
Language Acquisition.  Papers will have a duration of 20 minutes (3000
words maximum, references and notes included), and may be presented in
English or Spanish (Castilian). If you wish to take part, please send
us a title and an abstract, preferably by e-mail (iarabade at;
iadimly at, before 15th April 2001.  Abstracts will have to
conform with the following format:

Line 1: Research Area

Line 2: Name of author(s)

Line 3: Title of paper

Line 4: Institution/Affiliation(s),

Line 5: Postal address(es), e-mail (and webpage)

Line 6-Line 20 (maximum): Abstract (single spaced)

The conference fee will be 10,000 pesetas (5,000 for students).  After
a blind refereeing processs, those papers that fulfil the requirements
of presentation, originality and scientific rigour will be selected
for publication by the Scientific Committee.  We look forward to your

Kind regards,

The organising committee

Contact address:

II International Contrastive Linguistics Conference (ICLC II)


Facultad de Filoloxía. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Avda. de Castelao, s/n

E- 15782 Santiago. Spain

Tels.: +34 981 57 53 40 extensions
11897 (Dr. L. Iglesias),
11856 (Dr. M.L.A. Gómez),
11891 (S. Doval),
Dr. A. Rollings (11838)

Fax: +34 981 57 46 46

e-mail: iarabade at; iadimly at

Web site for ICLC II :
>Dr María Ángeles GÓMEZ-GONZÁLEZ
>Profesora Titular de Filoloxía Inglesa
>Departmento de Filoloxía Inglesa
>Facultade de Filoloxia
>Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
>Avda. de Castelao, s/n
>E-15704 Santiago de Compostela
>Fax.: + 00 34  981-574646
>Tel:  + 00 34  981-563100   Ext. 11856
>email: iadimly at
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