Jobs: 4 offres

alexis nasr alexis.nasr at
Wed May 30 15:02:43 UTC 2001

1/ 3 postes de recherche à MEMODATA
2/ Microsoft Job Opening
3/ ingenieur de developpement - logiciel de gestion d'information
4/ Marie Curie Fellowship Positions - UNILEVER


MEMODATA prevoit de creer les postes suivants des la rentree 2002. Ces
postes ont en commun la preparation d'une these? Les postes seront
crees en fonction de la pertinence des dossiers de candidature et des
previsions economiques (l'ensemble des postes sont des postes de

Les postes crees seront bases a Caen. La ville accueille pres de 20
000 etudiants. Situee a dix minutes de la mer, 5 minutes d'une
campagne, elle offre de nombreux attraits pour sejourner et preparer
un doctorat.

- 1 informaticien-linguiste
        Domaine du sujet : Etude et realisation d'agents
        syntaxico-semantiques pour le filtrage de textes en
        environnement distribuee. Production automatique de ces
        agents. Aspect linguistique concerne : paraphrase.

        Competences : programmation C, java, theorie des graphes,
        interêt pour les langues...

- 1 semanticien-logicien-lexicologue
        Domaine du sujet : integration de differentes portant sur le
        lexique dans le Dictionnaire Integral. Definition des
        formalismes. Leur usage.

        Competences : Connaissance de la lexicologie, des principales
        theories linguistiques actuelles. Interêt pour la logique,
        goût affirme pour le travail sur ordinateur.

- 1 lexicologue en traduction
        Domaine du sujet : Modelisation semantique pour
        l'anglais. Partage des connaissances avec ce qui est
        disponible deja, a MEMODATA, en français et anglais.

        Competences : Bilingue anglais, ou mieux, ayant l'anglais
        pour langue maternelle, connaissance de la lexicologie, des
        principales theories linguistiques actuelles, goût affirme
        pour le travail sur ordinateur.

        Ce dernier poste pourra être cofinance par un programme
        europeen : Pierre et Marie Curie. Il pourra aboutir a la
        soutenance d'une these.

2/Software Design Engineer.

The Microsoft Natural Language Group seeks a Software Design Engineer to
assist the team that connects linguistic and semantic components to
client applications, and that designs and constructs an authoring
environment to enable other developers to do the same for their
applications. The ideal candidate should have a strong customer focus, a
good working knowledge of C++ and COM, experience with GUI application
development, and an ability to work both independently and in teams.  A
track record in natural language processing is a plus, as is experience
in XML, HTML, STL, ATL, and MFC. Our group has solid product plans for
shipping products in 6 months, again in 18 months, and more beyond. The
Natural Language Group will have a profound impact on the future of both
Microsoft and the entire computing industry.  Interested applicants
should send resumes and any questions to softjobs at


Embauche Ingenieur...

Entreprise emergente dans le secteur du traitement de l'information
d'entreprise, nous recherchons un ingenieur de developpement pour
participer au lancement d'un logiciel de gestion d'information.

Competences requises :

  - recueil et constitution d'un dictionnaire/thesaurus

  - analyse de corpus (analyse morpho-syntaxique, analyse semantique,
    analyse statistique)

  - traitement du langage naturel

  - experience en developpement ou en integration de modules de
    traitement du langage.

Merci d'adresser votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) a :

   brigitte.leonardi at

Le travail sera fait en collaboration avec le laboratoire CLIPS-IMAG


I would be most grateful if you could circulate the advert below.
The position offered concerns, by rule, researchers below 35 years old.

Shail Patel, Unilever Research.

May 2001 / currently no fixed deadline

Marie Curie Fellowship Positions - Industry Host Scheme

Natural Language Processing/Computational Linguistics in the UK

Totally committed to scientific exploration and discovery, Unilever
invests £550 million in pioneering new research so our products
remain the preferred choice, 150 million times a day.

An ideal opportunity for a recent PhD graduate to develop their career
whilst keeping their options open on whether to work in industry or
academia, we\rquote re looking for a postdoctoral fellow to join our
2-year Marie Curie Scheme.

Delivering innovation and technology within a challenging environment,
you\rquote ll be fully integrated within the various research groups
and benefit from our comprehensive training and development
opportunities offered to all scientists.  One of these training
programmes is a 2-year scientist development programme which is
designed to develop business competencies.

Our Interactive Business Science Group is seeking an imaginative
researcher to work in one of the following areas of Language
Engineering: text analysis, message understanding, text
categorisation, topic detection / tracking, statistics for NLP,
language generation, dialogue models and dialogue management, question
answering, knowledge representation and other areas of interest.

A key member of the group, you will participate in the research and
consultation with our business users, and in the design, the
development and the implementation of Language Engineering solutions.
You will also gain valuable network opportunities with our external
academic links.

In addition to the acquisition of valuable and sought-after
transferable skills in the design and development of specialist
language engineering systems, you\rquote ll receive a subsistence and
mobility allowance. For further details visit:

Please note that usual European Union Marie Curie eligibility criteria
apply, see CORDIS website :

To apply, please send a full CV, together with the contact details of
two referees to
Shail Patel,
Unilever Research,
Quarry Road East,
Bebington, Wirral CH63 3JW.

E-mail: shail.patel at
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