From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Mon Jul 1 08:36:31 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 10:36:31 +0200 Subject: Conf: Colloque, Origine et evolution des langues, 26-27 Septembre 2002 Message-ID: Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 11:26:56 +0200 From: "Bernard Laks" Message-Id: Colloque international Origine et évolution des langues : approches, modèles, paradigmes Amphithéâtre Marguerite de Navarre Collège de France, Paris 26-27 septembre 2002 Comité scientifique Alain Berthoz (Collège de France), Serge Cleuziou (CNRS), Jean-Paul Demoule (Paris I), Pierre Encrevé (EHESS), Jean-Marie Hombert (Lyon II), Jean-Jacques Hublin (Bordeaux I), Bernard Laks (Paris X), Alain Peyraube (CNRS), Bernard Victorri (CNRS). Comité d'organisation Serge Cleuziou (CNRS), Bernard Laks (Paris X) Organisé avec le soutien : Université Paris I, Paris X, EHESS, CNRS (Programme Origine de l'Homme, Origine des langues), Réseau Sciences Cognitives d'Ile de France, Collège de France (Chaire du Prof. A. Berthoz), Maison de l'Archéologie et de l'Ethnonologie, Ministère de la Recherche, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, Musée des Arts Premiers, Délégation Générale à la langue française et aux langues de France. Présentation Les recherches sur les origines de l'homme ont été spectaculairement relancées depuis une dizaine d'années par les travaux d'équipes de généticiens, de linguistes, d'anthropologues et d'archéologues, qui ont abouti à la proposition d'un nouveau modèle d'ensemble. Selon ce modèle, parfois qualifié de "Nouvelle Synthèse", l'homme moderne, à l'issue d'un "goulot d'étranglement" biologique, serait apparu entre 200.000 et 100.000 ans avant notre ère, sans doute en Afrique orientale, à partir d'évolutions locales de l'Homo erectus. Au nombre de quelques milliers, les individus composant ce type humain, aux performances psychomotrices identiques aux nôtres, se seraient ensuite répandus dans l'ensemble de l'Ancien, puis du Nouveau Monde, dispersant ainsi leurs gènes, mais aussi leurs langues. Avec leurs méthodes propres, et à partir des langues et des gènes actuels, certains courants de la génétique des populations et de la linguistique typologique sont ainsi parvenus à proposer une reconstitution des arbres généalogiques respectifs des langues et des gènes de l'ensemble de l'humanité, tandis qu'un certain nombre d'archéologues proposaient de corréler ces arbres avec des migrations préhistoriques attestées, notamment lors de la diffusion de l'agriculture au cours du néolithique. Si cette nouvelle synthèse occupe aujourd'hui le devant de la scène épistémologique, on ne saurait oublier que les questions liées à l'origine et l'évolution de l'homme et des langues ont suscité au cours de l'histoire scientifique récente un grand nombre d'hypothèses, de modèles et de paradigmes variés, depuis les modèles de la linguistique aréale jusqu'aux modèles de mélange de langues en passant par les modèles de diffusion ondulatoire. Sur le terrain plus proprement anthropologique, la mise à l'épreuve du modèle unicentriste et monogénétique n'a pas été sans susciter débats et contre arguments. La réflexion sur l'origine et l'évolution des langues humaines dans un cadre darwinien reste problématique. - Sur le terrain archéologique, les reconstructions proposées ne sont pas toutes compatibles avec les modèles de diffusion des techniques, des mythes ou des cultures. - Sur le terrain linguistique enfin, dès que la question de l'origine et de l'évolution de l'homme et des langues est reposée dans ses dimensions évolutives, cognitives, sociales et culturelles, d'apprentissage et de transmission générationnelle, l'ensemble des théories linguistiques à vocation universaliste (programme chomskyen, linguistique cognitive, programme optimaliste etc.) comme la plupart des théories du changement et de la variation (linguistique variationniste, programme monogénétiste etc.) se trouvent convoquées et de nombreuses contre-propositions peuvent être évoquées. L'objectif de ce colloque international est de confronter, sur chacun de ces terrains scientifiques, les différentes hypothèses et les différents modèles proposés pour rendre compte de l'origine et de l'évolution des langues. La présence conjointe de linguistes, d'anthropologues, d'archéologues, de généticiens et de spécialistes des sciences cognitives de renommée internationale devrait permettre d'aborder ce débat dans toute son ampleur et de rendre compte de la diversité des positions défendues, tout en montrant l'existence de nombreuses convergences disciplinaires et interdisciplinaires. Programme Jeudi 26 septembre 9h 30 - 10h : ouverture du colloque Alain Berthoz (Collège de France) Jean-Marie Hombert (CNRS et programme OHLL) Jean-Paul Demoule (Comité de Programme) 10h-10h45 Luca L. Cavalli-Sforza (Stanford) Relationships between genetic evolution and evolution of languages 10h45-11h : pause 11h-11h45 Merritt Ruhlen (Stanford) Linguistic Evidence for the First 'Out-of-Africa' Migration. 11h45-12h30 Colin Renfrew (Cambridge) The origins of linguistic diversity: some problems with the 'New Synthesis'. 12h30-14h : déjeuner 14h14h45 Luciano Fadiga (Ferrare) Speech understanding and "action-perception" debate: experimental observations and theoretical speculations. 14h45-15h30 Richard Klein (Stanford) How modern humans were able to replace the Neanderthals and other non-modern Eurasians beginning 50,000 years ago. 15h30-15h45 : pause 15h45-16h30 Gilles Fauconnier (San Diego) Double-scope blending and the integration continuum 16h30-17h15 Andrew Carsters MacCarty (Canterbury, N.Z.) Poor design features in language as clues to its prehistory: why language is the way it is 17h15-18h Bill Labov (Philadelphie) Driving forces Vendredi 27 septembre 9h30-10h15 Gillian Sankoff (Philadelphie) Speaker Trajectories in Language Evolution: Longitudinal Evidence from French 10h15-11h Salikoko S. Mufwene What do creoles and pidgins tell us about the evolution of language. 11h-11h15 : pause 11h15-12h André Langanney (Paris) Histoires génétique et linguistique : causalités communes et corrélations fortuites. 12h-12h45 David Sankoff (Montreal) The introspector's paradox 12h45-14h30 déjeuner 14h30-15h15 Domenico Parisi (Rome) Simulating the origin and evolution of language 15h15-16h William S. Wang (Hong Kong) Language and complexity 16h-16h15 pause 16h15-17h Tandy Warnow (Austin) et Donald Ringe (Philadelphie) Perfect Phylogenetic Networks and Indo-European Evolution 17h-17h45 William Croft (Manchester) The origin of language: an evolutionary approach 17h45-18h Conclusions Alain Peyraube (CNRS) L'assistance au colloque est libre dans la limite des places disponibles Informations complémentaires et pré-inscription : bernard.laks at cleuziou at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Conf: 3e forum de Morphologie Message-ID: From: Nabil Hathout Message-Id: <15650.48602.1411.406168 at> X-url: ===================================================================== Troisième Forum international de Morphologie Third International Forum of Morphology Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3 Maison de la recherche 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ LES UNITÉS MORPHOLOGIQUES / MORPHOLOGICAL UNITS Jeudi 19 septembre 2002 / Thursday, September 19, 2002 9h-9h45 Inscription 9h45-10h Ouverture / Opening 10h-11h Conférencier invité Franz Rainer (U. de Vienne) Les unités de base des formations savantes. Le type carbonifère. 11h-11h30 Pause / Break 11h30-12h Sylvain Neuvel (U. of Chicago) & Rajendra Singh (U. de Montréal) Quelles unités ? 12h-12h30 Bernard Fradin (UMR 7110 ; GDR 2220 CNRS) & Françoise Kerleroux (U. Paris 10; UMR 7114, GDR 2220 CNRS) Quelle base pour les procédés de la morphologie constructionnelle? 12h30-14h Déjeuner 14h-14h30 Angela Ralli (U. of Patras) Stem bases vs. word bases in concatenative morphology. 14h30-15h Fabio Montermini (U. degli Studi di Milano ; GDR 2220 CNRS) Suffixation et voyelles finales en italien. Quelques arguments en faveur d'une morphologie « lexeme-based ». 15h-15h30 Florence Villoing (U. de Paris 10 ; GDR 2220) Les bases des opérations de construction morphologiques sont des unités sémantiquement spécifiées. Illustration à la lumière des composés [VN] du français. 15h30-16h Pause 16h-16h30 Chrystèle Lesselingue (U. de Paris 10 ; GDR 2220 CNRS) Les noms composés [NN]N « holonymiques » : illustration de la spécificité sémantique des unités construites morphologiquement. 16h30-17h Judith Meinschaefer (U. of Konstanz) Affixes, arguments and aspect : some observations on the interpretation of deverbal nominals without affix. 17h-17h30 Anke Lüdeling (U. of Osnabrück) & Tanja Schmid (U. of Stuttgart) Neoclassical word formation and the stem-affix distinction in German. 17h30: Installation des posters. 17h45: Pot d'accueil. Vendredi 20 septembre 2002 / Friday, September 20, 2002 9h-9h30 Michel Roché (ERSS, CNRS; U. de Toulouse-Le Mirail) L'interfixe est-il une unité morphologique ? 9h30-10h Maria-Rosa Lloret (U. de Barcelone) On the function of emptiness: affixless vs. null-affixed forms. 10h-10h30 Anna Anastassiadis-Syméonidis (U. de Thessalonique) L'élément -odhis en grec moderne : un cas de grammaticalisation. 10h30-11h Pause / Break 11h-11h30 Olivier Bonami (U. de Rennes 2 ; GDR 2220) & Gilles Boyé (U. de Nancy 2; ATILF ; GDR 2220) La nature morphologique des allomorphies conditionnées. Les formes de liaison des adjectifs en français. 11h30-12h Emmanuel Aïm (U. de Paris 7) Aspect de la flexion nominale en somali. 12h-12h30 Paolo Acquaviva (U. College Dublin) Lexemes as listed structures: Evidence from Italian. 12h30-14h Déjeuner 14h-15h30 Session posters 15h30-16h30 Discussion plénière des posters / Discussion of posters in plenary session 16h30-17h Stavroula Stavrakaki (U. of Crete ) & Melita Stavrou (U. of Thessaloniki) Stems and suffixes in the Greek lexicon: Evidence from the acquisition of noun plurals. 17h-17h30 Pause / Break 17h30-18h Andrés Enrique-Arias (U. des Iles Baléares) From clitics to inflections: Diachronic and typological evidence for affixal object agreement marking in Spanish. 18h-18h30 Berthold Crysmann (DFKI GmbH, Computational Linguistics, Saarland University) Paradigm Functions in HPSG. 20h: Banquet en ville (en option) / Banquet (optional). En réserve / Alternates : Alain Kihm (UMR 7110, CNRS) Les pluriels internes de l'arabe ou comment pluraliser sans morphème. Christoph Schwarze (U. de Konstanz) Les unités morphologiques sont-elles visibles ? Samedi 21 septembre 2002 / Saturday, Septembre 21, 2002 9h-9h30 Jean Lowenstamm (UMR 7110, CNRS; U. de Paris 7) L'architecture gabaritique et les sites de réalisation phonologique de l'allomorphie : le cas de la marge gauche. 9h30-10h Ali Idrissi (U. of Montreal) Morphological Units in Templatic Morphology. 10h-10h30 Sophie Wauquier (U. de Nantes; UMR 7018 CNRS) Troncation et reduplication. Peut-on parler de gabarits morphologiques dans le lexique précoce ? 10h30-11h Pause / Break 11h-11h30 Séverine Casalis (EA 1059, CNRS), Emmanuelle Mathiot (UMR 8528 SILEX, CNRS), A.S Bécavin (EA 1059, CNRS), Pascale Colé (UMR 5105, CNRS) Conscience morphologique chez des apprentis lecteurs tout-venant et en difficultés. 11h30-12h Fanny Meunier (UMR 5596, CNRS) Le traitement des mots préfixés présentés auditivement : une approche psycholinguistique. 12h-12h30 Catherine Brissaud (U. Stendhal de Grenoble) & Jean-Pierre Jaffré (LEAPLE, CNRS) Polyvalence morphographique et dynamique fonctionnelle Retour sur le nombre linguistique. 12h30-13h Clôture / Closing session Session de posters / Poster session Sophie Aliquot Le problème de l'identité (UMR 8528, CNRS; U. Paris suffixale 10) Angeliki Efthymiou (U. d' e- : un cas spécial d'unité Egée) morphologique en grec moderne? & Zoé Gavriilidou (U. de Thrace) Carmen Kelling The encoding of information in (U. of Konstanz) morphological units: evidence from French psych verbs and their corresponding deverbal nominals. Fiammetta Namer Valider les unités morphologiques (UMR 7118, GDR 2220, CNRS) par le Web. Monika Rathert The distribution of inflectional (U. of Tübingen) GE- in german complex verbs. Coralie Roger De la pertinence de la notion de (U. Paris 10 ; UMR 7114, paradigme pour les procédés de GDR 2220, CNRS) construction des verbes de changement d'état. Jesse Tseng Le Traitement lexical automatique (UMR 7110, CNRS) des affixes syntagmatiques en français. Remerciements / Acknowledgments: Mark Aronoff, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, François Dell, Alain Kihm, Marianne Kilani-Schoh, Fanny Meunier,Yves-Charles Morin, Albert Ortmann, Sharon Peperkamp, Joël Pynte, Philippe Ségéral, Gregory Stump, Anna Thornton, Dieter Wunderlich. Comité d'organisation / Scientific committee: Georgette Dal, Bernard Fradin, Nabil Hathout, Françoise Kerleroux, Marc Plénat, Michel Roché. Renseignements pratiques / Information : - Courriel / Email : monseur at - Toile / Web : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Appel: 6th EAMT Workshop, Teaching Machine Translation Message-ID: From: "Roger Harris" Message-Id: X-url: C A L L F O R P A P E R S (Reminder) 6th EAMT Workshop: Teaching Machine Translation Venue: UMIST, Manchester, England Web-site: Call for Papers The sixth EAMT Workshop will take place on 14-15 November 2002 hosted by the Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, Manchester, England. Organised by the European Association for Machine Translation, in association with the Natural Language Translation Specialist Group of the British Computer Society, the Workshop will focus on the topic of: Teaching Machine Translation The following topics are of interest: why and to whom should MT be taught? teaching the theoretical background of MT: linguistics, computer science, translation theory addressing preconceptions about MT in the classroom the use of commercial MT programs in hands-on teaching teaching computational aspects of MT to non-computational students web-based distance learning of MT MT education and industry: bridging the gap between academia and the real world teaching pre- and post-editing skills to MT users teaching MT evaluation building modules or `toy' MT systems in the laboratory experiences of the evaluation of MT instruction the role of MT in language learning translation studies and MT etc. We invite submissions of an extended abstract of your proposed paper, up to two pages, summarizing the main points that will be made in the actual paper. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit a full version of the paper, maximum 12 pages, which will be included in the proceedings. A stylefile for accepted submissions will be available in due course. Initially, an extended abstract should be sent, preferably by email as an attachment in any of the standard formats (doc, html, pdf, ps) or as plain text, to Harold.Somers at Otherwise, hardcopy can be sent to: Harold Somers, Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, England, or by fax to +44 161 200 3091. Programme Committee Harold Somers, UMIST, Manchester Derek Lewis, University of Exeter Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton Mikel Forcada, Universitat d'Alacant Karl-Heinz Freigang, Universität des Saarlandes David Wigg, South Bank University, London John Hutchins, EAMT Roger Harris, BCS Important dates: Deadline for extended abstract: 31 July 2002 Acceptance notification: 6 September 2002 Final copies due: 14 October 2002 Conference dates: 14-15 November 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Q: Cahier de tests pour traduction et resume (+R) Message-ID: Q: From: "BOUALEM Malek FTRD/DMI/LAN" Message-Id: <8C19E3FBB6467846AFF97E366D34CB60147204 at> Bonjour, Quelqu'un aurait-il par hasard (établi) un cahier de tests (ou méthode d'évaluation) pour tester et évaluer des logiciels de traduction automatique et/ou des logiciels de résumé ? Merci d'avance pout toute information utile à ce sujet. English query : Looking for evaluation methods for translation and/or for summarization software. Thank you in advance. Malek Boualem France Télécom R&D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R: From: Andrei Popescu-Belis Message-Id: <3D22A2AC.365057F6 at> X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: Bonjour, Dans le cadre du projet européen ISLE, nous avons un groupe de travail sur l'évaluation de la traduction automatique : Nous avons mis beaucoup de matériel à disposition sur le web, mais une de nos thèses (précisément) est qu'il ne peut y avoir de "cahier de charges" unique, puisque l'évaluation dépend des besoins des utilisateurs d'un système. Nous avons toutefois mis au point une classification des mesures de qualité pour la TA, dans laquelle il faut choisir des mesures en fonction des besoins : Nous avons également organisé des ateliers de travail sur ce sujet, qui montrent comment on met en place un protocole d'évaluation. Le plus récent fait intervenir des métriques humaines et automatiques: mais je vous conseille de regarder aussi les travaux d'un atelier antérieur : J'espère que l'étude de ces documents vous permettra de mettre en place un ensemble de tests qui reflètent les qualités que vous cherchez à capturer. Bien cordialement, Andrei Popescu-Belis -- ISSCO/TIM/ETI, Université de Genève tél: (41 22) 705 86 81 40, bd du Pont d'Arve fax: (41 22) 705 86 89 1211 Genève 4 - Suisse ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:27 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:27 +0200 Subject: Conf: COLING Workshop, Grammar Engineering and Evaluation Message-ID: From: "Richard.Sutcliffe" Message-Id: COLING Workshop - Grammar Engineering and Evaluation Sunday 1 September 2002 Programme 08h45-09h00 Welcome and Introduction 09h00-10h30 Session I: Grammar Development I The Parallel Grammar Project Miriam Butt, Helge Dyvik, Tracey Holloway King, Hiroshi Masuichi, Christian Rohrer The Grammar Matrix: An open-source starter-kit for the rapid development of cross-linguistically consistent broad-coverage precision grammars Emily M. Bender, Dan Flickinger, Stephan Oepen Parallel distributed grammar engineering for practical applications Stephan Oepen, Emily M. Bender, Uli Callmeier, Dan Flickinger, Melanie Siegel 10h30-11h00 Break 11h00-12h30 Session II: Grammar Development II A development environment for large-scale multi-lingual parsing systems Hisami Suzuki Adapting existing grammars: The XLE approach Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King, John T. Maxwell III Coping with problems in grammars automatically extracted from treebanks Carlos A. Prolo 12h30-13h30 Lunch 13h30-14h30 Session III: Formalisms and Approaches A classification of grammar development strategies Alexandra Kinyon, Carlos A. Prolo Encoding and reusing linguistic information expressed by Linguistic Properties Caroline Hagège, Gabriel G. Bès 14h30-15h30 Panel Session How does a formalism influence grammar engineering? HPSG, LFG, LTAG & The Rest 15h30-16h00 Break 16h00-17h00 Session IV: Evaluation Grammar and lexicon in the robust parsing of Italian: Towards a non-naïve interplay Roberto Bartolini, Alessandro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli Machine translation as a testbed for multilingual analysis Richard Campbell, Carmen Lozano, Jessie Pinkham, Martine Smets 17h00-17h30 Discussion and Closing Remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:32 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:32 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03 Message-ID: From: Ann Copestake Message-Id: X-url: EACL-03 Call for Papers, Research notes and Demos 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003. 1. Papers Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to: pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax and the lexicon; phonetics, phonology and morphology; interpreting and generating spoken and written language; linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language; language-oriented information retrieval, question answering, summarization and information extraction; language-oriented machine learning; corpus-based language modeling; multi-lingual processing, machine translation and translation aids; natural language interfaces and dialogue systems; approaches to coordinating the linguistic with other modalities in multi-media systems; message and narrative understanding systems; tools and resources; evaluation of systems and evaluation methodology Papers on tools and resources for less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. Requirements Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included. A paper accepted for presentation at the EACL Meeting cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page, as must papers that contain significant overlap with previously published work. Reviewing The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Reviewing will be managed by an international Conference Program Committee consisting of Area Chairs (to be announced). Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Final decisions on the technical program will be made by the Conference Program Committee. Submission Information Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word Style files available via the conference website, A description of the format will also be available in case you are unable to use these style files directly. As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...". Papers that do not conform to the requirements above are subject to be rejected without review. Submission Procedure You must submit a notification of submission by filling out intention-to-submit form at a designated website. All papers must be submitted electronically in PostScript format. Further details of the submission procedure will be available on the conference website. Deadlines Paper registration deadline: November 10, 2002 Paper submissions deadline: November 15, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15, 2003 EACL-03 Conference: April 12-17, 2003 2. Research Note and Demo Sessions The EACL-03 meeting will include Research Note Sessions and Demo Sessions. RESEARCH NOTES should present work in progress, project status reports, unevaluated results or system summaries (with or without demos). In the programme of the conference there will be sessions reserved for Research Notes. Presentations of Research Notes will be shorter than regular papers' ones. Each Research Note will be allocated 4 pages in the conference proceedings. We also encourage the submission of SOFTWARE DEMOS related to any areas of computational linguistics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Natural language processing systems, including o Dialog systems and interfaces o Machine translation systems and translation aids o Message and narrative understanding systems. o Language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction systems * Application systems using embedded language technology components * Reusable components (speech recognizers, parsers, generators, ...) * Software tools for facilitating computational linguistics research * Software for demonstrating or evaluating computational linguistics research * Aids for teaching computational linguistics concepts Demos of tools for less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. Developers should outline the design of their system and provide sufficient details to allow the evaluation of its validity, quality, and relevance to computational linguistics. Pointers to web sites running the demo preview will also be helpful. Research notes and demo submissions will be reviewed by an international panel. Format for Submission Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and should not exceed four (4) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word Style files available via the conference website, A description of the format will also be available in case you are unable to use these style files directly. Submission Procedure You must submit a notification of submission by filling out intention-to-submit form at a designated website. All papers must be submitted electronically in PostScript format. Further details of the submission procedure will be available on the conference website. Demo submissions should also clearly indicate if any computer equipment is expected to be provided by the local organizer. If so, please specify desired hardware platform, hard disk and memory capacity, operating system and other software needed in order to run the demo. Also mention name and contact information of systems operations specialist. If you are bringing your own laptop, you should instead request a video projector if you need one, providing details about PC type, screen resolution, etc. Deadlines Research Note registration deadline: December 1, 2002 Research Note submissions deadline: December 6, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15, 2003 EACL-03 Conference: April 12-17, 2003 3 Other CFPs and Additional Information Separate CFPs have been issued for Workshop Proposals and the EACL Student Workshop For additional information, see the web site for the conference: which will provide additional details as they become available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:30 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:30 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03, Workshop Proposals Message-ID: From: Steven Krauwer Message-Id: <200207101502.g6AF2m003963 at> X-url: EACL-03 Call for Workshop Proposals Proposal submission deadline: October 1, 2002 The EACL-03 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held at EACL-03. EACL-03 will take place in Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003 with workshops being held on Sunday and Monday, April 13 and 14, 2003. *Workshop topics EACL-03 workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to focus intensively on a specific topic within computational linguistics. Often, workshops concentrate on specific topics of technical interest (e.g., parsing technologies), particular areas of application for language processing technologies (e.g., NLP applied to IR), or community-wide issues that deserve attention (e.g., standardization of resources and tools). We welcome proposals on any topic that is of interest to the EACL community, but we particularly encourage proposals that broaden the scope of our community through the consideration of new or interdisciplinary techniques or applications. We also encourage topics that are specific to the EACL community such as resources and tools for European or Mediterranean languages. *Workshop format Traditionally, workshops are shaped as mini-conferences, but we encourage proposers to consider other formats that exploit the fact that smaller settings allow for more interaction between participants (discussions, panels, working sessions). The default duration of a workshop is one day, but longer or shorter durations can be proposed (but should be justified). Please note that capacity limitations may cause us to request the organizers to shorten a workshop or to merge it with another workshop in a related area. *Financial guidelines The workshop organisers will benefit from the standard logistic facilities provided for the conference e.g., room, equipment, coffee, proceedings. Any additional cost should be covered by the organisers (especially invited speakers, PC meetings etc.). *Registration fees Participants pay a registration fee which is dependent on the duration of the workshop. Participants not registered for the main conference, pay a higher fee. *Proposals Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, and the size of the interested community. Proposals should be 2-4 pages and contain the following information: - A title and brief description of the workshop topic. - The target audience and projected number of participants along with support for the projected count. Supporting evidence could include a list of potential submitters, a list of conferences that contained papers on the proposed topic, the number of new companies focused on this topic, or recent funding initiatives that address this topic. - Resource needs such as room size and number of days. Include any special requirements for technical support (computer infrastructure, etc.). - The name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage of each chair. In addition, indicate the chairs' background in the workshop area. - A preliminary programme committee Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text, as soon as possible but no later than OCTOBER 1, 2002. The subject line should be: "EACL-03 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL". Please e-mail proposals and any inquiries to the Workshop Chair, Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at *Timetable of Important Dates: Workshop proposals due: Oct. 1, 2002 Notification of acceptance: Oct. 7, 2002 Deadline for receipt of workshop Call for Papers and other publicity material: Oct. 21, 2002 Send out Call for Papers: Nov. 1, 2002 Suggested deadline for workshop paper submissions: Jan. 1, 2003 Suggested deadline for notification of workshop paper acceptance: Jan. 21, 2003 Suggested deadline for camera-ready workshop papers: Feb. 13, 2003 Workshop Dates: Apr. 13-14, 2003 *Additional Information For additional information, see the web site for the conference: which will provide additional details as they become available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:34 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:34 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03, Student Research Workshop Message-ID: From: Jon Herring Message-Id: <3D2F0070.23D73386 at> X-url: X-url: Call for Papers Student Research Workshop during EACL-03 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary April 12-17 2003 This information can also be found at submission deadline: November 15th 2002 Note: The exact dates of the Workshop have not been firmly established yet. It is expected that the session will be part of the main conference, April 15-17 2003 1. General Invitation for Submissions The Student Research Workshop is an established tradition at EACL conferences. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for student researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Participants will have the opportunity to get feedback both from a wide audience in general and from selected panellists, experienced researchers who prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the presentation. In order to widen participation, we hope to make funding and very reasonably priced accommodation available for attending the conference. More details will be posted on the Student Research Workshop website. We would like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the workshop. As the main mission of the workshop is to provide feedback, the emphasis will be on work in progress. Original and unpublished research is invited on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to these topic areas: * pragmatics * discourse * semantics * syntax * lexicon * phonetics and phonology * morphology * linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language * information retrieval * information extraction * question answering * summarization * generation * speech recognition and synthesis * corpus-based language modelling * multi-lingual processing * machine translation and translation aids * spoken and written natural language interfaces, dialogue systems * language in multi-modal systems * message and narrative understanding systems Papers reporting research on less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. The main conference will also feature tutorials, workshops and research notes. Further information on these will be made available on the Main Conference website, 2. Submission Requirements Papers should describe original work, either in progress or completed. It will therefore normally be open only to students who have settled on their thesis direction but who still have significant research left to do; those students in the final stages of their thesis should be submitting instead to the main conference. Papers should clearly indicate directions for future research wherever appropriate. The papers can have more than one author; however, all authors MUST be students. A paper accepted for presentation at the Student Workshop cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences must indicate this immediately after the title material on the first page. A student who has already presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL student session will not be allowed to present again at the student session of any of these conferences, but encouraged to submit instead to the main conference. Please note that a letter from your supervisor will be required to confirm that you meet these criteria. 3. Submission Procedure Submissions should follow the two-column format of EACL/ACL proceedings and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of EACL latex style files or Microsoft Word Style files tailored for this year's conference. Full details on formatting and submission (including the supervisor's letter mentioned in 2 above) will soon be available from the web pages of the workshop. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. Papers should be sent by email in PostScript and PDF format to the following address: students at 4. Reviewing Procedure Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be managed by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs, with the assistance of a team of reviewers. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance decision will be made based on the results of the review. Note that reviewing of papers will be blind; therefore, please, make sure you do not put the author(s) name(s) on the title page. You should not have any self-identifying references anywhere in the paper submitted for review. For example, you can't have a reference like this "We showed previously (Smith, 1991), ..." Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991)..." 5. Schedule Submissions must be received by Friday November 15th, 2002. Late submissions (those arriving on or after November 16th, 2002) will be automatically disqualified. The student workshop committee is not responsible for postal delays or other mailing problems. For electronic submissions, all time zones will be taken into account). Acknowledgement will be emailed soon after receipt. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) on January 15th, 2003. Detailed formatting guidelines for the preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be provided to authors with their acceptance notice. 6. Timetable Important dates: Paper submissions deadline: November 15th, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15th, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15th, 2003 EACL conference April 12th-17th, 2003 7. Contact Information If you need to contact the co-chairs of the workshop please use the address students at . Malte Gabsdil Department of Computational Linguistics Universität des Saarlandes Postfach 15 11 50 66041 Saarbrücken Germany email: gabsdil at Jon Herring ITRI University of Brighton Lewes Road Brighton BN2 4GJ UK email: Jon.Herring at Julia Hockenmaier Division of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 9LW UK email: julia at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:36 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:36 +0200 Subject: Conf: 2emes Journees de la Linguistique de Corpus Message-ID: From: "geoffrey.williams" Message-Id: <009901c22cae$64c292c0$c6e8fea9 at geoffrey> X-url: X-url: X-url: 2èmes Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus A brief summary in English follows. Our apologies for cross postings. APPEL A PARTICIPATION CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Programme en ligne : Inscriptions: Les 2èmes Journées de la linguistique de corpus auront lieu à Lorient les 12, 13 et 14 septembre 2002. Elles sont organisées par le Centre de Recherche en Littérature, Linguistique et Civilisation (CRELLIC - UBS Lorient) avec la collaboration de Valoria (UBS Vannes) et sont également soutenues par les Départements LEA et LLCE de l'Université de Bretagne Sud, l'Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) et la jeune équipe Analyse Linguistique et Pratiques Langagières (ALPL, Nantes). Ces 2èmes Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus visent à promouvoir le développement de la linguistique de corpus en France en réunissant des chercheurs d'horizons divers s'intéressant à l'utilisation de l'informatique pour l'analyse des faits de langues, notamment dans les domaines suivants : - la lexicologie et lexicographie, mono~ et bilingues, - la terminologie, - la traductologie, - la linguistique appliquée et la description linguistique, - ... Les journées s'étaleront sur deux jours et demi avec trois conférences plénières suivies par des communications orales d'une trentaine de minutes. Il y aura également des communications affichées. Nous envisageons de publier les actes de ce colloque. Les conférenciers invités seront : Elena Tognini Bonelli : L'approche inductive sur corpus Claire Blanche Benveniste : Les corpus de langue parlée François Rastier : Des occurrences aux formes sémantiques. Les personnes désirant faire une communication sont priées d'envoyer un résumé d'une page maximum accompagné d'une page de renseignements pratiques comprenant : le mode de communication souhaité, le nom, l'affiliation, le téléphone, l'adresse postale et électronique, à l'adresse ci-dessous : Geoffrey Williams Departement LEA U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines 4 rue Jean Zay BP 92116 56321 LORIENT Cedex ou par courrier electronique a Geoffrey.Williams at Le programme et les renseignements pratiques se trouvent sur le siteweb du CRELLIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This conference aims to bring together researchers working with electronic corpora and lexical resources in France or in the French Language. It is aimed principally at those working in teaching, translating, lexicography and applied linguistics. The language of the workshop will be French. It is the second in a series that started with a one day conference held in Lorient in September 2001. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:40 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:40 +0200 Subject: Conf: TKE 2002 Message-ID: From: Message-Id: <1415. at> X-url: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Appel à participation TKE 2002 (Terminology and Knowledge Engineering /Terminologie et Ingénierie des connaissances) Nancy, France, 28th-30th August 2002 La cinquième édition de TKE sera l’occasion de faire le point sur les développements récents dans le domaine de la terminologie informatisée, tant du point de vue de la recherche que des applications industrielles. La conférence comprendra en particulier : - deux conférences invitées de Mark Maybury (MITRE Corporation) et de Key-Sun Choi (KAIST-KORTERM) - un ensemble de contributions scientifiques - une zone d’exposition d’institutions et de produits industriels - deux ateliers sur « terminologie et web sémantique » et sur « terminologie et industrie de la finance » - deux tables-rondes sur « politique dans le domaine de la terminologie » et « standards pour la terminologie et les ressources linguistiques » Plus de détails concernant la conférence ainsi que les modalités d’inscription sont accessibles depuis : ============================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:38 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:38 +0200 Subject: Conf: AMTA-2002 Message-ID: From: "Jessie Pinkham" Message-Id: X-url: --- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION --- --- ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE! --- The Association for Machine Translation in the Americas AMTA-2002 Conference Location: Tiburon, California Dates: October 8-12, 2002 The Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) is pleased to announce its fifth biennial conference, planned for October 8-12, 2002, in Tiburon (near San Francisco), California. Online registration is now available on the conference web site: Register at a discounted rate until August 11, 2002! A preliminary program, providing the schedule for tutorials, workshops, exhibits, accepted papers, panels, and invited speakers for the conference, is also now posted on the conference web site. We look forward to seeing you in Tiburon! CONFERENCE THEME: From Research to Real Users Ever since the showdown between Empiricists and Rationalists a decade ago at TMI-92, MT researchers have hotly pursued promising paradigms for MT, including data-driven approaches (e.g., statistical, example-based) and hybrids that integrate these with more traditional rule-based components. During the same period, commercial MT systems with standard transfer architectures have evolved along a parallel and almost unrelated track, increasing their coverage (primarily through manual update of their lexicons, we assume) and achieving much broader acceptance and usage, principally through the medium of the Internet. Web page translators have become commonplace; a number of online translation services have appeared, including in their offerings both raw and post-edited MT; and large corporations have been turning increasingly to MT to address the exigencies of global communication. Still, the output of the transfer-based systems employed in this expansion represents but a small drop in the ever-growing translation marketplace bucket. Now, 10 years later, we wonder if this mounting variety of MT users is any better off, and if the promise of the research technologies is being realized to any measurable degree. In this regard, we pose the following questions: Why aren't any current commercially available MT systems primarily data-driven? Do any commercially available systems integrate (or plan to integrate) data-driven components? Do data-driven systems have significant performance or quality issues? Can such systems really provide better quality to users, or is their main advantage one of fast, facilitated customization? If any new MT technology could provide such benefits (somewhat higher quality, or facilitated customization), would that be the key to more widespread use of MT, or are there yet other more relevant unresolved issues, such as system integration? If better quality, customization, or system integration aren't the answer, then what is it that users really need from MT in order for it to be more useful to them? INVITED SPEAKERS We are pleased to announce that invited speakers for the conference will include Yorick Wilks and Ken Church, both notable participants at TMI-92, and Jaap van der Meer, former CEO of ALPNET. We anticipate that the speakers will provide a sharp and stimulating focus on the theme of the conference. CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Elliott Macklovitch, General Chair Stephen D. Richardson, Program Chair Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Local Arrangements Chair Bob Frederking, Workshops and Tutorials Laurie Gerber, Exhibits Coordinator PROGRAM COMMITTEE Arendse Bernth (IBM Research) Christian Boitet (GETA, CLIPS, IMAG) Ralf Brown (LTI, CMU) Robert Cain (Foreign Broadcast Information Service) Michael Carl (RALI) Bill Dolan (Microsoft Research) Laurie Gerber (Language Technology Broker) Stephen Helmreich (CRL, NMSU) Eduard Hovy (ISI, USC) Pierre Isabelle (XRCE) Christine Kamprath (Caterpillar) Elliott Macklovitch (RALI) Bente Maegaard (CST) Michael McCord (IBM Research) Robert C. Moore (Microsoft Research) Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen) Sergei Nirenburg (CRL, NMSU) Franz Och (RWTH Aachen) Joseph Pentheroudakis (Microsoft Research) Jessie Pinkham (Microsoft Research) Fred Popowich (Gavagai Technology Inc.) Florence Reeder (MITRE) Harold Somers (UMIST) Keh-Yih Su (Behavior Design Corp.) Eiichiro Sumita (ATR) Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI) Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft Research) Hideo Watanabe (TRL, IBM) Andy Way (Dublin City Univ.) Eric Wehrli (Univ. of Geneva) John White (Northrop Grumman IT) Jin Yang (SYSTRAN) Ming Zhou (Microsoft Research) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:41 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:41 +0200 Subject: LN: Suspension de la diffusion pendant le mois d'aout Message-ID: From: Thierry Hamon Message-ID: Bonjour, en raison des vacances, nous vous informons que la diffusion des messages sur les listes ln et ln-fr sera suspendue pendant tout le mois d'aout. La derniere diffusion avant les vacances aura lieu le vendredi 26 juillet. Elle reprendra normalement au mois de septembre. Les messages envoyes pour diffusion seront envoyes a ce moment-la. Bonnes vacances a tous. Les moderateurs de LN/LN-FR, Alexis Nasr et Thierry Hamon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Tue Jul 23 08:59:28 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:59:28 +0200 Subject: Ecole: 2nd International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications Message-ID: Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 16:06:54 +0200 From: Carlos Martin-Vide Message-Id: < at> X-url: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 2nd INTERNATIONAL PhD SCHOOL IN FORMAL LANGUAGES AND APPLICATIONS 2002-2004 Rovira i Virgili University Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics Tarragona, Spain Courses and professors 1st term (March-June 2003): Applications of Formal Languages Solomon Marcus, Bucharest Languages Zoltán Ésik, Szeged Combinatorics on Words Tero Harju, Turku Regular Grammars Masami Ito, Kyoto Context-Free Grammars Manfred Kudlek, Hamburg Context-Sensitive Grammars Alexandru Mateescu, Bucharest Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammars Henning Bordihn, Potsdam Derivation Trees Carlos Martín-Vide, Tarragona Finite Automata Sheng Yu, London ON Pushdown Automata Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Leiden Turing Machines Maurice Margenstern, Metz Patterns Kai Salomaa, Kingston ON Infinite Words Juhani Karhumäki, Turku Two-Dimensional Languages Kenichi Morita, Hiroshima Regulated Rewriting Jürgen Dassow, Magdeburg Contextual Grammars Victor Mitrana, Tarragona Parallel Grammars Henning Fernau, Callaghan Grammar Systems Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Budapest Ecogrammar Systems and Colonies Alica Kelemenová, Opava Courses and professors 2nd term (October 2003-February 2004): Tree Automata and Tree Languages Magnus Steinby, Turku Formal Power Series Werner Kuich, Vienna DNA Computing: Theory and Experiments Grzegorz Rozenberg, Leiden Membrane Computing Gheorghe Paun, Tarragona Splicing Systems and Aqueous Computing Tom Head, Binghamton NY Quantum Computing Cristian Calude, Auckland Developmental Languages vs. DNA Computing Arto Salomaa, Turku Cellular Automata Giancarlo Mauri, Milano Formal Languages and Natural Language Syntax Walter Savitch, San Diego CA Parsing Giorgio Satta, Padua Tree Adjoining Grammars James Rogers, Richmond IN Weighted Finite-State Transducers Mehryar Mohri, Florham Park NJ Formal Languages and Logic Vincenzo Manca, Verona Grammatical Inference and Learning Takashi Yokomori, Tokyo Grammar-Theoretic Models in Artificial Life Jozef Kelemen, Opava Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition Rudolf Freund, Vienna Automata-Based Techniques for Verification and Other Decision Problems Oscar Ibarra, Santa Barbara CA Text Searching Algorithms Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Santiago de Chile Cryptography Valtteri Niemi, Helsinki Computational Complexity Markus Holzer, Munich Descriptional Complexity of Automata and Grammars Detlef Wotschke, Frankfurt Dissertation: After following the courses, students enrolled in the programme will have to write and defend a dissertation in English in their own area of interest, in order to get the so-called European PhD degree. All the professors in the programme will be allowed to supervise students' theses. Tuition fees: 780 euros each term, appr. Students: Candidate students for the programme are welcome from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science, Mathematics and Linguistics. Students are assumed either to have a good background in discrete mathematics or to be ready to get it by March 2003. Funding: According to the expected programme's budget, 7 accepted students will be funded, so that their tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses while in Spain will be all covered by the programme. Pre-registration procedure: In order to be pre-registered, one should send to the programme chairman: - full CV, - letters of recommendation (optional), - any other document to prove background, interest and motivation (optional). E-mail, fax, post are all accepted. Deadlines: Pre-registration: November 10, 2002 Selection of students: November 15, 2002 Application for funding: November 30, 2002 Decision about funding: February 15, 2003 Registration: March 25, 2003 Starting of the courses: March 26, 2003 Questions and further information: Please, contact the programme chairman, Carlos Martin-Vide, at cmv at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Thu Jul 25 10:47:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:47:11 +0000 Subject: R: Cahier de tests pour traduction et resume Message-ID: Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:17:17 +0200 From: Jean-Luc Minel Message-Id: < at> X-url: > > Je vous joins un article sur le test de logiciels de résumé. > Voici l'URL ou peut être charge l'article : Minel, J.-L., S. Nugier, G. Piat. (1997). How to appreciate the Quality of Automatic Text Summarization, Workshop Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization, EACL 97, Madrid, p. 25-30. ************************************************ Jean-Luc MINEL equipe LaLICC CNRS - Université Paris-Sorbonne 96 Boulevard Raspail 75 006 Paris Téléphone : (33) 1 44 39 89 56 Télécopie : (33) 1 44 39 89 51 Couriel : minel at Jean-Luc.Minel at ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 26 17:01:35 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:01:35 +0000 Subject: Conf: 2emes Journees de la Linguistique de Corpus (+Appel) Message-ID: Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:01:05 +0200 From: "geoffrey.williams" Message-Id: <015101c233ba$3cd01a40$c6e8fea9 at geoffrey> X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: 2èmes Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus A brief summary in English follows. Our apologies for cross postings. APPEL A PARTICIPATION CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Programme en ligne : Information : Inscriptions: Le formulaire d'inscription doit impérativement parvenir à l'université avant le 2 septembre 2002 Les 2èmes Journées de la linguistique de corpus auront lieu à Lorient les 12, 13 et 14 septembre 2002. Elles sont organisées par le Centre de Recherche en Littérature, Linguistique et Civilisation (CRELLIC - UBS Lorient) avec la collaboration de Valoria (UBS Vannes) et sont également soutenues par les Départements LEA et LLCE de l'Université de Bretagne Sud, l'Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) et la jeune équipe Analyse Linguistique et Pratiques Langagières (ALPL, Nantes). Ces 2èmes Journées de la Linguistique de Corpus visent à promouvoir le développement de la linguistique de corpus en France en réunissant des chercheurs d'horizons divers s'intéressant à l'utilisation de l'informatique pour l'analyse des faits de langues, notamment dans les domaines suivants : - la lexicologie et lexicographie, mono~ et bilingues, - la terminologie, - la traductologie, - la linguistique appliquée et la description linguistique, - ... Les journées s'étaleront sur deux jours et demi avec trois conférences plénières suivies par des communications orales d'une trentaine de minutes. Il y aura également des communications affichées. Nous envisageons de publier les actes de ce colloque. Les conférenciers invités seront : Elena Tognini Bonelli : L'approche inductive sur corpus Claire Blanche Benveniste : Les corpus de langue parlée François Rastier : Des occurrences aux formes sémantiques. Les personnes désirant faire une communication sont priées d'envoyer un résumé d'une page maximum accompagné d'une page de renseignements pratiques comprenant : le mode de communication souhaité, le nom, l'affiliation, le téléphone, l'adresse postale et électronique, à l'adresse ci-dessous : Geoffrey Williams Departement LEA U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines 4 rue Jean Zay BP 92116 56321 LORIENT Cedex ou par courrier electronique a Geoffrey.Williams at Le programme et les renseignements pratiques se trouvent sur le siteweb du CRELLIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This conference aims to bring together researchers working with electronic corpora and lexical resources in France or in the French Language. It is aimed principally at those working in teaching, translating, lexicography and applied linguistics. The language of the workshop will be French. It is the second in a series that started with a one day conference held in Lorient in September 2001. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Mon Jul 1 08:36:31 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2002 10:36:31 +0200 Subject: Conf: Colloque, Origine et evolution des langues, 26-27 Septembre 2002 Message-ID: Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 11:26:56 +0200 From: "Bernard Laks" Message-Id: Colloque international Origine et ?volution des langues : approches, mod?les, paradigmes Amphith??tre Marguerite de Navarre Coll?ge de France, Paris 26-27 septembre 2002 Comit? scientifique Alain Berthoz (Coll?ge de France), Serge Cleuziou (CNRS), Jean-Paul Demoule (Paris I), Pierre Encrev? (EHESS), Jean-Marie Hombert (Lyon II), Jean-Jacques Hublin (Bordeaux I), Bernard Laks (Paris X), Alain Peyraube (CNRS), Bernard Victorri (CNRS). Comit? d'organisation Serge Cleuziou (CNRS), Bernard Laks (Paris X) Organis? avec le soutien : Universit? Paris I, Paris X, EHESS, CNRS (Programme Origine de l'Homme, Origine des langues), R?seau Sciences Cognitives d'Ile de France, Coll?ge de France (Chaire du Prof. A. Berthoz), Maison de l'Arch?ologie et de l'Ethnonologie, Minist?re de la Recherche, Minist?re des Affaires Etrang?res, Mus?e des Arts Premiers, D?l?gation G?n?rale ? la langue fran?aise et aux langues de France. Pr?sentation Les recherches sur les origines de l'homme ont ?t? spectaculairement relanc?es depuis une dizaine d'ann?es par les travaux d'?quipes de g?n?ticiens, de linguistes, d'anthropologues et d'arch?ologues, qui ont abouti ? la proposition d'un nouveau mod?le d'ensemble. Selon ce mod?le, parfois qualifi? de "Nouvelle Synth?se", l'homme moderne, ? l'issue d'un "goulot d'?tranglement" biologique, serait apparu entre 200.000 et 100.000 ans avant notre ?re, sans doute en Afrique orientale, ? partir d'?volutions locales de l'Homo erectus. Au nombre de quelques milliers, les individus composant ce type humain, aux performances psychomotrices identiques aux n?tres, se seraient ensuite r?pandus dans l'ensemble de l'Ancien, puis du Nouveau Monde, dispersant ainsi leurs g?nes, mais aussi leurs langues. Avec leurs m?thodes propres, et ? partir des langues et des g?nes actuels, certains courants de la g?n?tique des populations et de la linguistique typologique sont ainsi parvenus ? proposer une reconstitution des arbres g?n?alogiques respectifs des langues et des g?nes de l'ensemble de l'humanit?, tandis qu'un certain nombre d'arch?ologues proposaient de corr?ler ces arbres avec des migrations pr?historiques attest?es, notamment lors de la diffusion de l'agriculture au cours du n?olithique. Si cette nouvelle synth?se occupe aujourd'hui le devant de la sc?ne ?pist?mologique, on ne saurait oublier que les questions li?es ? l'origine et l'?volution de l'homme et des langues ont suscit? au cours de l'histoire scientifique r?cente un grand nombre d'hypoth?ses, de mod?les et de paradigmes vari?s, depuis les mod?les de la linguistique ar?ale jusqu'aux mod?les de m?lange de langues en passant par les mod?les de diffusion ondulatoire. Sur le terrain plus proprement anthropologique, la mise ? l'?preuve du mod?le unicentriste et monog?n?tique n'a pas ?t? sans susciter d?bats et contre arguments. La r?flexion sur l'origine et l'?volution des langues humaines dans un cadre darwinien reste probl?matique. - Sur le terrain arch?ologique, les reconstructions propos?es ne sont pas toutes compatibles avec les mod?les de diffusion des techniques, des mythes ou des cultures. - Sur le terrain linguistique enfin, d?s que la question de l'origine et de l'?volution de l'homme et des langues est repos?e dans ses dimensions ?volutives, cognitives, sociales et culturelles, d'apprentissage et de transmission g?n?rationnelle, l'ensemble des th?ories linguistiques ? vocation universaliste (programme chomskyen, linguistique cognitive, programme optimaliste etc.) comme la plupart des th?ories du changement et de la variation (linguistique variationniste, programme monog?n?tiste etc.) se trouvent convoqu?es et de nombreuses contre-propositions peuvent ?tre ?voqu?es. L'objectif de ce colloque international est de confronter, sur chacun de ces terrains scientifiques, les diff?rentes hypoth?ses et les diff?rents mod?les propos?s pour rendre compte de l'origine et de l'?volution des langues. La pr?sence conjointe de linguistes, d'anthropologues, d'arch?ologues, de g?n?ticiens et de sp?cialistes des sciences cognitives de renomm?e internationale devrait permettre d'aborder ce d?bat dans toute son ampleur et de rendre compte de la diversit? des positions d?fendues, tout en montrant l'existence de nombreuses convergences disciplinaires et interdisciplinaires. Programme Jeudi 26 septembre 9h 30 - 10h : ouverture du colloque Alain Berthoz (Coll?ge de France) Jean-Marie Hombert (CNRS et programme OHLL) Jean-Paul Demoule (Comit? de Programme) 10h-10h45 Luca L. Cavalli-Sforza (Stanford) Relationships between genetic evolution and evolution of languages 10h45-11h : pause 11h-11h45 Merritt Ruhlen (Stanford) Linguistic Evidence for the First 'Out-of-Africa' Migration. 11h45-12h30 Colin Renfrew (Cambridge) The origins of linguistic diversity: some problems with the 'New Synthesis'. 12h30-14h : d?jeuner 14h14h45 Luciano Fadiga (Ferrare) Speech understanding and "action-perception" debate: experimental observations and theoretical speculations. 14h45-15h30 Richard Klein (Stanford) How modern humans were able to replace the Neanderthals and other non-modern Eurasians beginning 50,000 years ago. 15h30-15h45 : pause 15h45-16h30 Gilles Fauconnier (San Diego) Double-scope blending and the integration continuum 16h30-17h15 Andrew Carsters MacCarty (Canterbury, N.Z.) Poor design features in language as clues to its prehistory: why language is the way it is 17h15-18h Bill Labov (Philadelphie) Driving forces Vendredi 27 septembre 9h30-10h15 Gillian Sankoff (Philadelphie) Speaker Trajectories in Language Evolution: Longitudinal Evidence from French 10h15-11h Salikoko S. Mufwene What do creoles and pidgins tell us about the evolution of language. 11h-11h15 : pause 11h15-12h Andr? Langanney (Paris) Histoires g?n?tique et linguistique : causalit?s communes et corr?lations fortuites. 12h-12h45 David Sankoff (Montreal) The introspector's paradox 12h45-14h30 d?jeuner 14h30-15h15 Domenico Parisi (Rome) Simulating the origin and evolution of language 15h15-16h William S. Wang (Hong Kong) Language and complexity 16h-16h15 pause 16h15-17h Tandy Warnow (Austin) et Donald Ringe (Philadelphie) Perfect Phylogenetic Networks and Indo-European Evolution 17h-17h45 William Croft (Manchester) The origin of language: an evolutionary approach 17h45-18h Conclusions Alain Peyraube (CNRS) L'assistance au colloque est libre dans la limite des places disponibles Informations compl?mentaires et pr?-inscription : bernard.laks at cleuziou at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Conf: 3e forum de Morphologie Message-ID: From: Nabil Hathout Message-Id: <15650.48602.1411.406168 at> X-url: ===================================================================== Troisi?me Forum international de Morphologie Third International Forum of Morphology Universit? Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3 Maison de la recherche 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ LES UNIT?S MORPHOLOGIQUES / MORPHOLOGICAL UNITS Jeudi 19 septembre 2002 / Thursday, September 19, 2002 9h-9h45 Inscription 9h45-10h Ouverture / Opening 10h-11h Conf?rencier invit? Franz Rainer (U. de Vienne) Les unit?s de base des formations savantes. Le type carbonif?re. 11h-11h30 Pause / Break 11h30-12h Sylvain Neuvel (U. of Chicago) & Rajendra Singh (U. de Montr?al) Quelles unit?s?? 12h-12h30 Bernard Fradin (UMR 7110?; GDR 2220 CNRS) & Fran?oise Kerleroux (U. Paris 10; UMR 7114, GDR 2220 CNRS) Quelle base pour les proc?d?s de la morphologie constructionnelle? 12h30-14h D?jeuner 14h-14h30 Angela Ralli (U. of Patras) Stem bases vs. word bases in concatenative morphology. 14h30-15h Fabio Montermini (U. degli Studi di Milano?; GDR 2220 CNRS) Suffixation et voyelles finales en italien. Quelques arguments en faveur d'une morphologie ??lexeme-based??. 15h-15h30 Florence Villoing (U. de Paris 10?; GDR 2220) Les bases des op?rations de construction morphologiques sont des unit?s s?mantiquement sp?cifi?es. Illustration ? la lumi?re des compos?s [VN] du fran?ais. 15h30-16h Pause 16h-16h30 Chryst?le Lesselingue (U. de Paris 10?; GDR 2220 CNRS) Les noms compos?s [NN]N ??holonymiques?? : illustration de la sp?cificit? s?mantique des unit?s construites morphologiquement. 16h30-17h Judith Meinschaefer (U. of Konstanz) Affixes, arguments and aspect?: some observations on the interpretation of deverbal nominals without affix. 17h-17h30 Anke L?deling (U. of Osnabr?ck) & Tanja Schmid (U. of Stuttgart) Neoclassical word formation and the stem-affix distinction in German. 17h30: Installation des posters. 17h45: Pot d'accueil. Vendredi 20 septembre 2002 / Friday, September 20, 2002 9h-9h30 Michel Roch? (ERSS, CNRS; U. de Toulouse-Le Mirail) L'interfixe est-il une unit? morphologique?? 9h30-10h Maria-Rosa Lloret (U. de Barcelone) On the function of emptiness: affixless vs. null-affixed forms. 10h-10h30 Anna Anastassiadis-Sym?onidis (U. de Thessalonique) L'?l?ment -odhis en grec moderne : un cas de grammaticalisation. 10h30-11h Pause / Break 11h-11h30 Olivier Bonami (U. de Rennes 2?; GDR 2220) & Gilles Boy? (U. de Nancy 2; ATILF?; GDR 2220) La nature morphologique des allomorphies conditionn?es. Les formes de liaison des adjectifs en fran?ais. 11h30-12h Emmanuel A?m (U. de Paris 7) Aspect de la flexion nominale en somali. 12h-12h30 Paolo Acquaviva (U. College Dublin) Lexemes as listed structures: Evidence from Italian. 12h30-14h D?jeuner 14h-15h30 Session posters 15h30-16h30 Discussion pl?ni?re des posters / Discussion of posters in plenary session 16h30-17h Stavroula Stavrakaki (U. of Crete ) & Melita Stavrou (U. of Thessaloniki) Stems and suffixes in the Greek lexicon: Evidence from the acquisition of noun plurals. 17h-17h30 Pause / Break 17h30-18h Andr?s Enrique-Arias (U. des Iles Bal?ares) From clitics to inflections: Diachronic and typological evidence for affixal object agreement marking in Spanish. 18h-18h30 Berthold Crysmann (DFKI GmbH, Computational Linguistics, Saarland University) Paradigm Functions in HPSG. 20h: Banquet en ville (en option) / Banquet (optional). En r?serve / Alternates?: Alain Kihm (UMR 7110, CNRS) Les pluriels internes de l'arabe ou comment pluraliser sans morph?me. Christoph Schwarze (U. de Konstanz) Les unit?s morphologiques sont-elles visibles?? Samedi 21 septembre 2002 / Saturday, Septembre 21, 2002 9h-9h30 Jean Lowenstamm (UMR 7110, CNRS; U. de Paris 7) L'architecture gabaritique et les sites de r?alisation phonologique de l'allomorphie?: le cas de la marge gauche. 9h30-10h Ali Idrissi (U. of Montreal) Morphological Units in Templatic Morphology. 10h-10h30 Sophie Wauquier (U. de Nantes; UMR 7018 CNRS) Troncation et reduplication. Peut-on parler de gabarits morphologiques dans le lexique pr?coce?? 10h30-11h Pause / Break 11h-11h30 S?verine Casalis (EA 1059, CNRS), Emmanuelle Mathiot (UMR 8528 SILEX, CNRS), A.S B?cavin (EA 1059, CNRS), Pascale Col? (UMR 5105, CNRS) Conscience morphologique chez des apprentis lecteurs tout-venant et en difficult?s. 11h30-12h Fanny Meunier (UMR 5596, CNRS) Le traitement des mots pr?fix?s pr?sent?s auditivement?: une approche psycholinguistique. 12h-12h30 Catherine Brissaud (U. Stendhal de Grenoble) & Jean-Pierre Jaffr? (LEAPLE, CNRS) Polyvalence morphographique et dynamique fonctionnelle Retour sur le nombre linguistique. 12h30-13h Cl?ture / Closing session Session de posters / Poster session Sophie Aliquot Le probl?me de l'identit? (UMR 8528, CNRS; U. Paris suffixale 10) Angeliki Efthymiou (U. d' e- : un cas sp?cial d'unit? Eg?e) morphologique en grec moderne? & Zo? Gavriilidou (U. de Thrace) Carmen Kelling The encoding of information in (U. of Konstanz) morphological units: evidence from French psych verbs and their corresponding deverbal nominals. Fiammetta Namer Valider les unit?s morphologiques (UMR 7118, GDR 2220, CNRS) par le Web. Monika Rathert The distribution of inflectional (U. of T?bingen) GE- in german complex verbs. Coralie Roger De la pertinence de la notion de (U. Paris 10?; UMR 7114, paradigme pour les proc?d?s de GDR 2220, CNRS) construction des verbes de changement d'?tat. Jesse Tseng Le Traitement lexical automatique (UMR 7110, CNRS) des affixes syntagmatiques en fran?ais. Remerciements / Acknowledgments: Mark Aronoff, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Fran?ois Dell, Alain Kihm, Marianne Kilani-Schoh, Fanny Meunier,Yves-Charles Morin, Albert Ortmann, Sharon Peperkamp, Jo?l Pynte, Philippe S?g?ral, Gregory Stump, Anna Thornton, Dieter Wunderlich. Comit? d'organisation / Scientific committee: Georgette Dal, Bernard Fradin, Nabil Hathout, Fran?oise Kerleroux, Marc Pl?nat, Michel Roch?. Renseignements pratiques / Information?: - Courriel / Email?: monseur at - Toile / Web?: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Appel: 6th EAMT Workshop, Teaching Machine Translation Message-ID: From: "Roger Harris" Message-Id: X-url: C A L L F O R P A P E R S (Reminder) 6th EAMT Workshop: Teaching Machine Translation Venue: UMIST, Manchester, England Web-site: Call for Papers The sixth EAMT Workshop will take place on 14-15 November 2002 hosted by the Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, Manchester, England. Organised by the European Association for Machine Translation, in association with the Natural Language Translation Specialist Group of the British Computer Society, the Workshop will focus on the topic of: Teaching Machine Translation The following topics are of interest: why and to whom should MT be taught? teaching the theoretical background of MT: linguistics, computer science, translation theory addressing preconceptions about MT in the classroom the use of commercial MT programs in hands-on teaching teaching computational aspects of MT to non-computational students web-based distance learning of MT MT education and industry: bridging the gap between academia and the real world teaching pre- and post-editing skills to MT users teaching MT evaluation building modules or `toy' MT systems in the laboratory experiences of the evaluation of MT instruction the role of MT in language learning translation studies and MT etc. We invite submissions of an extended abstract of your proposed paper, up to two pages, summarizing the main points that will be made in the actual paper. Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Programme Committee. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit a full version of the paper, maximum 12 pages, which will be included in the proceedings. A stylefile for accepted submissions will be available in due course. Initially, an extended abstract should be sent, preferably by email as an attachment in any of the standard formats (doc, html, pdf, ps) or as plain text, to Harold.Somers at Otherwise, hardcopy can be sent to: Harold Somers, Centre for Computational Linguistics, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, England, or by fax to +44 161 200 3091. Programme Committee Harold Somers, UMIST, Manchester Derek Lewis, University of Exeter Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton Mikel Forcada, Universitat d'Alacant Karl-Heinz Freigang, Universit?t des Saarlandes David Wigg, South Bank University, London John Hutchins, EAMT Roger Harris, BCS Important dates: Deadline for extended abstract: 31 July 2002 Acceptance notification: 6 September 2002 Final copies due: 14 October 2002 Conference dates: 14-15 November 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 5 15:22:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 17:22:11 +0200 Subject: Q: Cahier de tests pour traduction et resume (+R) Message-ID: Q: From: "BOUALEM Malek FTRD/DMI/LAN" Message-Id: <8C19E3FBB6467846AFF97E366D34CB60147204 at> Bonjour, Quelqu'un aurait-il par hasard (?tabli) un cahier de tests (ou m?thode d'?valuation) pour tester et ?valuer des logiciels de traduction automatique et/ou des logiciels de r?sum? ? Merci d'avance pout toute information utile ? ce sujet. English query : Looking for evaluation methods for translation and/or for summarization software. Thank you in advance. Malek Boualem France T?l?com R&D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ R: From: Andrei Popescu-Belis Message-Id: <3D22A2AC.365057F6 at> X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: Bonjour, Dans le cadre du projet europ?en ISLE, nous avons un groupe de travail sur l'?valuation de la traduction automatique : Nous avons mis beaucoup de mat?riel ? disposition sur le web, mais une de nos th?ses (pr?cis?ment) est qu'il ne peut y avoir de "cahier de charges" unique, puisque l'?valuation d?pend des besoins des utilisateurs d'un syst?me. Nous avons toutefois mis au point une classification des mesures de qualit? pour la TA, dans laquelle il faut choisir des mesures en fonction des besoins : Nous avons ?galement organis? des ateliers de travail sur ce sujet, qui montrent comment on met en place un protocole d'?valuation. Le plus r?cent fait intervenir des m?triques humaines et automatiques: mais je vous conseille de regarder aussi les travaux d'un atelier ant?rieur : J'esp?re que l'?tude de ces documents vous permettra de mettre en place un ensemble de tests qui refl?tent les qualit?s que vous cherchez ? capturer. Bien cordialement, Andrei Popescu-Belis -- ISSCO/TIM/ETI, Universit? de Gen?ve t?l: (41 22) 705 86 81 40, bd du Pont d'Arve fax: (41 22) 705 86 89 1211 Gen?ve 4 - Suisse ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:27 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:27 +0200 Subject: Conf: COLING Workshop, Grammar Engineering and Evaluation Message-ID: From: "Richard.Sutcliffe" Message-Id: COLING Workshop - Grammar Engineering and Evaluation Sunday 1 September 2002 Programme 08h45-09h00 Welcome and Introduction 09h00-10h30 Session I: Grammar Development I The Parallel Grammar Project Miriam Butt, Helge Dyvik, Tracey Holloway King, Hiroshi Masuichi, Christian Rohrer The Grammar Matrix: An open-source starter-kit for the rapid development of cross-linguistically consistent broad-coverage precision grammars Emily M. Bender, Dan Flickinger, Stephan Oepen Parallel distributed grammar engineering for practical applications Stephan Oepen, Emily M. Bender, Uli Callmeier, Dan Flickinger, Melanie Siegel 10h30-11h00 Break 11h00-12h30 Session II: Grammar Development II A development environment for large-scale multi-lingual parsing systems Hisami Suzuki Adapting existing grammars: The XLE approach Ronald M. Kaplan, Tracy Holloway King, John T. Maxwell III Coping with problems in grammars automatically extracted from treebanks Carlos A. Prolo 12h30-13h30 Lunch 13h30-14h30 Session III: Formalisms and Approaches A classification of grammar development strategies Alexandra Kinyon, Carlos A. Prolo Encoding and reusing linguistic information expressed by Linguistic Properties Caroline Hag?ge, Gabriel G. B?s 14h30-15h30 Panel Session How does a formalism influence grammar engineering? HPSG, LFG, LTAG & The Rest 15h30-16h00 Break 16h00-17h00 Session IV: Evaluation Grammar and lexicon in the robust parsing of Italian: Towards a non-na?ve interplay Roberto Bartolini, Alessandro Lenci, Simonetta Montemagni, Vito Pirrelli Machine translation as a testbed for multilingual analysis Richard Campbell, Carmen Lozano, Jessie Pinkham, Martine Smets 17h00-17h30 Discussion and Closing Remarks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:32 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:32 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03 Message-ID: From: Ann Copestake Message-Id: X-url: EACL-03 Call for Papers, Research notes and Demos 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003. 1. Papers Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to: pragmatics, discourse, semantics, syntax and the lexicon; phonetics, phonology and morphology; interpreting and generating spoken and written language; linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language; language-oriented information retrieval, question answering, summarization and information extraction; language-oriented machine learning; corpus-based language modeling; multi-lingual processing, machine translation and translation aids; natural language interfaces and dialogue systems; approaches to coordinating the linguistic with other modalities in multi-media systems; message and narrative understanding systems; tools and resources; evaluation of systems and evaluation methodology Papers on tools and resources for less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. Requirements Papers should describe original work; they should emphasize completed work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation results should be included. A paper accepted for presentation at the EACL Meeting cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences or workshops must indicate this on the title page, as must papers that contain significant overlap with previously published work. Reviewing The reviewing of the papers will be blind. Reviewing will be managed by an international Conference Program Committee consisting of Area Chairs (to be announced). Each submission will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Final decisions on the technical program will be made by the Conference Program Committee. Submission Information Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word Style files available via the conference website, A description of the format will also be available in case you are unable to use these style files directly. As reviewing will be blind, the paper should not include the authors' names and affiliations. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity, e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...", should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...". Papers that do not conform to the requirements above are subject to be rejected without review. Submission Procedure You must submit a notification of submission by filling out intention-to-submit form at a designated website. All papers must be submitted electronically in PostScript format. Further details of the submission procedure will be available on the conference website. Deadlines Paper registration deadline: November 10, 2002 Paper submissions deadline: November 15, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15, 2003 EACL-03 Conference: April 12-17, 2003 2. Research Note and Demo Sessions The EACL-03 meeting will include Research Note Sessions and Demo Sessions. RESEARCH NOTES should present work in progress, project status reports, unevaluated results or system summaries (with or without demos). In the programme of the conference there will be sessions reserved for Research Notes. Presentations of Research Notes will be shorter than regular papers' ones. Each Research Note will be allocated 4 pages in the conference proceedings. We also encourage the submission of SOFTWARE DEMOS related to any areas of computational linguistics. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Natural language processing systems, including o Dialog systems and interfaces o Machine translation systems and translation aids o Message and narrative understanding systems. o Language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction systems * Application systems using embedded language technology components * Reusable components (speech recognizers, parsers, generators, ...) * Software tools for facilitating computational linguistics research * Software for demonstrating or evaluating computational linguistics research * Aids for teaching computational linguistics concepts Demos of tools for less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. Developers should outline the design of their system and provide sufficient details to allow the evaluation of its validity, quality, and relevance to computational linguistics. Pointers to web sites running the demo preview will also be helpful. Research notes and demo submissions will be reviewed by an international panel. Format for Submission Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and should not exceed four (4) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of ACL LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word Style files available via the conference website, A description of the format will also be available in case you are unable to use these style files directly. Submission Procedure You must submit a notification of submission by filling out intention-to-submit form at a designated website. All papers must be submitted electronically in PostScript format. Further details of the submission procedure will be available on the conference website. Demo submissions should also clearly indicate if any computer equipment is expected to be provided by the local organizer. If so, please specify desired hardware platform, hard disk and memory capacity, operating system and other software needed in order to run the demo. Also mention name and contact information of systems operations specialist. If you are bringing your own laptop, you should instead request a video projector if you need one, providing details about PC type, screen resolution, etc. Deadlines Research Note registration deadline: December 1, 2002 Research Note submissions deadline: December 6, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15, 2003 EACL-03 Conference: April 12-17, 2003 3 Other CFPs and Additional Information Separate CFPs have been issued for Workshop Proposals and the EACL Student Workshop For additional information, see the web site for the conference: which will provide additional details as they become available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:30 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:30 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03, Workshop Proposals Message-ID: From: Steven Krauwer Message-Id: <200207101502.g6AF2m003963 at> X-url: EACL-03 Call for Workshop Proposals Proposal submission deadline: October 1, 2002 The EACL-03 Organizing Committee invites proposals for workshops to be held at EACL-03. EACL-03 will take place in Budapest, Hungary, April 12-17, 2003 with workshops being held on Sunday and Monday, April 13 and 14, 2003. *Workshop topics EACL-03 workshops provide organizers and participants with an opportunity to focus intensively on a specific topic within computational linguistics. Often, workshops concentrate on specific topics of technical interest (e.g., parsing technologies), particular areas of application for language processing technologies (e.g., NLP applied to IR), or community-wide issues that deserve attention (e.g., standardization of resources and tools). We welcome proposals on any topic that is of interest to the EACL community, but we particularly encourage proposals that broaden the scope of our community through the consideration of new or interdisciplinary techniques or applications. We also encourage topics that are specific to the EACL community such as resources and tools for European or Mediterranean languages. *Workshop format Traditionally, workshops are shaped as mini-conferences, but we encourage proposers to consider other formats that exploit the fact that smaller settings allow for more interaction between participants (discussions, panels, working sessions). The default duration of a workshop is one day, but longer or shorter durations can be proposed (but should be justified). Please note that capacity limitations may cause us to request the organizers to shorten a workshop or to merge it with another workshop in a related area. *Financial guidelines The workshop organisers will benefit from the standard logistic facilities provided for the conference e.g., room, equipment, coffee, proceedings. Any additional cost should be covered by the organisers (especially invited speakers, PC meetings etc.). *Registration fees Participants pay a registration fee which is dependent on the duration of the workshop. Participants not registered for the main conference, pay a higher fee. *Proposals Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to evaluate the quality and importance of the topic, and the size of the interested community. Proposals should be 2-4 pages and contain the following information: - A title and brief description of the workshop topic. - The target audience and projected number of participants along with support for the projected count. Supporting evidence could include a list of potential submitters, a list of conferences that contained papers on the proposed topic, the number of new companies focused on this topic, or recent funding initiatives that address this topic. - Resource needs such as room size and number of days. Include any special requirements for technical support (computer infrastructure, etc.). - The name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, and webpage of each chair. In addition, indicate the chairs' background in the workshop area. - A preliminary programme committee Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII text, as soon as possible but no later than OCTOBER 1, 2002. The subject line should be: "EACL-03 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL". Please e-mail proposals and any inquiries to the Workshop Chair, Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at *Timetable of Important Dates: Workshop proposals due: Oct. 1, 2002 Notification of acceptance: Oct. 7, 2002 Deadline for receipt of workshop Call for Papers and other publicity material: Oct. 21, 2002 Send out Call for Papers: Nov. 1, 2002 Suggested deadline for workshop paper submissions: Jan. 1, 2003 Suggested deadline for notification of workshop paper acceptance: Jan. 21, 2003 Suggested deadline for camera-ready workshop papers: Feb. 13, 2003 Workshop Dates: Apr. 13-14, 2003 *Additional Information For additional information, see the web site for the conference: which will provide additional details as they become available. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:34 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:34 +0200 Subject: Appel: EACL-03, Student Research Workshop Message-ID: From: Jon Herring Message-Id: <3D2F0070.23D73386 at> X-url: X-url: Call for Papers Student Research Workshop during EACL-03 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary April 12-17 2003 This information can also be found at submission deadline: November 15th 2002 Note: The exact dates of the Workshop have not been firmly established yet. It is expected that the session will be part of the main conference, April 15-17 2003 1. General Invitation for Submissions The Student Research Workshop is an established tradition at EACL conferences. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for student researchers who are investigating various areas related to Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. Participants will have the opportunity to get feedback both from a wide audience in general and from selected panellists, experienced researchers who prepare in-depth comments and questions in advance of the presentation. In order to widen participation, we hope to make funding and very reasonably priced accommodation available for attending the conference. More details will be posted on the Student Research Workshop website. We would like to invite student researchers to submit their work to the workshop. As the main mission of the workshop is to provide feedback, the emphasis will be on work in progress. Original and unpublished research is invited on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to these topic areas: * pragmatics * discourse * semantics * syntax * lexicon * phonetics and phonology * morphology * linguistic, mathematical and psychological models of language * information retrieval * information extraction * question answering * summarization * generation * speech recognition and synthesis * corpus-based language modelling * multi-lingual processing * machine translation and translation aids * spoken and written natural language interfaces, dialogue systems * language in multi-modal systems * message and narrative understanding systems Papers reporting research on less-studied European and African/Mediterranean languages are particularly encouraged. The main conference will also feature tutorials, workshops and research notes. Further information on these will be made available on the Main Conference website, 2. Submission Requirements Papers should describe original work, either in progress or completed. It will therefore normally be open only to students who have settled on their thesis direction but who still have significant research left to do; those students in the final stages of their thesis should be submitting instead to the main conference. Papers should clearly indicate directions for future research wherever appropriate. The papers can have more than one author; however, all authors MUST be students. A paper accepted for presentation at the Student Workshop cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings. Papers that are being submitted to other conferences must indicate this immediately after the title material on the first page. A student who has already presented at an ACL/EACL/NAACL student session will not be allowed to present again at the student session of any of these conferences, but encouraged to submit instead to the main conference. Please note that a letter from your supervisor will be required to confirm that you meet these criteria. 3. Submission Procedure Submissions should follow the two-column format of EACL/ACL proceedings and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. We strongly recommend the use of EACL latex style files or Microsoft Word Style files tailored for this year's conference. Full details on formatting and submission (including the supervisor's letter mentioned in 2 above) will soon be available from the web pages of the workshop. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred. Papers should be sent by email in PostScript and PDF format to the following address: students at 4. Reviewing Procedure Reviewing of papers submitted to the Student Workshop will be managed by the Student Workshop Co-Chairs, with the assistance of a team of reviewers. Each submission will be matched with a mixed panel of student and senior researchers for review. The final acceptance decision will be made based on the results of the review. Note that reviewing of papers will be blind; therefore, please, make sure you do not put the author(s) name(s) on the title page. You should not have any self-identifying references anywhere in the paper submitted for review. For example, you can't have a reference like this "We showed previously (Smith, 1991), ..." Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991)..." 5. Schedule Submissions must be received by Friday November 15th, 2002. Late submissions (those arriving on or after November 16th, 2002) will be automatically disqualified. The student workshop committee is not responsible for postal delays or other mailing problems. For electronic submissions, all time zones will be taken into account). Acknowledgement will be emailed soon after receipt. Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors (by email) on January 15th, 2003. Detailed formatting guidelines for the preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be provided to authors with their acceptance notice. 6. Timetable Important dates: Paper submissions deadline: November 15th, 2002 Notification of acceptance: January 15th, 2003 Camera ready papers due: February 15th, 2003 EACL conference April 12th-17th, 2003 7. Contact Information If you need to contact the co-chairs of the workshop please use the address students at . Malte Gabsdil Department of Computational Linguistics Universit?t des Saarlandes Postfach 15 11 50 66041 Saarbr?cken Germany email: gabsdil at Jon Herring ITRI University of Brighton Lewes Road Brighton BN2 4GJ UK email: Jon.Herring at Julia Hockenmaier Division of Informatics University of Edinburgh 2 Buccleuch Place Edinburgh EH8 9LW UK email: julia at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:36 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:36 +0200 Subject: Conf: 2emes Journees de la Linguistique de Corpus Message-ID: From: "geoffrey.williams" Message-Id: <009901c22cae$64c292c0$c6e8fea9 at geoffrey> X-url: X-url: X-url: 2?mes Journ?es de la Linguistique de Corpus A brief summary in English follows. Our apologies for cross postings. APPEL A PARTICIPATION CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Programme en ligne : Inscriptions: Les 2?mes Journ?es de la linguistique de corpus auront lieu ? Lorient les 12, 13 et 14 septembre 2002. Elles sont organis?es par le Centre de Recherche en Litt?rature, Linguistique et Civilisation (CRELLIC - UBS Lorient) avec la collaboration de Valoria (UBS Vannes) et sont ?galement soutenues par les D?partements LEA et LLCE de l'Universit? de Bretagne Sud, l'Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) et la jeune ?quipe Analyse Linguistique et Pratiques Langagi?res (ALPL, Nantes). Ces 2?mes Journ?es de la Linguistique de Corpus visent ? promouvoir le d?veloppement de la linguistique de corpus en France en r?unissant des chercheurs d'horizons divers s'int?ressant ? l'utilisation de l'informatique pour l'analyse des faits de langues, notamment dans les domaines suivants : - la lexicologie et lexicographie, mono~ et bilingues, - la terminologie, - la traductologie, - la linguistique appliqu?e et la description linguistique, - ... Les journ?es s'?taleront sur deux jours et demi avec trois conf?rences pl?ni?res suivies par des communications orales d'une trentaine de minutes. Il y aura ?galement des communications affich?es. Nous envisageons de publier les actes de ce colloque. Les conf?renciers invit?s seront : Elena Tognini Bonelli : L'approche inductive sur corpus Claire Blanche Benveniste : Les corpus de langue parl?e Fran?ois Rastier : Des occurrences aux formes s?mantiques. Les personnes d?sirant faire une communication sont pri?es d'envoyer un r?sum? d'une page maximum accompagn? d'une page de renseignements pratiques comprenant : le mode de communication souhait?, le nom, l'affiliation, le t?l?phone, l'adresse postale et ?lectronique, ? l'adresse ci-dessous : Geoffrey Williams Departement LEA U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines 4 rue Jean Zay BP 92116 56321 LORIENT Cedex ou par courrier electronique a Geoffrey.Williams at Le programme et les renseignements pratiques se trouvent sur le siteweb du CRELLIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- This conference aims to bring together researchers working with electronic corpora and lexical resources in France or in the French Language. It is aimed principally at those working in teaching, translating, lexicography and applied linguistics. The language of the workshop will be French. It is the second in a series that started with a one day conference held in Lorient in September 2001. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:40 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:40 +0200 Subject: Conf: TKE 2002 Message-ID: From: Message-Id: <1415. at> X-url: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Appel ? participation TKE 2002 (Terminology and Knowledge Engineering /Terminologie et Ing?nierie des connaissances) Nancy, France, 28th-30th August 2002 La cinqui?me ?dition de TKE sera l?occasion de faire le point sur les d?veloppements r?cents dans le domaine de la terminologie informatis?e, tant du point de vue de la recherche que des applications industrielles. La conf?rence comprendra en particulier : - deux conf?rences invit?es de Mark Maybury (MITRE Corporation) et de Key-Sun Choi (KAIST-KORTERM) - un ensemble de contributions scientifiques - une zone d?exposition d?institutions et de produits industriels - deux ateliers sur ? terminologie et web s?mantique ? et sur ? terminologie et industrie de la finance ? - deux tables-rondes sur ? politique dans le domaine de la terminologie ? et ? standards pour la terminologie et les ressources linguistiques ? Plus de d?tails concernant la conf?rence ainsi que les modalit?s d?inscription sont accessibles depuis : ============================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:38 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:38 +0200 Subject: Conf: AMTA-2002 Message-ID: From: "Jessie Pinkham" Message-Id: X-url: --- CALL FOR PARTICIPATION --- --- ONLINE REGISTRATION NOW AVAILABLE! --- The Association for Machine Translation in the Americas AMTA-2002 Conference Location: Tiburon, California Dates: October 8-12, 2002 The Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA) is pleased to announce its fifth biennial conference, planned for October 8-12, 2002, in Tiburon (near San Francisco), California. Online registration is now available on the conference web site: Register at a discounted rate until August 11, 2002! A preliminary program, providing the schedule for tutorials, workshops, exhibits, accepted papers, panels, and invited speakers for the conference, is also now posted on the conference web site. We look forward to seeing you in Tiburon! CONFERENCE THEME: From Research to Real Users Ever since the showdown between Empiricists and Rationalists a decade ago at TMI-92, MT researchers have hotly pursued promising paradigms for MT, including data-driven approaches (e.g., statistical, example-based) and hybrids that integrate these with more traditional rule-based components. During the same period, commercial MT systems with standard transfer architectures have evolved along a parallel and almost unrelated track, increasing their coverage (primarily through manual update of their lexicons, we assume) and achieving much broader acceptance and usage, principally through the medium of the Internet. Web page translators have become commonplace; a number of online translation services have appeared, including in their offerings both raw and post-edited MT; and large corporations have been turning increasingly to MT to address the exigencies of global communication. Still, the output of the transfer-based systems employed in this expansion represents but a small drop in the ever-growing translation marketplace bucket. Now, 10 years later, we wonder if this mounting variety of MT users is any better off, and if the promise of the research technologies is being realized to any measurable degree. In this regard, we pose the following questions: Why aren't any current commercially available MT systems primarily data-driven? Do any commercially available systems integrate (or plan to integrate) data-driven components? Do data-driven systems have significant performance or quality issues? Can such systems really provide better quality to users, or is their main advantage one of fast, facilitated customization? If any new MT technology could provide such benefits (somewhat higher quality, or facilitated customization), would that be the key to more widespread use of MT, or are there yet other more relevant unresolved issues, such as system integration? If better quality, customization, or system integration aren't the answer, then what is it that users really need from MT in order for it to be more useful to them? INVITED SPEAKERS We are pleased to announce that invited speakers for the conference will include Yorick Wilks and Ken Church, both notable participants at TMI-92, and Jaap van der Meer, former CEO of ALPNET. We anticipate that the speakers will provide a sharp and stimulating focus on the theme of the conference. CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Elliott Macklovitch, General Chair Stephen D. Richardson, Program Chair Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Local Arrangements Chair Bob Frederking, Workshops and Tutorials Laurie Gerber, Exhibits Coordinator PROGRAM COMMITTEE Arendse Bernth (IBM Research) Christian Boitet (GETA, CLIPS, IMAG) Ralf Brown (LTI, CMU) Robert Cain (Foreign Broadcast Information Service) Michael Carl (RALI) Bill Dolan (Microsoft Research) Laurie Gerber (Language Technology Broker) Stephen Helmreich (CRL, NMSU) Eduard Hovy (ISI, USC) Pierre Isabelle (XRCE) Christine Kamprath (Caterpillar) Elliott Macklovitch (RALI) Bente Maegaard (CST) Michael McCord (IBM Research) Robert C. Moore (Microsoft Research) Hermann Ney (RWTH Aachen) Sergei Nirenburg (CRL, NMSU) Franz Och (RWTH Aachen) Joseph Pentheroudakis (Microsoft Research) Jessie Pinkham (Microsoft Research) Fred Popowich (Gavagai Technology Inc.) Florence Reeder (MITRE) Harold Somers (UMIST) Keh-Yih Su (Behavior Design Corp.) Eiichiro Sumita (ATR) Hans Uszkoreit (DFKI) Lucy Vanderwende (Microsoft Research) Hideo Watanabe (TRL, IBM) Andy Way (Dublin City Univ.) Eric Wehrli (Univ. of Geneva) John White (Northrop Grumman IT) Jin Yang (SYSTRAN) Ming Zhou (Microsoft Research) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 19 08:54:41 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 10:54:41 +0200 Subject: LN: Suspension de la diffusion pendant le mois d'aout Message-ID: From: Thierry Hamon Message-ID: Bonjour, en raison des vacances, nous vous informons que la diffusion des messages sur les listes ln et ln-fr sera suspendue pendant tout le mois d'aout. La derniere diffusion avant les vacances aura lieu le vendredi 26 juillet. Elle reprendra normalement au mois de septembre. Les messages envoyes pour diffusion seront envoyes a ce moment-la. Bonnes vacances a tous. Les moderateurs de LN/LN-FR, Alexis Nasr et Thierry Hamon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Tue Jul 23 08:59:28 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 10:59:28 +0200 Subject: Ecole: 2nd International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications Message-ID: Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 16:06:54 +0200 From: Carlos Martin-Vide Message-Id: < at> X-url: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 2nd INTERNATIONAL PhD SCHOOL IN FORMAL LANGUAGES AND APPLICATIONS 2002-2004 Rovira i Virgili University Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics Tarragona, Spain Courses and professors 1st term (March-June 2003): Applications of Formal Languages Solomon Marcus, Bucharest Languages Zolt?n ?sik, Szeged Combinatorics on Words Tero Harju, Turku Regular Grammars Masami Ito, Kyoto Context-Free Grammars Manfred Kudlek, Hamburg Context-Sensitive Grammars Alexandru Mateescu, Bucharest Mildly Context-Sensitive Grammars Henning Bordihn, Potsdam Derivation Trees Carlos Mart?n-Vide, Tarragona Finite Automata Sheng Yu, London ON Pushdown Automata Hendrik Jan Hoogeboom, Leiden Turing Machines Maurice Margenstern, Metz Patterns Kai Salomaa, Kingston ON Infinite Words Juhani Karhum?ki, Turku Two-Dimensional Languages Kenichi Morita, Hiroshima Regulated Rewriting J?rgen Dassow, Magdeburg Contextual Grammars Victor Mitrana, Tarragona Parallel Grammars Henning Fernau, Callaghan Grammar Systems Erzs?bet Csuhaj-Varj?, Budapest Ecogrammar Systems and Colonies Alica Kelemenov?, Opava Courses and professors 2nd term (October 2003-February 2004): Tree Automata and Tree Languages Magnus Steinby, Turku Formal Power Series Werner Kuich, Vienna DNA Computing: Theory and Experiments Grzegorz Rozenberg, Leiden Membrane Computing Gheorghe Paun, Tarragona Splicing Systems and Aqueous Computing Tom Head, Binghamton NY Quantum Computing Cristian Calude, Auckland Developmental Languages vs. DNA Computing Arto Salomaa, Turku Cellular Automata Giancarlo Mauri, Milano Formal Languages and Natural Language Syntax Walter Savitch, San Diego CA Parsing Giorgio Satta, Padua Tree Adjoining Grammars James Rogers, Richmond IN Weighted Finite-State Transducers Mehryar Mohri, Florham Park NJ Formal Languages and Logic Vincenzo Manca, Verona Grammatical Inference and Learning Takashi Yokomori, Tokyo Grammar-Theoretic Models in Artificial Life Jozef Kelemen, Opava Syntactic Methods in Pattern Recognition Rudolf Freund, Vienna Automata-Based Techniques for Verification and Other Decision Problems Oscar Ibarra, Santa Barbara CA Text Searching Algorithms Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Santiago de Chile Cryptography Valtteri Niemi, Helsinki Computational Complexity Markus Holzer, Munich Descriptional Complexity of Automata and Grammars Detlef Wotschke, Frankfurt Dissertation: After following the courses, students enrolled in the programme will have to write and defend a dissertation in English in their own area of interest, in order to get the so-called European PhD degree. All the professors in the programme will be allowed to supervise students' theses. Tuition fees: 780 euros each term, appr. Students: Candidate students for the programme are welcome from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science, Mathematics and Linguistics. Students are assumed either to have a good background in discrete mathematics or to be ready to get it by March 2003. Funding: According to the expected programme's budget, 7 accepted students will be funded, so that their tuition fees, accommodation and living expenses while in Spain will be all covered by the programme. Pre-registration procedure: In order to be pre-registered, one should send to the programme chairman: - full CV, - letters of recommendation (optional), - any other document to prove background, interest and motivation (optional). E-mail, fax, post are all accepted. Deadlines: Pre-registration: November 10, 2002 Selection of students: November 15, 2002 Application for funding: November 30, 2002 Decision about funding: February 15, 2003 Registration: March 25, 2003 Starting of the courses: March 26, 2003 Questions and further information: Please, contact the programme chairman, Carlos Martin-Vide, at cmv at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Thu Jul 25 10:47:11 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 10:47:11 +0000 Subject: R: Cahier de tests pour traduction et resume Message-ID: Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:17:17 +0200 From: Jean-Luc Minel Message-Id: < at> X-url: > > Je vous joins un article sur le test de logiciels de r?sum?. > Voici l'URL ou peut ?tre charge l'article : Minel, J.-L., S. Nugier, G. Piat. (1997). How to appreciate the Quality of Automatic Text Summarization, Workshop Intelligent Scalable Text Summarization, EACL 97, Madrid, p. 25-30. ************************************************ Jean-Luc MINEL equipe LaLICC CNRS - Universit? Paris-Sorbonne 96 Boulevard Raspail 75 006 Paris T?l?phone : (33) 1 44 39 89 56 T?l?copie : (33) 1 44 39 89 51 Couriel : minel at Jean-Luc.Minel at ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR Fri Jul 26 17:01:35 2002 From: thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR (Thierry Hamon) Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 17:01:35 +0000 Subject: Conf: 2emes Journees de la Linguistique de Corpus (+Appel) Message-ID: Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 11:01:05 +0200 From: "geoffrey.williams" Message-Id: <015101c233ba$3cd01a40$c6e8fea9 at geoffrey> X-url: X-url: X-url: X-url: 2?mes Journ?es de la Linguistique de Corpus A brief summary in English follows. Our apologies for cross postings. APPEL A PARTICIPATION CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Programme en ligne : Information : Inscriptions: Le formulaire d'inscription doit imp?rativement parvenir ? l'universit? avant le 2 septembre 2002 Les 2?mes Journ?es de la linguistique de corpus auront lieu ? Lorient les 12, 13 et 14 septembre 2002. Elles sont organis?es par le Centre de Recherche en Litt?rature, Linguistique et Civilisation (CRELLIC - UBS Lorient) avec la collaboration de Valoria (UBS Vannes) et sont ?galement soutenues par les D?partements LEA et LLCE de l'Universit? de Bretagne Sud, l'Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) et la jeune ?quipe Analyse Linguistique et Pratiques Langagi?res (ALPL, Nantes). Ces 2?mes Journ?es de la Linguistique de Corpus visent ? promouvoir le d?veloppement de la linguistique de corpus en France en r?unissant des chercheurs d'horizons divers s'int?ressant ? l'utilisation de l'informatique pour l'analyse des faits de langues, notamment dans les domaines suivants : - la lexicologie et lexicographie, mono~ et bilingues, - la terminologie, - la traductologie, - la linguistique appliqu?e et la description linguistique, - ... Les journ?es s'?taleront sur deux jours et demi avec trois conf?rences pl?ni?res suivies par des communications orales d'une trentaine de minutes. Il y aura ?galement des communications affich?es. Nous envisageons de publier les actes de ce colloque. Les conf?renciers invit?s seront : Elena Tognini Bonelli : L'approche inductive sur corpus Claire Blanche Benveniste : Les corpus de langue parl?e Fran?ois Rastier : Des occurrences aux formes s?mantiques. Les personnes d?sirant faire une communication sont pri?es d'envoyer un r?sum? d'une page maximum accompagn? d'une page de renseignements pratiques comprenant : le mode de communication souhait?, le nom, l'affiliation, le t?l?phone, l'adresse postale et ?lectronique, ? l'adresse ci-dessous : Geoffrey Williams Departement LEA U.F.R. Lettres et Sciences Humaines 4 rue Jean Zay BP 92116 56321 LORIENT Cedex ou par courrier electronique a Geoffrey.Williams at Le programme et les renseignements pratiques se trouvent sur le siteweb du CRELLIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This conference aims to bring together researchers working with electronic corpora and lexical resources in France or in the French Language. It is aimed principally at those working in teaching, translating, lexicography and applied linguistics. The language of the workshop will be French. It is the second in a series that started with a one day conference held in Lorient in September 2001. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : -------------------------------------------------------------------------