Conf: LREC 2002 : Workshop on Annotation Standards for Temporal Information

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Fri May 17 13:36:48 UTC 2002

                              Workshop on

        Annotation Standards for Temporal Information in Natural Language

                    LREC2002, May 27, Las Palmas, Spain

    !!! Please note that although the contents of this workshop is fixed
    !!! the timetable might change.

09:15 - 09:30  Introduction

09:30 - 10:00  Andrew Salway
                Temporal Information in Collateral Texts for Indexing

10:00 - 10:30  David Bree
                Features required to distinguish between temporal uses of
                the preposition FOR

10:30 - 11:00  Eleni Galiotou
                A Representational Scheme for temporal and causal
                Information Processing

11:00 - 11:30  coffee break

11:30 - 12:00  Joel Tetreoult
                Tense and Implicit Role Reference

12:00 - 12:30  Estele Saquete
                Recognising and Tagging Temporal Expressions in Spanish

12:30 - 13:00  Invited speaker: Stephanie Strassel
                Temporal Annotation and Relation Tagging for Automatic
                Content Extraction

13:00 - 14:30  lunch

14:30 - 15:00  Rich Campbell
                A Language-Neutral Representation of Temporal Information

15:00 - 15:30  Andrea Setzer
                On the Importance of Annotating Temporal Event-Event
                Relations in Text

15:30 - 16:00  Jerry Hobbs
                Towards an Ontology for Time for the Semantic Web

16:00 - 16:30  Invited speaker: James Pustejovsky
                TimeML: Time and Event Recognition for Question Answering

16:30 - 17:00  coffee break

17:00 - 18:00  panel discussion
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