From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:12:59 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:12:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: TALN 2003 Message-ID: ******************************************************************** TALN 2003 Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles VVF - Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 organisée par l'IRIN, Université de Nantes avec la collaboration des laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA, de l'Université de Bretagne Sud et de l'IRISA, INRIA Rennes. mailto:taln2003 at ********************************************************************** (see English version below) ************* TALN 2003 : DERNIER APPEL A COMMUNICATION ************* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- TALN 2003 aura lieu à Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 juin au samedi 14 juin 2003, organisée par l'IRIN (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes, UPRES-EA 2157), Université de Nantes, en collaboration avec les laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA (EA 2793) de l'Université de Bretagne-Sud et de l'IRISA INRIA, Rennes. TALN 2003 est organisée sous l'égide de l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues) et se tiendra conjointement à la conférence pour jeunes chercheurs RECITAL 2003. La conférence TALN 2003 comprendra des communications scientifiques, des conférences invitées, des séances de démonstration et posters, ainsi que des tutoriels qui, pour ces derniers prendront place lors de la dernière journée de la conférence (appel à propositions séparé à venir). Les langues officielles de la conférence sont le français et l'anglais. ********** THEMES ********** Les communications pourront porter sur tous les thèmes habituels du TALN, incluant, de façon non limitative : lexique morphologie syntaxe sémantique pragmatique discours analyse génération résumé dialogue traduction automatique approches logiques, symboliques et statistiques TALN 2003 souhaite également accueillir des travaux de domaines proches dans lesquels le TALN joue un rôle important, dans la mesure où l'accent est mis sur la composante TALN : traitement de l'écrit aspects cognitifs terminologie acquisition de connaissances à partir de textes extraction d'information recherche documentaire utilisation d'outils de TALN pour la modélisation linguistique traitement de la parole (prosodie, linguistique, pragmatique) linguistique de corpus linguistique mathématique enseignement assisté des langues Sont aussi attendus des travaux sur des applications du TALN, implémentées et évaluées, faisant ressortir leurs aspects scientifiques et les enseignements tirés. Des démonstrations de systèmes pourront être proposées, indépendamment ou en complément d'articles scientifiques. L'emploi du temps de la conférence comprendra une session pour ces démonstrations. ********** CALENDRIER ********* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- Notification aux auteurs : lundi 7 avril 2003 Version finale (prêt-à-clicher) : mercredi 30 avril 2003 Conférence : du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 ********** MODALITES DE SOUMISSION ********** Les articles soumis seront rédigés en français (ou en anglais par les non-francophones). Ils ne devront pas dépasser 10 pages en Times 12, espacement simple, figures, exemples et références compris. Les soumissions devront parvenir au comité d'organisation avant le 7 février 2003, sous forme électronique, adressées à En cas d'impossibilité d'envoi par courrier électronique, une soumission "papier" pourra être admise. Dans ce cas, trois exemplaires devront être envoyés à l'adresse suivante: TALN 2003 Béatrice Daille IRIN 2, rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 F-44322 NANTES Cedex 3 ********** FORMAT DES SOUMISSIONS ********** Les auteurs devront envoyer leur soumission par courrier électronique sous la forme d'un document attaché (fichiers rtf, ps ou pdf au format A4 et non Lettre US). Le message contiendra le titre de la soumission et les noms des auteurs. Les formats à utiliser pour la rédaction seront disponibles sur le site de la conférence: ********** CRITERES DE SELECTION ********** Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre des travaux de recherche originaux, n'ayant pas fait l'objet de publications antérieures. Les soumissions seront examinées par trois spécialistes du domaine. Seront examinées en particulier : l'importance et l'originalité de la contribution, la correction du contenu scientifique et technique, la discussion critique des résultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine, la situation des travaux dans le contexte de la recherche internationale, l'organisation et la clarté de la présentation, l'adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence. ********** DEMONSTRATIONS ET POSTERS ********** Une ou deux séances spécifiques seront prévues pour des démonstrations (présentations logicielles) et des posters (85 x 120 cm). Les propositions de démonstration ou de poster suivent les mêmes règles que les soumissions de communication mais ne devront pas dépasser 6 pages. ********** PRESENTATIONS ORALES ********** Les présentations orales dureront 20 minutes et seront suivies de 10 minutes de questions. Il sera possible d'utiliser un rétro-projecteur ou un vidéo-projecteur. ********** ACTES ********** Les actes de la conférence seront distribués à tous les participants. Le Comité de rédaction de la revue Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) sélectionnera deux articles pour publication (dans une version étendue) dans la revue. ********* COMITE DE PROGRAMME ********** (le comité de programme sera entouré d'un large comité de lecture) Jean-Yves Antoine, VALORIA, Université de Bretagne Sud Philippe Blache, LPL-CNRS Aix en Provence Christian Boitet, CLIPS-GETA Université de Grenoble Béatrice Daille, IRIN, Université de Nantes (Présidente) Alexandre Dikovsky, IRIN, Université de Nantes Brigitte Grau, CNRS-LIMSI, Paris Pierre Isabelle, Xerox Daniel Kayser, LIPN, Université de Paris-Nord Philippe Langlais, RALI/DIRO, Université de Montréal Dominique Laurent, Synapse Toulouse Denis Maurel, LI Université de Tours Jean-Marie Pierrel, ATILF & LORIA ? UHP Nancy 1 Martin Rajman, EPFL Lausanne Pascale Sebillot, IRISA Jean Veronis, DELIC Université de Provence Leo Wanner, Université de Stuttgart François Yvon, ENST Pierre Zweigenbaum, DIAM Paris ****COMITE D'ORGANISATION LOCAL (Commun avec RECITAL)******* Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Université de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) Béatrice Daille (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Université de Nantes) Jérome Goulian (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale Sébillot (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Université de Bretagne-Sud) <-------------------English version--------------------------------------------------> ********** TALN 2003: LAST CALL FOR PAPERS ********** ----> EXTENDED DEADLINE: FRIDAY, February 14th 2003 <---- TALN 2003 will be held at Batz-sur-Mer (44) on June 11 - 14 2003, organized by IRIN (Computer Sciences Institute of University of Nantes) in collaboration with the laboratories ACIDORE and VALORIA of the University of Bretagne-Sud and IRISA, INRIA, Rennes. TALN 2003 is organized under the aegis of ATALA (French Association for Computational Linguistics) and will be held jointly with the young researcher conference RECITAL 2003. The conference includes paper presentations, invited speakers, tutorials and software demonstrations. The official conference languages are French and English. ********** TOPICS ********** Papers are invited in all areas of NLP, including (but not limited to): lexicon morphology syntax semantics pragmatics discourse parsing generation abstraction/summarisation dialogue translation logical, symbolic and statistical approaches TALN 2003 also invites contributions in fields for which NLP plays an important role, as long as these contributions emphasize their NLP dimension: text processing cognition terminology knowledge acquisition information extraction information retrievial corpus-based linguistics mathematical linguistics management and acquisition of linguistic resources computer assisted learning NLP tools for linguistic modelization TALN 2003 also welcomes submissions focusing on NLP applications that have been implemented, tested and evaluated and emphasizing the scientific aspects and conclusions drawn. Software demonstrations can be proposed, either independently or in connection with a paper proposal. Specific sessions for the demos will be scheduled in the conference. ********** CALENDAR ********** ----> EXTENDED DEADLINE: FRIDAY, February 14th 2003 <---- Notification to authors: April 7th 2003 Final version due (camera-ready): April 30th 2003 Conference: June 11-14, 2003 ********** SUBMISSION PROCEDURE ********** The maximum length for papers is 10 pages, in Times 12, single spaced, including figures, examples and references. Electronic submissions must reach the organizing committee before February, 7th 2003, sent to: If electronic submission is not possible, 3 hard-copies of the paper must reach the organizing committee at the following address: TALN 2003 Béatrice Daille IRIN 2, rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 F-44322 NANTES Cedex 3 ********** FORMAT FOR SUBMISSIONS ********** Authors should send their submission as a file attached to an e-mail (rtf, ps or pdf files, A4 format and not US Letter format), containing the following informations: submission title and author's names. The formats that MUST be used are available on the Conference web site: ********** SELECTION CRITERIA ********** Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work. Submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 specialists of the domain. Decisions will be based on the following criteria : Importance and originality of the paper Accuracy of the scientific and technical content Comparison of the results obtained with other relevant work Layout and clarity of the paper Relevance to the topics of the conference Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference. ********** DEMOS AND POSTERS ********** One or two specific sessions for the demos and the posters (85 x 120 cm) will be scheduled in the conference. The demo or poster submissions accord to the same rules of paper submission, BUT they should not exceed 6 pages. ********** TALKS ********** Papers should be of 20 minutes duration. 10 minutes will be left for questions. It will be possible to use a overhead projector or a video-projector. ********* PROCEEDINGS ********** The conference proceedings will be given to all participants. The editorial board of the international journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" (TAL) will select two papers for publication. ********** PROGRAMME COMMITTEE ********** (the program committee will be supervised by a broad reviewing committee) Jean-Yves Antoine, VALORIA, Université de Bretagne Sud Philippe Blache, LPL-CNRS Aix en Provence Christian Boitet, CLIPS-GETA Université de Grenoble Béatrice Daille, IRIN, Université de Nantes (Présidente) Alexandre Dikovsky, IRIN, Université de Nantes Brigitte Grau, CNRS-LIMSI, Paris Pierre Isabelle, Xerox Daniel Kayser, LIPN, Université de Paris-Nord Philippe Langlais, RALI/DIRO, Université de Montréal Dominique Laurent, Synapse Toulouse Denis Maurel, LI Université de Tours Jean-Marie Pierrel, ATILF & LORIA ? UHP Nancy 1 Martin Rajman, EPFL Lausanne Owen Rambow, ATT Labs-Research, USA Pascale Sebillot, IRISA Jean Veronis, DELIC Université de Provence Leo Wanner, Université de Stuttgart François Yvon, ENST Pierre Zweigenbaum, DIAM Paris ****LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (Common with RECITAL) ******** Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Université de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) Béatrice Daille (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Université de Nantes) Jérome Goulian (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale Sébillot (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Université de Bretagne-Sud) -- IRIN, 2 rue de la houssinière, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 tel +33 (0)2 51 12 58 39 / fax +33 (0)2 51 12 58 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: RECITAL 2003 Message-ID: ******************************************************************** APPEL À CONTRIBUTION : RÉCITAL 2003 Rencontre des Etudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (Session étudiante de la conférence TALN 2003) VVF - Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 organisée par l'IRIN, Université de Nantes avec la collaboration des laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA, de l'Université de Bretagne Sud et de l'IRISA, INRIA Rennes. mailto:recital2003 at ************ RÉCITAL 2003 : DERNIER APPEL A COMMUNICATION ************ ---> NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003 <--- Récital est la session étudiante de la conférence TALN 2003, organisée sous l'égide de l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues). Pour sa 7ème édition, elle se tiendra à Batz-sur-Mer (44), du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003, conjointement avec TALN 2003. Elle est réservée aux doctorants et aux jeunes docteurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins d'un an. Récital a pour vocation d'offrir aux jeunes chercheurs l'occasion de se rencontrer, de présenter leurs travaux et de comparer leurs approches. Cette conférence a son propre comité de programme, constitué de chercheurs confirmés et de jeunes docteurs. Les langues officielles de la conférence sont le français et l'anglais. ******************** PRINCIPAUX THÈMES ******************************* Les communications pourront porter sur tous les thèmes habituels du TAL, incluant, de façon non limitative : - Analyse et compréhension de textes - Génération d'énoncés en langues naturelles - Traduction automatique - Production de résumés - Dialogue homme-machine Récital 2003 accueillera également des travaux de domaines proches dans lesquels le TAL joue un rôle important : - Ressources linguistiques - Sémantique lexicale - Sémantique du temps et de l'espace - Logique (argumentation, modélisation des intentions et des croyances, etc.) - Architectures dédiées au TAL - Acquisition et apprentissage automatique de ressources ou de connaissances - Relations entre TAL et reconnaissance de la parole Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive et l'adéquation d'une proposition de communication à la conférence sera jugée par le comité de programme. *************************** CALENDRIER ******************************* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- Notification aux auteurs : lundi 7 avril 2003 Version finale (prêt-à-clicher) : mercredi 30 avril 2003 Conférence : du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 ********************* MODALITES DE SOUMISSION ************************ Les articles soumis seront rédigés en français (ou en anglais par les non-francophones). Ils ne devront pas dépasser 10 pages en Times 12, espacement simple, figures, exemples et références compris. Les soumissions devront parvenir au comité d'organisation avant le 7 février 2003, sous forme électronique, adressées à En cas d'impossibilité d'envoi par courrier électronique, une soumission "papier" pourra être admise. Dans ce cas, trois exemplaires devront être envoyés à l'adresse suivante: RECITAL 2003 Emmanuel Morin IRIN 2, rue de la Houssinière BP 92208 F-44322 Nantes Cedex 3 La double soumission d'un même papier à TALN et RECITAL n'est pas autorisée. Cependant il est possible d'être (co-)auteur d'un autre papier présenté à TALN. ********************* FORMAT DES SOUMISSIONS ************************ Les auteurs devront envoyer leur soumission par courrier électronique sous la forme d'un document attaché (fichiers rtf, ps ou pdf au format A4 et non Lettre US). Le message contiendra le titre de la soumission et les noms des auteurs. Les formats à utiliser pour la rédaction seront disponibles sur le site de la conférence: ********************* CRITERES DE SELECTION ************************** Chaque article soumis sera évalué par au moins deux membres du Comité de programme. Les appréciations en vue de la sélection seront en particulier: - l'originalité de la contribution, - la pertinence du contenu scientifique et technique, - la clarté de la présentation, - l'adéquation aux thèmes de la conférence. Cependant, afin d'encourager des soumissions de travaux en cours, dans une optique de critiques constructives et, de ce fait, de leur progression plus rapide, une modération sur le critère d'avancement des travaux sera demandée aux évaluateurs. ********************* DEMONSTRATIONS ET POSTERS ********************** Une ou deux séances spécifiques seront prévues pour des démonstrations (présentations logicielles) et des posters (85 x 120 cm). Les propositions de démonstration ou de poster suivent les mêmes règles que les soumissions de communication mais ne devront pas dépasser 6 pages. ************************ PRESENTATIONS ORALES ************************ Les présentations orales dureront 20 minutes et seront suivies de 10 minutes de questions. Il sera possible d'utiliser un rétro-projecteur ou un vidéo-projecteur. ******************************** ACTES ******************************** Les articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence TALN 2003. ******************** COMITE DE PROGRAMME ****************************** - Pascal Amsili TALaNa, Université Paris VII - Pierre Beust GREYC, Université de Caen - Hervé Blanchon CLIPS, Université de Grenoble - Béatrice Bouchou LI, Université de Tours - Estelle Campione DELIC Université de Provence - Lionel Clément INRIA, Rocquencourt - Cécile Fabre ERSS, Université de Toulouse - Cédric Fairon CETEDOC, Louvain-Belgique - Bertrand Gaiffe LORIA, Université de Nancy - Damien Genthial CLIPS, Université de Grenoble - Thierry Hamon LIPN, Université de Paris 13 - Gabriel Illouz LIMSI, Université Paris Sud - Denis Maurel LI, Université de Tours - Emmanuel Morin IRIN, Université de Nantes (Président) - Philippe Muller IRIT, Université de Toulouse - Anne Nicolle GREYC, Université de Caen - Laurent Romary LORIA, INRIA, Nancy - José Rouillard TRIGONE, Université de Lille - Jean Véronis DELIC Université de Provence - Azim Roussanaly LORIA, Université de Nancy - Michael Zock LIMSI, Université Paris Sud ************ COMITE D'ORGANISATION LOCAL (commun avec TALN) ********** Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Université de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) Béatrice Daille (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Université de Nantes) Jérome Goulian (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Université de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale Sébillot (IRISA/Université de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Université de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Université de Bretagne-Sud) -- IRIN, 2 rue de la houssinière, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 tel +33 (0)2 51 12 58 39 / fax +33 (0)2 51 12 58 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions ... Message-ID: Call for Papers : ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications. September 4-6, 2003, Toulouse, France Endorsed by SIGSEM, the ACL's Special Interest Group in Computational Semantics. A great deal of attention has been devoted in the past ten years in the linguistic and computational linguistics communities to the syntax and the semantics of nouns, verbs and also, but to a lesser extent, to adjectives. Related phenomena such as quantification or tense and aspect have motivated a number of in-depth studies and projects. In contrast, prepositions have received less attention. The reasons are quite clear: prepositions are probably the most polysemic category, possibly more so than adjectives, and linguistic realizations are extremely difficult to predict, not to mention the difficulty of identifying cross-linguistic regularities. Let us mention, however, several projects devoted to prepositions expressing space, time and movement in AI and in NLP, and also the development of formalisms and heuristics to handle PP attachment ambiguities. Let us also mention the large number of studies in psycholinguistics and in ethnolinguistics around specific preposition senses. Finally, prepositions seem to reach a very deep level in the cognitive-semantic structure of the brain: cognitive grammar developers often use prepositions in their metalanguage, in order to express very primitive notions. An important and difficult question to address, is whether these notions are really primitive or can be decomposed and lexically analysed In argument structure, prepositions often play the crucial role of a mediator between the verb's expectations and the semantics of the nominal argument. The verb-preposition-noun semantic interactions are very subtle, but totally crucial for the development of an accurate semantics of the proposition. Let us note that a number of languages have postpositions or other markers like case instead of prepositions that play a quite similar role. Finally, languages like English have verbal compounds that integrate prepositions (compositionally or as collocations) while others, like Romance languages or Hindi either incorporate the preposition or include it in the prepositional phrase. All these configurations are semantically as well as syntactically of much interest. Prepositions turn out to be a very useful category in a number of applications such as indexing and knowledge extraction since they convey basic meanings of much interest like instruments, means, comparisons, amounts, approximations, localizations, etc. They must necessarily be taken into account---and rendered accurately---for effective machine translation and lexical choice in language generation. Prepositions are also closely related to semantic structures such as thematic roles, semantic templates or frames. From a linguistic perspective, several investigations have been carried out on quite diverse languages, emphasizing e.g., monolingual and cross-linguistic contrasts or the role of prepositions in syntactic alternations. These observations cover in general a small group of closely related prepositions. The semantic characterization of prepositions has also motivated the emergence of a few dedicated logical frameworks and reasoning procedures. The aim of this workshop is to bring together linguists, NLP researchers and practitioners, and AI people in order to define a common ground, to advance the state-of-the-art, to identify the primary issues and bottlenecks, and to promote future collaborations. If appropriate, the workshop will also establish a working group and the development of projects and resources. Paper presentations Both short research notes (3 pages) and longer conference-style papers (up to 10 pages) submissions as well as working session proposals (1 page proposal on a precise topic) are welcome. Papers must be in .ps, .pdf or .doc formats. The 12 point Times new Roman font is preferred, leave about 2.5 cm margins on both sides. More precise formatting instructions will be given for final versions, since a book publication is under preparation. Paper must be sent in electronic form to: stdizier at The main topics are: - The syntax of prepositions: formal or descriptive syntax, prepositions in alternations, principles in the syntax of PPs, syntactic and semantic restrictions. General syntactic-semantic principles. Postpositions or other equivalent markers (e.g. case). - Polysemy of prepositions, identification and classification of preposition senses, contrastive uses, metaphorical uses, semantic and cognitive foundations for prepositions. - Descriptions: Potential WordNet / EuroWordNet descriptions of preposition uses, productive uses versus collocations, multi-lingual descriptions: mismatches, incorporation, divergences. Prepositions and thematic roles, prepositions in semantic frameworks (e.g. Framenet.). - Cognitive or logic-based formalisms for the description of the semantics of prepositions, in isolation, and in composition/confrontation with the verb and the NP. Compositional semantics. Logical and reasoning aspects. - The role of prepositions in applications, in particular: * in machine translation * in information extraction * in lexicalization in language generation. - Corpus-based studies that support or challenge any of the approaches described above. - Lexical knowledge bases and prepositions. Prepositions in AI, KR and in reasoning procedures. Deadlines Submission deadline: April 18th, 2003 Notification to authors: May 30th, 2003 Final paper due July 1st (a book publication is under preparation) Registration preferably before July 7th. (to be confirmed) Registration frees will be kept as low as possible, around 100 Euros with lunch. Programme Committee: Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Mumbai) Harry Bunt (Tilburg) Nicoletta Calzolari (Pisa) Bonnie Dorr (Maryland) Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton) Claire Gardent (CNRS Nancy) Betsy Klipple (Upenn) Alda Mari (ENST Paris) Palmira Marraffa (Lisboa) Martha Palmer (Upenn) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis) Patrick Saint-Dizier (Chair, IRIT, Toulouse) Gloria Vazquez (Lerida) Laure Vieu (IRIT, Toulouse) Contacts : Submissions and inquiries : stdizier at send also submissions to: patrick_saintdizier at Local organizing committee : Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier WEB site (under preparation): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:15 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:15 +0100 Subject: Appel: Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases Message-ID: ************************************************************* * * * Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases * * * * Second announcement (January 2003) * * * ************************************************************* Detailed announcement at Venue: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Dates: 3-5 July 2003 Language: English Submission deadline: 31 March 2003 Notice of acceptance: 19 May 2003 Final version due: 9 June 2003 Multilingual lexical databases are databases for structured lexical data which can be used either by humans e.g. to define their own dictionaries or by natural language processing (NLP) applications. The 2003 Papillon workshop, the fourth in a series of workshops organized every year by the Papillon members, will aim at identifying problems relevant to the multilingual- lexical-database community. The workshop aims to promote exchanges between practitioners from several fields and is thus open to anybody working in a domain pertaining to lexical databases such as: databases, man-machine interface for dictionaries, data annotation, XML, standardization of dictionaries or lexical data; lexicography, translation, computational linguistics, etc. Contributions are welcome on the following items: databases, lexical data, human use and NLP use of multilingual lexical databases Contributions are encouraged which focus more on the Papillon project: Meaning-text theory and lexicography, proposals for collaboration with the Papillon project, summary/state of collaboration to the Papillon project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:20 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:20 +0100 Subject: Conf: 5es Rencontres Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle Message-ID: ************************************************************** APPEL A PARTICIPATION A TIA2003 5es Rencontres Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle Strasbourg les 31 mars et 1er Avril 2003 ************************************************************** organisée par le groupe TIA du PRC-I3 ********* Soutiens ********* Gracq, ATALA, CNRS ******* Thèmes ******* Analyse terminologique Terminologies structurées et définitions Terminologie et modélisation des connaissances Terminologie et linguistique Acquisition de ressources terminologiques multilingues Classification et méthodes statistiques ********************** Conférences Invitées ********************** Georges Kleiber (Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg & EA 1339 LDL- Scolia) Sémantique et terminologie : la caution de la dénomination Nicola Guarino, Senior Research Scientist, LADSEB-CNR, Padova Titre à préciser. *********************** Appel à démonstration *********************** Une plage de démonstration est prévue le 31 Mars entre 17h et 18h 30 pour des démonstrations.Télécharger le formulaire sur le site de TIA et renvoyer le SVP avant le 15 mars ou prenez contact avec nous avant le 15 mars à l'adresse mail suivante : mailto:mglt at ********** Programme ********** Lundi 31 mars 9h00 - Accueil des participants 9h30 : Analyse terminologique - Construire et accéder à une base de données d'expressions figées à partir des ressources de la toile (G. Dias, L. Carapinha, R. Trindade, S. Mota, M. Ribeiro, J. Dias) - Extracting terminologically relevant contexts from chunked corpora (U. Heid, K. Spranger) - Automatisation de l'activité de la validation terminologique : FLAG (Y. Alphonse, P. Bouillon, B. Cartoni, S. Lehmann) 11h00 : Pause (30') 11h30 : Terminologies structurées et définitions - The Role of Verbal Predications for Definitional Contexts Extraction (R. Alarcón, G. Sierra) - Le réseau terminologique, un élément central pour la construction d'index de document (T. Aït El Mekki, A. Nazarenko) - The role of technical Terminology in Question Answering (F. Rinaldi, J. Dowdall, M. Hess, K. Kaljurand, M. Karlsson) 13h00 : Déjeuner (1h30) 14h30 : Conférence invitée (N. Guarino)Titre à préciser. 15h30 : Terminologie et modélisation des connaissances - D'une méthode à un guide pratique de modélisation de connaissances à partir de textes (N. Aussenac-Gilles, B. Biébow, S. Szulman) - Modélisation des connaissances et construction d'un consensus : apport de la socioterminologie à une plate-forme en traitement d'images (N. Baudouin, M. Holzem, Y. Saidali, J. Labiche) 16h30 : Pause (30') 17h00 : Posters et Démos. 18h30 Mardi 1 avril 9h00 : Conférence invitée (G. Kleiber) Sémantique et terminologie : la caution de la dénomination. 10h00 : Terminologie et linguistique I - Vers la définition de genres interprétatifs (A. Condamines) - Quand le terme entre en vulgarisation (V. Delavigne) 11h00 : Pause (30') 11h30 : Terminologie et linguistique II - L'antonymie en terminologie : quelques remarques (P. Amsili) - Repérage de termes réduits : intérêt et limites de l'analyse distributionnelle (M.-P. Jacques) 12h30 : Déjeuner 14h00 : Acquisition de ressources terminologiques multilingues - Acquisition semi-automatique de terminologie bilingue en biologie moléculaire à partir des corpus comparables (. D. Tran, A. Burgun) - Des textes parallèles vers une terminologie trilingue (N. Grabar, K. Haag) 15h00 : Classification et méthodes statistiques - TermWatch: cartographie de réseaux de termes (F. Ibekwe-SanJuan, E. SanJuan) - Discovering the meaning of an Ambiguous Word by Searching for Sense Descriptors with Complementary Context Patterns (B. Rapp) 16h00 ********************** Comité de programme ********************** Président : Farid Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, Paris) Sofia Ananiadou (Université de Salford, Salford) Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse) Roberto Basili (Université de Rome) Didier Bourigault (ERSS, Toulouse) Stéphane Chaudiron (Ministère de la recherche, université Paris 10) Anne Condamines (ERSS, Toulouse) Gregory Grefenstette (Centre de recherche Rank Xerox, Grenoble) Ulrich Heid (Université de Stuttgart) Claude de Loupy (Sinequa, Paris) Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Villetaneuse) Jennifer Pearson (Université de Dublin) François Rastier (INALF, Paris) François Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Jean Royauté (INIST, Nancy) Monique Slodzian (CRIM-INALCO, Paris) Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, Villetaneuse) Pierre Zweigenbaum (STIM/AP-HP, Paris) *********************** Comité d'organisation *********************** Président : Francois Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Francois de Bertrand de Beuvron (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Bernard Migault (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg) Julien Gannard (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg) Nicolas Gagean (LIIA-ENSAIS et SCOLIA-Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Franscica Luna Garcia (LIIA-ENSAIS et Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Bernier Gildas (Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Pierre Frath (EA 1339 LDL Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Georges Kleiber (EA 1339 LDL SCOLIA-Université Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Jerzy Korczak (UMR 7005, LSIIT, ULP-CNRS, Strasbourg) *********************** Tarif des inscriptions *********************** Date de réception avant le 15 Mars après le 16 Mars Plein tarif 140 euros 170 euros AFIA/ATALA 120 euros 140 euros eurostudiant 80 euros 85 euros Spécial étudiant* 35 euros 35 euros Réduction AFIA ou ATALA sur présentation d'un justificatif. Les Droits d'inscription donnent droit aux pauses-cafés et aux repas de midis. mode de paiement: chèque ou bon de commande. Prix en Euros. Un repas dans un restaurant typique alsacien est prévu le 31 Mars au soir au prix de 15 euros. *Special Etudiant = étudiant assistant aux journées sans les actes. La rencontre a lieu sur le campus universitaire de l'Esplanade - le 31 mars dans le bâtiment du Pangloss de l'UMB - le 1er avril à l'ENSAIS, 24 boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg Accès, formulaires d'inscriptions réductions éventuelles, consultez le site Internet. ********* Sponsors ********* Région Alsace, Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg, Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin ************************ Secrétariat du colloque ************************ Organisation de TIA2003 UMB UFR-PLISE 22, Rue Descartes 67084 Strasbourg-CEDEX mail duschene at avec CC à rousselot at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:26 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:26 +0100 Subject: Conf: 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Message-ID: 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION CENTER OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS SANTIAGO DE CUBA JANUARY 20-24, 2003 FINAL ABSTRACT More important aspects: - Participation of 168 foreigners specialist for 26 countries: Belgium (6), Bolivia (1), Brasil (24), Canada (5), Chile (2), China (2), Colombia (1), Spain (25), USA (27), France (26), Holland (3), UK (6), Ireland (3), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), Japan (3), Mexico (13), Norway (1), Portugal (4), Puerto Rico (1), Check Republic (1), Russia (1), Sweden (4), Switzerland (1), Uruguay (2), Venezuela (2)) - Participation of 135 Cuban specialist from 10 provinces - Publication of the Proceedings with 282 papers from all participants (1341 pages in two volumes). ACTAS-I (1-642 pages), ISBN 959-7174-01-4 and ACTAS II (643-1341 pages), ISBN 959-7174-02-2. - The Congress had two Pre-Symposium Seminars: . Construcción de Diccionarios Electrónicos. Dr. Xabier Arregi Iparragirre University of Basque Country Spain . Técnicas para la Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés. Dra. Holly Wilson Alliant International University USA - Dr. Gisela Cardenas Molina, President of Cuban Linguistics Association opened the Symposium with the talk: "Corrientes en el análisis del discurso". - The Symposium had the following magistral talks . On the Ownership of Text. Prof. Dr. Yorick Wilks Department of Computer Science Sheffield University United Kingdom . Some challenges for a grammar of spoken language. Prof. Dr. Jens Allwood Linguistics Department University of Gothenburg Sweden: - The book "Contribuciones a la Lingüística Aplicada en América Latina", printed in the UNAM, México, was presented in the Symposium. The 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION will be held in Santiago de Cuba, January 2005. Center of Applied Linguistics Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Santiago de Cuba Cuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:30 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:30 +0100 Subject: Ecole: EUROLAN-2003 : The Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Potential and Practicalities Message-ID: EUROLAN-2003 Summer School on "The Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Potential and Practicalities" 28 July - 8 August 2003 Bucharest - Romania - First Call For Participation - The Eurolan series of summer schools was established in 1993 and has been held every other year, with the goal of stimulating young researchers from all over the world to pursue high-level research in natural language processing and language technology. Theme The fifth EUROLAN in the series will have as topic all aspects of the developing Semantic Web technology and consider its potential and the practicalities of applying it to enhance language processing applications. The promise of the Semantic Web has evoked enormous interest within the community developing language technologies. On the one hand, it offers the potential to exploit ontological descriptions of language data in order to enable inferencing capabilities, which may not only drastically enhance semantic processing, but also alter our conceptions of the ways in which knowledge is represented and exploited in language processing applications. On the other hand, to take full advantage of this evolving technology, researchers and developers will need to understand the potential as well as the limitations of the Semantic Web and master a range of new technologies that have been designed to enable it. Finally, the language technology community must be ready to contribute to Semantic Web development in order to ensure that it meets the requirements for language processing applications. The so-called "Semantic Web community" encompasses several research communities that have previously worked independently of one another, including researchers in knowledge representation, ontology development, and "knowledge exploitation"; web developers (including developers of standards such as XML, RDF, OWL, etc.); and those who directly need to exploit knowledge in applications. Linguistic knowledge used in language processing at its various levels (morphological, syntactic, lexical, discourse, etc.) includes a substantial part of general knowledge and poses a significant challenge to Semantic Web developers in order to handle the precision and complexity required for language processing applications. Whatever the Semantic Web may evolve to be, researchers and developers in language technology clearly need to learn what it is and how it can be exploited for language processing, and at the same time, work with semantic web developers to ensure that the semantic web infrastructure is maximally usable for language processing applications. EUROLAN-2003 will provide two weeks of intensive study of semantic web technology and its application to natural language processing. Internationally known scholars and researchers involved in leading-edge work in relevant areas will serve as professors at the school, providing half- and full-day seminars and hands-on labs to provide students with in-depth understanding and experience. Topics to be covered in the school include the following: * What is the Semantic Web? * Potential and limitations of the semantic web * Supporting web technologies (XML, RDF) * Ontologies, ontology design and development * Ontology exploitation via inferencing * Description logics and other approaches to inferencing * Lexical semantics and the semantic web * Use of the semantic web and related technologies in language processing applications The list of invited personalities is as follows: * Dan Cristea, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania * Thierry Declerck, DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany * James Hendler, University of Maryland at College Park, USA * Jerry Hobbs, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, USA * Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA * Alessandro Lenci, University of Pisa, Italy * Robert Meersman, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, Belgium * Srini Narayanan, SRI-International, Menlo Park, SUA * Sergei Nirenburg, New Mexico University, USA * Dan Tufis, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania * Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI and University of Saarbruecken, Germany * Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI and University of Saarbruecken, Germany * Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield, England Program Eurolan-2003 will take place between 28 July and 8 August 2003 in Bucharest - Romania. The summer school will be organized to allow for both lectures and hands-on experience for each of the areas covered. Morning sessions will be devoted to tutorials, followed by afternoon sessions at which students will work in collaboration with professors on practical applications. The school will also include one workshop as well as round tables and work meetings on topics of particular interest related to the school?s theme. They will be announced at a later date. On Sunday, 3 August, a trip to significant Romanian landmarks will be organized. Registration and Fees Information about registration and fees will be posted at a later date. Program Committee Dan Cristea Nancy Ide Jerry Hobbs Dan Tufis Hans Uszkoreit Information on previous Eurolan events can be consulted at the address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:33 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:33 +0100 Subject: Appel: MACHINE TRANSLATION SUMMIT IX Message-ID: MACHINE TRANSLATION SUMMIT IX September 23-28, 2003 New Orleans, USA CALL FOR PAPERS The ninth Machine Translation Summit, organized by the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT) and hosted by the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA), will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from 23 to 28 September 2003. MT Summit IX will feature a comprehensive programme that will include research papers, reports on users' experiences, discussions of policy issues, invited talks, panels, exhibits, tutorials, and workshops. We define machine translation in the broadest possible sense, to include not just fully automatic MT but tools for translation support and multilingual text processing as well. We invite all those with an interest in translation automation-researchers, developers, translation service providers, users, or managers-to participate in the conference. MT Summit IX hereby invites original submissions on all aspects machine and machine-aided translation. The submissions must be in English and fall into one of three categories: * research (or theoretical) papers: maximum length 8 pages; * user's studies (including manager's experiences): maximum length 8 pages; * system presentations (with optional demos): maximum length 4 pages. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred, in PDF or MS-Word format only please. As the reviewing process will be blind, authors of the first two categories (research and user studies) are requested to keep their papers anonymous. This means that these submissions should NOT include the author's name; rather, papers should be identified only by their title. In addition to the electronic file containing their paper, authors must also submit a separate cover page on which the name and affiliation of the author(s) do appear, along with the title of the paper and the category of the submission. The two electronic files should be attached to an email and sent to the Program Chair, Elliott Macklovitch, at the following address: mtix at Note that the requirement of anonymity does not apply to system presentations. However, those submitting system descriptions with demos are asked to specify on their cover page the type of equipment they will require for their demonstration. We will acknowledge receipt of all papers received before the deadline and issue a submission number to each author. Please refer to that number in all subsequent correspondence. Anyone who is unable to make an electronic submission is asked to contact the Program Chair. Guidelines and style files for the preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be made available to the authors of accepted submissions in due time. IMPORTANT DATES: - May 11, 2003: Deadline for the submission of papers - June 30, 2003: Notification of acceptance sent to authors - July 31, 2003: Camera-ready copy due - September 23, 2003: Conference opens Proposals for Panels and Special Sessions: Proposals are also invited for panel and/or special sessions on issues of general importance to machine and machine-aided translation, which should be the subject of public debate at MT Summit IX. Please send your proposals to the Program Chair and include a description of the session theme, a justification of its importance, and the names of some suggested speakers or panellists. MT Summit IX Program Committee: Glenn Akers Hitoshi Iida Fred Popowich Susan Armstrong Pierre Isabelle Owen Rambow Lorna Balkan Hitoshi Isahara Steve Richardson Arendse Bernth Christine Kamprath Mohamed Shihadah Francis Bond Maghi King Jörg Schütz Pierrette Bouillon Richard Kittredge Harold Somers Ralf Brown Kevin Knight Keh-Yih Su F.Casacuberta Steven Krauwer Beth Sundheim Jason Chang Alon Lavie Hozumi Tanaka Key-Sun Choi Lori Levin Gregor Thurmair Anthony Clarke Dekang Lin Benjamin T'sou Ido Dagan Bente Maegaard Junichi Tsujii Pernilla Danielsson Daniel Marcu Antonio Valderrabannos Bonnie Dorr Michael McCord Enrique Vidal Marc Dymetman Dan Melamed Hideo Watanabe David Farwell Teruko Mitamura Andy Way Robert Frederking Hermann Ney Eric Wehrli Laurie Gerber Sergei Nirenburg John White Jan Hajic Eric Nyberg Pete Whitelock Walter Hartmann Franz Och Dekai Wu Stephen Helmreich Boyan Onyshkevych David Yarowsky Graeme Hirst Carlos Paz Rémi Zajac Edouard Hovy Jesse Pinkham John Hutchins André Popescu-Belis _____________________________ Elliott Macklovitch Program Chair, MT Summit IX RALI / Université de Montréal tel: +1 514 343-7535 fax: +1 514 343-2496 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:38 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:38 +0100 Subject: Appel: THE FIFTH SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE IN PARIS Message-ID: ======================================================================= We apologize if you receive this more than once. ======================================================================= ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ / __)/ __)/ __)( _ \ / _ \(__ ) ( (__ \__ \\__ \ )___/ ( (_) )(_ \ \___)(___/(___/(__) \___/(___/ THE FIFTH SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE IN PARIS OCTOBER 2-4, 2003 CALL FOR PAPERS THEMATIC SESSION The Syntax and Semantics of Number INVITED SPEAKERS Nirit Kadmon (Tel Aviv University) Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University ­ Berlin) Robert Levine (Ohio State University) Mark Steedman (Edinburgh University) Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris 8 University) SUBMISSION DEADLINE April 30, 2003 The fifth Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris (CSSP 03) will take place in Paris 7 University, on October 2­4, 2003. The Conference welcomes papers combining empirical inquiry and formal explicitness. It aims at favouring comparisons between diverse formal theories of syntax and semantics. The domains of inquiry are syntax, semantics, and the syntax-semantics interface. CSSP conferences combine a general session and a thematic session. The theme for the CSSP 03 thematic session is the syntax and semantics of Number. Prospective speakers are invited to submit an abstract, no more than two page long (including figures and references), written in French or English. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail (plain ASCII, rtf, ps or pdf) before April 30 to: cssp01 at Authors who are not able to send an electronic version should send two hard copies (one anonymous, one non-anonymous) of the abstract to: Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique a Paris Universite Paris 7 UFRL, Case 7003 2 Place Jussieu 75251 Paris-Cedex 05 France For more information: Web site: E-mail: cssp01 at ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami (Chair, Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Danièle Godard (CNRS-Paris 7) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami (Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Francis Corblin (Paris 4), Danièle Godard (CNRS-Paris 7), Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS-Paris 7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:42 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:42 +0100 Subject: stages: France Telecom R&D Message-ID: Analyse de l'expressivité de la parole dans les messages vocaux par couplage des analyses des intonations et du contenu verbal Les centres d'appels téléphoniques (centres de réclamation, hot-lines, etc.) recueillent chaque jour des centaines de messages vocaux archivés sur répondeur provenant d'appels en période de saturation (aucun télé-opérateur n'est disponible pour prendre l'appel) ou en période non ouvrable. Le traitement de ces messages a posteriori est extrêmement lourd et il peut s'avérer pertinent d'automatiser ce traitement. Un tel traitement requiert deux types d'analyse : une analyse du contenu sémantique du message (objet de l'appel) et une analyse du contenu intonatif (satisfaction, mécontentement, colère...). Si des modèles d'analyse du contenu sémantique et intonatif sont disponibles, ils n'ont pas encore été couplés. Or, la compréhension complète du message provient de l'analyse conjointe des contenus sémantique et intonatif réalisés par les auditeurs. Ainsi, il convient d'étudier le couplage des deux modèles dans le contexte précis de messages laissés par des clients Orange ayant rencontré des problèmes avec leur téléphone mobile. Les différentes tâches à réaliser seront : Tâche 1 : Etude préparatoire à partir du corpus de messages vocaux existant Dans un premier temps, il s'agit de sélectionner, à partir du corpus existant et de l'expérience des télé-opérateurs, des intonations particulières dépendant fortement du contenu sémantique (e.g. ironie) puis de sélectionner un corpus spécifique par intonation retenue. Dans un deuxième temps, les corpus dédiés seront analysés linguistiquement de manière à déterminer les mots clés cibles porteurs d'intonations particulières et les règles linguistiques indicatrices d'intonations particulières. Tâche 2 : Création d'un corpus d'étude Il s'agit de construire des messages où intonations particulières et contenus sémantiques appropriés sont contrôlés - création de plusieurs messages (différents contenus sémantiques) - création d'enregistrements (réalisés par des acteurs) sur répondeur pour plusieurs intonations fortement dépendantes des contenus sémantiques Tâche 3 : Caractérisation du corpus Il s'agit de caractériser le corpus selon les points de vue suivants : - subjectif, par réalisation de tests auprès de télé-opérateurs visant à caractériser le corpus enregistré selon les intonations cibles - linguistique, par utilisation de la brique de reconnaissance de la parole afin d'évaluer la pertinence des mots clés ainsi que les règles linguistiques cibles qui auront été définies Tâche 4 : Développement du modèle Il s'agit d'adapter un outil utilisant la triple caractérisation du corpus afin de prédire les intonations particulières, puis de le valider et de caractériser ses performances avec un corpus de validation issu des sous-corpus spécifiques sélectionnés. Stage d'une durée de 5 à 6 mois. Contact : Valérie MAFFIOLO France Télécom Recherche et Développement Direction des Interactions Humaines Evaluation et acceptabilité de la Qualité des Services 2, Avenue Pierre-Marzin Technopole Anticipa 22307 Lannion Cedex tél : +33 2 96 05 06 54 fax : +33 2 96 05 13 16 email : valerie.maffiolo at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:46 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:46 +0100 Subject: Jobs: Corpus Linguists at Leeds University Message-ID: Research opportunities for Corpus Linguists at Leeds University: School of Modern Languages: Chair of Spanish and Portuguese (closing date: 28 Feb 2003) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in French (closing date: 28 Feb 2003) School of Computing: Chair in Computing (closing date: 12 Feb 2003) Readers / Senior Lecturers / Lecturers (closing date: 12 Feb 2003) University Research Fellowships (closing date: 28 February 2003) School of Mathematics: Lectureship in computational statistics & probability (closing date:14 Feb) for details see -- Eric Atwell, CVL: Computer Vision and Language research group Distributed Multimedia Systems MSc Tutor & SOCRATES/JYA Tutor School of Computing, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT TEL: 0113-3435761 MOBILE: 0775-1039104 FAX: 0113-3435468 WWW: EMAIL: eric at Visit - our newsletter for industry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:30:59 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:30:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: Int. Conf. French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research Message-ID: APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS / CALL FOR PAPERS Journée d'etudes internationale / International Conference La linguistique de la LSF : recherches actuelles / French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research [english below] DATE : 23 septembre 2003 LIEU : Université de Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France CALENDRIER 1er appel à communications : 1e février 2003 Date limite de soumission : 1e avril 2003 Notification des acceptations : 1e juin 2003 Programme préliminaire : 15 juin 2003 Journée : 23 septembre 2003 THEMATIQUE L'objectif de cette journée est de faire le point sur les recherches actuellement menées sur la linguistique de la langue des signes française, notamment (mais pas exclusivement) par les jeunes chercheurs, docteurs ou doctorants. - La journée pourra aborder entre autres les thèmes suivants : - Ordre des signes en LSF, selon les types de phrases ou de discours - Comparaison dans l'ordre des signes en LSF et dans une autre langue des signes - Comparaison entre catégories ou structures de la LSF ou des LS, et catégories ou structures analogues dans les langues à modalité audio-orale - Histoire des signes - Le niveau « phonologique » dans les LS - L'anaphore en LSF ? COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE Anne-Marie Berthonneau (Université de Lille 3 et UMR 8528 « SILEX ») et Georgette Dal (Université de Lille 3 et UMR 8528 « SILEX ») Le comité scientifique fera appel à un comité d'experts pour le choix des soumissions. LANGUES DE TRAVAIL Les langues officielles de la journée seront le français et l'anglais. ORGANISATION Le colloque est organisé par l'UMR 8528 « SILEX » et l'Université de Lille 3. Une page web sera dédiée à la journée sous le site de SILEX ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) : Pourquoi une journée de la LSF à Lille 3 ? Comment se rendre à l'Université ? Programme, etc. Pour les autres questions, vous pouvez contacter berthonneau at ou dal at MODALITÉS DE SOUMISSION Votre soumission devra comporter : 1) Un abrégé anonyme en français ou en anglais ne dépassant pas 2 pages format A4 corps Times 12 (bibliographie incluse). L'abrégé devra indiquer clairement le sujet traité et les conclusions de votre contribution. 2) Une page séparée mentionnant vos nom et prénom, votre appartenance administrative, votre adresse postale, votre courriel et le titre de votre contribution. Les abrégés seront envoyés par courrier électronique à Anne-Marie Berthonneau et à Georgette Dal au format .rtf, .doc ou .pdf. (veillez à envoyer l'abrégé et la page où figurent les renseignements personnels sous des fichiers attachés distincts). Délai de rigueur : 1e avril 2003. S'il vous est impossible de faire une soumission électronique, vous pouvez envoyer 2 copies papier de l'abrégé et la page comportant les renseignements personnels à l'adresse suivante avant le 1e avril 2003: Anne-Marie Berthonneau ou Georgette Dal UMR 8528 « SILEX » Université de Lille 3 BP 149 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX CRITERES DE SELECTION Les auteurs sont invités à présenter un travail original non publié. Les soumissions seront expertisées de manière anonyme par deux spécialistes du domaine. Le choix tiendra compte des critères suivants: Importance et originalité du papier Assise empirique de l'analyse Précision et correction du contenu scientifique Organisation et clarté de la présentation ACTES Les actes du colloque seront publiés dans la collection Silexicales (publication de UMR SILEX, Lille 3) INSCRIPTION Frais d'inscription : 15 euros (comprenant les pauses et l'envoi des actes). Possibilité de prendre un repas sur place livré par un traiteur, à condition de le signaler sur le formulaire d'inscription (coût du repas, en plus des frais d'inscription = 18 euros). Pour s'inscrire, remplir le formulaire d'inscription qui se trouve sur le site de silex ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) et le renvoyer à Danièle Monseur accompagné de votre règlement libellé à l'ordre de l'agent comptable de l'Université de Lille 3 (chèque bancaire, postal ou bon de commande administratif) à l'adresse ci-dessous : Danièle Monseur, journée LSF UMR « SILEX » Université de Lille 3 B.P. 149 F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex --------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH --------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research DATE: September 23rd, 2003 PLACE: University Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France IMPORTANT DATES First Call for Papers: February 1st, 2003 Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2003 Notification of Acceptance to Authors: June 1st, 2003 Preliminary Program: June 15th, 2003 Conference: September 23rd, 2003 TOPICS The goal of the conference is to promote current research in the field of French Sign Language Linguistics, especially (but not exclusively) conducted by young scholars, PhDs or Doctoral students. - The Conference would cover among others the following topics: - Sign order in FSL, depending on sentence or discourse type - Comparisons between sign order in FSL and other SLs - Comparisons between categories or structures of FSL or other SL, and between analogous categories or structures in oral languages. - History of signs - "Phonological" level in SLs - Anaphora in FSL ? PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Anne-Marie Berthonneau (University Lille 3, UMR 8528 « SILEX ») Georgette Dal (University Lille 3, UMR 8528 « SILEX ») Reviewing of papers will be carried out by a group of experts on the subject. CONFERENCE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French and English ORGANISATION The Conference is organized by the UMR 8528 « SILEX » and University Lille 3. A webpage will be consecrated to the Conference on the SILEX website ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) : Reasons for holding an FSL Conference at Lille 3 ? Ways to get to the University Lille 3; Program, etc. For all other information please contact the organizers at: berthonneau at or dal at ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Each submission should contain the following: 1) Anonymous abstract in French or English, which should not exceed two single-spaced A4 pages written in Times 12 font (data and references included). Abstracts should clearly state the subject of the paper as well as its main conclusions. 2) A separate page with the author's first and last names, affiliation(s), postal address, e-mail address and the title of the submitted paper. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to Anne-Marie Berthonneau (berthonneau at AND Georgette Dal (dal at Acceptable formats are PC and Mac MS Word, RTF and PDF. Abstracts and information sheets should be sent as separate attached files. Abstracts MUST be received by April 1st, 2003. If unable to submit electronically, please mail two paper copies of the abstract and the information sheet to the following address before April 1st, 2003: Anne-Marie Berthonneau or Georgette Dal UMR 8528 « SILEX » Université de Lille 3 BP 149 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX SELECTION CRITERIA Authors are encouraged to present original, non-published material. Each submission will be examined anonymously by two specialists in the field. The selection will take into consideration the following: Pertinence and originality of the paper Empirical grounding of the analyses Precision and validity of scientific content Organisation and clarity of presentation PROCEEDINGS The Conference Proceedings will be published in the collection Silexicales (UMR SILEX, Lille 3 publications) REGISTRATION Registration fee: 15 euros (coffee breaks and proceedings mailing expenses included) Optional catered lunch will be served on the premises of the Conference (cost of the meal, not included in the registration fee, is 18 euros). If interested, please notify the organizers when filling out the registration form. To register, please fill out the registration form found on SILEX website at HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf and mail it to Danièle Monseur together with payment at the following address: Danièle Monseur, journée LSF UMR « SILEX » Université de Lille 3 B.P. 149 F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex Checks (personal checks or money orders) should be made payable to l'agent comptable de l'Université de Lille 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:03 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:03 +0100 Subject: Appel: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing Message-ID: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop May 31, 2003 Edmonton, Canada Overview There is an increased use of NLP-based educational applications for both large-scale assessment and classroom instruction. This has occurred for two primary reasons. First, there has been a significant increase in the availability of computers in schools, from elementary school to the university. Second, there has been notable development in computer-based educational applications that incorporate advanced methods in NLP that can be used to evaluate students' work. Educational applications have been developed across a variety of subject domains in automated evaluation of free-responses and intelligent tutoring. To date, these two research areas have remained autonomous. We hope that this workshop will facilitate communication between researchers who work on all types of instructional applications, for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate school. Since most of this work in NLP-based educational applications is text-based, we are especially interested in any work of this type that incorporates speech processing and other input/output modalities. We wish to expose the NLP research community to these technologies with the hope that they may see novel opportunities for use of their tools in an educational application. Call for Papers We are especially interested in submissions including, but not limited to: * Speech-based tools for educational technology * Innovative text analysis for evaluation of student writing with regard to: a) general writing quality, or b) accuracy of content for domain-specific responses * Text analysis methods to handle particular writing genres, such as legal or business writing, or creative aspects of writing * Intelligent tutoring systems that incorporate state-of-the-art NLP methods to evaluate response content, using either text- or speech-based analyses * Dialogue systems in education * understanding student input * generating the tutors' feedback * evaluation * Evaluation of NLP-based tools for education * Use of student response databases (text or speech) for tool building * Content-based scoring Important Dates: Paper submission deadline: Mar 3 Notification of acceptance for papers: Mar 24 Camera ready papers due: Apr 7 Workshop date: May 31 Organizers Jill Burstein, Educational Testing Service (jburstein at Claudia Leacock, Educational Testing Service (cleacock at Program Committee: Gregory Aist, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Martin Chodorow, Hunter College, City University of New York Ron Cole, University of Colorado, Boulder Barbara Di Eugenio, University of Illinois at Chicago John Dowding, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University Art Graesser, University of Memphis Pamela Jordan, University of Pittsburgh Karen Kukich, National Science Foundation Diane Litman, University of Pittsburgh Daniel Marcu, Information Sciences Institute/University of Southern California Thomas Morton, University of Pennsylvania Carolyn Penstein Rose, University of Pittsburgh Susanne Wolff, Princeton University Klaus Zechner, Educational Testing Service Format for Submission Information about submissions can be found at the URL below. Please follow the instructions for full papers and use only Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) or MS-Word documents. Since the review process will be blind, please do not include any author information on the actual paper. Please include an additional title page with the following information: Paper title, names and contact information for all authors, and the paper's abstract. Please e-mail your final .pdf or MS-Word submission to jburstein at or cleacock at no later than March 3, 2003. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions regarding the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: 6e Colloque International sur le Document Electronique Message-ID: Deuxième appel à soumission : CIDE 6 6e Colloque International sur le Document Électronique Lieu : Caen, France Date : du 24 au 26 novembre 2003 Dates importantes Soumission des articles : 15 mars 2003 Avis des rapporteurs : 15 mai 2003 Réception des versions finales : 15 juillet 2003 ---------- Ghassan Mourad Paris - Sorbonne ISHA Equipe LaLICC (Langage, Logique, Informatique, Cognition et Communication) 96, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris France tél : 01 44 39 35 90 fax : 01 44 39 35 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: 6th INTEX Workshop Message-ID: ***** From: info-intex ***** Sender: Stoyan Mihov **************************** 6th INTEX Workshop Sofia, 29-30 May 2003 Call for papers - Deadline: March 15th Organizer: Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics - BACL We invite the submission of papers for the forthcoming sixth INTEX workshop, to be held in Sofia from 28-30 May 2003. INTEX is a linguistic development environment that includes large-coverage dictionaries and grammars, and parses texts of several million words in real time. INTEX includes tools to create and maintain large-coverage lexical resources, as well as morphological and syntactic grammars. Dictionaries and grammars are applied to texts in order to locate morphological, lexical and syntactic patterns, remove ambiguities, and tag simple and compound words. INTEX is used by several research centers to rapidly construct extractors to identify semantic units in large texts, such as Proper names of persons, locations, technical expressions of finance, etc. INTEX can build lemmatized concordances and indices of large texts with respect to all types of Finite State patterns. One interesting characteristic of INTEX is that the system is open: users can add their own resources use the INTEX programs to build new applications, and add their own programs to modify INTEX. INTEX is now used in over 200 research centers as a linguistic platform, an information retrieval system, to teach second languages, as a terminological extractor, as well as to teach computational linguistics to students. As in the previous workshops, (1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002), this meeting will be the opportunity for INTEX users, as well as other researchers interested in this technology, to meet and to exchange their experience of development, research or teaching. It will also be the occasion to present the recent developments of INTEX and NOOJ. Please, send before March 15th 2003 a one-page abstract to: Svetla Koeva, Stoyan Mihov or Max Silberztein, if possible by email. The abstract, in French or English, should contain the title of the article, name, author affiliations, surface mail and electronic address of each author. All papers will be reviewed by the following program committee: PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jorge Baptista (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal) Xavier Blanco (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Ivan Dimov (BACL, CLPP - BAS, Sofia) Svetla Koeva (BACL, IBL - BAS, Sofia) Stoyan Mihov (BACL, CLPP - BAS, Sofia) Denis Maurel (Tours University Computer Science Research Laboratory, France) Paul Sabatier (CNRS France) Max Silberztein (Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France) Dusko Vitas (MATF, University of Belgrade,Yu) Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted or rejected by 1 April 2003. The timeslot given for full presentations is 30 minutes (including 10 minutes for discussions). After the conference, authors will be invited to send a definitive version of their papers for publishing. Proceedings will be available and downloadable on the BACL and the INTEX sites. DEADLINES Submission due date: March 15, 2003 Notification date: April 1, 2003 Registration: May 1, 2003 Camera ready date (in French or English): June 20, 2003 INTEX TUTORIAL by Max Silberztein INTEX Initiation Tutorial (28 May 2003) 15 persons maximum INTEX Advanced Tutorial (28 May 2003) 15 persons maximum REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee for the workshop is EUR 30 for researchers, EUR 15 for students and EUR 40 for other categories. The conference will begin on Thursday afternoon and last till Saturday evening. During the Conference there will be a reception on Thursday evening and an optional excursion on Friday / Saturday late afternoon / evening. Workshop organization Svetla Koeva and Stoyan Mihov Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics Details concerning the workshop organization will be given on the conferences websites: CONTACTS Svetla Koeva svetla at Phone: +359 (2) 979 29 71 Stoyan Mihov stoyan at Phone: +359 (2) 979 38 86 Max Silberztein max.silberztein at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:14 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:14 +0100 Subject: Appel: Journees Francophones de la Toile Message-ID: ******dernier appel à com des****** Journées Francophones de la Toile (JFT'2003) Conférence nationale dédiée au Web les 30 juin, 1er et 2 juillet 2003, à l'Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours, France. Suite à plusieurs demandes, la date limite de soumission est reportée au >>>>>>>>28 février 2003<<<<<<<< Je vous rappelle également que vous avez non seulement la possibilité de soumettre des articles mais aussi des démonstrations. Cette conférence s'adresse autant aux laboratoires académiques qu'aux services R&D d'entreprises. Très cordialement, Pour les comités scientifique et d'organisation, Gilles Venturini, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Université de Tours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:56:43 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:56:43 +0100 Subject: Appel: MT Summit IX : Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: *** Call for Workshop Proposals *** *** MT Summit IX *** New Orleans, LA, USA, September 23-28, 2003 Proposals for workshops are now being solicited on topics of direct interest and impact for MT researchers, developers, vendors or users of MT technologies. Workshops should bring together groups of people involved in a specific problem area of machine translation, to advance the state of the art in that area. Workshops will be held on Saturday 28th September, and will normally last a whole day (approx. 7 hours). Workshops can take a variety of forms, including refereed and invited papers, or other activities. Proposers will be asked to issue their own ?Call for Papers?, and to maintain a web site giving information about the submission procedure and, later on, the full programme. Working language of the workshops will normally be English; however, it is acceptable to have a second (or alternative) working language if this is appropriate to the theme of the workshop. This should be stated clearly on the proposal. Submissions should be made to the Workshop Chair (e-mail: Harold.Somers at by March 21st. They should include the theme and goal of the workshop, the planned activities, a calendar of deadlines for submission, notification and, if appropriate, camera-ready copy (we advise that you follow the submission dates for the main conference), and an estimate of the number of participants. Important Dates 21 March 2003 Deadline for Workshop proposals 31 March 2003 Notification of acceptance of proposal 11 May 2003 Main conference paper submission deadline 30 June 2003 Main conference paper notification 31 July 2003 Main conference camera-ready copy deadline For general conference information and further details as it becomes available, visit the MT Summit web site ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:56:51 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:56:51 +0100 Subject: Appel: 1st International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Message-ID: Call for Papers 1st International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval CMMR 2003 Montpellier, France, May 26-27, 2003 cmmr2003 at BACKGROUND The use of computers in music is well established. CMMR 2003 provides an opportunity to meet and interact with peers concerned with the cross-influence of the technological and creative in computer music. The field of computer music is interdisciplinary by nature and closely related to a number of computer science and engineering areas such as information retrieval, programming, human computer interaction, digital libraries, hypermedia, artificial intelligence, acoustics, signal processing, etc. CMMR 2003 invites researchers, educators, composers, performers, and others with an interest in important aspects of computer music (including modeling, retrieval, analysis, and synthesis) to come join us for a unique event. TOPICS Original contributions on the following (and other relevant) topics are encouraged: infrastructures for music - music digital libraries modeling - representation and language modeling - distributed system infrastructures indexing and retrieval of music - metadata - standards - protocols - query languages - advanced information retrieval structuring of music data - hypermedia - structural computing collaboration on music - computer supported cooperative work analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and modeling of music - pattern recognition - signal processing - algoritmics - parsing mining and visualizing music - data mining - visualization synthesis (composition) of music - models for synthesis - automated composition user interfaces for music - human computer interaction FORMAT The symposium will be structured somewhat differently than many traditional conferences by scheduling sessions intended to foster dialog within small groups in addition to plenary sessions to stress unifying themes. There will be ample opportunity for in-depth discussions to follow up on ideas presented at larger sessions, presentation of musical pieces, demonstration of computer music software, as well as informal gatherings. PARTICIPATION Participation will be limited. All attendees will be required to submit at least one piece of work. (Submission formats are discussed below.) All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. All accepted paper submissions will be published in the proceedings. SUBMISSIONS Submissions may have any of the following forms: Full paper (7 - 10 pages) Short paper (3 - 5 pages) Computer musical compositions All papers will be reviewed by the program committee and accepted papers will be published after the symposium. It is planned to publish revised papers after the symposium as post-event proceedings in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. IMPORTANT DATES Full papers due March 15, 2003 Short papers due March 01, 2003 Musical pieces due March 01, 2003 Acceptance notification April 15, 2003 Symposium May 26-27, 2003 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Symposium Chairs Marc Nanard, LIRMM, France Jocelyne Nanard, LIRMM, France Proceedings Chair Henri Betaille, LIRMM, France PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairs Uffe Kock Wiil, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Violaine Prince, LIRMM, France Members Jens Arnspang, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Antonio Camurri, University of Genoa, Italy Barry Eaglestone, University of Sheffield, UK Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy David L. Hicks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Henkjan Honing, University of Nijmegen / University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Kristoffer Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University, USA Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS, Marseilles, France Henrik Legind Larsen, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Brian Mayoh, University of Aarhus, Denmark Peter J. Nürnberg, Technical University of Graz, Austria François Pachet, Sony Research Lab, France Esben Skovenborg, TC Electronics, Denmark Bernard Stiegler, IRCAM, France Leonello Tarabella, CNR, Pisa, Italy Daniele Teruggi, INA, France Hugues Vinet, IRCAM, France Gerhard Widmer, University of Vienna, Austria Sølvi Ystad, CNRS, Marseilles, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:02 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:02 +0100 Subject: Appel: TALN'2003 : Evaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques Message-ID: Conférence associée à TALN'2003 : Evaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques ------------ DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : JEUDI 20 MARS 2003 ----------------- Comité d'organisation : ===================== Salah Ait-Mokhtar - Xerox, Grenoble Laura Monceaux - LIMSI, Orsay Patrick Paroubek - LIMSI, Orsay Jean-Marie Pierrel - LORIA, Nancy Isabelle Robba - LIMSI, Orsay Anne Vilnat - LIMSI, Orsay Comité Scientifique : =================== Anne Abeillé - LLF, Paris VII Salah Ait-Mokhtar - Xerox, Grenoble Philippe Blache - LPL, Aix-en-Provence John Carroll - University of Sussex, Royaume-Uni Khalid Choukri - ELRA, Paris Didier Bourigault - ERSS, Toulouse Veronique Gendner - TALANA, Paris VII & LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Michèle Jardino - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Joseph Mariani - Ministère de la Jeunesse, de l'Education nationale et de la Recherche, Paris Laura Monceaux - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Patrick Paroubek - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Jean-Marie Pierrel - LORIA, Nancy Martin Rajman - EPFL, Lausanne Isabelle Robba - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Jacques Vergne - GREYC, Caen Anne Vilnat - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Eric Wehrli - LATL, Genève Pierre Zweigenbaum - STIM/AP-HP, Paris Thématique : ========== Depuis une dizaine d'années, avec l'apparition des outils de recherche d'information sur le web, de nouvelles techniques d'analyse syntaxique plus robustes ont vu le jour. Les analyseurs partiels construisent une analyse parfois minimale, incomplète, mais cela quels que soient la taille et le contenu des données à traiter. D'autre part, les analyseurs qui tentent de produire systématiquement une analyse "complète", ou la plus complète possible continuent d'améliorer leure résultats. Devant cette diversité d'offre en matière d'analyseur, il est intéressant voire primordial de proposer une méthodologie permettant de les évaluer. Celle-ci devant inclure : - la définition d'un format d'annotation permettant une large couverture des phénomènes syntaxiques; - le choix d'un corpus et son annotation manuelle (ou semi-automatique) dans ce format d'annotation; - la définition d'un ensemble de mesures permettant l'évaluation; - la mise au point des outils aussi bien d'annotation, que de transcription ou d'évaluation. Pour l'anglais, les métriques et les corpus annotés dans le cadre de la campagne PARSEVAL sont aujourd'hui remis en cause : ils ne sont ouverts ni à d'autres langues ni à de nouveaux formats d'analyse (voir l'atelier de la conférence LREC 2002 : Beyond Parseval towards improved evaluation measures for parsing systems ). Pour le français, la campagne d'évaluation EVALDA/EASY du programme technolangue (ministère délégué à la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies) qui débute servira de lieu d'expérimentation pour tester de nouvelles approches pour l'évaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques pour le français. Le but de cet atelier est de développer une réflexion autour des méthodologies d'évaluation, des corpus , des métriques, des outils et des formalismes pour l'évaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques du français. Modalités et format de soumission : ================================= Dans cet atelier, les contributions attendues pourront porter sur l'un des thèmes suivants : - les méthodologies d'évaluation - les métriques d'évaluation (choix, outils ...) - l'annotation des corpus (choix, outils ...) - les corpus - les outils de projection d'un analyseur dans un formalisme Des articles prospectifs sur l'évaluation et les analyseurs syntaxiques seront également les bienvenus. Les articles soumis devront être rédigés en français ou en anglais et ne pas dépasser 10 pages en suivant les consignes de la conférence principale TALN'2003 : Les soumissions devront parvenir au comité d'organisation avant le jeudi 20 mars 2003, sous forme électronique sous format pdf, adressées à mailto: monceaux at En cas d'impossibilité d'envoi électronique, une soumission "papier" pourra être retournée à l'adresse suivante : Laura Monceaux LIMSI - CNRS / Université Paris Sud Bat 508 - BP 133 91403 Orsay Cedex Calendrier : =========== Date limite de soumission : >>> Jeudi 20 mars 2003 <<< Notification aux auteurs : Lundi 14 avril 2003 Version finale (prêt-à-clicher) : Lundi 28 avril 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: Revue TAL : Evolutions en analyse syntaxique Message-ID: [English Version follows] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Revue t.a.l.] Appel à soumissions t.a.l. : Évolutions en analyse syntaxique Date limite de soumission : 9 Mai 2003 Numéro dirigé par Éric de la Clergerie (INRIA) et Martin Rajman (EPFL) Contexte : Analyse syntaxique ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'analyse syntaxique est une composante très importante dans le traitement automatique des langues. Elle continue de poser de nombreux problèmes que ce soit au niveau des formalismes grammaticaux ou au niveau de la complexité algorithmique, en particulier pour gérer les ambiguïtés. Néanmoins, des progrès ont eu lieu permettant un emploi plus courant et à plus grande échelle de l'analyse syntaxique dans des applications. L'analyse syntaxique regroupe divers courants qui diffèrent sur les objectifs visés et sur les méthodes employées. Les méthodes couvrent par exemple les approches stochastiques, les approches par cascades (de phases d'analyse locale) et les approches plus traditionnelles d'analyse complète (ou profonde). Les objectifs vont de la segmentation en syntagmes à l'analyse profonde avec une grammaire à large couverture, en passant par des analyseurs robustes et/ou superficiels. Néanmoins cette diversité dans les méthodes et objectifs reflète une certaine complémentarité plutôt qu'une opposition absolue. Le foisonnement des formalismes syntaxiques est aussi important avec cependant des points de convergence. Ceux ci rendent ainsi possible des conversions entre formalismes syntaxiques (par exemple entre TAG et HPSG ou HPSG et CFG) ou vers des formalismes plus «opérationnels». Certaines techniques d'analyse sont « génériques » et utilisables pour plusieurs formalismes. Certains systèmes se veulent multi-formalismes, reposant sur une infrastructure générique et efficace (pour l'indexation, la gestion des ambiguïtés, l'unification, gestion de la mémoire par partage ou copie de structures,...). Enfin la notion de lexicalisation des grammaires transcende largement les formalismes. D'autre part, la généralisation progressive des analyseurs syntaxiques soulève la question de leur évaluation. Thème : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'objectif de ce numéro est de mieux comprendre l'ensemble des approches et techniques utilisées en analyse syntaxique et surtout d'en mieux cerner les convergences et complémentarités. La liste suivante non exhaustive énumère divers sujets pertinents pour cet appel. - Convergence de formalismes syntaxiques - Conversions entre formalismes - Formalismes opérationnels ou descriptifs - Convergence et complémentarité des approches d'analyse syntaxique - Robustesse (traitement des mots inconnus, correction d'erreurs) - Lexicalisation - Intégration de méthodes stochastiques - Analyse en cascade ou approches globales - Évolution des approches pour de nouveaux formalismes - Optimisations (génériques) des analyseurs - stratégies d'analyse - gestion de l'ambiguïté - techniques d'indexation - gestion mémoire (partage et copie de structures) - Passage aux grammaires à large couverture - efficacité des analyseurs - maintenance et modularité - Évaluation des analyseurs Comité de lecture spécifique ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pierre Boullier (INRIA, Rocquencourt) John Carroll (Université du Sussex, GB) Jean-Pierre Chanod (XRCE, Grenoble) Alexandra Kinyon (Université de Pennsylvanie, USA) Guido Minnen (Motorola, USA) Alexis Nasr (LATTICE, Paris) Mark-Jan Nederhof (Université de Groningen, Pays-Bas) Gertjan van Noord (Université de Groningen, Pays-Bas) Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI, Orsay) Gerald Penn (Université de Toronto, Canada) Anoop Sarkar (Université Simon Fraser, Canada) Giorgio Satta (Université de Padoue, Italie) Manuel Vilares (Université de Vigo, Espagne) David Weir (Université du Sussex, GB) Rémi Zajac (Systran Software, USA) Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles (25 pages maximum) seront soumis au format Word, LaTeX, Postscript ou PDF. Les feuilles de style sont disponibles chez HERMES Langue ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles peuvent être écrits en français ou en anglais. Cependant, les soumissions en anglais ne sont acceptées que pour les auteurs non francophones. Calendrier ------------------------------------------------------------------------ La date limite de soumission est fixée au 9 Mai 2003. Les personnes qui ont l'intention de soumettre un article sont invitées à prendre contact avec Éric de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at Les articles seront relus par un membre du comité de rédaction de la revue TAL et par deux relecteurs du comité de lecture constitué spécifiquement par les coordinateurs pour ce numéro. La décision du comité de rédaction sera transmise aux auteurs avant le 1er Juillet 2003. La version définitive des articles acceptés sera à remettre pour le 1er Octobre 2003 pour une publication prévue fin 2003. Envoi des articles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles (25 pages maximum, au format Hermès) doivent être envoyés par voie électronique à Eric.De_La_Clergerie at ou par voie postale (version papier en cinq exemplaires) à l'adresse suivante : Éric de la Clergerie INRIA Rocquencourt Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France ====================================================================== Call for papers for the special issue of the TAL journal Title: Evolutions in Parsing Submission deadline: May 9th 2003 Guest Editors: Éric de la Clergerie (INRIA, France) Martin Rajman (EPFL, Switzerland) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parsing is a very important component in Natural Language Processing. It still raises many problems, for instance at the level grammatical formalisms or at the level of the algorithmic complexity, especially to handle ambiguity. However, because of recent advances, parsers are nowadays more and more widely used in large scale applications. Many approaches exist in the Parsing community that differ on the methods and objectives. The methods include for instance stochastic parsing, local parsing cascades, or more traditional complete or deep parsing. Objectives range from segmentation into chunks to deep parsing based on wide coverage grammars, including shallow and/or robust parsing. Anyway, these various methods and objectives are not necessarily in opposition and may be perceived as complementary. Despite the large number of existing grammatical formalisms, there are hints of convergences between them which open ways for (partial) conversions between formalisms (for instance between TAG and HPSG or HPSG and CFG) or toward "operational" formalisms. Also, some parsing techniques are "generic" and may be applied for several formalisms. Some parsing systems also aim to be multi-formalisms, relying on generic and efficient infrastructures (indexing, memory management by structure sharing or copying, powerful unification). Finally, the notion of lexicalization is present in most formalisms. Last but not least, the generalization of parsers raises the issue of their evaluation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Themes: The main objective of this special issue is a better understanding of the various approaches and techniques found in Parsing, highlighting the convergences and complementarities that may exist between them. We welcome works on any of the following issues. * Convergence between grammatical formalisms * conversions of formalisms * operational formalisms vs declarative ones * Convergence and complementarity in parsing approaches * robustness (unknown words, error corrections) * lexicalization * Integration of stochastic methods * Cascade parsing vs one-pass parsing * Evolution of parsing techniques for new formalisms * (generic) Optimizations in Parsing * parsing strategies * ambiguity management * chart indexing * memory management (structure sharing and copying) * Wide coverage grammars * parsing efficiency * maintenance and modularity * Parsing evaluation Reviewers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pierre Boullier (INRIA, France) John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK) Jean-Pierre Chanod (XRCE, France) Alexandra Kinyon (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Guido Minnen (Motorola, USA) Alexis Nasr (LATTICE, France) Mark-Jan Nederhof (University of Groenigen, NL) Gertjan van Noord (University of Groenigen, NL) Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI, France) Gerald Penn (University of Toronto, Canada) Anoop Sarkar (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Giorgio Satta (University of Padua, Italy) Manuel Vilares (University of Vigo, Spain) David Weir (Université of Sussex, UK) Rémi Zajac (Systran Software, USA) Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers (25 pages maximum) may be submitted in Word, LaTeX, Postscript or PDF. The style sheets are available at HERMES Language ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers may be written either in French or in English (non-French speaking authors only) Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The submission deadline is May 9th 2003. People intending to submit a paper should contact Éric de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at Articles will be reviewed by a member of the editorial board of the journal ( and two external reviewers chosen by the editors of the special issue. Editorial board decisions and referees' reports will be transmitted to the authors by July 1st, 2003. Final versions of accepted papers will be required by October 1st, 2003. Publication is planned for the end of 2003. Submission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submissions (25 pages maximum, following the Hermes style sheet) should be sent either electronically (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at, or by surface mail (five copies) to Éric de la Clergerie INRIA Rocquencourt Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:14 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:14 +0100 Subject: Appel: MTT 2003 : First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Message-ID: MTT 2003 First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure 16-18 June 2003 Web site : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Meaning-text Theory (MTT), which grew out of work on machine translation in the USSR 40 years ago, is characterized by: 1. the Modeling of language as a correspondence between meaning and texts/sounds; 2. the central position of the lexicon; 3. the privileged position of semantics over syntax; 4. and the use of a dependency representation in syntax. This conference has two goals: researchers working in the MTT framework will report on their research, and researchers in other frameworks are invited to compare their work to MTT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Invited Speakers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jurij Apresjan Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Richard Hudson University College London, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected Submissions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions related to all aspects of MTT are solicited, be they theoretical, descriptive, or computational. The conference is also open to MTT-based work in fields related to linguistics, such as natural language processing, second language teaching, or psycholinguistics. Submissions detailing work in other frameworks are also solicited, as long as the framework shares with MTT fundamental principles, such as dependency syntax, the decomposition of lexical meaning, the modeling of collocations, the stratification of the linguistic model, or the use of correspondence rules between different levels of representation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions can be in French or in English. They should be at most 10 pages (including all figures, data, notes, and bibliography) using a 12 point font, printed in one column. Style files for Word and LaTeX will be available on the web site. Submissions should be sent as PDF or postscript file to: mtt2003.submit at For any questions, please email mtt2003 at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 March: submission deadline 15 April: results of reviewing 15 May: final version due 16-18 June: MTT 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Margarita Alonso Ramos U. de la Coruna, Spain Jurij Apresjan Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation David Beck U. of Edmonton, Canada Igor Boguslavskij IPPI PAN, Moscow, Russian Federation Jose Coch LingWay, Paris, France Alexandre Dikovsky U. de Nantes, France Marc Dymetman Xerox, Grenoble, France Thierry Fontenelle Microsoft, Seattle, USA Catherine Fuchs ENS, Paris, France Eva Hajicova Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Leonid Iomdin Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Lidija Iordanskaja U. de Montréal, Canada Kyo Kageura NII, Tokyo, Japan Sylvain Kahane U. Paris 10, France Marie-Claude Lhomme U. de Montreal, Canada Igor Mel'cuk U. de Montreal, Canada Alexis Nasr U. Paris 7, France Alain Polguere U. de Montreal, Canada Owen Rambow Columbia U, New York, USA Agnes Tutin U. de Grenoble, France Leo Wanner U. Stuttgart, Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Arrangements Committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylvain Kahane Lattice, U. Paris 10, France Alexis Nasr Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Lucie Barque Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Laurence Danlos Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Laurence Delort Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Adil El Ghali Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Dina El Kassas Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Kim Gerdes Lattice, U. Paris 7, France François Lareau Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Celine Raynal Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Jacques Steinlin Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Francois Toussenel Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Etienne Van Tien Nguyen Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Alexandra Volanschi Lattice, U. Paris 7, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:19 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:19 +0100 Subject: Appel: Workshop on The Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems Message-ID: Workshop on The Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems (SEALTS) HLT-NAACL03 31 May 2003 Edmonton, Canada Overview A number of researchers argued in the early and middle 1990s that the field of computational infrastructure, or architecture, for Natural Language Processing, merited an increase in attention. The reasoning was that the increasingly large-scale and technologically significant nature of NLP science was placing increasing burdens of an engineering nature on R&D workers seeking robust and practical methods. Over the intervening period a number of significant systems and practices have been developed in what we may call Software Architecture for Language Engineering. Of the most prominent are: RAGS, Reference Architecture for Generation Systems (Brighton and Edinburgh) LT XML (Edinburgh) TEI, CES, XCES (Oxford, Vassar, etc.) ATLAS (LDC, NIST) Galaxy Communicator Software Infrastructure (MIT & MITRE) Protégé (Stanford) GATE, a General Architecture for Text Engineering (Sheffield) This workshop represents an opportunity for practitioners in this area to report their work in a coordinated setting. The value to the community at large will be to get a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in infrastructural work, which may indicate where further take-up of these systems can be of benefit Topics We solicit papers from the following research areas, and other allied topics: The Architecture of Language Technology Systems (LTS) Standards of best practice Standards for knowledge transfer and code sharing between LTS Language resource construction and management Relationship of LTS to Semantic Web architectures Engineering LTS for different purposes Comparative Reviews of Architectures Comparative experiments of different architectures and implementations Data Sharing in LT Systems Knowledge storage Message Passing LT System project management Strategies for Distribution and Scalability Data Models Instructions for Authors Due to the short time for submission two types of papers will be accepted, namely: Full papers: 7-8 pages Short papers: 1-6 pages. Short papers will be given half the speaking time of full papers. No differentiation will be made in the publication of the Proceedings. The Organisers reserve the right to request a paper to be reduced to short paper length if they believe it is appropriate. This policy is aimed at encouraging researchers who have experimental plans that have not yet been tested by implementation, or by papers that are exploratory or speculative. Significant review papers aimed to point the way to the future are also encouraged. Submissions Papers should be in PDF format and formatted according to the HLT-NAACL guidelines ( t.html). Do not anonymize submissions, since reviewing for the workshop will not be blind. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the style files accessible through the above web page. Send your submission to Jon Patrick (jonpat at Important Dates Paper submission deadline: 23 March Notification of acceptance for papers: 7 April Camera ready papers due: 14 April Workshop date: May 31 Organisers Jon Patrick, University of Sydney ( Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield ( Program Committee Xabier Artola Zubillaga, IXA, University of the Basque Country Stephen Bird, Melbourne University Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield Walter Daelemans, Universities of Antwerp and Tilburg Thierry DeClerck, University of Saarland (CL-Lab) and DFKI (LT-lab) Bill Dolan, Microsoft Research, Redmond Alistair Knott, Otago University Mark Maybury, MITRE Corporation Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield Alan Marwick, IBM, TJ Watson Laboratory Cecile Paris, CSIRO, Australia Yorick Wilks, Sheffield University Ming Zhou, Microsoft Research, Beijing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:44:57 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:44:57 +0100 Subject: Conf: EACL2003 Message-ID: [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement] * CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION * EACL 2003 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics April 12-17, 2003 Budapest, Hungary Early registration deadline : 15 March 2003 The EACL03 registration is now open. Note that early registration is a lot cheaper (for you) and provides for a better conference (because we can prepare it better). Please register before March 15th! *** CONFERENCE SCHEDULE **** Tutorials Saturday 12 April 2003 Workshops April 13-14, 2003 Main conference, Research Notes, Demos and April 15-17, 2003 Student Research Workshop April 16, 2003 * CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:02 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:02 +0100 Subject: Jobs: Professeur de Linguistique : Universite Paris X Message-ID: Un poste de Professeur de Linguistique Générale et de linguistique française (7ème Section) est ouvert au concours de juin 2003. (prise de fonctions septembre 2003) Renseignements : Bernard Laks Président de la Commission de Spécialistes Université de Paris X Nanterre, département des Sciences du Langage. 200 av de la République 9200 Nanterre 00/33/1 40 97 73 24 Bernard.laks at Profil du poste de Professeur Linguistique générale et linguistique française Dans le double intitulé proposé, c'est au terme « linguistique générale » que sera accordée la priorité : la capacité à enseigner en linguistique française est considérée en tant que domaine d¹application, parmi d'autres, de la linguistique générale. Ce qui sera décisif, dans la prise en compte des candidatures, plus que les recherches dans un champ particulier quel qu'il soit, c'est la présentation d¹un projet pédagogique et scientifique proposant des réponses précises (thématiques et volumes d'enseignement, place aux différents niveaux du cursus, actions de recherche spécifiques...) aux questions suivantes : - Qu'est-ce aujourd'hui qu'enseigner la linguistique générale - Quelles recherches développer actuellement en linguistique générale, dans la continuité ou non d'une perspective qui a été historiquement féconde ? On attend du candidat qu'il défende un tel projet, et qu'il montre l'insertion de ce projet dans sa conception de l'avenir des sciences du langage mais aussi dans le "paysage" des enseignements offerts. Bernard Laks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:07 +0100 Subject: Conf: HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop : DEADLINE EXTENSION Message-ID: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop May 31, 2003 Edmonton, Canada ***EXTENDED DEADLINE*** Overview There is an increased use of NLP-based educational applications for both large-scale assessment and classroom instruction. This has occurred for two primary reasons. First, there has been a significant increase in the availability of computers in schools, from elementary school to the university. Second, there has been notable development in computer-based educational applications that incorporate advanced methods in NLP that can be used to evaluate students' work. Educational applications have been developed across a variety of subject domains in automated evaluation of free-responses and intelligent tutoring. To date, these two research areas have remained autonomous. We hope that this workshop will facilitate communication between researchers who work on all types of instructional applications, for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate school. Since most of this work in NLP-based educational applications is text-based, we are especially interested in any work of this type that incorporates speech processing and other input/output modalities. We wish to expose the NLP research community to these technologies with the hope that they may see novel opportunities for use of their tools in an educational application. Call for Papers We are especially interested in submissions including, but not limited to: * Speech-based tools for educational technology * Innovative text analysis for evaluation of student writing with regard to: a) general writing quality, or b) accuracy of content for domain-specific responses * Text analysis methods to handle particular writing genres, such as legal or business writing, or creative aspects of writing * Intelligent tutoring systems that incorporate state-of-the-art NLP methods to evaluate response content, using either text- or speech-based analyses * Dialogue systems in education * understanding student input * generating the tutors' feedback * evaluation * Evaluation of NLP-based tools for education * Use of student response databases (text or speech) for tool building * Content-based scoring Important Dates: Paper submission deadline: Mar 10 Notification of acceptance for papers: Mar 24 Camera ready papers due: Apr 7 Workshop date: May 31 Organizers Jill Burstein, Educational Testing Service (jburstein at Claudia Leacock, Educational Testing Service (cleacock at Program Committee: Gregory Aist, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Martin Chodorow, Hunter College, City University of New York Ron Cole, University of Colorado, Boulder Barbara Di Eugenio, University of Illinois at Chicago John Dowding, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University Art Graesser, University of Memphis Pamela Jordan, University of Pittsburgh Karen Kukich, National Science Foundation Diane Litman, University of Pittsburgh Daniel Marcu, Information Sciences Institute/University of Southern California Thomas Morton, University of Pennsylvania Carolyn Penstein Rose, University of Pittsburgh Susanne Wolff, Princeton University Klaus Zechner, Educational Testing Service Format for Submission Information about submissions can be found at the URL below. Please follow the instructions for full papers and use only Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) or MS-Word documents. Since the review process will be blind, please do not include any author information on the actual paper. Please include an additional title page with the following information: Paper title, names and contact information for all authors, and the paper's abstract. Please e-mail your final .pdf or MS-Word submission to jburstein at or cleacock at no later than March 10, 2003. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions regarding the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:12 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:12 +0100 Subject: Appel: CIAA 2003 : Eighth International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata Message-ID: Eighth International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata CIAA 2003 July 16-18, 2003, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Sponsored by: Computer Science Department, College of Engineering and Graduate Division at UCSB, AT&T Labs - Research and Expertcity, Inc. TOPICS Automata theory is the foundation of computer science. Its applications have spread to almost all areas of computer science and many other disciplines. In addition, there is a growing number of software systems designed to manipulate automata, regular expressions, grammars, and related structures; examples include AGL, AMORE, Automate, FADELA, FinITE, FireLite, FLAP, FSM, Grail, INR, Intex, MONA, and Turing's World. The purpose of this conference is to bring together members of the academic, research, and industrial community who have an interest in the theory, implementation, and application of automata and related structures. We solicit papers and demos in these areas including, but not limited to, the following topics as they relate to automata: Bioinformatics Complexity of automata operations Compilers Computer-aided verification Concurrency Data structure design for automata Data and image compression Design and architecture of automata software Digital libraries Document engineering Editors, environments Experimental studies and practical experiences Industrial applications Natural language processing Networking New algorithms for manipulating automata Object-oriented modeling Pattern-matching Quantum computing Speech and speaker recognition Structured and semi-structured documents Symbolic manipulation environments for automata Teaching Text processing Techniques for graphical display of automata VLSI Viruses, related phenomena World-wide web INVITED SPEAKERS (preliminary list) Thomas Henzinger, University of California, Berkeley, California,USA Juhani Karhumaki, University of Turku , Turku, Finland PROGRAM COMMITTEE Oscar H. Ibarra (Chair), University of California, Santa Barbara,USA Tevfik Bultan, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Universite de Rouen, France Zhe Dang, Washington State University, USA Jozef Gruska, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Tero Harju, Academy of Finland, Finland Tom Henzinger, University of California, Berkeley, USA Juraj Hromkovic, RWTH Aachen, Germany Kazuo Iwama, Kyoto University, Japan Tao Jiang, University of California, Riverside, USA Juhani Karhumaki, University of Turku, Finland Lauri Karttunen, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA Sam Kim, Kyungpook University, South Korea Nils Klarlund, AT&T Labs-Research, USA Werner Kuich, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria Carlos Martin-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain Denis Maurel, Universite de Tours, France Mehryar Mohri, AT&T Labs-Research, USA Gheorghe Paun, Romanian Academy, Romania Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS & Universite Paris 7, France Grzegorz Rozenberg, Leiden University, The Netherlands Kai Salomaa, Queens University, Canada Helmut Seidl, Universitat Trier, Germany Imre Simon, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Wolfgang Thomas, RWTH Aachen, Germany Derick Wood, HKUST, Hong Kong Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Sheng Yu, University of Western Ontario, Canada ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Tevfik Bultan, University of California, Santa Barbara Omer Egecioglu, University of California, Santa Barbara Oscar H. Ibarra, University of California, Santa Barbara Hua Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara Constantinos Bartzis, University of California, Santa Barbara SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Authors are requested to submit an electronic version (in PostScript or pdf form) by April 1, 2003. An extended abstract should start with the title, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, and a one-paragraph summary of the results and ideas, and be sent to: (Precise instructions to be provided later) The extended abstract should provide sufficient detail to allow the Program Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance to the conference. The extended abstract should be at most ten (10) pages long using 11-point font with ample margins. If appropriate, proof details omitted in the paper may be added in an appendix. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 15, 2003. Final copies of accepted papers must be submitted by June 10, 2003. We expect the proceedings to appear in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series after the conference. (See for example, LNCS 1260 and LNCS 1436 for the proceedings of two previous conferences.) We will distribute a preproceedings for participants at the conference. Extended versions of selected papers from the proceedings of the conference series will be solicited for publication in special issues of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) and International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), alternating each year with the CIAA 2003 special issue appearing in TCS. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2003 Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2003 Final Version: June 10, 2003 Conference: July 16-18, 2003 For further details please visit the conference website ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:16 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:16 +0100 Subject: Annonce: linguistique et informatique =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0?= Bordeaux Message-ID: Nous annonçons la création de l'équipe Signes: Signes linguistiques, grammaire et sens: algorithmique logique de la langue. Cette équipe est commune - au département des sciences du langage de l'Université Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III), - à l'Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INRIA - au Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1, ENSEIRB) Elle a pour objectifs l'étude et la formalisation de la syntaxe et de la sémantique des langues, et la réalisation d'outils de traitement automatique des langues notamment pour la langue des signes française. Si de jeunes chercheurs, linguistes ou informaticiens, en particulier s'ils ont un intérêt pour la langue des signes, souhaitaient rejoindre cette équipe via les postes ou post-docs que proposent les organismes de tutelle précités, qu'ils veulent bien prendre contact avec nous rapidement. Topic: linguistics and computer science in Bordeaux We announce the creation of the research group Signes (linguistic signs, grammar and meaning: computational logic for natural language) This group is supported by - the department of linguistics of the University Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III), - the the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA), - the Computer Science Research Center of Bordeaux (LaBRI) (CNRS, University of Bordeaux 1, ENSEIRB). It is aimed at the formalization of the syntax and semantics of natural language, and at the development of tools for natural language processing, in particular for sign language. Young researchers, both linguists and computer scientists, especially the ones with an interest in sign language who would like to join our group via post-docs or permanent positions offered by the above mentionned institutions should contact us soon. -- Christian Retoré responsable du projet Signes LABRI Domaine Universitaire 351, cours de la Libération 33405 Talence Cedex FRANCE retore at christian.retore at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:20 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:20 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop Message-ID: ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop _________________________________________________________________ CALL for PAPERS Towards a Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop at ACL2003 in Sapporo (Japan) July 11 and 12 2003 Organised by ENABLER / ELSNET Description The problem addressed by this workshop is the well-known information problem. People are creating, exploring and exploiting language resources all over the world. Those who are working with resources know a lot about their own and other resources, and they are generally prepared to share this knowledge, their expertise and in many cases even their resources with others via publications in journals, presentations at conferences, and via the web. Unfortunately this information, however public, is not accessible in any systematic way for those who need resources, who want to know what sort of resources exist, how resources should be annotated, which standards to adhere to, which tools to use, etc etc. We will call this problem the 'Resources Information Problem'. The problem has also a geographical dimension: As work on specific languages is very often concentrated in specific parts of the world, much relevant information has a tendency to stay in one geographical place. This is an obstacle for those who are working on these same languages in different parts of the world, and it makes it harder to port knowledge and expertise gained on one language to other languages. The above observation are far from novel, and it would be naive to think that the problems will ever go away. At the same time one can observe that there are organisations (associations, agencies, projects, networks, etc) that have access to parts or fragments of this information and that have their own infrastructures that facilitate access to this information by internal or external people. The purpose of this workshop is to investigate how we can exploit the existing infrastructures to a maximum in order to facilitate world-wide access to information on language resources. The role of the workshop will be to bootstrap this process. Approach * First of all we will try to make an initial map of the language resources landscape world-wide. This map will include actors, organisations, repositories, standards, projects, tool libraries, etc etc. All participants will be asked beforehand to submit pointers to such items. They will be collected and published. * At the workshop we will invite representatives of a number of organisations that can be seen as key actors in the field, and they will be asked to present ideas about the way their organisation could contribute to solving the Resources Information Problem. These ideas could range from very concrete and immediately implementable proposals to longer term and visionary actions. * A round table discussion at the workshop will aim at the creation of convergence, coherence and synergies between the proposed actions. The intended output is a catalogue of actions to facilitate access to resources information that could be implemented (almost) immediately, a skeleton plan for longer term actions, and firm commitment from key players to make these things happen. Target audience Representatives of parties that could play a key role in providing access to resources information, such as (but not limited to) * Resources distribution agencies, e.g. LDC and ELDA/ELRA * Professional organisations, e.g. ACL, ISCA, and their regional branches, e.g. EACL, AACL, JACL, Asian NLP federation * Networks and resources infrastructure projects, e.g. ENABLER, ISLE. ELSNET * Committees, e.g. ICWLR, COCOSDA * National resources or infrastructure projects, e.g. Technolangue, Collate * International actions, e.g. OLAC * Researchers and developers interested in improving the language resources infrastructure for our community Invited and submitted papers We expect to invite some 15 representatives to give their presentations, but in addition we are issuing an open call for papers addressing the resources information problem and possible solutions. These papers will be reviewed in the usual way. Submission format Please submit full papers of maximum 8 pages (including references, figures etc). Authors should follow the main conference ACL style format. Electronic submission only. Send the pdf, postscript, or MS Word form of your submission to: Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at who will also answer any queries regarding the submission. Important Dates Submission deadline for workshop papers: 13 April 2003 Notification of accepted papers: 14 May 2003 Deadline for camera ready copies 29 May 2003 Workshop dates: 11-12 July 2003 Workshop Format It will be a two-day workshop, with invited and submitted presentations in the mornings, and topical panels and round table discussion in the afternoons, including an open meeting of the newly created International Coordination Committee for Written Language Resources. Programme Committee As this workshop is jointly proposed by ELSNET and ENABLER (two EU funded projects aimed at providing collaboration infrastructures), we have invited all ca 60 members of the ELSNET and ENABLER Boards to constitute the core programme committee. We may want to invite additional members from Asia and other parts of the world in order to ensure sufficient geographical coverage. A full list of PC members will be published on the workshop website at The workshop will be jointly chaired by Steven Krauwer (ELSNET) and Nicoletta Calzolari/Antonio Zampolli (ENABLER) Historical note This workshop can be seen as a follow-up of the workshop organised at ACL2000 in Hong Kong, entitled 'Towards infrastructures for global collaboration'. One of the conclusions of this workshop was that the field of language resources would offer good opportunities for collaborative actions, and the first concrete goal was the creation of an international resources federation, a first step towards which is now embodied by the proposal to set up an International Committee for Written Language Resources. The proposed workshop should lead to the definition of concrete actions to be carried out under the auspices of ICWLR, in collaboration with other organisations. Contact info Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at, ELSNET ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:30 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:30 +0100 Subject: Jobs: French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) Message-ID: --- French version below French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, INRIA More than 200 job opportunities opened at INRIA in 2003 INRIA offers a very large variety of positions Among them are: - visiting positions from six months to two years duration for French and foreign specialists, with academic or industrial background; - tenured positions for junior and senior research scientists. In addition to these job opportunities, INRIA offers more than 200 hosting possibilities within one of INRIA research project-teams, for preparing a PhD thesis or for postdoctoral visits. February 17, 2003. A competitive selection to recruit some 30 junior research scientists (chargés de recherche 2ème classe) or senior research scientists (directeurs de recherche 2ème classe) on tenured position is now opened. The deadline for returning application forms is on March 18. You will find information on these recrutements: conditions, deadlines, scientific and administrative information, contact adresses. downloadable forms in RTF and Latex formats,... , on our web site : Among these positions, 3 junior research scientist's ones are dedicated to the Inria research unit in Rennes, plus the 9 senior research scientist's ones that are nationally opened. TexMex research team in Rennes is especially interested in applications of specialists in natural language processing (semantic aspects of NLP) and machine learning. Some of the domains in which competences are particularly welcomed are: - corpus-based acquisition of lexical information (esp. semantic) - machine learning, esp. symbolic - information retrieval - automatic summarization For more information on this research team, please contact Pascale Sébillot (sebillot at, Pascale Sébillot IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France tel: (33|0) 2 99 84 73 17, fax: (33|0) 2 99 84 71 71 email: sebillot at --------------------------------French version--------------------- L'INRIA recrute plus de 200 emplois en 2003 : - Recrutements sur concours: Chercheurs débutants et confirmés, Ingénieurs, techniciens et administratifs - Accueils à durée déterminée: - Enseignants chercheurs et autres fonctionnaires - Jeunes diplômés - Spécialistes issus du milieu industriel - Spécialistes académiques étrangers - et aussi plus de 200 propositions de thèses et de séjours postdoctoraux . Depuis le 17 février 2003, une trentaine de postes sont ouverts sur concours pour des chercheurs débutants (chargés de recherche 2ème classe) ou confirmés (directeurs de recherche 2ème classe) Date limite de dépôt des dossiers: 18 mars 2003. Tous les renseignements sont sur le site web de l'INRIA : calendrier des actions de recrutement, informations scientifiques et administratives, contacts, dossiers de candidature téléchargeables aux formats rtf et latex. Sur le site Inria de Rennes, 3 postes de CR2 sont ouverts, ainsi que les 9 postes de DR2 ouverts nationalement. Au sein de l'équipe TexMex de Rennes, nous recherchons, en particulier, des chercheurs spécialisés en traitement automatique des langues et en apprentissage automatique. Parmi les sujets de recherche dans lesquels des compétences sont bienvenues figurent : - l'acquisition d'informations lexicales (en particulier sémantique) à partir de corpus textuels - l'apprentissage automatique, en particulier symbolique - la recherche d'information - le résumé automatique Pour plus d'informations sur cette équipe et ses sujets de recherche, vous pouvez contacter Pascale Sébillot (sebillot at et consulter le site web Cordialement Pascale SÉBILLOT IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France tel: (33|0) 2 99 84 73 17, fax: (33|0) 2 99 84 71 71 email: sebillot at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:45 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:45 +0100 Subject: Publications: THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Message-ID: The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics is out! ( THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS R. Mitkov (Ed) Oxford University Press 2003 Contents Preface (R. Mitkov) Introduction (M. Kay) Part I. Fundamentals 1. Phonology (S. Bird) 2. Morphology (H. Trost) 3. Lexicography (P. Hanks) 4. Syntax (R. Kaplan) 5. Semantics (S. Lappin) 6. Discourse (A. Ramsey) 7. Pragmatics and Dialogue (G.Leech and M.Weisser) 8. Formal grammars and languages (C. Martin-Vide) 9. Complexity (B. Carpenter) Part II. Processes, methods and resources 10. Text segmentation (A. Mikheev) 11. POS tagging (A.Voutilainen) 12. Parsing (J. Carroll) 13. Word-sense disambiguation (M. Stevenson and Y.Wilks) 14. Anaphora resolution (R. Mitkov) 15. Natural Language Generation (J.Bateman and M. Zock) 16. Speech recognition (L. Lamel and J.L. Gauvain) 17. Text-to-speech synthesis (T. Dutoit and Y. Stylianou) 18. Finite-state technology (L. Karttunen) 19. Statistical methods (C. Samuelsson) 20. Machine Learning (R. Mooney) 21. Lexical knowledge acquisition (Y. Matsumoto) 22. Evaluation (L. Hirschman and I. Mani) 23. Sublanguages and Controlled Languages (R. Kittredge) 24. Corpora (T. McEnery) 25. Ontologies (P.Vossen) 26. Tree adjoining grammars (A. Joshi) Part III. Applications 27. Machine translation: general overview (J. Hutchins) 28. Machine translation: latest developments (H. Somers) 29. Information retrieval (E.Tzoukermann, J. Klavans and T. Strzalkowski) 30. Information extraction (R. Grishman) 31. Question answering (S. Harabagiu and D. Moldovan) 32. Text summarisation (E. Hovy) 33. Term extraction and automatic indexing (C. Jacquemin and D. Bourigault) 34. Text data mining (M. Hearst) 35. Natural language interaction (I. Androutsopoulos and M. Aretoulaki) 36. Natural language in multimodal and multimedia systems (E. Andre) 37. NLP in computer-aided language learning (J. Nerbonne) 38. Multilingual on-line NLP (G. Grefenstette and F. Segond) Notes on contributors Glossary Index of authors Subject index (784 pages) Oxford University Press is planning to expand in the area of Computational Linguistics and welcomes submissions in the field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus� par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain�e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh�sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:53 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:53 +0100 Subject: Conf: MTT 2003 : DEADLINE EXTENSION Message-ID: ************************ DEADLINE EXTENSION New submission deadline : March 9th ************************ MTT 2003 First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Paris, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Salle Dussane 16-18 June 2003 Web site : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffusé par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrainée par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adhésion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:12:59 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:12:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: TALN 2003 Message-ID: ******************************************************************** TALN 2003 Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles VVF - Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 organis?e par l'IRIN, Universit? de Nantes avec la collaboration des laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA, de l'Universit? de Bretagne Sud et de l'IRISA, INRIA Rennes. mailto:taln2003 at ********************************************************************** (see English version below) ************* TALN 2003 : DERNIER APPEL A COMMUNICATION ************* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- TALN 2003 aura lieu ? Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 juin au samedi 14 juin 2003, organis?e par l'IRIN (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes, UPRES-EA 2157), Universit? de Nantes, en collaboration avec les laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA (EA 2793) de l'Universit? de Bretagne-Sud et de l'IRISA INRIA, Rennes. TALN 2003 est organis?e sous l'?gide de l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues) et se tiendra conjointement ? la conf?rence pour jeunes chercheurs RECITAL 2003. La conf?rence TALN 2003 comprendra des communications scientifiques, des conf?rences invit?es, des s?ances de d?monstration et posters, ainsi que des tutoriels qui, pour ces derniers prendront place lors de la derni?re journ?e de la conf?rence (appel ? propositions s?par? ? venir). Les langues officielles de la conf?rence sont le fran?ais et l'anglais. ********** THEMES ********** Les communications pourront porter sur tous les th?mes habituels du TALN, incluant, de fa?on non limitative : lexique morphologie syntaxe s?mantique pragmatique discours analyse g?n?ration r?sum? dialogue traduction automatique approches logiques, symboliques et statistiques TALN 2003 souhaite ?galement accueillir des travaux de domaines proches dans lesquels le TALN joue un r?le important, dans la mesure o? l'accent est mis sur la composante TALN : traitement de l'?crit aspects cognitifs terminologie acquisition de connaissances ? partir de textes extraction d'information recherche documentaire utilisation d'outils de TALN pour la mod?lisation linguistique traitement de la parole (prosodie, linguistique, pragmatique) linguistique de corpus linguistique math?matique enseignement assist? des langues Sont aussi attendus des travaux sur des applications du TALN, impl?ment?es et ?valu?es, faisant ressortir leurs aspects scientifiques et les enseignements tir?s. Des d?monstrations de syst?mes pourront ?tre propos?es, ind?pendamment ou en compl?ment d'articles scientifiques. L'emploi du temps de la conf?rence comprendra une session pour ces d?monstrations. ********** CALENDRIER ********* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- Notification aux auteurs : lundi 7 avril 2003 Version finale (pr?t-?-clicher) : mercredi 30 avril 2003 Conf?rence : du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 ********** MODALITES DE SOUMISSION ********** Les articles soumis seront r?dig?s en fran?ais (ou en anglais par les non-francophones). Ils ne devront pas d?passer 10 pages en Times 12, espacement simple, figures, exemples et r?f?rences compris. Les soumissions devront parvenir au comit? d'organisation avant le 7 f?vrier 2003, sous forme ?lectronique, adress?es ? En cas d'impossibilit? d'envoi par courrier ?lectronique, une soumission "papier" pourra ?tre admise. Dans ce cas, trois exemplaires devront ?tre envoy?s ? l'adresse suivante: TALN 2003 B?atrice Daille IRIN 2, rue de la Houssini?re BP 92208 F-44322 NANTES Cedex 3 ********** FORMAT DES SOUMISSIONS ********** Les auteurs devront envoyer leur soumission par courrier ?lectronique sous la forme d'un document attach? (fichiers rtf, ps ou pdf au format A4 et non Lettre US). Le message contiendra le titre de la soumission et les noms des auteurs. Les formats ? utiliser pour la r?daction seront disponibles sur le site de la conf?rence: ********** CRITERES DE SELECTION ********** Les auteurs sont invit?s ? soumettre des travaux de recherche originaux, n'ayant pas fait l'objet de publications ant?rieures. Les soumissions seront examin?es par trois sp?cialistes du domaine. Seront examin?es en particulier : l'importance et l'originalit? de la contribution, la correction du contenu scientifique et technique, la discussion critique des r?sultats, en particulier par rapport aux autres travaux du domaine, la situation des travaux dans le contexte de la recherche internationale, l'organisation et la clart? de la pr?sentation, l'ad?quation aux th?mes de la conf?rence. Les articles s?lectionn?s seront publi?s dans les actes de la conf?rence. ********** DEMONSTRATIONS ET POSTERS ********** Une ou deux s?ances sp?cifiques seront pr?vues pour des d?monstrations (pr?sentations logicielles) et des posters (85 x 120 cm). Les propositions de d?monstration ou de poster suivent les m?mes r?gles que les soumissions de communication mais ne devront pas d?passer 6 pages. ********** PRESENTATIONS ORALES ********** Les pr?sentations orales dureront 20 minutes et seront suivies de 10 minutes de questions. Il sera possible d'utiliser un r?tro-projecteur ou un vid?o-projecteur. ********** ACTES ********** Les actes de la conf?rence seront distribu?s ? tous les participants. Le Comit? de r?daction de la revue Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) s?lectionnera deux articles pour publication (dans une version ?tendue) dans la revue. ********* COMITE DE PROGRAMME ********** (le comit? de programme sera entour? d'un large comit? de lecture) Jean-Yves Antoine, VALORIA, Universit? de Bretagne Sud Philippe Blache, LPL-CNRS Aix en Provence Christian Boitet, CLIPS-GETA Universit? de Grenoble B?atrice Daille, IRIN, Universit? de Nantes (Pr?sidente) Alexandre Dikovsky, IRIN, Universit? de Nantes Brigitte Grau, CNRS-LIMSI, Paris Pierre Isabelle, Xerox Daniel Kayser, LIPN, Universit? de Paris-Nord Philippe Langlais, RALI/DIRO, Universit? de Montr?al Dominique Laurent, Synapse Toulouse Denis Maurel, LI Universit? de Tours Jean-Marie Pierrel, ATILF & LORIA ? UHP Nancy 1 Martin Rajman, EPFL Lausanne Pascale Sebillot, IRISA Jean Veronis, DELIC Universit? de Provence Leo Wanner, Universit? de Stuttgart Fran?ois Yvon, ENST Pierre Zweigenbaum, DIAM Paris ****COMITE D'ORGANISATION LOCAL (Commun avec RECITAL)******* Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Universit? de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) B?atrice Daille (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Universit? de Nantes) J?rome Goulian (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale S?billot (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) <-------------------English version--------------------------------------------------> ********** TALN 2003: LAST CALL FOR PAPERS ********** ----> EXTENDED DEADLINE: FRIDAY, February 14th 2003 <---- TALN 2003 will be held at Batz-sur-Mer (44) on June 11 - 14 2003, organized by IRIN (Computer Sciences Institute of University of Nantes) in collaboration with the laboratories ACIDORE and VALORIA of the University of Bretagne-Sud and IRISA, INRIA, Rennes. TALN 2003 is organized under the aegis of ATALA (French Association for Computational Linguistics) and will be held jointly with the young researcher conference RECITAL 2003. The conference includes paper presentations, invited speakers, tutorials and software demonstrations. The official conference languages are French and English. ********** TOPICS ********** Papers are invited in all areas of NLP, including (but not limited to): lexicon morphology syntax semantics pragmatics discourse parsing generation abstraction/summarisation dialogue translation logical, symbolic and statistical approaches TALN 2003 also invites contributions in fields for which NLP plays an important role, as long as these contributions emphasize their NLP dimension: text processing cognition terminology knowledge acquisition information extraction information retrievial corpus-based linguistics mathematical linguistics management and acquisition of linguistic resources computer assisted learning NLP tools for linguistic modelization TALN 2003 also welcomes submissions focusing on NLP applications that have been implemented, tested and evaluated and emphasizing the scientific aspects and conclusions drawn. Software demonstrations can be proposed, either independently or in connection with a paper proposal. Specific sessions for the demos will be scheduled in the conference. ********** CALENDAR ********** ----> EXTENDED DEADLINE: FRIDAY, February 14th 2003 <---- Notification to authors: April 7th 2003 Final version due (camera-ready): April 30th 2003 Conference: June 11-14, 2003 ********** SUBMISSION PROCEDURE ********** The maximum length for papers is 10 pages, in Times 12, single spaced, including figures, examples and references. Electronic submissions must reach the organizing committee before February, 7th 2003, sent to: If electronic submission is not possible, 3 hard-copies of the paper must reach the organizing committee at the following address: TALN 2003 B?atrice Daille IRIN 2, rue de la Houssini?re BP 92208 F-44322 NANTES Cedex 3 ********** FORMAT FOR SUBMISSIONS ********** Authors should send their submission as a file attached to an e-mail (rtf, ps or pdf files, A4 format and not US Letter format), containing the following informations: submission title and author's names. The formats that MUST be used are available on the Conference web site: ********** SELECTION CRITERIA ********** Authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work. Submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 specialists of the domain. Decisions will be based on the following criteria : Importance and originality of the paper Accuracy of the scientific and technical content Comparison of the results obtained with other relevant work Layout and clarity of the paper Relevance to the topics of the conference Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference. ********** DEMOS AND POSTERS ********** One or two specific sessions for the demos and the posters (85 x 120 cm) will be scheduled in the conference. The demo or poster submissions accord to the same rules of paper submission, BUT they should not exceed 6 pages. ********** TALKS ********** Papers should be of 20 minutes duration. 10 minutes will be left for questions. It will be possible to use a overhead projector or a video-projector. ********* PROCEEDINGS ********** The conference proceedings will be given to all participants. The editorial board of the international journal "Traitement Automatique des Langues" (TAL) will select two papers for publication. ********** PROGRAMME COMMITTEE ********** (the program committee will be supervised by a broad reviewing committee) Jean-Yves Antoine, VALORIA, Universit? de Bretagne Sud Philippe Blache, LPL-CNRS Aix en Provence Christian Boitet, CLIPS-GETA Universit? de Grenoble B?atrice Daille, IRIN, Universit? de Nantes (Pr?sidente) Alexandre Dikovsky, IRIN, Universit? de Nantes Brigitte Grau, CNRS-LIMSI, Paris Pierre Isabelle, Xerox Daniel Kayser, LIPN, Universit? de Paris-Nord Philippe Langlais, RALI/DIRO, Universit? de Montr?al Dominique Laurent, Synapse Toulouse Denis Maurel, LI Universit? de Tours Jean-Marie Pierrel, ATILF & LORIA ? UHP Nancy 1 Martin Rajman, EPFL Lausanne Owen Rambow, ATT Labs-Research, USA Pascale Sebillot, IRISA Jean Veronis, DELIC Universit? de Provence Leo Wanner, Universit? de Stuttgart Fran?ois Yvon, ENST Pierre Zweigenbaum, DIAM Paris ****LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (Common with RECITAL) ******** Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Universit? de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) B?atrice Daille (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Universit? de Nantes) J?rome Goulian (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale S?billot (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) -- IRIN, 2 rue de la houssini?re, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 tel +33 (0)2 51 12 58 39 / fax +33 (0)2 51 12 58 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: RECITAL 2003 Message-ID: ******************************************************************** APPEL ? CONTRIBUTION : R?CITAL 2003 Rencontre des Etudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (Session ?tudiante de la conf?rence TALN 2003) VVF - Batz-sur-Mer (44) du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 organis?e par l'IRIN, Universit? de Nantes avec la collaboration des laboratoires ACIDORE et VALORIA, de l'Universit? de Bretagne Sud et de l'IRISA, INRIA Rennes. mailto:recital2003 at ************ R?CITAL 2003 : DERNIER APPEL A COMMUNICATION ************ ---> NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003 <--- R?cital est la session ?tudiante de la conf?rence TALN 2003, organis?e sous l'?gide de l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des LAngues). Pour sa 7?me ?dition, elle se tiendra ? Batz-sur-Mer (44), du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003, conjointement avec TALN 2003. Elle est r?serv?e aux doctorants et aux jeunes docteurs ayant obtenu leur doctorat depuis moins d'un an. R?cital a pour vocation d'offrir aux jeunes chercheurs l'occasion de se rencontrer, de pr?senter leurs travaux et de comparer leurs approches. Cette conf?rence a son propre comit? de programme, constitu? de chercheurs confirm?s et de jeunes docteurs. Les langues officielles de la conf?rence sont le fran?ais et l'anglais. ******************** PRINCIPAUX TH?MES ******************************* Les communications pourront porter sur tous les th?mes habituels du TAL, incluant, de fa?on non limitative : - Analyse et compr?hension de textes - G?n?ration d'?nonc?s en langues naturelles - Traduction automatique - Production de r?sum?s - Dialogue homme-machine R?cital 2003 accueillera ?galement des travaux de domaines proches dans lesquels le TAL joue un r?le important : - Ressources linguistiques - S?mantique lexicale - S?mantique du temps et de l'espace - Logique (argumentation, mod?lisation des intentions et des croyances, etc.) - Architectures d?di?es au TAL - Acquisition et apprentissage automatique de ressources ou de connaissances - Relations entre TAL et reconnaissance de la parole Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive et l'ad?quation d'une proposition de communication ? la conf?rence sera jug?e par le comit? de programme. *************************** CALENDRIER ******************************* ---->NOUVELLE DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : VENDREDI 14 FEVRIER 2003<--- Notification aux auteurs : lundi 7 avril 2003 Version finale (pr?t-?-clicher) : mercredi 30 avril 2003 Conf?rence : du mercredi 11 au samedi 14 juin 2003 ********************* MODALITES DE SOUMISSION ************************ Les articles soumis seront r?dig?s en fran?ais (ou en anglais par les non-francophones). Ils ne devront pas d?passer 10 pages en Times 12, espacement simple, figures, exemples et r?f?rences compris. Les soumissions devront parvenir au comit? d'organisation avant le 7 f?vrier 2003, sous forme ?lectronique, adress?es ? En cas d'impossibilit? d'envoi par courrier ?lectronique, une soumission "papier" pourra ?tre admise. Dans ce cas, trois exemplaires devront ?tre envoy?s ? l'adresse suivante: RECITAL 2003 Emmanuel Morin IRIN 2, rue de la Houssini?re BP 92208 F-44322 Nantes Cedex 3 La double soumission d'un m?me papier ? TALN et RECITAL n'est pas autoris?e. Cependant il est possible d'?tre (co-)auteur d'un autre papier pr?sent? ? TALN. ********************* FORMAT DES SOUMISSIONS ************************ Les auteurs devront envoyer leur soumission par courrier ?lectronique sous la forme d'un document attach? (fichiers rtf, ps ou pdf au format A4 et non Lettre US). Le message contiendra le titre de la soumission et les noms des auteurs. Les formats ? utiliser pour la r?daction seront disponibles sur le site de la conf?rence: ********************* CRITERES DE SELECTION ************************** Chaque article soumis sera ?valu? par au moins deux membres du Comit? de programme. Les appr?ciations en vue de la s?lection seront en particulier: - l'originalit? de la contribution, - la pertinence du contenu scientifique et technique, - la clart? de la pr?sentation, - l'ad?quation aux th?mes de la conf?rence. Cependant, afin d'encourager des soumissions de travaux en cours, dans une optique de critiques constructives et, de ce fait, de leur progression plus rapide, une mod?ration sur le crit?re d'avancement des travaux sera demand?e aux ?valuateurs. ********************* DEMONSTRATIONS ET POSTERS ********************** Une ou deux s?ances sp?cifiques seront pr?vues pour des d?monstrations (pr?sentations logicielles) et des posters (85 x 120 cm). Les propositions de d?monstration ou de poster suivent les m?mes r?gles que les soumissions de communication mais ne devront pas d?passer 6 pages. ************************ PRESENTATIONS ORALES ************************ Les pr?sentations orales dureront 20 minutes et seront suivies de 10 minutes de questions. Il sera possible d'utiliser un r?tro-projecteur ou un vid?o-projecteur. ******************************** ACTES ******************************** Les articles s?lectionn?s seront publi?s dans les actes de la conf?rence TALN 2003. ******************** COMITE DE PROGRAMME ****************************** - Pascal Amsili TALaNa, Universit? Paris VII - Pierre Beust GREYC, Universit? de Caen - Herv? Blanchon CLIPS, Universit? de Grenoble - B?atrice Bouchou LI, Universit? de Tours - Estelle Campione DELIC Universit? de Provence - Lionel Cl?ment INRIA, Rocquencourt - C?cile Fabre ERSS, Universit? de Toulouse - C?dric Fairon CETEDOC, Louvain-Belgique - Bertrand Gaiffe LORIA, Universit? de Nancy - Damien Genthial CLIPS, Universit? de Grenoble - Thierry Hamon LIPN, Universit? de Paris 13 - Gabriel Illouz LIMSI, Universit? Paris Sud - Denis Maurel LI, Universit? de Tours - Emmanuel Morin IRIN, Universit? de Nantes (Pr?sident) - Philippe Muller IRIT, Universit? de Toulouse - Anne Nicolle GREYC, Universit? de Caen - Laurent Romary LORIA, INRIA, Nancy - Jos? Rouillard TRIGONE, Universit? de Lille - Jean V?ronis DELIC Universit? de Provence - Azim Roussanaly LORIA, Universit? de Nancy - Michael Zock LIMSI, Universit? Paris Sud ************ COMITE D'ORGANISATION LOCAL (commun avec TALN) ********** Jean-Pierre Angoujard (AAI/Universit? de Nantes) Jean-Yves Antoine (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Denis Bechet (IRISA) B?atrice Daille (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Alexande Dikovsky (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Chantal Enguehard (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Fabrice Even (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Annie Foret (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Nordine Fourour (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Olga Galatanu (CALD/Universit? de Nantes) J?rome Goulian (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Erwan Moreau (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Emmanuel Morin (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Freddy Perraud (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Frank Poirier (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Igor Schadle (VALORIA/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) Pascale S?billot (IRISA/Universit? de Rennes 1) Annie Tartier (IRIN/Universit? de Nantes) Geoffrey Williams (ACIDORE/Universit? de Bretagne-Sud) -- IRIN, 2 rue de la houssini?re, BP 92208, 44322 Nantes Cedex 3 tel +33 (0)2 51 12 58 39 / fax +33 (0)2 51 12 58 12 ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions ... Message-ID: Call for Papers : ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications. September 4-6, 2003, Toulouse, France Endorsed by SIGSEM, the ACL's Special Interest Group in Computational Semantics. A great deal of attention has been devoted in the past ten years in the linguistic and computational linguistics communities to the syntax and the semantics of nouns, verbs and also, but to a lesser extent, to adjectives. Related phenomena such as quantification or tense and aspect have motivated a number of in-depth studies and projects. In contrast, prepositions have received less attention. The reasons are quite clear: prepositions are probably the most polysemic category, possibly more so than adjectives, and linguistic realizations are extremely difficult to predict, not to mention the difficulty of identifying cross-linguistic regularities. Let us mention, however, several projects devoted to prepositions expressing space, time and movement in AI and in NLP, and also the development of formalisms and heuristics to handle PP attachment ambiguities. Let us also mention the large number of studies in psycholinguistics and in ethnolinguistics around specific preposition senses. Finally, prepositions seem to reach a very deep level in the cognitive-semantic structure of the brain: cognitive grammar developers often use prepositions in their metalanguage, in order to express very primitive notions. An important and difficult question to address, is whether these notions are really primitive or can be decomposed and lexically analysed In argument structure, prepositions often play the crucial role of a mediator between the verb's expectations and the semantics of the nominal argument. The verb-preposition-noun semantic interactions are very subtle, but totally crucial for the development of an accurate semantics of the proposition. Let us note that a number of languages have postpositions or other markers like case instead of prepositions that play a quite similar role. Finally, languages like English have verbal compounds that integrate prepositions (compositionally or as collocations) while others, like Romance languages or Hindi either incorporate the preposition or include it in the prepositional phrase. All these configurations are semantically as well as syntactically of much interest. Prepositions turn out to be a very useful category in a number of applications such as indexing and knowledge extraction since they convey basic meanings of much interest like instruments, means, comparisons, amounts, approximations, localizations, etc. They must necessarily be taken into account---and rendered accurately---for effective machine translation and lexical choice in language generation. Prepositions are also closely related to semantic structures such as thematic roles, semantic templates or frames. From a linguistic perspective, several investigations have been carried out on quite diverse languages, emphasizing e.g., monolingual and cross-linguistic contrasts or the role of prepositions in syntactic alternations. These observations cover in general a small group of closely related prepositions. The semantic characterization of prepositions has also motivated the emergence of a few dedicated logical frameworks and reasoning procedures. The aim of this workshop is to bring together linguists, NLP researchers and practitioners, and AI people in order to define a common ground, to advance the state-of-the-art, to identify the primary issues and bottlenecks, and to promote future collaborations. If appropriate, the workshop will also establish a working group and the development of projects and resources. Paper presentations Both short research notes (3 pages) and longer conference-style papers (up to 10 pages) submissions as well as working session proposals (1 page proposal on a precise topic) are welcome. Papers must be in .ps, .pdf or .doc formats. The 12 point Times new Roman font is preferred, leave about 2.5 cm margins on both sides. More precise formatting instructions will be given for final versions, since a book publication is under preparation. Paper must be sent in electronic form to: stdizier at The main topics are: - The syntax of prepositions: formal or descriptive syntax, prepositions in alternations, principles in the syntax of PPs, syntactic and semantic restrictions. General syntactic-semantic principles. Postpositions or other equivalent markers (e.g. case). - Polysemy of prepositions, identification and classification of preposition senses, contrastive uses, metaphorical uses, semantic and cognitive foundations for prepositions. - Descriptions: Potential WordNet / EuroWordNet descriptions of preposition uses, productive uses versus collocations, multi-lingual descriptions: mismatches, incorporation, divergences. Prepositions and thematic roles, prepositions in semantic frameworks (e.g. Framenet.). - Cognitive or logic-based formalisms for the description of the semantics of prepositions, in isolation, and in composition/confrontation with the verb and the NP. Compositional semantics. Logical and reasoning aspects. - The role of prepositions in applications, in particular: * in machine translation * in information extraction * in lexicalization in language generation. - Corpus-based studies that support or challenge any of the approaches described above. - Lexical knowledge bases and prepositions. Prepositions in AI, KR and in reasoning procedures. Deadlines Submission deadline: April 18th, 2003 Notification to authors: May 30th, 2003 Final paper due July 1st (a book publication is under preparation) Registration preferably before July 7th. (to be confirmed) Registration frees will be kept as low as possible, around 100 Euros with lunch. Programme Committee: Pushpak Bhattacharyya (IIT Mumbai) Harry Bunt (Tilburg) Nicoletta Calzolari (Pisa) Bonnie Dorr (Maryland) Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton) Claire Gardent (CNRS Nancy) Betsy Klipple (Upenn) Alda Mari (ENST Paris) Palmira Marraffa (Lisboa) Martha Palmer (Upenn) James Pustejovsky (Brandeis) Patrick Saint-Dizier (Chair, IRIT, Toulouse) Gloria Vazquez (Lerida) Laure Vieu (IRIT, Toulouse) Contacts : Submissions and inquiries : stdizier at send also submissions to: patrick_saintdizier at Local organizing committee : Farah Benamara, Patrick Saint-Dizier WEB site (under preparation): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:15 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:15 +0100 Subject: Appel: Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases Message-ID: ************************************************************* * * * Workshop PAPILLON-2003 on Multilingual Lexical Databases * * * * Second announcement (January 2003) * * * ************************************************************* Detailed announcement at Venue: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Dates: 3-5 July 2003 Language: English Submission deadline: 31 March 2003 Notice of acceptance: 19 May 2003 Final version due: 9 June 2003 Multilingual lexical databases are databases for structured lexical data which can be used either by humans e.g. to define their own dictionaries or by natural language processing (NLP) applications. The 2003 Papillon workshop, the fourth in a series of workshops organized every year by the Papillon members, will aim at identifying problems relevant to the multilingual- lexical-database community. The workshop aims to promote exchanges between practitioners from several fields and is thus open to anybody working in a domain pertaining to lexical databases such as: databases, man-machine interface for dictionaries, data annotation, XML, standardization of dictionaries or lexical data; lexicography, translation, computational linguistics, etc. Contributions are welcome on the following items: databases, lexical data, human use and NLP use of multilingual lexical databases Contributions are encouraged which focus more on the Papillon project: Meaning-text theory and lexicography, proposals for collaboration with the Papillon project, summary/state of collaboration to the Papillon project. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:20 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:20 +0100 Subject: Conf: 5es Rencontres Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle Message-ID: ************************************************************** APPEL A PARTICIPATION A TIA2003 5es Rencontres Terminologie et Intelligence Artificielle Strasbourg les 31 mars et 1er Avril 2003 ************************************************************** organis?e par le groupe TIA du PRC-I3 ********* Soutiens ********* Gracq, ATALA, CNRS ******* Th?mes ******* Analyse terminologique Terminologies structur?es et d?finitions Terminologie et mod?lisation des connaissances Terminologie et linguistique Acquisition de ressources terminologiques multilingues Classification et m?thodes statistiques ********************** Conf?rences Invit?es ********************** Georges Kleiber (Universit? Marc Bloch de Strasbourg & EA 1339 LDL- Scolia) S?mantique et terminologie : la caution de la d?nomination Nicola Guarino, Senior Research Scientist, LADSEB-CNR, Padova Titre ? pr?ciser. *********************** Appel ? d?monstration *********************** Une plage de d?monstration est pr?vue le 31 Mars entre 17h et 18h 30 pour des d?monstrations.T?l?charger le formulaire sur le site de TIA et renvoyer le SVP avant le 15 mars ou prenez contact avec nous avant le 15 mars ? l'adresse mail suivante : mailto:mglt at ********** Programme ********** Lundi 31 mars 9h00 - Accueil des participants 9h30 : Analyse terminologique - Construire et acc?der ? une base de donn?es d'expressions fig?es ? partir des ressources de la toile (G. Dias, L. Carapinha, R. Trindade, S. Mota, M. Ribeiro, J. Dias) - Extracting terminologically relevant contexts from chunked corpora (U. Heid, K. Spranger) - Automatisation de l'activit? de la validation terminologique : FLAG (Y. Alphonse, P. Bouillon, B. Cartoni, S. Lehmann) 11h00 : Pause (30') 11h30 : Terminologies structur?es et d?finitions - The Role of Verbal Predications for Definitional Contexts Extraction (R. Alarc?n, G. Sierra) - Le r?seau terminologique, un ?l?ment central pour la construction d'index de document (T. A?t El Mekki, A. Nazarenko) - The role of technical Terminology in Question Answering (F. Rinaldi, J. Dowdall, M. Hess, K. Kaljurand, M. Karlsson) 13h00 : D?jeuner (1h30) 14h30 : Conf?rence invit?e (N. Guarino)Titre ? pr?ciser. 15h30 : Terminologie et mod?lisation des connaissances - D'une m?thode ? un guide pratique de mod?lisation de connaissances ? partir de textes (N. Aussenac-Gilles, B. Bi?bow, S. Szulman) - Mod?lisation des connaissances et construction d'un consensus : apport de la socioterminologie ? une plate-forme en traitement d'images (N. Baudouin, M. Holzem, Y. Saidali, J. Labiche) 16h30 : Pause (30') 17h00 : Posters et D?mos. 18h30 Mardi 1 avril 9h00 : Conf?rence invit?e (G. Kleiber) S?mantique et terminologie : la caution de la d?nomination. 10h00 : Terminologie et linguistique I - Vers la d?finition de genres interpr?tatifs (A. Condamines) - Quand le terme entre en vulgarisation (V. Delavigne) 11h00 : Pause (30') 11h30 : Terminologie et linguistique II - L'antonymie en terminologie : quelques remarques (P. Amsili) - Rep?rage de termes r?duits : int?r?t et limites de l'analyse distributionnelle (M.-P. Jacques) 12h30 : D?jeuner 14h00 : Acquisition de ressources terminologiques multilingues - Acquisition semi-automatique de terminologie bilingue en biologie mol?culaire ? partir des corpus comparables (. D. Tran, A. Burgun) - Des textes parall?les vers une terminologie trilingue (N. Grabar, K. Haag) 15h00 : Classification et m?thodes statistiques - TermWatch: cartographie de r?seaux de termes (F. Ibekwe-SanJuan, E. SanJuan) - Discovering the meaning of an Ambiguous Word by Searching for Sense Descriptors with Complementary Context Patterns (B. Rapp) 16h00 ********************** Comit? de programme ********************** Pr?sident : Farid Cerbah (Dassault Aviation, Paris) Sofia Ananiadou (Universit? de Salford, Salford) Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles (IRIT, Toulouse) Roberto Basili (Universit? de Rome) Didier Bourigault (ERSS, Toulouse) St?phane Chaudiron (Minist?re de la recherche, universit? Paris 10) Anne Condamines (ERSS, Toulouse) Gregory Grefenstette (Centre de recherche Rank Xerox, Grenoble) Ulrich Heid (Universit? de Stuttgart) Claude de Loupy (Sinequa, Paris) Adeline Nazarenko (LIPN, Villetaneuse) Jennifer Pearson (Universit? de Dublin) Fran?ois Rastier (INALF, Paris) Fran?ois Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Jean Royaut? (INIST, Nancy) Monique Slodzian (CRIM-INALCO, Paris) Sylvie Szulman (LIPN, Villetaneuse) Pierre Zweigenbaum (STIM/AP-HP, Paris) *********************** Comit? d'organisation *********************** Pr?sident : Francois Rousselot (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Francois de Bertrand de Beuvron (LIIA-ENSAIS, Strasbourg) Bernard Migault (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg) Julien Gannard (LIIA-ENSAIS Strasbourg) Nicolas Gagean (LIIA-ENSAIS et SCOLIA-Universit? Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Franscica Luna Garcia (LIIA-ENSAIS et Universit? Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Bernier Gildas (Universit? Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Pierre Frath (EA 1339 LDL Universit? Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Georges Kleiber (EA 1339 LDL SCOLIA-Universit? Marc Bloch Strasbourg) Jerzy Korczak (UMR 7005, LSIIT, ULP-CNRS, Strasbourg) *********************** Tarif des inscriptions *********************** Date de r?ception avant le 15 Mars apr?s le 16 Mars Plein tarif 140 euros 170 euros AFIA/ATALA 120 euros 140 euros eurostudiant 80 euros 85 euros Sp?cial ?tudiant* 35 euros 35 euros R?duction AFIA ou ATALA sur pr?sentation d'un justificatif. Les Droits d'inscription donnent droit aux pauses-caf?s et aux repas de midis. mode de paiement: ch?que ou bon de commande. Prix en Euros. Un repas dans un restaurant typique alsacien est pr?vu le 31 Mars au soir au prix de 15 euros. *Special Etudiant = ?tudiant assistant aux journ?es sans les actes. La rencontre a lieu sur le campus universitaire de l'Esplanade - le 31 mars dans le b?timent du Pangloss de l'UMB - le 1er avril ? l'ENSAIS, 24 boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg Acc?s, formulaires d'inscriptions r?ductions ?ventuelles, consultez le site Internet. ********* Sponsors ********* R?gion Alsace, Communaut? Urbaine de Strasbourg, Conseil G?n?ral du Bas-Rhin ************************ Secr?tariat du colloque ************************ Organisation de TIA2003 UMB UFR-PLISE 22, Rue Descartes 67084 Strasbourg-CEDEX mail duschene at avec CC ? rousselot at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:26 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:26 +0100 Subject: Conf: 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION Message-ID: 8th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION CENTER OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS SANTIAGO DE CUBA JANUARY 20-24, 2003 FINAL ABSTRACT More important aspects: - Participation of 168 foreigners specialist for 26 countries: Belgium (6), Bolivia (1), Brasil (24), Canada (5), Chile (2), China (2), Colombia (1), Spain (25), USA (27), France (26), Holland (3), UK (6), Ireland (3), Italy (3), Jamaica (1), Japan (3), Mexico (13), Norway (1), Portugal (4), Puerto Rico (1), Check Republic (1), Russia (1), Sweden (4), Switzerland (1), Uruguay (2), Venezuela (2)) - Participation of 135 Cuban specialist from 10 provinces - Publication of the Proceedings with 282 papers from all participants (1341 pages in two volumes). ACTAS-I (1-642 pages), ISBN 959-7174-01-4 and ACTAS II (643-1341 pages), ISBN 959-7174-02-2. - The Congress had two Pre-Symposium Seminars: . Construcci?n de Diccionarios Electr?nicos. Dr. Xabier Arregi Iparragirre University of Basque Country Spain . T?cnicas para la Ense?anza del Idioma Ingl?s. Dra. Holly Wilson Alliant International University USA - Dr. Gisela Cardenas Molina, President of Cuban Linguistics Association opened the Symposium with the talk: "Corrientes en el an?lisis del discurso". - The Symposium had the following magistral talks . On the Ownership of Text. Prof. Dr. Yorick Wilks Department of Computer Science Sheffield University United Kingdom . Some challenges for a grammar of spoken language. Prof. Dr. Jens Allwood Linguistics Department University of Gothenburg Sweden: - The book "Contribuciones a la Ling??stica Aplicada en Am?rica Latina", printed in the UNAM, M?xico, was presented in the Symposium. The 9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOCIAL COMMUNICATION will be held in Santiago de Cuba, January 2005. Center of Applied Linguistics Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment Santiago de Cuba Cuba ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:30 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:30 +0100 Subject: Ecole: EUROLAN-2003 : The Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Potential and Practicalities Message-ID: EUROLAN-2003 Summer School on "The Semantic Web and Language Technology - Its Potential and Practicalities" 28 July - 8 August 2003 Bucharest - Romania - First Call For Participation - The Eurolan series of summer schools was established in 1993 and has been held every other year, with the goal of stimulating young researchers from all over the world to pursue high-level research in natural language processing and language technology. Theme The fifth EUROLAN in the series will have as topic all aspects of the developing Semantic Web technology and consider its potential and the practicalities of applying it to enhance language processing applications. The promise of the Semantic Web has evoked enormous interest within the community developing language technologies. On the one hand, it offers the potential to exploit ontological descriptions of language data in order to enable inferencing capabilities, which may not only drastically enhance semantic processing, but also alter our conceptions of the ways in which knowledge is represented and exploited in language processing applications. On the other hand, to take full advantage of this evolving technology, researchers and developers will need to understand the potential as well as the limitations of the Semantic Web and master a range of new technologies that have been designed to enable it. Finally, the language technology community must be ready to contribute to Semantic Web development in order to ensure that it meets the requirements for language processing applications. The so-called "Semantic Web community" encompasses several research communities that have previously worked independently of one another, including researchers in knowledge representation, ontology development, and "knowledge exploitation"; web developers (including developers of standards such as XML, RDF, OWL, etc.); and those who directly need to exploit knowledge in applications. Linguistic knowledge used in language processing at its various levels (morphological, syntactic, lexical, discourse, etc.) includes a substantial part of general knowledge and poses a significant challenge to Semantic Web developers in order to handle the precision and complexity required for language processing applications. Whatever the Semantic Web may evolve to be, researchers and developers in language technology clearly need to learn what it is and how it can be exploited for language processing, and at the same time, work with semantic web developers to ensure that the semantic web infrastructure is maximally usable for language processing applications. EUROLAN-2003 will provide two weeks of intensive study of semantic web technology and its application to natural language processing. Internationally known scholars and researchers involved in leading-edge work in relevant areas will serve as professors at the school, providing half- and full-day seminars and hands-on labs to provide students with in-depth understanding and experience. Topics to be covered in the school include the following: * What is the Semantic Web? * Potential and limitations of the semantic web * Supporting web technologies (XML, RDF) * Ontologies, ontology design and development * Ontology exploitation via inferencing * Description logics and other approaches to inferencing * Lexical semantics and the semantic web * Use of the semantic web and related technologies in language processing applications The list of invited personalities is as follows: * Dan Cristea, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi, Romania * Thierry Declerck, DFKI Saarbruecken, Germany * James Hendler, University of Maryland at College Park, USA * Jerry Hobbs, University of Southern California, Marina del Rey, USA * Nancy Ide, Vassar College, USA * Alessandro Lenci, University of Pisa, Italy * Robert Meersman, Vrije Universiteit, Brussel, Belgium * Srini Narayanan, SRI-International, Menlo Park, SUA * Sergei Nirenburg, New Mexico University, USA * Dan Tufis, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania * Hans Uszkoreit, DFKI and University of Saarbruecken, Germany * Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI and University of Saarbruecken, Germany * Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield, England Program Eurolan-2003 will take place between 28 July and 8 August 2003 in Bucharest - Romania. The summer school will be organized to allow for both lectures and hands-on experience for each of the areas covered. Morning sessions will be devoted to tutorials, followed by afternoon sessions at which students will work in collaboration with professors on practical applications. The school will also include one workshop as well as round tables and work meetings on topics of particular interest related to the school?s theme. They will be announced at a later date. On Sunday, 3 August, a trip to significant Romanian landmarks will be organized. Registration and Fees Information about registration and fees will be posted at a later date. Program Committee Dan Cristea Nancy Ide Jerry Hobbs Dan Tufis Hans Uszkoreit Information on previous Eurolan events can be consulted at the address: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:33 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:33 +0100 Subject: Appel: MACHINE TRANSLATION SUMMIT IX Message-ID: MACHINE TRANSLATION SUMMIT IX September 23-28, 2003 New Orleans, USA CALL FOR PAPERS The ninth Machine Translation Summit, organized by the International Association for Machine Translation (IAMT) and hosted by the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA), will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, from 23 to 28 September 2003. MT Summit IX will feature a comprehensive programme that will include research papers, reports on users' experiences, discussions of policy issues, invited talks, panels, exhibits, tutorials, and workshops. We define machine translation in the broadest possible sense, to include not just fully automatic MT but tools for translation support and multilingual text processing as well. We invite all those with an interest in translation automation-researchers, developers, translation service providers, users, or managers-to participate in the conference. MT Summit IX hereby invites original submissions on all aspects machine and machine-aided translation. The submissions must be in English and fall into one of three categories: * research (or theoretical) papers: maximum length 8 pages; * user's studies (including manager's experiences): maximum length 8 pages; * system presentations (with optional demos): maximum length 4 pages. Electronic submissions are strongly preferred, in PDF or MS-Word format only please. As the reviewing process will be blind, authors of the first two categories (research and user studies) are requested to keep their papers anonymous. This means that these submissions should NOT include the author's name; rather, papers should be identified only by their title. In addition to the electronic file containing their paper, authors must also submit a separate cover page on which the name and affiliation of the author(s) do appear, along with the title of the paper and the category of the submission. The two electronic files should be attached to an email and sent to the Program Chair, Elliott Macklovitch, at the following address: mtix at Note that the requirement of anonymity does not apply to system presentations. However, those submitting system descriptions with demos are asked to specify on their cover page the type of equipment they will require for their demonstration. We will acknowledge receipt of all papers received before the deadline and issue a submission number to each author. Please refer to that number in all subsequent correspondence. Anyone who is unable to make an electronic submission is asked to contact the Program Chair. Guidelines and style files for the preparation of the final camera-ready copy will be made available to the authors of accepted submissions in due time. IMPORTANT DATES: - May 11, 2003: Deadline for the submission of papers - June 30, 2003: Notification of acceptance sent to authors - July 31, 2003: Camera-ready copy due - September 23, 2003: Conference opens Proposals for Panels and Special Sessions: Proposals are also invited for panel and/or special sessions on issues of general importance to machine and machine-aided translation, which should be the subject of public debate at MT Summit IX. Please send your proposals to the Program Chair and include a description of the session theme, a justification of its importance, and the names of some suggested speakers or panellists. MT Summit IX Program Committee: Glenn Akers Hitoshi Iida Fred Popowich Susan Armstrong Pierre Isabelle Owen Rambow Lorna Balkan Hitoshi Isahara Steve Richardson Arendse Bernth Christine Kamprath Mohamed Shihadah Francis Bond Maghi King J?rg Sch?tz Pierrette Bouillon Richard Kittredge Harold Somers Ralf Brown Kevin Knight Keh-Yih Su F.Casacuberta Steven Krauwer Beth Sundheim Jason Chang Alon Lavie Hozumi Tanaka Key-Sun Choi Lori Levin Gregor Thurmair Anthony Clarke Dekang Lin Benjamin T'sou Ido Dagan Bente Maegaard Junichi Tsujii Pernilla Danielsson Daniel Marcu Antonio Valderrabannos Bonnie Dorr Michael McCord Enrique Vidal Marc Dymetman Dan Melamed Hideo Watanabe David Farwell Teruko Mitamura Andy Way Robert Frederking Hermann Ney Eric Wehrli Laurie Gerber Sergei Nirenburg John White Jan Hajic Eric Nyberg Pete Whitelock Walter Hartmann Franz Och Dekai Wu Stephen Helmreich Boyan Onyshkevych David Yarowsky Graeme Hirst Carlos Paz R?mi Zajac Edouard Hovy Jesse Pinkham John Hutchins Andr? Popescu-Belis _____________________________ Elliott Macklovitch Program Chair, MT Summit IX RALI / Universit? de Montr?al tel: +1 514 343-7535 fax: +1 514 343-2496 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:38 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:38 +0100 Subject: Appel: THE FIFTH SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE IN PARIS Message-ID: ======================================================================= We apologize if you receive this more than once. ======================================================================= ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ / __)/ __)/ __)( _ \ / _ \(__ ) ( (__ \__ \\__ \ )___/ ( (_) )(_ \ \___)(___/(___/(__) \___/(___/ THE FIFTH SYNTAX AND SEMANTICS CONFERENCE IN PARIS OCTOBER 2-4, 2003 CALL FOR PAPERS THEMATIC SESSION The Syntax and Semantics of Number INVITED SPEAKERS Nirit Kadmon (Tel Aviv University) Manfred Krifka (Humboldt University ? Berlin) Robert Levine (Ohio State University) Mark Steedman (Edinburgh University) Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris 8 University) SUBMISSION DEADLINE April 30, 2003 The fifth Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris (CSSP 03) will take place in Paris 7 University, on October 2?4, 2003. The Conference welcomes papers combining empirical inquiry and formal explicitness. It aims at favouring comparisons between diverse formal theories of syntax and semantics. The domains of inquiry are syntax, semantics, and the syntax-semantics interface. CSSP conferences combine a general session and a thematic session. The theme for the CSSP 03 thematic session is the syntax and semantics of Number. Prospective speakers are invited to submit an abstract, no more than two page long (including figures and references), written in French or English. Abstracts should be sent by e-mail (plain ASCII, rtf, ps or pdf) before April 30 to: cssp01 at Authors who are not able to send an electronic version should send two hard copies (one anonymous, one non-anonymous) of the abstract to: Colloque de Syntaxe et Semantique a Paris Universite Paris 7 UFRL, Case 7003 2 Place Jussieu 75251 Paris-Cedex 05 France For more information: Web site: E-mail: cssp01 at ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami (Chair, Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Dani?le Godard (CNRS-Paris 7) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Claire Beyssade (CNRS-J. Nicod), Olivier Bonami (Rennes 2), Patricia Cabredo Hofherr (CNRS-Paris 8), Francis Corblin (Paris 4), Dani?le Godard (CNRS-Paris 7), Jean-Marie Marandin (CNRS-Paris 7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:42 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:42 +0100 Subject: stages: France Telecom R&D Message-ID: Analyse de l'expressivit? de la parole dans les messages vocaux par couplage des analyses des intonations et du contenu verbal Les centres d'appels t?l?phoniques (centres de r?clamation, hot-lines, etc.) recueillent chaque jour des centaines de messages vocaux archiv?s sur r?pondeur provenant d'appels en p?riode de saturation (aucun t?l?-op?rateur n'est disponible pour prendre l'appel) ou en p?riode non ouvrable. Le traitement de ces messages a posteriori est extr?mement lourd et il peut s'av?rer pertinent d'automatiser ce traitement. Un tel traitement requiert deux types d'analyse : une analyse du contenu s?mantique du message (objet de l'appel) et une analyse du contenu intonatif (satisfaction, m?contentement, col?re...). Si des mod?les d'analyse du contenu s?mantique et intonatif sont disponibles, ils n'ont pas encore ?t? coupl?s. Or, la compr?hension compl?te du message provient de l'analyse conjointe des contenus s?mantique et intonatif r?alis?s par les auditeurs. Ainsi, il convient d'?tudier le couplage des deux mod?les dans le contexte pr?cis de messages laiss?s par des clients Orange ayant rencontr? des probl?mes avec leur t?l?phone mobile. Les diff?rentes t?ches ? r?aliser seront : T?che 1 : Etude pr?paratoire ? partir du corpus de messages vocaux existant Dans un premier temps, il s'agit de s?lectionner, ? partir du corpus existant et de l'exp?rience des t?l?-op?rateurs, des intonations particuli?res d?pendant fortement du contenu s?mantique (e.g. ironie) puis de s?lectionner un corpus sp?cifique par intonation retenue. Dans un deuxi?me temps, les corpus d?di?s seront analys?s linguistiquement de mani?re ? d?terminer les mots cl?s cibles porteurs d'intonations particuli?res et les r?gles linguistiques indicatrices d'intonations particuli?res. T?che 2 : Cr?ation d'un corpus d'?tude Il s'agit de construire des messages o? intonations particuli?res et contenus s?mantiques appropri?s sont contr?l?s - cr?ation de plusieurs messages (diff?rents contenus s?mantiques) - cr?ation d'enregistrements (r?alis?s par des acteurs) sur r?pondeur pour plusieurs intonations fortement d?pendantes des contenus s?mantiques T?che 3 : Caract?risation du corpus Il s'agit de caract?riser le corpus selon les points de vue suivants : - subjectif, par r?alisation de tests aupr?s de t?l?-op?rateurs visant ? caract?riser le corpus enregistr? selon les intonations cibles - linguistique, par utilisation de la brique de reconnaissance de la parole afin d'?valuer la pertinence des mots cl?s ainsi que les r?gles linguistiques cibles qui auront ?t? d?finies T?che 4 : D?veloppement du mod?le Il s'agit d'adapter un outil utilisant la triple caract?risation du corpus afin de pr?dire les intonations particuli?res, puis de le valider et de caract?riser ses performances avec un corpus de validation issu des sous-corpus sp?cifiques s?lectionn?s. Stage d'une dur?e de 5 ? 6 mois. Contact : Val?rie MAFFIOLO France T?l?com Recherche et D?veloppement Direction des Interactions Humaines Evaluation et acceptabilit? de la Qualit? des Services 2, Avenue Pierre-Marzin Technopole Anticipa 22307 Lannion Cedex t?l : +33 2 96 05 06 54 fax : +33 2 96 05 13 16 email : valerie.maffiolo at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 6 13:13:46 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:13:46 +0100 Subject: Jobs: Corpus Linguists at Leeds University Message-ID: Research opportunities for Corpus Linguists at Leeds University: School of Modern Languages: Chair of Spanish and Portuguese (closing date: 28 Feb 2003) Senior Lecturer / Lecturer in French (closing date: 28 Feb 2003) School of Computing: Chair in Computing (closing date: 12 Feb 2003) Readers / Senior Lecturers / Lecturers (closing date: 12 Feb 2003) University Research Fellowships (closing date: 28 February 2003) School of Mathematics: Lectureship in computational statistics & probability (closing date:14 Feb) for details see -- Eric Atwell, CVL: Computer Vision and Language research group Distributed Multimedia Systems MSc Tutor & SOCRATES/JYA Tutor School of Computing, University of Leeds, LEEDS LS2 9JT TEL: 0113-3435761 MOBILE: 0775-1039104 FAX: 0113-3435468 WWW: EMAIL: eric at Visit - our newsletter for industry ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:30:59 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:30:59 +0100 Subject: Appel: Int. Conf. French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research Message-ID: APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS / CALL FOR PAPERS Journ?e d'etudes internationale / International Conference La linguistique de la LSF : recherches actuelles / French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research [english below] DATE : 23 septembre 2003 LIEU : Universit? de Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France CALENDRIER 1er appel ? communications : 1e f?vrier 2003 Date limite de soumission : 1e avril 2003 Notification des acceptations : 1e juin 2003 Programme pr?liminaire : 15 juin 2003 Journ?e : 23 septembre 2003 THEMATIQUE L'objectif de cette journ?e est de faire le point sur les recherches actuellement men?es sur la linguistique de la langue des signes fran?aise, notamment (mais pas exclusivement) par les jeunes chercheurs, docteurs ou doctorants. - La journ?e pourra aborder entre autres les th?mes suivants : - Ordre des signes en LSF, selon les types de phrases ou de discours - Comparaison dans l'ordre des signes en LSF et dans une autre langue des signes - Comparaison entre cat?gories ou structures de la LSF ou des LS, et cat?gories ou structures analogues dans les langues ? modalit? audio-orale - Histoire des signes - Le niveau ? phonologique ? dans les LS - L'anaphore en LSF ? COMITE SCIENTIFIQUE Anne-Marie Berthonneau (Universit? de Lille 3 et UMR 8528 ? SILEX ?) et Georgette Dal (Universit? de Lille 3 et UMR 8528 ? SILEX ?) Le comit? scientifique fera appel ? un comit? d'experts pour le choix des soumissions. LANGUES DE TRAVAIL Les langues officielles de la journ?e seront le fran?ais et l'anglais. ORGANISATION Le colloque est organis? par l'UMR 8528 ? SILEX ? et l'Universit? de Lille 3. Une page web sera d?di?e ? la journ?e sous le site de SILEX ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) : Pourquoi une journ?e de la LSF ? Lille 3 ? Comment se rendre ? l'Universit? ? Programme, etc. Pour les autres questions, vous pouvez contacter berthonneau at ou dal at MODALIT?S DE SOUMISSION Votre soumission devra comporter : 1) Un abr?g? anonyme en fran?ais ou en anglais ne d?passant pas 2 pages format A4 corps Times 12 (bibliographie incluse). L'abr?g? devra indiquer clairement le sujet trait? et les conclusions de votre contribution. 2) Une page s?par?e mentionnant vos nom et pr?nom, votre appartenance administrative, votre adresse postale, votre courriel et le titre de votre contribution. Les abr?g?s seront envoy?s par courrier ?lectronique ? Anne-Marie Berthonneau et ? Georgette Dal au format .rtf, .doc ou .pdf. (veillez ? envoyer l'abr?g? et la page o? figurent les renseignements personnels sous des fichiers attach?s distincts). D?lai de rigueur : 1e avril 2003. S'il vous est impossible de faire une soumission ?lectronique, vous pouvez envoyer 2 copies papier de l'abr?g? et la page comportant les renseignements personnels ? l'adresse suivante avant le 1e avril 2003: Anne-Marie Berthonneau ou Georgette Dal UMR 8528 ? SILEX ? Universit? de Lille 3 BP 149 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX CRITERES DE SELECTION Les auteurs sont invit?s ? pr?senter un travail original non publi?. Les soumissions seront expertis?es de mani?re anonyme par deux sp?cialistes du domaine. Le choix tiendra compte des crit?res suivants: Importance et originalit? du papier Assise empirique de l'analyse Pr?cision et correction du contenu scientifique Organisation et clart? de la pr?sentation ACTES Les actes du colloque seront publi?s dans la collection Silexicales (publication de UMR SILEX, Lille 3) INSCRIPTION Frais d'inscription : 15 euros (comprenant les pauses et l'envoi des actes). Possibilit? de prendre un repas sur place livr? par un traiteur, ? condition de le signaler sur le formulaire d'inscription (co?t du repas, en plus des frais d'inscription = 18 euros). Pour s'inscrire, remplir le formulaire d'inscription qui se trouve sur le site de silex ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) et le renvoyer ? Dani?le Monseur accompagn? de votre r?glement libell? ? l'ordre de l'agent comptable de l'Universit? de Lille 3 (ch?que bancaire, postal ou bon de commande administratif) ? l'adresse ci-dessous : Dani?le Monseur, journ?e LSF UMR ? SILEX ? Universit? de Lille 3 B.P. 149 F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex --------------------------------------------------- ENGLISH --------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference French Sign Language Linguistics: Current Research DATE: September 23rd, 2003 PLACE: University Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France IMPORTANT DATES First Call for Papers: February 1st, 2003 Abstract Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2003 Notification of Acceptance to Authors: June 1st, 2003 Preliminary Program: June 15th, 2003 Conference: September 23rd, 2003 TOPICS The goal of the conference is to promote current research in the field of French Sign Language Linguistics, especially (but not exclusively) conducted by young scholars, PhDs or Doctoral students. - The Conference would cover among others the following topics: - Sign order in FSL, depending on sentence or discourse type - Comparisons between sign order in FSL and other SLs - Comparisons between categories or structures of FSL or other SL, and between analogous categories or structures in oral languages. - History of signs - "Phonological" level in SLs - Anaphora in FSL ? PROGRAM SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Anne-Marie Berthonneau (University Lille 3, UMR 8528 ? SILEX ?) Georgette Dal (University Lille 3, UMR 8528 ? SILEX ?) Reviewing of papers will be carried out by a group of experts on the subject. CONFERENCE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES French and English ORGANISATION The Conference is organized by the UMR 8528 ? SILEX ? and University Lille 3. A webpage will be consecrated to the Conference on the SILEX website ( HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf) : Reasons for holding an FSL Conference at Lille 3 ? Ways to get to the University Lille 3; Program, etc. For all other information please contact the organizers at: berthonneau at or dal at ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Each submission should contain the following: 1) Anonymous abstract in French or English, which should not exceed two single-spaced A4 pages written in Times 12 font (data and references included). Abstracts should clearly state the subject of the paper as well as its main conclusions. 2) A separate page with the author's first and last names, affiliation(s), postal address, e-mail address and the title of the submitted paper. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to Anne-Marie Berthonneau (berthonneau at AND Georgette Dal (dal at Acceptable formats are PC and Mac MS Word, RTF and PDF. Abstracts and information sheets should be sent as separate attached files. Abstracts MUST be received by April 1st, 2003. If unable to submit electronically, please mail two paper copies of the abstract and the information sheet to the following address before April 1st, 2003: Anne-Marie Berthonneau or Georgette Dal UMR 8528 ? SILEX ? Universit? de Lille 3 BP 149 59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX SELECTION CRITERIA Authors are encouraged to present original, non-published material. Each submission will be examined anonymously by two specialists in the field. The selection will take into consideration the following: Pertinence and originality of the paper Empirical grounding of the analyses Precision and validity of scientific content Organisation and clarity of presentation PROCEEDINGS The Conference Proceedings will be published in the collection Silexicales (UMR SILEX, Lille 3 publications) REGISTRATION Registration fee: 15 euros (coffee breaks and proceedings mailing expenses included) Optional catered lunch will be served on the premises of the Conference (cost of the meal, not included in the registration fee, is 18 euros). If interested, please notify the organizers when filling out the registration form. To register, please fill out the registration form found on SILEX website at HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK "" silex/lsf and mail it to Dani?le Monseur together with payment at the following address: Dani?le Monseur, journ?e LSF UMR ? SILEX ? Universit? de Lille 3 B.P. 149 F-59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex Checks (personal checks or money orders) should be made payable to l'agent comptable de l'Universit? de Lille 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:03 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:03 +0100 Subject: Appel: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing Message-ID: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop May 31, 2003 Edmonton, Canada Overview There is an increased use of NLP-based educational applications for both large-scale assessment and classroom instruction. This has occurred for two primary reasons. First, there has been a significant increase in the availability of computers in schools, from elementary school to the university. Second, there has been notable development in computer-based educational applications that incorporate advanced methods in NLP that can be used to evaluate students' work. Educational applications have been developed across a variety of subject domains in automated evaluation of free-responses and intelligent tutoring. To date, these two research areas have remained autonomous. We hope that this workshop will facilitate communication between researchers who work on all types of instructional applications, for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate school. Since most of this work in NLP-based educational applications is text-based, we are especially interested in any work of this type that incorporates speech processing and other input/output modalities. We wish to expose the NLP research community to these technologies with the hope that they may see novel opportunities for use of their tools in an educational application. Call for Papers We are especially interested in submissions including, but not limited to: * Speech-based tools for educational technology * Innovative text analysis for evaluation of student writing with regard to: a) general writing quality, or b) accuracy of content for domain-specific responses * Text analysis methods to handle particular writing genres, such as legal or business writing, or creative aspects of writing * Intelligent tutoring systems that incorporate state-of-the-art NLP methods to evaluate response content, using either text- or speech-based analyses * Dialogue systems in education * understanding student input * generating the tutors' feedback * evaluation * Evaluation of NLP-based tools for education * Use of student response databases (text or speech) for tool building * Content-based scoring Important Dates: Paper submission deadline: Mar 3 Notification of acceptance for papers: Mar 24 Camera ready papers due: Apr 7 Workshop date: May 31 Organizers Jill Burstein, Educational Testing Service (jburstein at Claudia Leacock, Educational Testing Service (cleacock at Program Committee: Gregory Aist, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Martin Chodorow, Hunter College, City University of New York Ron Cole, University of Colorado, Boulder Barbara Di Eugenio, University of Illinois at Chicago John Dowding, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University Art Graesser, University of Memphis Pamela Jordan, University of Pittsburgh Karen Kukich, National Science Foundation Diane Litman, University of Pittsburgh Daniel Marcu, Information Sciences Institute/University of Southern California Thomas Morton, University of Pennsylvania Carolyn Penstein Rose, University of Pittsburgh Susanne Wolff, Princeton University Klaus Zechner, Educational Testing Service Format for Submission Information about submissions can be found at the URL below. Please follow the instructions for full papers and use only Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) or MS-Word documents. Since the review process will be blind, please do not include any author information on the actual paper. Please include an additional title page with the following information: Paper title, names and contact information for all authors, and the paper's abstract. Please e-mail your final .pdf or MS-Word submission to jburstein at or cleacock at no later than March 3, 2003. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions regarding the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:07 +0100 Subject: Appel: 6e Colloque International sur le Document Electronique Message-ID: Deuxi?me appel ? soumission : CIDE 6 6e Colloque International sur le Document ?lectronique Lieu : Caen, France Date : du 24 au 26 novembre 2003 Dates importantes Soumission des articles : 15 mars 2003 Avis des rapporteurs : 15 mai 2003 R?ception des versions finales : 15 juillet 2003 ---------- Ghassan Mourad Paris - Sorbonne ISHA Equipe LaLICC (Langage, Logique, Informatique, Cognition et Communication) 96, Bd Raspail 75006 Paris France t?l : 01 44 39 35 90 fax : 01 44 39 35 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: 6th INTEX Workshop Message-ID: ***** From: info-intex ***** Sender: Stoyan Mihov **************************** 6th INTEX Workshop Sofia, 29-30 May 2003 Call for papers - Deadline: March 15th Organizer: Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics - BACL We invite the submission of papers for the forthcoming sixth INTEX workshop, to be held in Sofia from 28-30 May 2003. INTEX is a linguistic development environment that includes large-coverage dictionaries and grammars, and parses texts of several million words in real time. INTEX includes tools to create and maintain large-coverage lexical resources, as well as morphological and syntactic grammars. Dictionaries and grammars are applied to texts in order to locate morphological, lexical and syntactic patterns, remove ambiguities, and tag simple and compound words. INTEX is used by several research centers to rapidly construct extractors to identify semantic units in large texts, such as Proper names of persons, locations, technical expressions of finance, etc. INTEX can build lemmatized concordances and indices of large texts with respect to all types of Finite State patterns. One interesting characteristic of INTEX is that the system is open: users can add their own resources use the INTEX programs to build new applications, and add their own programs to modify INTEX. INTEX is now used in over 200 research centers as a linguistic platform, an information retrieval system, to teach second languages, as a terminological extractor, as well as to teach computational linguistics to students. As in the previous workshops, (1996, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002), this meeting will be the opportunity for INTEX users, as well as other researchers interested in this technology, to meet and to exchange their experience of development, research or teaching. It will also be the occasion to present the recent developments of INTEX and NOOJ. Please, send before March 15th 2003 a one-page abstract to: Svetla Koeva, Stoyan Mihov or Max Silberztein, if possible by email. The abstract, in French or English, should contain the title of the article, name, author affiliations, surface mail and electronic address of each author. All papers will be reviewed by the following program committee: PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jorge Baptista (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal) Xavier Blanco (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Ivan Dimov (BACL, CLPP - BAS, Sofia) Svetla Koeva (BACL, IBL - BAS, Sofia) Stoyan Mihov (BACL, CLPP - BAS, Sofia) Denis Maurel (Tours University Computer Science Research Laboratory, France) Paul Sabatier (CNRS France) Max Silberztein (Universite de Franche-Comte, Besancon, France) Dusko Vitas (MATF, University of Belgrade,Yu) Authors will be notified whether their papers are accepted or rejected by 1 April 2003. The timeslot given for full presentations is 30 minutes (including 10 minutes for discussions). After the conference, authors will be invited to send a definitive version of their papers for publishing. Proceedings will be available and downloadable on the BACL and the INTEX sites. DEADLINES Submission due date: March 15, 2003 Notification date: April 1, 2003 Registration: May 1, 2003 Camera ready date (in French or English): June 20, 2003 INTEX TUTORIAL by Max Silberztein INTEX Initiation Tutorial (28 May 2003) 15 persons maximum INTEX Advanced Tutorial (28 May 2003) 15 persons maximum REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee for the workshop is EUR 30 for researchers, EUR 15 for students and EUR 40 for other categories. The conference will begin on Thursday afternoon and last till Saturday evening. During the Conference there will be a reception on Thursday evening and an optional excursion on Friday / Saturday late afternoon / evening. Workshop organization Svetla Koeva and Stoyan Mihov Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics Details concerning the workshop organization will be given on the conferences websites: CONTACTS Svetla Koeva svetla at Phone: +359 (2) 979 29 71 Stoyan Mihov stoyan at Phone: +359 (2) 979 38 86 Max Silberztein max.silberztein at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Tue Feb 11 08:31:14 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:31:14 +0100 Subject: Appel: Journees Francophones de la Toile Message-ID: ******dernier appel ? com des****** Journ?es Francophones de la Toile (JFT'2003) Conf?rence nationale d?di?e au Web les 30 juin, 1er et 2 juillet 2003, ? l'Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universit? de Tours, France. Suite ? plusieurs demandes, la date limite de soumission est report?e au >>>>>>>>28 f?vrier 2003<<<<<<<< Je vous rappelle ?galement que vous avez non seulement la possibilit? de soumettre des articles mais aussi des d?monstrations. Cette conf?rence s'adresse autant aux laboratoires acad?miques qu'aux services R&D d'entreprises. Tr?s cordialement, Pour les comit?s scientifique et d'organisation, Gilles Venturini, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universit? de Tours. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:56:43 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:56:43 +0100 Subject: Appel: MT Summit IX : Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: *** Call for Workshop Proposals *** *** MT Summit IX *** New Orleans, LA, USA, September 23-28, 2003 Proposals for workshops are now being solicited on topics of direct interest and impact for MT researchers, developers, vendors or users of MT technologies. Workshops should bring together groups of people involved in a specific problem area of machine translation, to advance the state of the art in that area. Workshops will be held on Saturday 28th September, and will normally last a whole day (approx. 7 hours). Workshops can take a variety of forms, including refereed and invited papers, or other activities. Proposers will be asked to issue their own ?Call for Papers?, and to maintain a web site giving information about the submission procedure and, later on, the full programme. Working language of the workshops will normally be English; however, it is acceptable to have a second (or alternative) working language if this is appropriate to the theme of the workshop. This should be stated clearly on the proposal. Submissions should be made to the Workshop Chair (e-mail: Harold.Somers at by March 21st. They should include the theme and goal of the workshop, the planned activities, a calendar of deadlines for submission, notification and, if appropriate, camera-ready copy (we advise that you follow the submission dates for the main conference), and an estimate of the number of participants. Important Dates 21 March 2003 Deadline for Workshop proposals 31 March 2003 Notification of acceptance of proposal 11 May 2003 Main conference paper submission deadline 30 June 2003 Main conference paper notification 31 July 2003 Main conference camera-ready copy deadline For general conference information and further details as it becomes available, visit the MT Summit web site ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:56:51 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:56:51 +0100 Subject: Appel: 1st International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval Message-ID: Call for Papers 1st International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval CMMR 2003 Montpellier, France, May 26-27, 2003 cmmr2003 at BACKGROUND The use of computers in music is well established. CMMR 2003 provides an opportunity to meet and interact with peers concerned with the cross-influence of the technological and creative in computer music. The field of computer music is interdisciplinary by nature and closely related to a number of computer science and engineering areas such as information retrieval, programming, human computer interaction, digital libraries, hypermedia, artificial intelligence, acoustics, signal processing, etc. CMMR 2003 invites researchers, educators, composers, performers, and others with an interest in important aspects of computer music (including modeling, retrieval, analysis, and synthesis) to come join us for a unique event. TOPICS Original contributions on the following (and other relevant) topics are encouraged: infrastructures for music - music digital libraries modeling - representation and language modeling - distributed system infrastructures indexing and retrieval of music - metadata - standards - protocols - query languages - advanced information retrieval structuring of music data - hypermedia - structural computing collaboration on music - computer supported cooperative work analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and modeling of music - pattern recognition - signal processing - algoritmics - parsing mining and visualizing music - data mining - visualization synthesis (composition) of music - models for synthesis - automated composition user interfaces for music - human computer interaction FORMAT The symposium will be structured somewhat differently than many traditional conferences by scheduling sessions intended to foster dialog within small groups in addition to plenary sessions to stress unifying themes. There will be ample opportunity for in-depth discussions to follow up on ideas presented at larger sessions, presentation of musical pieces, demonstration of computer music software, as well as informal gatherings. PARTICIPATION Participation will be limited. All attendees will be required to submit at least one piece of work. (Submission formats are discussed below.) All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee. All accepted paper submissions will be published in the proceedings. SUBMISSIONS Submissions may have any of the following forms: Full paper (7 - 10 pages) Short paper (3 - 5 pages) Computer musical compositions All papers will be reviewed by the program committee and accepted papers will be published after the symposium. It is planned to publish revised papers after the symposium as post-event proceedings in the Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. IMPORTANT DATES Full papers due March 15, 2003 Short papers due March 01, 2003 Musical pieces due March 01, 2003 Acceptance notification April 15, 2003 Symposium May 26-27, 2003 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Symposium Chairs Marc Nanard, LIRMM, France Jocelyne Nanard, LIRMM, France Proceedings Chair Henri Betaille, LIRMM, France PROGRAM COMMITTEE Chairs Uffe Kock Wiil, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Violaine Prince, LIRMM, France Members Jens Arnspang, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Antonio Camurri, University of Genoa, Italy Barry Eaglestone, University of Sheffield, UK Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy David L. Hicks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Henkjan Honing, University of Nijmegen / University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Kristoffer Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University, USA Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS, Marseilles, France Henrik Legind Larsen, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark Brian Mayoh, University of Aarhus, Denmark Peter J. N?rnberg, Technical University of Graz, Austria Fran?ois Pachet, Sony Research Lab, France Esben Skovenborg, TC Electronics, Denmark Bernard Stiegler, IRCAM, France Leonello Tarabella, CNR, Pisa, Italy Daniele Teruggi, INA, France Hugues Vinet, IRCAM, France Gerhard Widmer, University of Vienna, Austria S?lvi Ystad, CNRS, Marseilles, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:02 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:02 +0100 Subject: Appel: TALN'2003 : Evaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques Message-ID: Conf?rence associ?e ? TALN'2003 : Evaluation des analyseurs syntaxiques ------------ DATE LIMITE DE SOUMISSION : JEUDI 20 MARS 2003 ----------------- Comit? d'organisation : ===================== Salah Ait-Mokhtar - Xerox, Grenoble Laura Monceaux - LIMSI, Orsay Patrick Paroubek - LIMSI, Orsay Jean-Marie Pierrel - LORIA, Nancy Isabelle Robba - LIMSI, Orsay Anne Vilnat - LIMSI, Orsay Comit? Scientifique : =================== Anne Abeill? - LLF, Paris VII Salah Ait-Mokhtar - Xerox, Grenoble Philippe Blache - LPL, Aix-en-Provence John Carroll - University of Sussex, Royaume-Uni Khalid Choukri - ELRA, Paris Didier Bourigault - ERSS, Toulouse Veronique Gendner - TALANA, Paris VII & LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Mich?le Jardino - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Joseph Mariani - Minist?re de la Jeunesse, de l'Education nationale et de la Recherche, Paris Laura Monceaux - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Patrick Paroubek - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Jean-Marie Pierrel - LORIA, Nancy Martin Rajman - EPFL, Lausanne Isabelle Robba - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Jacques Vergne - GREYC, Caen Anne Vilnat - LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay Eric Wehrli - LATL, Gen?ve Pierre Zweigenbaum - STIM/AP-HP, Paris Th?matique : ========== Depuis une dizaine d'ann?es, avec l'apparition des outils de recherche d'information sur le web, de nouvelles techniques d'analyse syntaxique plus robustes ont vu le jour. Les analyseurs partiels construisent une analyse parfois minimale, incompl?te, mais cela quels que soient la taille et le contenu des donn?es ? traiter. D'autre part, les analyseurs qui tentent de produire syst?matiquement une analyse "compl?te", ou la plus compl?te possible continuent d'am?liorer leure r?sultats. Devant cette diversit? d'offre en mati?re d'analyseur, il est int?ressant voire primordial de proposer une m?thodologie permettant de les ?valuer. Celle-ci devant inclure : - la d?finition d'un format d'annotation permettant une large couverture des ph?nom?nes syntaxiques; - le choix d'un corpus et son annotation manuelle (ou semi-automatique) dans ce format d'annotation; - la d?finition d'un ensemble de mesures permettant l'?valuation; - la mise au point des outils aussi bien d'annotation, que de transcription ou d'?valuation. Pour l'anglais, les m?triques et les corpus annot?s dans le cadre de la campagne PARSEVAL sont aujourd'hui remis en cause : ils ne sont ouverts ni ? d'autres langues ni ? de nouveaux formats d'analyse (voir l'atelier de la conf?rence LREC 2002 : Beyond Parseval towards improved evaluation measures for parsing systems ). Pour le fran?ais, la campagne d'?valuation EVALDA/EASY du programme technolangue (minist?re d?l?gu? ? la recherche et aux nouvelles technologies) qui d?bute servira de lieu d'exp?rimentation pour tester de nouvelles approches pour l'?valuation des analyseurs syntaxiques pour le fran?ais. Le but de cet atelier est de d?velopper une r?flexion autour des m?thodologies d'?valuation, des corpus , des m?triques, des outils et des formalismes pour l'?valuation des analyseurs syntaxiques du fran?ais. Modalit?s et format de soumission : ================================= Dans cet atelier, les contributions attendues pourront porter sur l'un des th?mes suivants : - les m?thodologies d'?valuation - les m?triques d'?valuation (choix, outils ...) - l'annotation des corpus (choix, outils ...) - les corpus - les outils de projection d'un analyseur dans un formalisme Des articles prospectifs sur l'?valuation et les analyseurs syntaxiques seront ?galement les bienvenus. Les articles soumis devront ?tre r?dig?s en fran?ais ou en anglais et ne pas d?passer 10 pages en suivant les consignes de la conf?rence principale TALN'2003 : Les soumissions devront parvenir au comit? d'organisation avant le jeudi 20 mars 2003, sous forme ?lectronique sous format pdf, adress?es ? mailto: monceaux at En cas d'impossibilit? d'envoi ?lectronique, une soumission "papier" pourra ?tre retourn?e ? l'adresse suivante : Laura Monceaux LIMSI - CNRS / Universit? Paris Sud Bat 508 - BP 133 91403 Orsay Cedex Calendrier : =========== Date limite de soumission : >>> Jeudi 20 mars 2003 <<< Notification aux auteurs : Lundi 14 avril 2003 Version finale (pr?t-?-clicher) : Lundi 28 avril 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:11 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:11 +0100 Subject: Appel: Revue TAL : Evolutions en analyse syntaxique Message-ID: [English Version follows] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Revue t.a.l.] Appel ? soumissions t.a.l. : ?volutions en analyse syntaxique Date limite de soumission : 9 Mai 2003 Num?ro dirig? par ?ric de la Clergerie (INRIA) et Martin Rajman (EPFL) Contexte : Analyse syntaxique ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'analyse syntaxique est une composante tr?s importante dans le traitement automatique des langues. Elle continue de poser de nombreux probl?mes que ce soit au niveau des formalismes grammaticaux ou au niveau de la complexit? algorithmique, en particulier pour g?rer les ambigu?t?s. N?anmoins, des progr?s ont eu lieu permettant un emploi plus courant et ? plus grande ?chelle de l'analyse syntaxique dans des applications. L'analyse syntaxique regroupe divers courants qui diff?rent sur les objectifs vis?s et sur les m?thodes employ?es. Les m?thodes couvrent par exemple les approches stochastiques, les approches par cascades (de phases d'analyse locale) et les approches plus traditionnelles d'analyse compl?te (ou profonde). Les objectifs vont de la segmentation en syntagmes ? l'analyse profonde avec une grammaire ? large couverture, en passant par des analyseurs robustes et/ou superficiels. N?anmoins cette diversit? dans les m?thodes et objectifs refl?te une certaine compl?mentarit? plut?t qu'une opposition absolue. Le foisonnement des formalismes syntaxiques est aussi important avec cependant des points de convergence. Ceux ci rendent ainsi possible des conversions entre formalismes syntaxiques (par exemple entre TAG et HPSG ou HPSG et CFG) ou vers des formalismes plus ?op?rationnels?. Certaines techniques d'analyse sont ? g?n?riques ? et utilisables pour plusieurs formalismes. Certains syst?mes se veulent multi-formalismes, reposant sur une infrastructure g?n?rique et efficace (pour l'indexation, la gestion des ambigu?t?s, l'unification, gestion de la m?moire par partage ou copie de structures,...). Enfin la notion de lexicalisation des grammaires transcende largement les formalismes. D'autre part, la g?n?ralisation progressive des analyseurs syntaxiques soul?ve la question de leur ?valuation. Th?me : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'objectif de ce num?ro est de mieux comprendre l'ensemble des approches et techniques utilis?es en analyse syntaxique et surtout d'en mieux cerner les convergences et compl?mentarit?s. La liste suivante non exhaustive ?num?re divers sujets pertinents pour cet appel. - Convergence de formalismes syntaxiques - Conversions entre formalismes - Formalismes op?rationnels ou descriptifs - Convergence et compl?mentarit? des approches d'analyse syntaxique - Robustesse (traitement des mots inconnus, correction d'erreurs) - Lexicalisation - Int?gration de m?thodes stochastiques - Analyse en cascade ou approches globales - ?volution des approches pour de nouveaux formalismes - Optimisations (g?n?riques) des analyseurs - strat?gies d'analyse - gestion de l'ambigu?t? - techniques d'indexation - gestion m?moire (partage et copie de structures) - Passage aux grammaires ? large couverture - efficacit? des analyseurs - maintenance et modularit? - ?valuation des analyseurs Comit? de lecture sp?cifique ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pierre Boullier (INRIA, Rocquencourt) John Carroll (Universit? du Sussex, GB) Jean-Pierre Chanod (XRCE, Grenoble) Alexandra Kinyon (Universit? de Pennsylvanie, USA) Guido Minnen (Motorola, USA) Alexis Nasr (LATTICE, Paris) Mark-Jan Nederhof (Universit? de Groningen, Pays-Bas) Gertjan van Noord (Universit? de Groningen, Pays-Bas) Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI, Orsay) Gerald Penn (Universit? de Toronto, Canada) Anoop Sarkar (Universit? Simon Fraser, Canada) Giorgio Satta (Universit? de Padoue, Italie) Manuel Vilares (Universit? de Vigo, Espagne) David Weir (Universit? du Sussex, GB) R?mi Zajac (Systran Software, USA) Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles (25 pages maximum) seront soumis au format Word, LaTeX, Postscript ou PDF. Les feuilles de style sont disponibles chez HERMES Langue ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles peuvent ?tre ?crits en fran?ais ou en anglais. Cependant, les soumissions en anglais ne sont accept?es que pour les auteurs non francophones. Calendrier ------------------------------------------------------------------------ La date limite de soumission est fix?e au 9 Mai 2003. Les personnes qui ont l'intention de soumettre un article sont invit?es ? prendre contact avec ?ric de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at Les articles seront relus par un membre du comit? de r?daction de la revue TAL et par deux relecteurs du comit? de lecture constitu? sp?cifiquement par les coordinateurs pour ce num?ro. La d?cision du comit? de r?daction sera transmise aux auteurs avant le 1er Juillet 2003. La version d?finitive des articles accept?s sera ? remettre pour le 1er Octobre 2003 pour une publication pr?vue fin 2003. Envoi des articles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Les articles (25 pages maximum, au format Herm?s) doivent ?tre envoy?s par voie ?lectronique ? Eric.De_La_Clergerie at ou par voie postale (version papier en cinq exemplaires) ? l'adresse suivante : ?ric de la Clergerie INRIA Rocquencourt Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France ====================================================================== Call for papers for the special issue of the TAL journal Title: Evolutions in Parsing Submission deadline: May 9th 2003 Guest Editors: ?ric de la Clergerie (INRIA, France) Martin Rajman (EPFL, Switzerland) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parsing is a very important component in Natural Language Processing. It still raises many problems, for instance at the level grammatical formalisms or at the level of the algorithmic complexity, especially to handle ambiguity. However, because of recent advances, parsers are nowadays more and more widely used in large scale applications. Many approaches exist in the Parsing community that differ on the methods and objectives. The methods include for instance stochastic parsing, local parsing cascades, or more traditional complete or deep parsing. Objectives range from segmentation into chunks to deep parsing based on wide coverage grammars, including shallow and/or robust parsing. Anyway, these various methods and objectives are not necessarily in opposition and may be perceived as complementary. Despite the large number of existing grammatical formalisms, there are hints of convergences between them which open ways for (partial) conversions between formalisms (for instance between TAG and HPSG or HPSG and CFG) or toward "operational" formalisms. Also, some parsing techniques are "generic" and may be applied for several formalisms. Some parsing systems also aim to be multi-formalisms, relying on generic and efficient infrastructures (indexing, memory management by structure sharing or copying, powerful unification). Finally, the notion of lexicalization is present in most formalisms. Last but not least, the generalization of parsers raises the issue of their evaluation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Themes: The main objective of this special issue is a better understanding of the various approaches and techniques found in Parsing, highlighting the convergences and complementarities that may exist between them. We welcome works on any of the following issues. * Convergence between grammatical formalisms * conversions of formalisms * operational formalisms vs declarative ones * Convergence and complementarity in parsing approaches * robustness (unknown words, error corrections) * lexicalization * Integration of stochastic methods * Cascade parsing vs one-pass parsing * Evolution of parsing techniques for new formalisms * (generic) Optimizations in Parsing * parsing strategies * ambiguity management * chart indexing * memory management (structure sharing and copying) * Wide coverage grammars * parsing efficiency * maintenance and modularity * Parsing evaluation Reviewers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pierre Boullier (INRIA, France) John Carroll (University of Sussex, UK) Jean-Pierre Chanod (XRCE, France) Alexandra Kinyon (University of Pennsylvania, USA) Guido Minnen (Motorola, USA) Alexis Nasr (LATTICE, France) Mark-Jan Nederhof (University of Groenigen, NL) Gertjan van Noord (University of Groenigen, NL) Patrick Paroubek (LIMSI, France) Gerald Penn (University of Toronto, Canada) Anoop Sarkar (Simon Fraser University, Canada) Giorgio Satta (University of Padua, Italy) Manuel Vilares (University of Vigo, Spain) David Weir (Universit? of Sussex, UK) R?mi Zajac (Systran Software, USA) Format ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers (25 pages maximum) may be submitted in Word, LaTeX, Postscript or PDF. The style sheets are available at HERMES Language ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Papers may be written either in French or in English (non-French speaking authors only) Schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The submission deadline is May 9th 2003. People intending to submit a paper should contact ?ric de la Clergerie (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at Articles will be reviewed by a member of the editorial board of the journal ( and two external reviewers chosen by the editors of the special issue. Editorial board decisions and referees' reports will be transmitted to the authors by July 1st, 2003. Final versions of accepted papers will be required by October 1st, 2003. Publication is planned for the end of 2003. Submission ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Submissions (25 pages maximum, following the Hermes style sheet) should be sent either electronically (Eric.De_La_Clergerie at, or by surface mail (five copies) to ?ric de la Clergerie INRIA Rocquencourt Domaine de Voluceau - B.P. 105 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:14 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:14 +0100 Subject: Appel: MTT 2003 : First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Message-ID: MTT 2003 First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Paris, Ecole Normale Sup?rieure 16-18 June 2003 Web site : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Goals ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Meaning-text Theory (MTT), which grew out of work on machine translation in the USSR 40 years ago, is characterized by: 1. the Modeling of language as a correspondence between meaning and texts/sounds; 2. the central position of the lexicon; 3. the privileged position of semantics over syntax; 4. and the use of a dependency representation in syntax. This conference has two goals: researchers working in the MTT framework will report on their research, and researchers in other frameworks are invited to compare their work to MTT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Invited Speakers ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jurij Apresjan Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Richard Hudson University College London, UK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Expected Submissions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions related to all aspects of MTT are solicited, be they theoretical, descriptive, or computational. The conference is also open to MTT-based work in fields related to linguistics, such as natural language processing, second language teaching, or psycholinguistics. Submissions detailing work in other frameworks are also solicited, as long as the framework shares with MTT fundamental principles, such as dependency syntax, the decomposition of lexical meaning, the modeling of collocations, the stratification of the linguistic model, or the use of correspondence rules between different levels of representation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submission Format ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions can be in French or in English. They should be at most 10 pages (including all figures, data, notes, and bibliography) using a 12 point font, printed in one column. Style files for Word and LaTeX will be available on the web site. Submissions should be sent as PDF or postscript file to: mtt2003.submit at For any questions, please email mtt2003 at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlines ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 March: submission deadline 15 April: results of reviewing 15 May: final version due 16-18 June: MTT 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Margarita Alonso Ramos U. de la Coruna, Spain Jurij Apresjan Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation David Beck U. of Edmonton, Canada Igor Boguslavskij IPPI PAN, Moscow, Russian Federation Jose Coch LingWay, Paris, France Alexandre Dikovsky U. de Nantes, France Marc Dymetman Xerox, Grenoble, France Thierry Fontenelle Microsoft, Seattle, USA Catherine Fuchs ENS, Paris, France Eva Hajicova Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Leonid Iomdin Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation Lidija Iordanskaja U. de Montr?al, Canada Kyo Kageura NII, Tokyo, Japan Sylvain Kahane U. Paris 10, France Marie-Claude Lhomme U. de Montreal, Canada Igor Mel'cuk U. de Montreal, Canada Alexis Nasr U. Paris 7, France Alain Polguere U. de Montreal, Canada Owen Rambow Columbia U, New York, USA Agnes Tutin U. de Grenoble, France Leo Wanner U. Stuttgart, Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Arrangements Committee ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sylvain Kahane Lattice, U. Paris 10, France Alexis Nasr Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Lucie Barque Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Laurence Danlos Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Laurence Delort Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Adil El Ghali Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Dina El Kassas Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Kim Gerdes Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Fran?ois Lareau Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Celine Raynal Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Jacques Steinlin Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Francois Toussenel Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Etienne Van Tien Nguyen Lattice, U. Paris 7, France Alexandra Volanschi Lattice, U. Paris 7, France ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Fri Feb 14 16:57:19 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:57:19 +0100 Subject: Appel: Workshop on The Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems Message-ID: Workshop on The Software Engineering and Architecture of Language Technology Systems (SEALTS) HLT-NAACL03 31 May 2003 Edmonton, Canada Overview A number of researchers argued in the early and middle 1990s that the field of computational infrastructure, or architecture, for Natural Language Processing, merited an increase in attention. The reasoning was that the increasingly large-scale and technologically significant nature of NLP science was placing increasing burdens of an engineering nature on R&D workers seeking robust and practical methods. Over the intervening period a number of significant systems and practices have been developed in what we may call Software Architecture for Language Engineering. Of the most prominent are: RAGS, Reference Architecture for Generation Systems (Brighton and Edinburgh) LT XML (Edinburgh) TEI, CES, XCES (Oxford, Vassar, etc.) ATLAS (LDC, NIST) Galaxy Communicator Software Infrastructure (MIT & MITRE) Prot?g? (Stanford) GATE, a General Architecture for Text Engineering (Sheffield) This workshop represents an opportunity for practitioners in this area to report their work in a coordinated setting. The value to the community at large will be to get a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in infrastructural work, which may indicate where further take-up of these systems can be of benefit Topics We solicit papers from the following research areas, and other allied topics: The Architecture of Language Technology Systems (LTS) Standards of best practice Standards for knowledge transfer and code sharing between LTS Language resource construction and management Relationship of LTS to Semantic Web architectures Engineering LTS for different purposes Comparative Reviews of Architectures Comparative experiments of different architectures and implementations Data Sharing in LT Systems Knowledge storage Message Passing LT System project management Strategies for Distribution and Scalability Data Models Instructions for Authors Due to the short time for submission two types of papers will be accepted, namely: Full papers: 7-8 pages Short papers: 1-6 pages. Short papers will be given half the speaking time of full papers. No differentiation will be made in the publication of the Proceedings. The Organisers reserve the right to request a paper to be reduced to short paper length if they believe it is appropriate. This policy is aimed at encouraging researchers who have experimental plans that have not yet been tested by implementation, or by papers that are exploratory or speculative. Significant review papers aimed to point the way to the future are also encouraged. Submissions Papers should be in PDF format and formatted according to the HLT-NAACL guidelines ( t.html). Do not anonymize submissions, since reviewing for the workshop will not be blind. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the style files accessible through the above web page. Send your submission to Jon Patrick (jonpat at Important Dates Paper submission deadline: 23 March Notification of acceptance for papers: 7 April Camera ready papers due: 14 April Workshop date: May 31 Organisers Jon Patrick, University of Sydney ( Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield ( Program Committee Xabier Artola Zubillaga, IXA, University of the Basque Country Stephen Bird, Melbourne University Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield Walter Daelemans, Universities of Antwerp and Tilburg Thierry DeClerck, University of Saarland (CL-Lab) and DFKI (LT-lab) Bill Dolan, Microsoft Research, Redmond Alistair Knott, Otago University Mark Maybury, MITRE Corporation Diana Maynard, University of Sheffield Alan Marwick, IBM, TJ Watson Laboratory Cecile Paris, CSIRO, Australia Yorick Wilks, Sheffield University Ming Zhou, Microsoft Research, Beijing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:44:57 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:44:57 +0100 Subject: Conf: EACL2003 Message-ID: [Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement] * CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION * EACL 2003 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics April 12-17, 2003 Budapest, Hungary Early registration deadline : 15 March 2003 The EACL03 registration is now open. Note that early registration is a lot cheaper (for you) and provides for a better conference (because we can prepare it better). Please register before March 15th! *** CONFERENCE SCHEDULE **** Tutorials Saturday 12 April 2003 Workshops April 13-14, 2003 Main conference, Research Notes, Demos and April 15-17, 2003 Student Research Workshop April 16, 2003 * CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:02 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:02 +0100 Subject: Jobs: Professeur de Linguistique : Universite Paris X Message-ID: Un poste de Professeur de Linguistique G?n?rale et de linguistique fran?aise (7?me Section) est ouvert au concours de juin 2003. (prise de fonctions septembre 2003) Renseignements : Bernard Laks Pr?sident de la Commission de Sp?cialistes Universit? de Paris X Nanterre, d?partement des Sciences du Langage. 200 av de la R?publique 9200 Nanterre 00/33/1 40 97 73 24 Bernard.laks at Profil du poste de Professeur Linguistique g?n?rale et linguistique fran?aise Dans le double intitul? propos?, c'est au terme ? linguistique g?n?rale ? que sera accord?e la priorit? : la capacit? ? enseigner en linguistique fran?aise est consid?r?e en tant que domaine d?application, parmi d'autres, de la linguistique g?n?rale. Ce qui sera d?cisif, dans la prise en compte des candidatures, plus que les recherches dans un champ particulier quel qu'il soit, c'est la pr?sentation d?un projet p?dagogique et scientifique proposant des r?ponses pr?cises (th?matiques et volumes d'enseignement, place aux diff?rents niveaux du cursus, actions de recherche sp?cifiques...) aux questions suivantes : - Qu'est-ce aujourd'hui qu'enseigner la linguistique g?n?rale - Quelles recherches d?velopper actuellement en linguistique g?n?rale, dans la continuit? ou non d'une perspective qui a ?t? historiquement f?conde ? On attend du candidat qu'il d?fende un tel projet, et qu'il montre l'insertion de ce projet dans sa conception de l'avenir des sciences du langage mais aussi dans le "paysage" des enseignements offerts. Bernard Laks ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:07 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:07 +0100 Subject: Conf: HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop : DEADLINE EXTENSION Message-ID: Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing HLT/NAACL 2003 Workshop May 31, 2003 Edmonton, Canada ***EXTENDED DEADLINE*** Overview There is an increased use of NLP-based educational applications for both large-scale assessment and classroom instruction. This has occurred for two primary reasons. First, there has been a significant increase in the availability of computers in schools, from elementary school to the university. Second, there has been notable development in computer-based educational applications that incorporate advanced methods in NLP that can be used to evaluate students' work. Educational applications have been developed across a variety of subject domains in automated evaluation of free-responses and intelligent tutoring. To date, these two research areas have remained autonomous. We hope that this workshop will facilitate communication between researchers who work on all types of instructional applications, for K-12, undergraduate, and graduate school. Since most of this work in NLP-based educational applications is text-based, we are especially interested in any work of this type that incorporates speech processing and other input/output modalities. We wish to expose the NLP research community to these technologies with the hope that they may see novel opportunities for use of their tools in an educational application. Call for Papers We are especially interested in submissions including, but not limited to: * Speech-based tools for educational technology * Innovative text analysis for evaluation of student writing with regard to: a) general writing quality, or b) accuracy of content for domain-specific responses * Text analysis methods to handle particular writing genres, such as legal or business writing, or creative aspects of writing * Intelligent tutoring systems that incorporate state-of-the-art NLP methods to evaluate response content, using either text- or speech-based analyses * Dialogue systems in education * understanding student input * generating the tutors' feedback * evaluation * Evaluation of NLP-based tools for education * Use of student response databases (text or speech) for tool building * Content-based scoring Important Dates: Paper submission deadline: Mar 10 Notification of acceptance for papers: Mar 24 Camera ready papers due: Apr 7 Workshop date: May 31 Organizers Jill Burstein, Educational Testing Service (jburstein at Claudia Leacock, Educational Testing Service (cleacock at Program Committee: Gregory Aist, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Martin Chodorow, Hunter College, City University of New York Ron Cole, University of Colorado, Boulder Barbara Di Eugenio, University of Illinois at Chicago John Dowding, Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science (RIACS), NASA Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon University Art Graesser, University of Memphis Pamela Jordan, University of Pittsburgh Karen Kukich, National Science Foundation Diane Litman, University of Pittsburgh Daniel Marcu, Information Sciences Institute/University of Southern California Thomas Morton, University of Pennsylvania Carolyn Penstein Rose, University of Pittsburgh Susanne Wolff, Princeton University Klaus Zechner, Educational Testing Service Format for Submission Information about submissions can be found at the URL below. Please follow the instructions for full papers and use only Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) or MS-Word documents. Since the review process will be blind, please do not include any author information on the actual paper. Please include an additional title page with the following information: Paper title, names and contact information for all authors, and the paper's abstract. Please e-mail your final .pdf or MS-Word submission to jburstein at or cleacock at no later than March 10, 2003. Please feel free to contact the organizers with any questions regarding the workshop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:12 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:12 +0100 Subject: Appel: CIAA 2003 : Eighth International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata Message-ID: Eighth International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata CIAA 2003 July 16-18, 2003, Santa Barbara, CA, USA Sponsored by: Computer Science Department, College of Engineering and Graduate Division at UCSB, AT&T Labs - Research and Expertcity, Inc. TOPICS Automata theory is the foundation of computer science. Its applications have spread to almost all areas of computer science and many other disciplines. In addition, there is a growing number of software systems designed to manipulate automata, regular expressions, grammars, and related structures; examples include AGL, AMORE, Automate, FADELA, FinITE, FireLite, FLAP, FSM, Grail, INR, Intex, MONA, and Turing's World. The purpose of this conference is to bring together members of the academic, research, and industrial community who have an interest in the theory, implementation, and application of automata and related structures. We solicit papers and demos in these areas including, but not limited to, the following topics as they relate to automata: Bioinformatics Complexity of automata operations Compilers Computer-aided verification Concurrency Data structure design for automata Data and image compression Design and architecture of automata software Digital libraries Document engineering Editors, environments Experimental studies and practical experiences Industrial applications Natural language processing Networking New algorithms for manipulating automata Object-oriented modeling Pattern-matching Quantum computing Speech and speaker recognition Structured and semi-structured documents Symbolic manipulation environments for automata Teaching Text processing Techniques for graphical display of automata VLSI Viruses, related phenomena World-wide web INVITED SPEAKERS (preliminary list) Thomas Henzinger, University of California, Berkeley, California,USA Juhani Karhumaki, University of Turku , Turku, Finland PROGRAM COMMITTEE Oscar H. Ibarra (Chair), University of California, Santa Barbara,USA Tevfik Bultan, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA Jean-Marc Champarnaud, Universite de Rouen, France Zhe Dang, Washington State University, USA Jozef Gruska, Masaryk University, Czech Republic Tero Harju, Academy of Finland, Finland Tom Henzinger, University of California, Berkeley, USA Juraj Hromkovic, RWTH Aachen, Germany Kazuo Iwama, Kyoto University, Japan Tao Jiang, University of California, Riverside, USA Juhani Karhumaki, University of Turku, Finland Lauri Karttunen, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, USA Sam Kim, Kyungpook University, South Korea Nils Klarlund, AT&T Labs-Research, USA Werner Kuich, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria Carlos Martin-Vide, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain Denis Maurel, Universite de Tours, France Mehryar Mohri, AT&T Labs-Research, USA Gheorghe Paun, Romanian Academy, Romania Jean-Eric Pin, CNRS & Universite Paris 7, France Grzegorz Rozenberg, Leiden University, The Netherlands Kai Salomaa, Queens University, Canada Helmut Seidl, Universitat Trier, Germany Imre Simon, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Wolfgang Thomas, RWTH Aachen, Germany Derick Wood, HKUST, Hong Kong Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Sheng Yu, University of Western Ontario, Canada ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Tevfik Bultan, University of California, Santa Barbara Omer Egecioglu, University of California, Santa Barbara Oscar H. Ibarra, University of California, Santa Barbara Hua Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara Constantinos Bartzis, University of California, Santa Barbara SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Authors are requested to submit an electronic version (in PostScript or pdf form) by April 1, 2003. An extended abstract should start with the title, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, and a one-paragraph summary of the results and ideas, and be sent to: (Precise instructions to be provided later) The extended abstract should provide sufficient detail to allow the Program Committee to evaluate its validity, quality, and relevance to the conference. The extended abstract should be at most ten (10) pages long using 11-point font with ample margins. If appropriate, proof details omitted in the paper may be added in an appendix. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by May 15, 2003. Final copies of accepted papers must be submitted by June 10, 2003. We expect the proceedings to appear in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series after the conference. (See for example, LNCS 1260 and LNCS 1436 for the proceedings of two previous conferences.) We will distribute a preproceedings for participants at the conference. Extended versions of selected papers from the proceedings of the conference series will be solicited for publication in special issues of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) and International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), alternating each year with the CIAA 2003 special issue appearing in TCS. IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for Submission: April 1, 2003 Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2003 Final Version: June 10, 2003 Conference: July 16-18, 2003 For further details please visit the conference website ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Wed Feb 19 15:45:16 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:45:16 +0100 Subject: Annonce: linguistique et informatique =?iso-8859-1?Q?=E0?= Bordeaux Message-ID: Nous annon?ons la cr?ation de l'?quipe Signes: Signes linguistiques, grammaire et sens: algorithmique logique de la langue. Cette ?quipe est commune - au d?partement des sciences du langage de l'Universit? Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III), - ? l'Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique INRIA - au Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (CNRS, Universit? Bordeaux 1, ENSEIRB) Elle a pour objectifs l'?tude et la formalisation de la syntaxe et de la s?mantique des langues, et la r?alisation d'outils de traitement automatique des langues notamment pour la langue des signes fran?aise. Si de jeunes chercheurs, linguistes ou informaticiens, en particulier s'ils ont un int?r?t pour la langue des signes, souhaitaient rejoindre cette ?quipe via les postes ou post-docs que proposent les organismes de tutelle pr?cit?s, qu'ils veulent bien prendre contact avec nous rapidement. Topic: linguistics and computer science in Bordeaux We announce the creation of the research group Signes (linguistic signs, grammar and meaning: computational logic for natural language) This group is supported by - the department of linguistics of the University Michel de Montaigne (Bordeaux III), - the the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA), - the Computer Science Research Center of Bordeaux (LaBRI) (CNRS, University of Bordeaux 1, ENSEIRB). It is aimed at the formalization of the syntax and semantics of natural language, and at the development of tools for natural language processing, in particular for sign language. Young researchers, both linguists and computer scientists, especially the ones with an interest in sign language who would like to join our group via post-docs or permanent positions offered by the above mentionned institutions should contact us soon. -- Christian Retor? responsable du projet Signes LABRI Domaine Universitaire 351, cours de la Lib?ration 33405 Talence Cedex FRANCE retore at christian.retore at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:20 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:20 +0100 Subject: Appel: ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop Message-ID: ACL2003 Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop _________________________________________________________________ CALL for PAPERS Towards a Resources Information Infrastructure Workshop at ACL2003 in Sapporo (Japan) July 11 and 12 2003 Organised by ENABLER / ELSNET Description The problem addressed by this workshop is the well-known information problem. People are creating, exploring and exploiting language resources all over the world. Those who are working with resources know a lot about their own and other resources, and they are generally prepared to share this knowledge, their expertise and in many cases even their resources with others via publications in journals, presentations at conferences, and via the web. Unfortunately this information, however public, is not accessible in any systematic way for those who need resources, who want to know what sort of resources exist, how resources should be annotated, which standards to adhere to, which tools to use, etc etc. We will call this problem the 'Resources Information Problem'. The problem has also a geographical dimension: As work on specific languages is very often concentrated in specific parts of the world, much relevant information has a tendency to stay in one geographical place. This is an obstacle for those who are working on these same languages in different parts of the world, and it makes it harder to port knowledge and expertise gained on one language to other languages. The above observation are far from novel, and it would be naive to think that the problems will ever go away. At the same time one can observe that there are organisations (associations, agencies, projects, networks, etc) that have access to parts or fragments of this information and that have their own infrastructures that facilitate access to this information by internal or external people. The purpose of this workshop is to investigate how we can exploit the existing infrastructures to a maximum in order to facilitate world-wide access to information on language resources. The role of the workshop will be to bootstrap this process. Approach * First of all we will try to make an initial map of the language resources landscape world-wide. This map will include actors, organisations, repositories, standards, projects, tool libraries, etc etc. All participants will be asked beforehand to submit pointers to such items. They will be collected and published. * At the workshop we will invite representatives of a number of organisations that can be seen as key actors in the field, and they will be asked to present ideas about the way their organisation could contribute to solving the Resources Information Problem. These ideas could range from very concrete and immediately implementable proposals to longer term and visionary actions. * A round table discussion at the workshop will aim at the creation of convergence, coherence and synergies between the proposed actions. The intended output is a catalogue of actions to facilitate access to resources information that could be implemented (almost) immediately, a skeleton plan for longer term actions, and firm commitment from key players to make these things happen. Target audience Representatives of parties that could play a key role in providing access to resources information, such as (but not limited to) * Resources distribution agencies, e.g. LDC and ELDA/ELRA * Professional organisations, e.g. ACL, ISCA, and their regional branches, e.g. EACL, AACL, JACL, Asian NLP federation * Networks and resources infrastructure projects, e.g. ENABLER, ISLE. ELSNET * Committees, e.g. ICWLR, COCOSDA * National resources or infrastructure projects, e.g. Technolangue, Collate * International actions, e.g. OLAC * Researchers and developers interested in improving the language resources infrastructure for our community Invited and submitted papers We expect to invite some 15 representatives to give their presentations, but in addition we are issuing an open call for papers addressing the resources information problem and possible solutions. These papers will be reviewed in the usual way. Submission format Please submit full papers of maximum 8 pages (including references, figures etc). Authors should follow the main conference ACL style format. Electronic submission only. Send the pdf, postscript, or MS Word form of your submission to: Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at who will also answer any queries regarding the submission. Important Dates Submission deadline for workshop papers: 13 April 2003 Notification of accepted papers: 14 May 2003 Deadline for camera ready copies 29 May 2003 Workshop dates: 11-12 July 2003 Workshop Format It will be a two-day workshop, with invited and submitted presentations in the mornings, and topical panels and round table discussion in the afternoons, including an open meeting of the newly created International Coordination Committee for Written Language Resources. Programme Committee As this workshop is jointly proposed by ELSNET and ENABLER (two EU funded projects aimed at providing collaboration infrastructures), we have invited all ca 60 members of the ELSNET and ENABLER Boards to constitute the core programme committee. We may want to invite additional members from Asia and other parts of the world in order to ensure sufficient geographical coverage. A full list of PC members will be published on the workshop website at The workshop will be jointly chaired by Steven Krauwer (ELSNET) and Nicoletta Calzolari/Antonio Zampolli (ENABLER) Historical note This workshop can be seen as a follow-up of the workshop organised at ACL2000 in Hong Kong, entitled 'Towards infrastructures for global collaboration'. One of the conclusions of this workshop was that the field of language resources would offer good opportunities for collaborative actions, and the first concrete goal was the creation of an international resources federation, a first step towards which is now embodied by the proposal to set up an International Committee for Written Language Resources. The proposed workshop should lead to the definition of concrete actions to be carried out under the auspices of ICWLR, in collaboration with other organisations. Contact info Steven Krauwer (steven.krauwer at, ELSNET ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:30 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:30 +0100 Subject: Jobs: French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) Message-ID: --- French version below French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, INRIA More than 200 job opportunities opened at INRIA in 2003 INRIA offers a very large variety of positions Among them are: - visiting positions from six months to two years duration for French and foreign specialists, with academic or industrial background; - tenured positions for junior and senior research scientists. In addition to these job opportunities, INRIA offers more than 200 hosting possibilities within one of INRIA research project-teams, for preparing a PhD thesis or for postdoctoral visits. February 17, 2003. A competitive selection to recruit some 30 junior research scientists (charg?s de recherche 2?me classe) or senior research scientists (directeurs de recherche 2?me classe) on tenured position is now opened. The deadline for returning application forms is on March 18. You will find information on these recrutements: conditions, deadlines, scientific and administrative information, contact adresses. downloadable forms in RTF and Latex formats,... , on our web site : Among these positions, 3 junior research scientist's ones are dedicated to the Inria research unit in Rennes, plus the 9 senior research scientist's ones that are nationally opened. TexMex research team in Rennes is especially interested in applications of specialists in natural language processing (semantic aspects of NLP) and machine learning. Some of the domains in which competences are particularly welcomed are: - corpus-based acquisition of lexical information (esp. semantic) - machine learning, esp. symbolic - information retrieval - automatic summarization For more information on this research team, please contact Pascale S?billot (sebillot at, Pascale S?billot IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France tel: (33|0) 2 99 84 73 17, fax: (33|0) 2 99 84 71 71 email: sebillot at --------------------------------French version--------------------- L'INRIA recrute plus de 200 emplois en 2003 : - Recrutements sur concours: Chercheurs d?butants et confirm?s, Ing?nieurs, techniciens et administratifs - Accueils ? dur?e d?termin?e: - Enseignants chercheurs et autres fonctionnaires - Jeunes dipl?m?s - Sp?cialistes issus du milieu industriel - Sp?cialistes acad?miques ?trangers - et aussi plus de 200 propositions de th?ses et de s?jours postdoctoraux . Depuis le 17 f?vrier 2003, une trentaine de postes sont ouverts sur concours pour des chercheurs d?butants (charg?s de recherche 2?me classe) ou confirm?s (directeurs de recherche 2?me classe) Date limite de d?p?t des dossiers: 18 mars 2003. Tous les renseignements sont sur le site web de l'INRIA : calendrier des actions de recrutement, informations scientifiques et administratives, contacts, dossiers de candidature t?l?chargeables aux formats rtf et latex. Sur le site Inria de Rennes, 3 postes de CR2 sont ouverts, ainsi que les 9 postes de DR2 ouverts nationalement. Au sein de l'?quipe TexMex de Rennes, nous recherchons, en particulier, des chercheurs sp?cialis?s en traitement automatique des langues et en apprentissage automatique. Parmi les sujets de recherche dans lesquels des comp?tences sont bienvenues figurent : - l'acquisition d'informations lexicales (en particulier s?mantique) ? partir de corpus textuels - l'apprentissage automatique, en particulier symbolique - la recherche d'information - le r?sum? automatique Pour plus d'informations sur cette ?quipe et ses sujets de recherche, vous pouvez contacter Pascale S?billot (sebillot at et consulter le site web Cordialement Pascale S?BILLOT IRISA/INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex, France tel: (33|0) 2 99 84 73 17, fax: (33|0) 2 99 84 71 71 email: sebillot at ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:45 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:45 +0100 Subject: Publications: THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS Message-ID: The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics is out! ( THE OXFORD HANDBOOK OF COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS R. Mitkov (Ed) Oxford University Press 2003 Contents Preface (R. Mitkov) Introduction (M. Kay) Part I. Fundamentals 1. Phonology (S. Bird) 2. Morphology (H. Trost) 3. Lexicography (P. Hanks) 4. Syntax (R. Kaplan) 5. Semantics (S. Lappin) 6. Discourse (A. Ramsey) 7. Pragmatics and Dialogue (G.Leech and M.Weisser) 8. Formal grammars and languages (C. Martin-Vide) 9. Complexity (B. Carpenter) Part II. Processes, methods and resources 10. Text segmentation (A. Mikheev) 11. POS tagging (A.Voutilainen) 12. Parsing (J. Carroll) 13. Word-sense disambiguation (M. Stevenson and Y.Wilks) 14. Anaphora resolution (R. Mitkov) 15. Natural Language Generation (J.Bateman and M. Zock) 16. Speech recognition (L. Lamel and J.L. Gauvain) 17. Text-to-speech synthesis (T. Dutoit and Y. Stylianou) 18. Finite-state technology (L. Karttunen) 19. Statistical methods (C. Samuelsson) 20. Machine Learning (R. Mooney) 21. Lexical knowledge acquisition (Y. Matsumoto) 22. Evaluation (L. Hirschman and I. Mani) 23. Sublanguages and Controlled Languages (R. Kittredge) 24. Corpora (T. McEnery) 25. Ontologies (P.Vossen) 26. Tree adjoining grammars (A. Joshi) Part III. Applications 27. Machine translation: general overview (J. Hutchins) 28. Machine translation: latest developments (H. Somers) 29. Information retrieval (E.Tzoukermann, J. Klavans and T. Strzalkowski) 30. Information extraction (R. Grishman) 31. Question answering (S. Harabagiu and D. Moldovan) 32. Text summarisation (E. Hovy) 33. Term extraction and automatic indexing (C. Jacquemin and D. Bourigault) 34. Text data mining (M. Hearst) 35. Natural language interaction (I. Androutsopoulos and M. Aretoulaki) 36. Natural language in multimodal and multimedia systems (E. Andre) 37. NLP in computer-aided language learning (J. Nerbonne) 38. Multilingual on-line NLP (G. Grefenstette and F. Segond) Notes on contributors Glossary Index of authors Subject index (784 pages) Oxford University Press is planning to expand in the area of Computational Linguistics and welcomes submissions in the field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR Thu Feb 27 18:12:53 2003 From: alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR (Alexis Nasr) Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 19:12:53 +0100 Subject: Conf: MTT 2003 : DEADLINE EXTENSION Message-ID: ************************ DEADLINE EXTENSION New submission deadline : March 9th ************************ MTT 2003 First International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory Paris, Ecole Normale Sup?rieure, Salle Dussane 16-18 June 2003 Web site : ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message diffus? par la liste Langage Naturel Informations, abonnement : English version : Archives : La liste LN est parrain?e par l'ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues) Information et adh?sion : -------------------------------------------------------------------------