Appel: 1st International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval

Alexis Nasr alexis.nasr at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Fri Feb 14 16:56:51 UTC 2003

Call for Papers

                    1st International Symposium
on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval

CMMR 2003

Montpellier, France, May 26-27, 2003

cmmr2003 at


       The use of computers in music is well established. CMMR 2003
provides an opportunity to meet and interact with peers concerned with
the cross-influence of
       the technological and creative in computer music.

       The field of computer music is interdisciplinary by nature and
closely related to a number of computer science and engineering areas
such as information
       retrieval, programming, human computer interaction, digital
libraries, hypermedia, artificial intelligence, acoustics, signal
processing, etc.

       CMMR 2003 invites researchers, educators, composers, performers,
and others with an interest in important aspects of computer music
(including modeling,
       retrieval, analysis, and synthesis) to come join us for a unique


       Original contributions on the following (and other relevant)
topics are encouraged:

              infrastructures for music
                    - music digital libraries modeling
                    - representation and language modeling
                    - distributed system infrastructures
              indexing and retrieval of music
                    - metadata
                    - standards
                    - protocols
                    - query languages
                    - advanced information retrieval
              structuring of music data
                    - hypermedia
                    - structural computing
              collaboration on music
                    - computer supported cooperative work
              analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and
modeling of music
                    - pattern recognition
                    - signal processing
                    - algoritmics
                    - parsing
              mining and visualizing music
                    - data mining
                    - visualization
              synthesis (composition) of music
                    - models for synthesis
                    - automated composition
              user interfaces for music
                    - human computer interaction


       The symposium will be structured somewhat differently than many
traditional conferences by scheduling sessions intended to foster dialog
within small groups
       in addition to plenary sessions to stress unifying themes. There
will be ample opportunity for in-depth discussions to follow up on ideas
presented at larger
       sessions, presentation of musical pieces, demonstration of
computer music software, as well as informal gatherings.


       Participation will be limited. All attendees will be required to
submit at least one piece of work. (Submission formats are discussed
below.) All submissions will
       be reviewed by the program committee. All accepted paper
submissions will be published in the proceedings.


       Submissions may have any of the following forms:

              Full paper (7 - 10 pages)
              Short paper (3 - 5 pages)
              Computer musical compositions

       All papers will be reviewed by the program committee and accepted
papers will be published after the symposium. It is planned to publish
revised papers after
       the symposium as post-event proceedings in the Springer Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series.


        Full papers due
                                              March 15, 2003
        Short papers due
                                              March 01, 2003
        Musical pieces due
                                              March 01, 2003
        Acceptance notification
                                              April 15, 2003
                                              May 26-27, 2003


       Symposium Chairs

       Marc Nanard, LIRMM, France
       Jocelyne Nanard, LIRMM, France

       Proceedings Chair

       Henri Betaille, LIRMM, France



       Uffe Kock Wiil, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
       Violaine Prince, LIRMM, France


       Jens Arnspang, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
       Antonio Camurri, University of Genoa, Italy
       Barry Eaglestone, University of Sheffield, UK
       Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
       David L. Hicks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
       Henkjan Honing, University of Nijmegen / University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
       Kristoffer Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
       Andruid Kerne, Texas A&M University, USA
       Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS, Marseilles, France
       Henrik Legind Larsen, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
       Brian Mayoh, University of Aarhus, Denmark
       Peter J. Nürnberg, Technical University of Graz, Austria
       François Pachet, Sony Research Lab, France
       Esben Skovenborg, TC Electronics, Denmark
       Bernard Stiegler, IRCAM, France
       Leonello Tarabella, CNR, Pisa, Italy
       Daniele Teruggi, INA, France
       Hugues Vinet, IRCAM, France
       Gerhard Widmer, University of Vienna, Austria
       Sølvi Ystad, CNRS, Marseilles, France

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