Conf: AMTA-2004

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Sep 17 13:10:02 UTC 2004

Date: lundi 13 Septembre 2004 01:40
From: Jeff Allen <jeff.allen at>

          Call for Participation

AMTA-2004: 6th biennial Conference of the Association
for Machine Translation in the Americas

Date: September 28-October 2, 2004

Location: Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA

Theme: From Real Users to Research

Conference website:

The fully updated conference schedule includes:

* Several tracks of presentations (research papers, user
  case studies, etc)
* A few panel sessions
* A full set of practical tutorials and workshops
* Registration form (registration now open)
* Opportunities for exhibit booths for tool and
  service suppliers

Conference program

Keynote Speakers:

* MT Users (Wednesday, September 29th): Ken Rother, CIO, Bowne Global
Solutions; Jaap van der Meer, Partner, Cross Language
* U. S. Government (Thursday, September 30th): Kathy Debolt, Director
of the Language and Technology Office, Battle Lab, Ft. Huachuca.
* History in Context (Wednesday, September 29th): John Hutchins, "The
Georgetown-IBM experiment in January 1954"
* MT Research (Friday, October 1): Charles Wayne

Morning Tutorials (9 AM - Noon, 28 September 2004)

* Writing for Translation: MT pre-editing principles (Jeff Allen)
* MT in practice at PAHO (Julia Aymerich)
* XML and Localization: Optimizing your Content Supply Chain (Dan Dube)
* What's new in Statistical MT? (Kevin Knight & Philipp Koehn)

Afternoon Tutorials (2 - 5 PM, 28 September 2004)

* Mastering MT output (Jeff Allen)
* Interlinguas and semantic roles (Mike Dillinger)
* Arabic NLP (Nizar Habash)
* Deploying Controlled Authoring and Translation Tools (Joerg Schütz)

Accepted User and System Papers:

* A Speech-to-Speech Translation System for Catalan, Spanish and
English; Victoria Arranz et al.
* Designing a Controlled Language for the Machine Translation of Medical
Protocols: The Case of English to Chinese;  Cardey et al.
* A Highly Interactive Speech-to-Speech Translation System; Mike
Dillinger and Mark Seligman
* On-line MT Services and Real Users’ Needs: an Empirical Usability
Evaluation; Federico Gaspari
* Feedback from the Field: The Challenge of Users in Motion ;
L. Hernandez, J.  Turner, M. Holland
* The PARS Family of Machine Translation Systems for Dutch; Edward
A. Kool et al.
* Rapid MT Experience in an LCTL (Pashto); Craig Kopris
* Machine translation of a large online repository of product support
articles; Stephen D. Richardson
* Maintenance Issues for Machine Translation Applications; Nestor

Accepted Research Papers:

* Multi-Align: Combining Linguistic and Statistical Techniques to
Improve Alignments for Adaptable MT; Necip Fazil Ayan, Bonnie Dorr,
Nizar Habash (University of Maryland)
* A Modified Burrows-Wheeler Transform for Highly Scalable
Example-Based Translation; Ralf D. Brown (CMU/LTI)
* Normalizing German and English inflectional morphology to improve
statistical word alignment; Simon Corston-Oliver, Michael Gamon
(Microsoft Research)
* A Fluency Error Categorisation Scheme to Guide Automated Machine
Translation Evaluation; Debbie Elliott, Anthony Hartley, Eric Atwell
(University of Leeds, UK)
* Error analysis of automatically learned vs. hand-crafted translation
grammars for the purpose of automatic rule refinement; Ariadna Font
Llitjos, Katharina Probst, Jaime G. Carbonell (CMU/LTI)
* Counting, Measuring, Ordering: Translation Problems and Solutions;
Stephen Helmreich, David Farwell (NMSU/CRL)
* Pharaoh: A Beam Search Decoder for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine
Translation Models; Philipp Koehn (MIT)
* Weather Report Translation using a Translation Memory; Philippe
Langlais, Thomas Leplus, Guy Lapalme (Université de Montréal/RALI,
* The Significance of Recall in Automatic Metrics for MT Evaluation;
Alon Lavie (CMU/LTI)
* Robust Extraction of Bilingual Named Entities from Parallel Corpora
Using Statistical Models and Multiple Knowledge Sources; Chun-Jen Lee
(Telecommunication Labs., Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Taiwan), Jason
S. Chang (Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan)
* Keyword Translation from English to Chinese for Multilingual QA;
Frank Lin, Teruko Mitamura (CMU/LTI)
* Extraction of Name and Transliteration in Monolingual and Parallel
Corpora; Tracy Lin (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan),
Jian-Cheng Wu, Jason S.  Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
* The Contribution of End Users to the TransType2 Project; Elliott
Macklovitch (Université de Montréal/RALI, Canada)
* An Experiment on Japanese-Uighur Machine Translation and Its
Evaluation; Muhtar Mahsut (Nagoya University, Japan)
* A structurally diverse minimal corpus for eliciting structural
mappings between languages; Katharina Probst (CMU/LTI)
* Investigation of Intelligibility Judgments; Florence Reeder (MITRE
Corporation/George Mason University)
* Interlingual Annotation for MT Development; Florence Reeder (MITRE
Corporation), Bonnie Dorr(University of Maryland), David Farwell
(NMSU/CRL), Nizar Habash (University of Maryland), Stephen Helmreich
(NMSU/CRL), Eduard Hovy (USC/ISI), Lori Levin, Teruko
Mitamura(CMU/LTI), Keith Miller (MITRE Corporation), Owen Rambow,
Advaith Siddharthan (Columbia University)
* Improving Domain-Specific Word Alignment with a General Bilingual
Corpus; Hua Wu, Haifeng Wang (Toshiba (China) Research and Development
* A Super-Function Based Japanese-Chinese Machine Translation System
for Business Users; Xin Zhao, Fuji Ren (University of Tokushima,
Japan), Stefan Voss (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Panel Discussion(s):

Georgetown Pioneers Panel (Thursday, September 30th): Early History of
MT: Lessons Learned - Tony Brown, Christine Montgomery, Peter Toma,
Muriel Vasconcellos, Michael Zarechnak

AMTA 2004 Workshops (2 October 2004):

* Beyond SensEval - Determining Interlingua Utility for MT; Florence
Reeder, Nizar Habash, et al.
* Implementing Standards for Automated Translation Tools; Susan

Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.


Jeff Allen
Publicity Chair

Jeff Allen
Advisory Board
MultiLingual Computing & Technology magazine
jeff at  or jeff.allen at

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