Seminaire: Sophia Ananiadou, Text Mining, 21 juin 2006, LIPN, Paris

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Thu Jun 15 12:53:03 UTC 2006

Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:38:59 +0200
From: Thierry Hamon <thierry.hamon at>
Message-ID: <m364j28ufw.fsf at>


*Séminaire du LIPN*

	       Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris-Nord
			   Institut Galilée

			   Sophia Ananiadou
			School of Informatics
		     The University of Manchester
			      PO Box 88
			  Manchester M60 1QD
			    United Kingdom

		 Mercredi 21 juin 2006, de 16h à 17h30
			     Amphi Euler

		   Text Mining Activities in NaCTeM

I will present the main activities and tools of NaCTeM focusing on
information extraction and terminology management from biomedical
texts. One of the main challenges in biomedical text mining is
terminology processing.  Due to the evolving nature of biomedicine new
terms are constantly created. Existing knowledge sources cannot cope
with the amount of neologisms but also with the different types of
term variation. In this talk, I will present solutions to the problem
of term variation.  I will give brief demos of the systems TerMine,
Medie and InfoPubMed currently used at NaCTeM.

 Accès : Voir rubrique 'comment venir' sur

L'Institut Galilée correspond au bâtiment '2' sur le plan du campus.
Il est possible de se garer sur le parking P3 près du bâtiment '2',
pourvu d'être muni de cette annonce imprimée.

 Merci de signaler votre venue auprès des organisateurs 
 Thierry.Hamon at,
 Francois.Levy at


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