Revue: Marges Linguistiques, issue n°11 - May/June 2006

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Sat Jun 17 17:00:20 UTC 2006

Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:03:00 +0200
From: [ML Diffusion ab_11] <marges.linguistiques at>
Message-Id: <616103.FYBFNYLK at>

We apologize for cross-postings ...
However, please pass on this announcement to any interested person.

The online international linguistics Journal Marges Linguistiques
Issue n°11 - May 2006 :

Dear colleagues,

The issue n° 11 of the free online journal dedicated to linguistics :
Marges Linguistiques is now avalaible at the following adress :

All contributions can be freely downloaded please go to « Contents of
the latest issue »
_____________________________________________________ 1- Thematic
issue N° 11 of Marges Linguistiques

The Origin of the Language Faculty and of Languages

Directed by Beatrice Fracchiolla, University of Toulon, France

2- Contents of Marges Linguistiques N°11

To download these texts go to


01- The embarassement caused by the origin of language  issue
By Sylvain Auroux
History of Linguistic Theories, UMR 7597 : Cnrs, Paris 7,
ENS-LSH, France

02- The origin of language and the origin of languages: a reflexion on
the permanence and the renewal of a questioning of the 18th century
By Robert Nicolaï, University of Nice, France

03- The question of the origin of language in Saussure
By Marcio Alexandre Cruz, University of Paris 3 : Sorbonne Nouvelle,
UPRES SYLED, EA 2290, Paris, France

04- From Protolangage to Language: model of a transition
By Jean-Louis Dessalles, National High School of Telecommunications,
Paris, France

05- The Mosaic of Language
By Stephane Robert, CNRS-LLACAN & INALCO & Georges Chapouthier,
University of Paris 6, France

06- Language Evolution: What Evolved ?
By John H. Schumann & al., University of California, Los Angeles, USA

07- From Calls to Words : How ethology can bridge the divide
By Eric A. Salzen, Psychology Department, Aberdeen University, Scotland

08- Evolution of Language as a Gestural System
By Michael C. Corballis, Department of Psychology,
University of Auckland, New Zealand

09- From Chemical Communication to Spoken Language
By Beatrice Fracchiolla, University of de Toulon, France

10- Language Evolution: the Population Genetics Way
By Salikoko S. Mufwene, University of Chicago, Department of
Linguistics, USA

11- Genes and Languages
By Luigi Luca Cavalli Sforza, Stanford University, USA

12- Multi-field convergence in the research of the origin of the
languages :  the American example of the « New Synthesis
». Historical, theoretical aspects and critical study
By Laurent Metoz, Research Group HTL, UMR CNRS 7597, ENS LSH, Lyon,

13- From the Origin of Language to the Emergence of the Semiotic
By François Rastier, CNRS, Paris, France
[See also Texto Web site :]

14- The Question of the Origin of Languages : Vain Quest of the Grail ?
By Anne Szulmajster-Celnikier, College of France, Chair of Linguistic
Theory, Paris, France

To download these texts go to

Reviews /Book notices :

15- Verbs wise and wild
By Arrive (M.). 2005. Limoges : Editions Lambert-Lucas
Book Notice by Jean-Paul Colin
University of Franche-Comté, France

17- Syntactic analysis and syntactic theory
By Christian Touratier (2005). Aix en Provence : Press of the
University of Provence
Book Notice by Dominique Klingler, University of Paris 3,
Sorbonne Nouvelle, France

To download these texts go to
3- Diffusion

This web site and the journal (entirely free) are targeted towards
researchers, practioners, students interested in the various subareas
of Linguistics, and for a more general public. We would be extremely
grateful if you could pass on this information to interested persons
who could circulate the information in turn.

Thanks to your help, we hope to reach a wider public

We thank you beforehand.

Enjoy the web site seeing !
Go to

Thank you for your comments
and for passing on this announcement

Editor :
Michel Santacroce, Cnrs, University of Provence (France)
dirpubl at

May/June 2006

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