Appel: 3e conference internationale sur la Theorie Sens-Texte - MTT2007

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Fri Nov 10 16:20:26 UTC 2006

Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 14:01:39 +0100
From: kim gerdes <kim.gerdes at>
Message-Id: < at>

Third International Conference on Meaning-Text Theory (MTT)
       May 21 - 24, 2007, Klagenfurt, Austria

Call for Papers

The Meaning-Text Theory is a holistic linguistic dependency-based
theory characterized in particular by the central position of the
lexicon, the primacy of semantics, and the importance of the
communicative structure. MTT has been extensively developed over the
last four decades with respect to its coverage of linguistic phenomena
and application in a variety of research fields - among them natural
language processing (in particular text generation) and second
language learning and teaching.

After MTT '03 in Paris and MTT '05 in Moscow, this conference is the
third in a series of conferences which aims at bringing together
researchers working on MTT, other dependency-based linguistic theories
and computational applications that draw upon dependency theories. The
special goal of this conference is to open MTT more to researchers
working in related frameworks.

A social program will be offered before the main conference. After the
main conference, a tutorial on natural language generation in the
framework of MTT is planned.


We invite submissions on all topics related to MTT and other
grammatical and lexical frameworks that share with MTT the fundamental
principles such as dependency, the primacy of the lexicon,
stratificational nature of the linguistic model, etc.


Submissions must be in English. They may not exceed 10 pages in length
(including all figures, data, notes, and bibliography) using a 12
point font, printed in one column).  Style files for Word and LaTeX
will be available on the web site of the conference soon. The
submission format must be pdf.

The electronic submission web site will be made known shortly. No
hardcopy or email submissions addressed to the conference organizers
will be accepted.


Submission deadline:          	February, 15th 2007
Notification of acceptance:    	March, 15th 2007
Final version due:          	April, 16th 2007
Main conference:                May, 21st - 24th 2007

LOCAL ORGANIZATIN CHAIR:      	Tilmann Reuther, University of Klagenfurt
PROGRAM CHAIR:             	Leo Wanner, Pompeu Fabra University, 


The local organization and program chairs and

Margarita Alonso Ramos         	University of La Coruña
Jurij Apresjan                  Russian Academy of Sciences
Igor Boguslavskij               Russian Academy of Sciences and Polytechnical 
                                University of Madrid
Kim Gerdes                      University Paris 3
Franz Guenthner                 University of Munich
Eva Hajicová                    Charles University, Prague
Leonid Iomdin                   Russian Academy of Sciences
Lidija Iordanskaja              University of Montreal
Sylvain Kahane                 	University Paris 10
Richard Kittredge               CoGenTex Inc., Ithaca
Yves Lepage                     University of Caen
Marie-Claude L'Homme            University of Montreal
Igor Mel'cuk                    University of Montreal
Jasmina Milicevic               Dalhousie University, Halifax
Martha Palmer                   University of Colorado
Alain Polguère                  University of Montreal
Owen Rambow                     Columbia University, New York
Klaus Schubert                  Flensburg University of Applied Sciences
Daniel Weiss                    University of Zurich


For further information, please, consult

local arrangements:             Tilmann Reuther 
(Tilmann.Reuther at
paper submissions:              Leo Wanner (leo.wanner at

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