Appel: RIAO 2007, Program and Call for applications still open (until March 16, 2007)

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Mar 13 09:21:12 UTC 2007

Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 18:15:42 +0100
From: ELDA <info at>
Message-ID: <45F58ABE.4020409 at>

****Early Registration until April 19, 2007*********************

RIAO 2007 Large-Scale Semantic Access to Content (Text, Image, Video
and Sound)
Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Carnegie Mellon University
May 30 to June 1, 2007

The RIAO (Research of information assisted by computer) conference is
organized every three years, in Europe and North America, by the
Center for Advanced Study of Information Systems (CASIS) and the
Centre de Hautes Etudes Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire
(CID). The RIAO conferences present recent scientific advances in
information retrieval through oral presentations, posters,
demonstrations of research prototypes as well as presenting a
selection of cutting-edge innovative products.
*Preliminary Conference Program *
Wed 8:00-9:00 a.m.        Registration
Wed 9:00-10:00 a.m.        Opening Session
Wed 10:00-10:45    a.m.    Invited Speaker    Donna Harman -- NIST, USA
Wed 10:45-11:00    a.m.    Break
Wed 11:00-12:15    a.m.    SESSION 1    VIDEO AND LOG RETRIEVAL

Pic-A-Topic: Efficient Viewing of Informative TV Contents on Travel,
Cooking, Food and More
    Tetsuya Sakai, Toshiba/NewsWatch -- Japan, Tatsuya Uehara, Taishi 
    Makoto Koyama, Mika Fukui, Toshiba --  Japan

Multimodal Segmentation of Lifelog Data
    Aiden R. Doherty, Alan F. Smeaton, CDVP, Dublin City University --
    Ireland, Keansub Lee, Daniel P.W. Ellis, LabROSA, Columbia
    University -- USA

SportsAnno: What Do You Think?
    James Lanagan, Alan Smeaton, CDVP, Dublin City University --  Ireland

Wed 12:15-01:30 p.m.    Lunch
Wed 1:30-03:10 p.m.        SESSION 2    SOUND AND MUSIC RETRIEVAL ORCHIVE:
Digitizing and Analyzing Orca Vocalizations
    George Tzanetakis, Mathieu Lagrange, University of Victoria --
    Canada, Paul Spong, Helena Symonds, Orcalab -- Canada

Optimizations of Local Edition for Evaluating Similarity Between
Monophonic Musical Sequences
    Pierre Hanna, Pascal Ferraro, LaBRI, Bordeaux 1 University --

Multi-Modal Music Information Retrieval - Visualisation and Evaluation
of Clusterings by Both Audio and Lyrics
    Robert Neumayer, Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology
    -- Austria

Recent Advances in Automatic Speech Summarization
    Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology -- Japan

Wed 3:10-3:40 p.m.        Break and Demonstrations
Wed 3:40-5:40 p.m.        POSTER SESSION 1
Semantic Domains and Supersense Tagging for Domain-Specific Ontology 
    Davide Picca, University of Lausanne -- Switzerland

Unified Access to Heterogeneous Data in Cultural Heritage
    Marijn Koolen, Avi Arampatzis, Jaap Kamps, University of Amsterdam
    -- Netherlands, Vincent de Keijzer, Haags Gemeentemuseum, The
    Hague -- Netherlands, Nir Nussbaum, University of Amsterdam --

An approach to Multi-Lingual Text Summarization
    Alkesh Patel, Tanveer Siddiqui, Umashankar Tiwary, University of
    Allahabad -- India

Cross-Media Entity Recognition in Nearly Parallel Visual and Textual
    Koen Deschacht, Marie-Francine Moens, Wouter Robeyns, Katholieke
    Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

Query Refinement based on Topical Term Clustering
    Hiromi Wakaki, The University of Tokyo -- Japan, Tomonari Masada,
    Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi, National Institute of Informatics,
    The University of Tokyo -- Japan

Discriminative Fields for Modeling Semantic Concepts in Video
    Ming-yu Chen, Alexander Hauptmann, Carnegie Mellon University --

Multi-modal Interview Concept Detection for Rushes Exploitation
    Anan Liu, Tianjin University, Chinese Academy of Sciences --
    China, Li Jintao, Zhang Yongdong, Tang Sheng, Academy of Sciences
    -- China, Yang Zhaoxuan, Tianjin University, Chinese Academy of
    Sciences -- China

Query clustering to decide the best system to use
    Désiré Kompaoré, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France, Josiane
    Mothe, IUFM, IRIT -- France, Alain Baccini, Sébastien Dejean, LSP,
    Toulouse 3 University -- France

An IE and IR Approach to deal with Geographic Information Scope in
Textual Documents
    Christian Sallaberry, LIUPPA, Pau University -- France, Mustapha
    Baziz, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France, Julien Lesbegueries,
    Mauro Gaio, LIUPPA, Pau University -- France

Comprehensible and Accurate Cluster Labels in Text Clustering
    Jerzy Stefanowski, Dawid Weiss, Poznan University of Technology --

Summarizing non-textual events with 'Briefing' focus
    Mohit Kumar, Dipanjan Das, Alexander Rudnicky, Carnegie Mellon
    University -- USA

A Robust Linguistic Platform for Efficient and Domain specific Web
Content Analysis
    Thierry Hamon, Adeline Nazarenko, Thierry Poibeau, Sophie Aubin,
    Julien Derivière, LIPN, Paris 13 University -- France

OLAP Dimensions for Multidimensional Document Anlaysis
    Franck Ravat, IRIT, Toulouse 1 University -- France, Olivier
    Teste, Ronan Tournier, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France

Effectiveness of Rich Document Representation in XML Retrieval
    Fahimeh Raja, Mostafa Keikha, Maseud Rahgozar, University of
    Teheran -- Iran Farhad Oroumchian, University of Wollongong --

Expanding a Test Collection for Citation-based IR Experiments
    Anna Ritchie, University of Cambridge -- UK, Stephen Robertson,
    Microsoft Research Ltd UK, Simone Teufel, University of Cambridge
    -- UK

Wed 5:40-6:30 p.m.        SESSION 3    TEXTUAL QUERIES AND SEARCH 1

Selecting Automatically the Best Query Translation
    Pierre-Yves Berger, Jacques Savoy, University of Neuchatel --

An Information Retrieval Driven by Ontology: from Query to Document
    Mustapha Baziz, Mohand Boughanem, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University --
    France, Gabriella Pasi, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
    -- Italy, Henri Prade, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France

Thu 9:00-9:45 a.m.    Invited Speaker    Alan Smeaton -- Dublin City 
University, Ireland
Thu 9:45-10:35 a.m.    SESSION 4    TEXTUAL QUERIES AND SEARCH 2

Modeling Information Scent: A Comparison of LSA, PMI and GLSA
Similarity Measures on Common Tests and Corpora

    Raluca Budiu, Christiaan Royer, Peter Pirolli, Palo Alto Research
    Center -- USA

Investigating Retrieval Performance with Manually-Built Topic Models
    Xing Wei, W. Bruce Croft, University of Massachusetts Amherst --

Thu 10:35-11:00 a.m.    Break and Demonstrations

Document frequency and term specificity
    Hideo Joho, University of Glasgow -- UK, Mark Sanderson,
    University of Sheffield -- UK

Context Based Word Prediction for Texting Language
    Sachin Agarwal, Shilpa Arora, Carnegie Mellon University -- USA

Combining linguistic indexes to improve the performances of
information retrieval systems: a machine learning based solution
    Fabienne Moreau, Vincent Claveau, Pascale Sébillot, IRISA, Rennes
    University -- France

Using Markov Chains to Exploit Word Relationships in Information
    Guihong Cao, Jian-Yun Nie, Jing Bai, University of Montreal --

Thu 12:40-1:30 p.m.        Lunch
Thu 1:30-3:30 p.m.        APPLICATIONS SESSION
Thu 3:30-4:00 p.m.        Break and Demonstrations
Thu 4:00-5:15 p.m.        SESSION 6    XML IN RETRIEVAL

A Survey on XML Focussed Component Retrieval
    Karen Pinel-Sauvagnat, Mohand Boughanem, IRIT, Toulouse 3
    University -- France

XML Fragments Extended with Database Operators
    Yosi Mass, Dafna Sheinwald, Benjamin Sznajder, Sivan Yogev, IBM
    Research Laboratory in Haifa -- Israel

from Layout to Semantic: a Reranking Model for Mapping Web Documents
to Mediated XML Representations

    Guillaume Wisniewski, Patrick Gallinari, LIP6, Paris 6 University
    -- France

Thu 5:15-6:05 p.m.        SESSION 7    IMAGE RETRIEVAL 1

Similarity Beyond Distance Measurement
    Feng Kang, Rong Jin, Michigan State University -- USA, Steven Hoi,
    Hong Kong Chinese University -- China

Image Retrieval Using a Multilingual Ontology
    Adrian Popescu, CEA LIST -- France
Fri 9:00-10:40 a.m.        SESSION 8    PEER-TO-PEER AND WEB SEARCH

A Co-operative Web Services Paradigm for Supporting Crawlers
    Aravind Chandramouli, Susan Gauch, University of Kansas -- USA

Content-Based Peer-to-Peer Network Overlay for Full-Text Federated
    Jie Lu, Jamie Callan, Carnegie Mellon University -- USA

Homepage Finding in Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Networks
    Enrico Bragante, Massimo Melucci, University of Padua -- Italy

Collective Annotation: Perspectives for Information Retrieval
    Guillaume Cabanac, Max Chevalier, Claude Chrisment, Christine
    Julien, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France

Fri 10:40-11:10 a.m.    Break and Demonstrations
Fri 11:10-12:00 a.m.    SESSION 9    IMAGE RETRIEVAL 2

Toward Content-based Indexing and Retrieval of Functional Brain Images
    Bing Bai, Paul Kantor, Nicu Cornea, Deborah Silver, Rutgers 
    University -- USA

Using the Knowledge of Object Colors to Segment Images and Improve Web 
Image Search
    Christophe Millet, CEA LIST -- France, Isabelle Bloch, GET-ENST -- 

Fri 12:00-1:00 p.m.        Lunch
Fri 1:00-2:40 p.m.        SESSION 10    LINKS, PRIOR INFORMATION IN SEARCH

Relevance Propagation Model for Large Hypertext Documents Collections
    Idir Chibane, Bich-Lien Doan, SUPÉLEC -- France

Combination of Document Priors in Web Information Retrieval
    Jie Peng, Craig Macdonald, Ben He, Iadh Ounis, University of
    Glasgow -- UK

Contextual Search Using Ontology-Based User Profiles
    Vishnu Challam, Microsoft Corporation -- USA, Susan Gauch, Aravind
    Chandramouli, University of Kansas -- USA

Evidence-Based Information Extraction for High Accuracy Citation and
Author Name Identification
    Brett Powley, Robert Dale, Macquarie University -- Australia

Fri 2:40-4:00 p.m.        POSTER SESSION 2

An Emergent Taxonomy Approach For Information Retrieval in Open Systems

    Valérie Camps, Pierre Glize, IRIT, Toulouse 3 University -- France

Extracting Useful Information from the Full Text of Fiction
    Sharon Givon, Maria Milosavljevic, University of Edinburgh -- UK

Ontology-Aided vs. Keyword-Based Web Searches: A Statistical
Comparative Analysis
    Magdi Kamel, Ann Lee, Ed Powers, Naval Postgraduate School,
    Monterey -- USA

Smart Qualitative Data (SQUAD): Information Extraction in a Large
Document Archive
    Maria Milosavljevic, Claire Grover, University of Edinburgh -- UK,
    Louise Corti, University of Essex -- UK

Indexing Low Frequency Information for Answering Complex Questions
    Abolfazl Keighobadi Lamjiri, Julien Dubuc, Leila Kosseim, Sabine
    Bergler, CLaC laboratory, Concordia University -- Canada

Using Prior Information Derived from Citations in Literature Search
    Edgar Meij, Maarten de Rijke, University of Amsterdam --

Information Retrieval Techniques for Templated Queries
    Giridhar Kumaran, James Allan, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    -- USA

Discovering Missing Values in Semi-Structured Databases
    Xing Yi, James Allan, Victor Lavrenko, University of Massachusetts
    Amherst -- USA

Audio Feature Engineering for Automatic Music Genre Classification
    Paolo Annesi, Roberto Basili, Raffaele Gitto, Alessandro
    Moschitti, Riccardo Petitti, University of Rome Tor Vergata --

Exploring Interactive Information Retrieval: An Integrated Approach to
Interface Design and Interaction Analysis
    Gheorghe Muresan, Rutgers University -- USA

Fri 4:00-4:30 p.m.        Break and Demonstrations
Fri 4:30-5:45 p.m.        SESSION 11    QUESTION ANSWERING, FACTS, AND 

Logical Validation, Answer Merging and Witness Selection -- A Study in
Multi-Stream Question Answering
    Ingo Glöckner, Sven Hartrumpf, Johannes Leveling, University of
    Hagen -- Germany

Estimating Importance Features for Fact Mining (With a Case Study in
Biography Mining)
    Sisay Fissaha Adafre, Maarten de Rijke, Informatics Institute,
    University of Amsterdam -- Netherlands

Capturing Sentence Prior for Query-Based Multi-Document Summarization
    Prasad Pingali, International Institute of Information Technology
    -- India, Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Microsoft -- USA

Fri 5:45-6:30 p.m.        Concluding Ceremony

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