Conf: Workshop, LREC 2008 Workshop on Comparable Corpora

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Mon May 19 13:38:12 UTC 2008

Date: Sat, 17 May 2008 10:49:03 +0200
From: Pierre Zweigenbaum <pz at>
Message-Id: <200805171049.03936.pz at>

LREC 2008 Workshop: Building and Using Comparable Corpora

Program and Call for Participation

The workshop will be held on May 31st, 2008 in Marrakesh as a
post-conference workshop of LREC 2008.


We are pleased to announce that Dr Serge Sharoff, Centre for
Translation Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures,
University of Leeds, will give a special talk on "Parallel worlds:
Recent advances in finding translations in comparable corpora" at the



09:00 Welcome and Introduction

09:15-10:15 Oral Session 1: Some Challenges
  Gloria Corpas Pastor, Ruslan Mitkov, Naveed Afzal, Lisette Garcia
  Translation universals: do they exist? A corpus-based and NLP
  approach to convergence

  Sanjika Hewavitharana, Stephan Vogel
  Enhancing a Statistical Machine Translation System by using an
  Automatically Extracted Parallel Corpus from Comparable Sources

10:15-11:00 Coffee break
10:15-11:00 Poster session 1 (see list of posters below)

11:00-12:30 Oral Session 2:
            Extracting Bilingual Lexicons from Comparable Corpora
  Iñaki Alegria, Nerea Ezeiza, Izaskun Fernandez
  Translating Named Entities using Comparable Corpora

  Pablo Gamallo Otero
  Evaluating Two Different Methods for the Task of Extracting
  Bilingual Lexicons from Comparable Corpora

  Xabier Saralegi, I. San Vicente, A. Gurrutxaga
  Automatic extraction of bilingual terms from comparable corpora in a
  popular science domain

12:30-13:30 Invited session

    Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds, UK)
    Parallel worlds: Recent advances in finding translations in
    comparable corpora

13h30-14:30 Lunch break

14:30-16:00 Oral session 3: Linguistic studies

  Christel Stolz, Thomas Stolz
  Functional-Typological Approaches To Parallel And Comparable
  Corpora: The Bremen Mixed Corpus

  Maria Fernanda Bacelar do Nascimento, Antónia Estrela, Amália
  Mendes, Luísa Pereira
  On the use of comparable corpora of African varieties of Portuguese
  for linguistic description and teaching/learning applications

  Oliver Culo, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Stella Neumann, Mihaela Vela
  Empirical studies on language contrast using the English-German
  comparable and parallel CroCo corpus

16:00-16:45 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Poster session 2 (see list of posters below)

16:45-18:00  Panel session

  Comparable corpora: varying definitions, varying uses

18:00 End of workshop

** List of poster presentations

Magnar Brekke
Term Extraction from Parallel and Comparable Text: The KB-N Legacy

Carmen Dayrell, Sandra Aluísio
Using a comparable corpus to investigate lexical patterning in English
abstracts written by non-native speakers

Meng Ji
A Comparative Approach to Diachronic Comparable Corpus Investigation

Natalie Kübler
A comparable Learner Translator Corpus: creation and use

Belinda Maia, Sérgio Matos
Corpógrafo V.4 -- tools for researchers and teachers using comparable

Emmanuel Prochasson, Kyo Kageura, Emmanuel Morin, Akiko Aizawa
Looking for Transliterations in a trilingual English, French and
Japanese Specialised Comparable Corpus

Richard Rohwer, Zhiqiang (John) Wang
Coarse Lexical Translation with no use of Prior Language Knowledge


Pierre Zweigenbaum
    LIMSI, CNRS, Orsay, France
    & ERTIM, INALCO, Paris, France
Eric Gaussier
    LIG, Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, France 
Pascale Fung
    Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering,
    University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong

Scientific Committee

Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa, Canada)
Hervé Déjean (Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France)
Éric Gaussier (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)
Gregory Grefenstette (CEA/LIST, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France)
Pascale Fung (University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong)
Natalie Kübler (Université Paris Diderot, France)
Tony McEnery (Lancaster University, UK)
Emmanuel Morin (Université de Nantes, France)
Dragos Stefan Munteanu (Information Sciences Institute, Marina Del Rey, USA)
Carol Peters (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Reinhard Rapp (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany)
Serge Sharoff (University of Leeds, UK)
Monique Slodzian (INALCO, Paris, France)
Richard Sproat (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Pierre Zweigenbaum (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, France)

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