Conf: Expressions et émotions dans le lang age et la musique, 25-26 Septembre 2008, Paris

Thierry Hamon thierry.hamon at LIPN.UNIV-PARIS13.FR
Tue Sep 16 17:05:49 UTC 2008

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 17:17:19 +0200
From: "Didier Bottineau" <didier.bottineau at>
Message-Id: <20080913151718.9ED1C1978B at>



Expressivity in Music and Speech


Fourth Conference

September 2008

Thursday 25 and Friday 26

Expression of emotions in Speech and Music

Microgenesis and semiotics of perceptual process


Place : RISC, 28, rue serpente, Paris 6ème, métro Odéon ou
(plan, salle S35

Scientific Committee : Antoine Auchlin, Greg Beller, Didier Bottineau,
Anne Lacheret, Aliyah Morgenstern, Nicolas Obin


Organising Committee : Didier Bottineau, Greg Beller, Anne Lacheret,
Nicolas Larousse, Aliyah Morgenstern, Nicolas Obin




Expressions et émotions dans le langage et la musique

Microgénèse et sémiotique des processus perceptifs

Un processus perceptif constitue un fait à la fois holistique, associé
à l’expérience immédiate, et microgénétique de différenciation et de
développement. En d’autres termes, toute expérience perceptive, même à
l’échelle du temps présent, suit son propre parcours de
développement. Il en va ainsi de la perception des phénomènes
expressifs, qu’il s’agisse de traiter des événements verbaux ou non
verbaux. Et, plus complexe : des événements où interagissent le verbal
et le non verbal. Les journées proposées prennent comme point
d’ancrage la perspective microgénétique des formes pour venir clore
une série d’événements consacrés à la thématique de l’expressivité
dans le langage parlé et le langage musical. En pratique, ces journées
à l’interface de la musique et de la parole s’inscrivent dans un
dialogue multidisciplinaire entre linguistique, modélisation
informatique, neurosciences, psychologie et philosophie.

Il s’agira de présenter les méthodes et les concepts qui peuvent être
mobilisés afin de faire le point sur l’apport mutuel des uns et des
autres pour l’enrichissement des connaissances relatives à la
perception des faits expressifs dans le langage parlé et musical.

Quelles méthodes peut-on mettre en œuvre, quel que soit le niveau
d’analyse impliqué (neurosciences, traitement du signal et phonétique,
sémiotique, composition musicale, musicologie), et les domaines
explorés (acquisition et apprentissage des formes, modélisation des
structures et des systèmes, cognition située) pour comprendre les
stratégies cognitives impliquées dans la différenciation et la
construction des formes malgré le caractère a priori immanent des
faits perçus ? Que dire sur le contenu sémiotique de ces formes et
leur organisation temporelle ? Comment le sens émerge-t-il en parole
et en musique ? Les formes sont-elles au départ des coquilles vides ou
sont-elles d’emblée pourvues d’un contenu sémiotique ? Qu’est-ce qui
relève dans ce traitement sémiotique de la dénotation d’un côté, de la
métaphore et de l’objet fictionnel construit en fonction de ses
propres repères culturels ?  Comment aborder cette problématique dans
une perspective contrastive : langage parlé vs. langage musical ? Par
exemple, quel est le rôle de la mémoire dans les processus mis en
œuvre ; dans quelle mesure les mécanismes mémoriels associés aux
stimuli verbaux et non verbaux pourraient-ils expliquer des
traitements sémiotiques et émotionnels distincts également.

Autant de questions et certainement beaucoup d’autres pour lesquelles
il semble judicieux de solliciter l’éclairage des sciences
expérimentales et qu’il paraît légitime de soumettre à la réflexion
linguistique, philosophique et musicologique, à l’intelligence
artificielle et à la modélisation informatique.


Expressivity and emotions in Speech and Music

Microgenesis and semiotics of perceptual process

A perceptual process must be considered both as a holistic fact that
is attached to immediate experience and as a microgenetic one in terms
of differentiation and development. In other words, any perceptual
experience, even within the limits of the present moment, follows its
own course of development. This applies to the perception of
expressive phenomena of verbal and non-verbal nature, but also to that
of more complex events in which the verbal and the non-verbal elements
tend to interact. The workshop, based on the microgenetic perspective,
conclude a series of scientific events concerning expressivity in
speech and music. In this context, the workshop tends to convey a
multidisciplanary dialogue between linguistics, computer models,
neurosciences, psychology and philosophy.

The goal of the event is to present the methods and the concepts of
each discipline so as to fathom the contributions from those various
domains and coordinate the respective expertise in order to improve
each knowledge in the domain of the perception of expressive facts in
spoken and musical language.

Which methods can be implemented in each of those disciplinary fields
(neuroscience, signal processing and phonetics, semiotics, musical
composition, musicology), and in the corresponding domains (machine
learning of semiotic patterns, models of structures and systems,
situated cognition) to understand the cognitive strategies involved in
the differentiation and construction of forms in spite of the
immediacy of the perceivable facts?

What can we say about the semiotic content of those forms and their
temporal organization? How does meaning emerge in speech and music?
Are forms first and foremost empty shells or do they have any semantic
content in the first place? In this semiotic treatment what belongs to
denotation on the one side, to metaphor and a fictional object on the
other, constructed against the background of its own cultural
landmarks? How should this problem be tackled in a contrastive
perspective: spoken language vs musical language?  For example, what
is the role of memory in the processes considered; to what extent
could the memorial mechanisms that are associated with verbal and
non-verbal stimuli also account for the semiotic and emotional

To answer all these questions, along with many others, the contribution of
experimentaal sciences is needed, and it seems legitimate to submit them to
the reflections of the linguist, the philosopher, the musicologist, the
artificial intelligence and computer sciences.



Speakers : Antoine Auchlin (phonetics & linguistics), Mireille Besson
(neurosciences), Didier Bottineau (linguistics), Christophe
D’Alessandro (computer sciences & music), Michel Imberty (psychology),
Anne Lacheret & Dominique Legallois (phonetic and linguistics),
Valérie Pasdeloup & David Piotrowski (phonetics & linguistics), Xavier
Rodet (signal processing), Victor Rosenthal (psycholinguistics),
Daniel Schon (neurosciences), Jean-Luc Schwartz (computer sciences),
Barbara Tillman (neurosciences).


Thursday September 25

9.30-10 Anne Lacheret: (MODYCO, UMR 7114, Paris X, Nanterre,
Institut Universitaire de France): Introduction to the workshop 

10-11 Victor Rosenthal (MODYCO, UMR 7114, Paris X, Nanterre,
France): Microgenesis and the expressive form of life

The theory of microgenesis describes immediate experience (perception,
thought, gesture, imagination) as a dynamical process of form
development occurring on a present-time scale. This development founds
the unity of lived experience. The dynamics of the whole process is
described in terms of stabilization, categorization and
differentiation from general underspecified to more definite and
specific. Microgenesis is said to be a living process that dynamically
creates a structured coupling between a living being and its
environment and sustains a knowledge relationship between that being
and its world of life (Lebenswelt). This knowledge relationship is
protensively embodied in a readiness for action, and thereby has
practical meaning and value. Microgenetic development is thus an
essential form of cognitive process: it is a dynamical process that
brings about readiness for action. This readiness for action
instantiates the anticipatory structure of all lived experience: an
anticipation of upcoming meaning. Indeed, the process of dynamic
categorization which sets out in the earliest phases of microgenetic
development imposes a horizon of generic meaning that guides any
further differentiation and identification of forms.  Emotional,
cultural and socio-symbolic factors can thus affect the whole course
of perceptual and cognitive processes.

The theory of microgenesis lets us also account for the expressive
character of experience. Expressivity ought to be viewed as the most
“primitive” semiotic regime of experience: the primary mode of
controlling intersubjectivity which unifies its perceptual, affective,
motivational, axiological, cognitive and symbolic facets. This
expressive form of life is embodied in the physiognomic character of
perception where any form or configuration primarily appears as an
animated tone, a spontaneous manifestation of life. Perception is thus
primarily qualitative (in the sense of affective valence) and
semiotic; its physiognomic character builds upon the dynamics of
constitution of perceptual configurations so that experience turns out
to be expression of its own process of constitution.

11-12 Antoine Auchlin (Department of Linguistics, University of
Geneva): Meu su, voyons! - from meant meaning to meaning
meaning. Notes on enaction, microgenesis and experiential blending

Prosody is embodying meaning through vocalization. Prosodic variations
engage permanent structural couplings between the variations of state
(psycho-corporal) of the speaker and what is said, when it is said. It
leads to experiencing discourse, not just handling abstract concepts,
as in Cartesian linguistic tradition. “Expressivity” is a dimension of
that coupling.

In this communication, we will discuss different prosodic phenomena
pleading for an experiential and enactive approach to discourse and
communication.  Experiential model defines communication as a
co-experienciation process.  This model attempts to shed light on
dynamic integration of sensori-motor activity and linguistic
construction of meaning. This integration occurs within affective
valence and interest arousal regulation conditions.

Various kinds and levels of blending (Fauconnier & Turner) are at work
at the same time in speech; some of them consist in blending
perceptive and linguistic inputs, and the resulting output is

Fónagy’s meu su, voyons exemplifies such a case of complex
experiential blending: harmonics - formants transformation (mais
[me]->meu [mø]; si [si]->seu [sø]) is blended onto phono-articulatory
posture, which in turn is blended with linguistic (instructional)
content “mais si, …”. The outcome is experiencing “mais si voyons”
articulated with protruded lips; this experiential, embodied,
sensori-motor outcome is as evident as its conceptualization is
fuzzy. In order to conceptualize what is “expressed” or manifested by
protruded articulation (some kind of hypocoristic sorrow), the hearer
needs introspection, in trying by him/herself to imitate the lips
movement. In other words, basic evidence is not conceptual.

As for more complex prosodic levels of integration, we first will
examine how far experiential blending can explain, in prominence
detection, mismatches between automatic and expert detection, as
reported by recent publications (Obin & al. 2008, Simon, Avanzi,
Goldman 2008) and work in progress.

The reminder of the communication discusses cases of lowered register
that blend various prosodic ingredients into complex attitudinal
information. The attitude, we argue, is not processed conceptually, it
is presented in its embodied and pre-conceptual manifestation, and is
experienced as such; transitions between successive enacted attitudes
show the temporal elaboration of vocal enactive microgenesis

12-13 Anne Lacheret1 & Dominique Legallois2 (1MODYCO, ParisX Nanterre
& IUF, Paris, 2CRISCO, université de Caen) : Expressivity and emotion
in spoken language: what does grammar have to tell us?

In this presentation the notion of expressivity in its semiotic
dimension is regarded as the manifestation of an affective and
emotional relation of the perceiving subject to a content through the
prosodic and semantic modalities.

First, starting from I. Fonagy (1983)’s schema of the double coding of
communication, we will show that even if prosody does indeed convey
emotional patterns that can be phonetically characterized, these
patterns are underlain by memorial constraints that determine their
production and interpretation. We will distinguish three types of
memories: discursive, interlocutive and referential. We will see that
in every case, the verbal material, or syntactico-semantic domain,
that accompanies the prosodic constructions, intrinsically conveys
emotional interpretations and strictly constrains the prosodic
patterns instantiated in the spoken message. From this point of view,
what is denoted brings about connotation; in other words, there cannot
be any double or parallel coding: connotation is pre-encoded in

The second part of this paper will be devoted to the role of grammar.
Although expressivity has usually been relegated to a secondary role
by the prevailing formal grammatical approach of language, it has
indeed been granted some importance by some linguists for a long
time. We will present Ch. Bally’s fundamental statements about
expressivity in his book Le langage et la vie (1913/1926). These
statements (or proposals) tend to orient linguistics towards an
analysis of discursive facts in relation with what the author calls le
mode vécu “the experience mode” (subjective and affective experience)
as opposed to le mode pur “the pure mode” (intellectual
experience). After presenting and commenting on Bally, we will try to
show the effectiveness of expressivity in the domain from which it has
systematically been excluded: grammar. If grammar is considered not
just as a system of production of linguistic forms, but as a mode of
instantiation of preconstructed and conventional forms, it can be
shown from illustrative examples that grammar, like the lexicon, is
fraught with expressivity and records the emotional patterns that are
perceived by or suggested to the speaking subject.

To summarize: grammatical expressivity tends to regain some of the
ground it had lost in linguistics on account of the increasing
significance that is ascribed to

- the notions of subject and interlocution (the enunciative models)

- the cognitive dimension of language.


13.15-14.30 : Lunch

14.45-15.45 Mireille Besson1, Mitsuko Aramaki1, Daniele Schön1, Aline
Frey2 (1Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la Méditerranée,
CNRS-Marseille Universités, Marseille, 2 Laboratoire Cognitions
Humaine et Artificielle; Université Paris 8, France): An
interdisciplinary approach to the semiotics of sounds

In this presentation, we will present 3 series of experiments aimed at
exploring the similarities and differences when processing the meaning
of linguistic and non-linguistic sounds. To this aim, we used both
behavioral (percent errors and Reaction Times, RTs) and
electrophysiological approaches (Event-Related brain Potentials or
ERPs). In the fist series experiments we compared priming effects
(unrelated vs related) for words and for environmental sounds (the
sounds were specifically built so that the source of the sounds was
difficult to identify). In the second series of experiments we
presented both typical and ambiguous sounds from material categories
(e.g., wood, metal and glass). Sound continua were built between two
material categories so that typical sounds were at the extreme of the
continua and ambiguous sounds in the middle. We compared priming
effects for typical and for ambiguous sounds of material categories
and for words, pseudo-words and non-words. Finally, in the third
series of experiments, we used short musical excerpts, called Semiotic
Temporal Units (TSUs) that convey specific musical concepts. We
compared priming effects for congruent and for incongruous TSUs that
is for TSUs that conveyed same or different concepts. In all 3 series
of experiments, results revealed higher error rates and slower RTs for
unrelated than related stimuli (typical priming effects) and enhanced
negativity in the ERPs. However, results also show some differences
(in latency and scalp distribution) in the priming effects for
linguistic and non-linguistic sounds. The functional significance of
these results will be discussed.

15.45-16.45 Christophe d’Alessandro, Sylvain Le Beux, Albert Rilliard
(LIMSI, Orsay, France): Towards kinematical modelling of expressive
speech prosody: experiments in computerized chironomy

Although various intonation models have been proposed for a variety of
languages, the question of expressive intonation representation is
still wide open. The approach defended in this conference is based on
the hypothesis that intonation shares a lot of common features with
other types of expressive human movements or gestures. New insights in
intonation research could be gained addressing the question of
intonation representation in terms of prosodic movements, inspired by
musical representation in terms of hand movements (chironomy).

A system for “computerized chironomy”, i.e. real-time intonation and
duration modifications driven by hand gestures using a graphic tablet
is presented. This system is tested in a reiteration task, where the
subjects reproduce intonation contours using a pen and the graphic
tablet. The subjects also produce vocal imitation of the same
corpus. Correlation and distances between natural and reiterated
intonation contours are measured.  The results indicate that vocal
intonation reiteration and chironomic intonation reiteration give
comparable intonation contours in terms of correlation and distance.

This shows that computerized chironomy can be used for expressive
speech analysis, as expressive intonation contours can be produced and
represented by the hand-made tracings. Intonation modelling in terms
of movements is discussed. A kinematical description of prosody using
velocity, target position and rhythmic patterns is proposed. The
kinematics of speech prosody is compared those of other human skilled
movements (like writing or playing musical instruments).

16.45-17.45 Michel Imberty (Département de psychologie, université de
Paris X, Nanterre): Voice, musicality and temporality

It is known today that the voice plays a part completely separated and
at the same time central in the emergence of the interactive conduits
of communication : that it thus appears the large mediator between the
biological nature of the musicality and its cultural sources.

It is not a question obviously of dealing here with the whole of the
phenomena of the voice, but to only encircle in what the voice, by its
natural musicality, organizes the interactions and the individual
experiment of time. Thus will be mixed the natural uses of the voice
in the language and the expression of the emotions, and the uses
culturalized which are the sung voice, in particular in recitative as
well the baroque as contemporary.  Because, in all these fields, the
voice psychologically concretizes what, in a more general way, many
authors call today the “proto-narrative envelope” of the human

The basic idea is that the interpersonal temporal experiment continues
is cut owing to a capacity or an aptitude of narrative
thought. According to D.  Stern the narrative thought is a universal
means by which everyone, including the newborns, perceives and
organizes the expressive human behavior. The proto-narrative envelope,
at the same time former to the verbal language and developing out of
its own sphere, is organized around two interdependent aspects which
are on the one hand the intrigue, i.e. what connects “which, where,
why, how” of the human activity, and on the other hand, the line of
dramatic tension which is the contour of the feelings, such as they
emergent at the present moment. The proto-narrative envelope is thus a
form proto-semiotics of the interior experiment of time, a matrix of
the “account” of the tensions and relaxations related to the
“intrigue” (or “quasi-intrigue”) during the search for a
satisfaction. It is what gives to the experiment its total unit,
whatever the degree of complexity is, which gives the major feeling of
the unit of the self in the change ceaseless one of the temporality of
the life.

Friday September 26

9.30-10.30 Jean Luc Schwartz (GIPSA, Grenoble, France): From auditory
patterns to speech “patterned” by perceptuo-motor interactions

We shall begin with gestalt perception, from visual patterns which
drive perception and guide action, or auditory streams and auditory
scene analysis, to the multistability phenomenon (the famous Necker’s
cube) with perceptual switches which enhance our understanding of
decision and consciousness.

Then we shall come back towards old questions in psychology and
philosophy, about the reality of perception, asking if these
“patterns” already exist in the physical world, or are a pure
perceptual creation.

Then we shall move towards speech, with its multistability
phenomenology associated with the “verbal transformation effect”. This
“language game” in which a stimulus uttered in loop may transform into
another one (“life life life” becoming “fly fly fly”) might be at the
basis of the creation of “verlan” in French (uttering words in the
reverse sense, or rather in loop, to create a new word). We shall
describe the “phonological loop”, a perceptuo-motor system inside the
human brain, enabling to store, analyse and process phonological

We shall finally evoke what could be the ingredients of a “speech
morphogenesis”: or how the speech patterns (vowels, consonants,
syllables and words) might emerge from the perceptuo-motor interaction
between communicating human brains.

10.30-11.30 Barbara Tillmann* & W. Jay Dowling ** (* CNRS-UMR 5020,
Lyon, France; ** University of Texas at Dallas, USA.): Memory of Music
and Poetry: Keeping Details over Time

It seems to be well-established that short-term memory for detailed
information declines over time, especially with additional material
presented during the delay. For music, we have reported experiments
showing lack of decline, and even improvement, for the memory of
musical information. Listeners heard the beginnings of musical pieces,
of which one of the initial phrases was tested later. The music
continued, and memory was tested after delays up to 30 sec with a
repetition of the target, a similar, or a different
lure. Discrimination performance (particularly discrimination between
targets and similar lures) remained strong and even improved with
increasing delay. This effect disappeared when the delay was silence
or filled with sound patterns breaking the musical continuity. Based
on this data of music, we investigated memory of fine surface details
for poetry and prose materials with the same experimental methods. For
prose, short-term memory performance for detailed information declines
over time, replicating previous findings.

For poetry, we observed a lack of decline for memory for surface
details, similar to the data obtained for musical material. The data
for music and poetry suggest a particular role played by temporal
organization and rhythmic structure in short-term memory.

11.30-12.30 Xavier Rodet (IRCAM, Paris, France) : Voice
transformation: methods, means and applications in music, cinema and

In the term "expressivity" of speech, one gathers various aspects like
emotion, affect, intention, nuances, etc, which are carried by
acoustic variations of the sequence of phones, i.e. variations of
pitch, duration, intensity, articulation and timbre. Ircam has
developed knowledge and means that allows such sorts of
transformation. These means make it possible to change many aspects of
a voice: one can modify the perception of the age of the person, of
its gender, its height, of other dimensions of the timbre of its
voice, like breathiness, but as well of the prosody, and finally of
the expressivity of a spoken sentence. Thus a statement perceived as
neutral can be transformed to be perceived like sad or astonished or,
more lively. We will talk about acoustic variations that one can do,
results obtained and research in progress. The examples of
applications go from the music (sound installation of J.B. Barrière)
to cinema (voice of G. Depardieu in the film Vatel, voice of A. Gillet
in last film of E. Rohmer) and to multi-media in general (video games,
dubbing, avatars, etc)

12.45-14 : Lunch

14.15-15.15 Daniele Schon (Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives de la
Méditerranée, CNRS-Marseille, France) : Music and language: cerebral
functions or cultural artifacts?

Music and language, so similar and so different at the same time. Cognitive
neurosciences also participate to this debate by studying brain regions
involved in music and language processing. Are these regions similar or
different? And can the functioning of these regions be modified by external
factors? In order to try to give a tentative answer to these complicated
questions I will persent data from neuroimaging studies comparing music and
language processing as well as musicians and non-musicians.

15.15-16.15 Valérie Pasdeloup1 & David Piotroswki2 (1 LPL,
Aix-en-Provence, 2CREA, Paris, France): On some aspects of sign
perception: the case of the temporal structure of speech

The question of the temporal structure of speech is a very
controversial one. The reason is that speech flow duration can be
analyzed at least at three levels : (i) phonetic, (ii) phonemic, and
(iii) sign. Each level showing a particular time course organization.

At the phonetic level, the speech duration is approached as a pure
physical phenomena.

Concerning the phonemic level, and discussing the particular example
of rate sensitivity of stressed and unstressed vowels, we will show
that the duration structure at this phonemic level is different from
the temporal structure at the infra-phonetic level, and that it can be
described as a form controlled by parameters of the phonetic level.

At the sign level, the difficulty is linked to the phenomenological
ambivalence of the "signifiant" face of sign, which merges the strata
of simple phonological perception with that of full sign perception
where intentionality of meaning constitutes an essential
phenomenological character - ambivalence which makes Saussure
hesitating between, on one side, the axiom of "signifiant linearity",
which is correlated with a conception of speech time course ordered as
a succession of items, and, on the other side, the fact that the
speaking subject does not perceive any signs succession : "he is in
front of a state". We will show that the phenomenological analysis of
sign developed by Husserl takes account of such an ambivalence and
leads to a conception of sign perception where the simple phonemic
perception is, in terms of intentional modalities, a "floating data"
background from which raises intentional objects of meaning in whose
linguistic awareness "fully lives".

16.15-17.15 Discussion

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